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Will Madonna Ever Have A Hit Single Again?


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Why ppl blame only Madonna for not having hits today/ Cause the only and main reason is the whole music industry.

I mean its all about the age, look at the charts .Have you seen artist over 40 yo having hits today? No!

Does it mean ALL past pop stars cant write good music anymore ? Def no.


Mariah Carey have 18  billboard  No. 1 hits. More than anybody im music history.

Although her last No. 1 hit was in 2008 and her last top 10 hit also was in 2008.


Today charts all about the streaming , sales are dead.

You cant have hit in billboard without radio and spotify.

Gaga and Britney strugeling to having big streams today in their 30s. 

And you think Madonna in her almost 60s will have a big streams today? / its just unreal. Deal with it
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I hate to think and say it, but I think she's done with commercial hit singles.  Though, I won't say it's impossible.  She has a lot against her.  It's not that she doesn't have the songs to become commercially successful.  After all, a song like "Ghosttown" could have easily been a massive hit, but the music industry isn't behind her like they used to be.  It's going to take a lot to get her in the top ten. Something on the massive scale like Super Bowl promotion.  We all know how "GMAYL" benefited from that and that was hardly her best song from the album. 


Madonna promoted her ass off during RH era.  More than she has done since Confessions and the ROL era.  She delivered the goods. She did her footwork, but it was the music industry which failed her.  Her age plays a big part in this. Unfortunately, she's reached that age where the music industry isn't willing to spend time promoting her, nor getting her on radio. 


I can't be sure what she can do at this point.  One possibility is tie a song to a major film release (not a film she directed or starred in).  If it plays a big enough role in the film, it could give her another top ten.  But too many other artists are doing it, and it's not always fairing well with them.  Though if she could deliver a song that people wouldn't expect from her, it's quite possible. I just wouldn't hold my breath though. Yet, she used to have massive hits with film songs. Many times; they were songs that tied us over between albums.

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Why ppl blame only Madonna for not having hits today/ Cause the only and main reason is the whole music industry.

I mean its all about the age, look at the charts .Have you seen artist over 40 yo having hits today? No!

Does it mean ALL past pop stars cant write good music anymore ? Def no.


Mariah Carey have 18 billboard No. 1 hits. More than anybody im music history.

Although her last No. 1 hit was in 2008 and her last top 10 hit also was in 2008.


Today charts all about the streaming , sales are dead.

You cant have hit in billboard without radio and spotify.

Gaga and Britney strugeling to having big streams today in their 30s.

And you think Madonna in her almost 60s will have a big streams today? / its just unreal. Deal with it

well Sia had a hit the last year with Cheap Thrills and she has 41 years old, Madonna in her 47 had a hit with Hung Up, in her 50 had another hit with 4 minutes and in 2012 when she has 53 had a top 10 hit with Give me All Your Luvin'

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Why ppl blame only Madonna for not having hits today/ Cause the only and main reason is the whole music industry.

I mean its all about the age, look at the charts .Have you seen artist over 40 yo having hits today? No!

Does it mean ALL past pop stars cant write good music anymore ? Def no.


Mariah Carey have 18  billboard  No. 1 hits. More than anybody im music history.

Although her last No. 1 hit was in 2008 and her last top 10 hit also was in 2008.


Today charts all about the streaming , sales are dead.

You cant have hit in billboard without radio and spotify.

Gaga and Britney strugeling to having big streams today in their 30s. 

And you think Madonna in her almost 60s will have a big streams today? / its just unreal. Deal with it


I don't think ageism is the only reason.. although that's a big part of it obviously.


It's about great music but it's also about being the whole package. Madonna wrote the book on this, but Madonna the person who focused almost exclusively on her music career is a thing of the past. So we should learn to accept the great things we do get without worrying so much about charts and sales anymore.


There are a multitude of reasons why Gaga, Britney and others have underperformed. They're not "in", and they're not doing things that would warrant that.


It's true that the system props up the youngest stars though, we've all seen how shitty record companies treat female artists. So there's probably things we don't know about.

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well Sia had a hit the last year with Cheap Thrills and she has 41 years old, Madonna in her 47 had a hit with Hung Up, in her 50 had another hit with 4 minutes and in 2012 when she has 53 had a top 10 hit with Give me All Your Luvin'

I'm not sure comparing a 41 year old who was virtually unknown when she was in her thirties really compares.  Certainly, there's more to it than JUST age.  (Though, it does play a big part).  Quite possibly if she didn't play the illusive card, people would be less interested. But I guess we will never know that for sure. That said 41 isn't always the kiss of death.  Obviously, many women were able to have great success in their 40's.  It seems to be more common than before. The same as those who are in their 50's.  But when we're talking about a person like Madonna who has been the public eye for nearly 35 years, people tend to toss them aside, compared to a newbie who is slightly younger.  A lot of musicians who get over exposed tend to have shorter life spans.  Some tend to have "comebacks" from time to time.  Doesn't mean they weren't there before, but sometimes the public get re-acquainted with them, only to toss them aside again.  Britney is a great example. For several years she was the princess of pop. Then the meltdowns began and people just lost interest. Then she released "Black Out" and then "Circus" and then all of sudden she is scoring a few hits again.  Mariah Carey (though I would say she's a bit further up on the totem pole since she tends to have a classic Christmas hit on her hands that keeps re-emerging every year) is another example. She's had plenty of crash and burns, and managed to make a few good comebacks from them. These are artists which will  most likely have a long career in music as long as they are up to it, even if they don't see commercial hits again.  It's not a horrible thing since most artists would love to have an ounce of their worst successes.


The answer to the question the OP posted can be quite complex since we are talking about a woman who still makes news when she farts and sneezes.  But more and more, the attention she's getting is usually negative, rather positive or over any music she's releasing.  The truth of the matter, the music industry is ageist.  Madonna no longer fits their target audience.  Lucky for her, she's got a few million fans who will keep her afloat for years to come.

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Let's be real though.


When you say HIT you would be talking about something as big as how "Music" was in 2000 -- super widely accepted, super popular, and super widespread played all over. 


Cause that was her last big hit in the mainstream, global, and general public view. After that, and due to AL, unfortunately it was just not the same although people do know how big she is.


Then all was okay and decent. Then this artist whose name is Gaga or Caca or Kaka (sp?) was just the start of her being seen in a different light (aging, relevancy, legacy, etc.) Since then it was just efforts to "connect" with today's generation when it would have done her more good to do adult contemporary/not pay attention to today's pop/not be taken away by other stuff. But I digress.


So no. She won't anymore. Sorry to say.

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Cheap thrills was catchy af. There is something to be said for a great pop song. I may be way left of field but I just saw fergie on the miss universe pageant and while she looked great she just wasn't performing a hit song. Fergalicious was huge. If Madonna performs a new song her fans will all be watching, her haters will all be watching. But music makes the people come together and if it is a hit Song then people of all walks of life wI'll recognize it.

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I just rewatched gmayl and bim and I still really love them. I feel like her greatest hits from casual people are take a bow and beautiful stranger but I have a few friends who like don't tell me and my dad mentioned the secret. Lol. I feel like lightning strikes twice and it's just a matter of time for another HIT ;p

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My question is why would you want that? Mainstream music is so vapid, nothing of any value, and all those involved are generally puppets who are too weak to stand for anything unless it is pre-approved (yeah I am looking at you Beyonce) We are currently in the most socially turbulent time since about the 1960's, yet the mainstream music scene is silent.


Here are some reasons why I think Madonna has had trouble and why she might not have another top 40 hit.




The biggest mistake she made was taking a back seat to her producers, her songs no longer were Madonna songs, they became more the work of her producers with a bit of Madonna thrown in. Also the amount of absolute crap she has put with in more recent years with producers is shocking to me. 


Sorry, but who here believes someone like Pharell could make Madonna cry and still be alive and working today? Who here believes that Diplo would be missing in action and Madonna would have to chase him down just to get the album finished, or that William Orbit would bitch about Madonna not even being in the studio most of the time.


Does that sound like Madonna? Not to me.




Radio in the US dumped Madonna in 2003 and never looked back, despite her continuing international success, so she might have a chance for an international hit, but a US hit, not likely. Since 2003 Madonna has become more politically vocal, so she would have alienated a large portion of casual fans who might have liked her music. 


Those pop singers that do well, generally keep their mouths shut. Taylor never makes political statements, she couldn't even drag herself to the women's march for an appearance despite her girl army antics. Beyonce waited until BLM became popular, jumped on, then jumped right off again once the backlash began, and was silent about the blatant discrimination in Houston against those who are LGBTQ+. Anyone ever hear anything even slightly controversial from Adele? Katy? Any of them? Even Miley with her rebel heart is pretty silent on the big issues. Those who compare her to Madonna, well, no.


These pop singers know their audience is not just liberal minded, they have conservative fans too. Madonna doesn't care, she says what she wants and there are consequences for that.




Pop singers these days can't even manage a hit without resorting to payola and cheap tricks. Now you have to release every song off the album at once and see which one sticks and promote it, if that fails, just move on to the next song, can you imagine Madonna doing this?


They also buy back their own music to give it exposure, buying back is cheap as obviously they get money back on any sale. If you think big stars of today are not doing this, think again. 


There are certain performers who obviously have industry media in their back pocket. Remember Roger Friedman and Mariah's unholy alliance, or the way Billboard has basically propped Gaga, changing rules and then changing them back and giving her the woman of the year award in a year when she did basically f**k all and had little to no success. Is it any wonder why you will see a song slide down the charts into the abyss, then magically hit the top 10 some weeks later, lol to anyone who thinks a well timed tv performance makes that happen.




Back to the ageism, yes it is there, but it isn't just about the media. I know a lot of younger people who will gladly admit Madonna is a legend, but have zero interest in anything she does, they don't care how good it is. Most 20 something year olds just won't listen to anyone in their 50's and 60's. They are apathetic about her, that is basically a sign your mainstream success is done.


It feels as if Madonna let go of the idea of mainstream success, so I see her doing more music that is totally against the mainstream (that is my hope) her living overseas will most likely bring a more world music flavour to her songs and it feels like she is more in charge and quite passionate. Really all she needs is to gain back her control in the studio and we will have a solid album.


Will this mean a possible hit in the future? Possibly, but frankly I doubt it. 

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A hit is possible. It always is. But the music market seems pretty neglectful of anything outside of today's big names or some highly supported indie. And her legacy is grand, but if I had asked many about Prince before he died, I woildve received some blank stares. Michael Jackson had so much crap happen leading up to his death, that it was just the icing on top. Now everyone knows about both Pop Legends indisputably. Neither were making hits towards the end. Madonna may land some hits outside the US, but I'm pretty sure the US Mainstream Express keeps shorting her a ticket. She just cramps the party, which is a shame.

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For those who still think age is not main reason


and who still think Madonna last music not good enough to be even in top 100, cause all this crap that top charts today is a waaay better. i mean really?






Gwen Stefani: "Used To Love You" hits #20 on the US Pop Radio chart, making Gwen Stefani the first female above the age of 40 since Madonna in 2005 to enter the top 20 on this chart with a solo single (Hung Up peaked at #16)


11 years !! 1 song! and you still say agism is not matter

And its only pop radio not main us radio chart! 




“If you’re not in your twenties they won’t play you on the radio. It’s bullsh*t, but that’s the way it is.


“It is disappointing. We live in an ageist society.  â€


If Madonna "Hung Up" and Cher "Believe" was released today radio and streaming not givin it a single damn chance.


“Her song ‘Ghosttown’ was a guaranteed Number One for anybody else, but she didn’t get a fair shot,†

 Diplo has a point. “Ghosttown†was Madonna’s best single in a decade, but couldn’t even crack the top 50 on pop radio!

The roll-out of Rebel Heart has been a hot mess from the very beginning, but the casual dismissal of the album’s best tracks reeks of ageism.
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For those who still think age is not main reason

Ageism is a very big reason but why are we pretending that Madonna in the 2010s is the same as Madonna in the 2000s or before? She was super focused on her music career back then, doing all the right moves over an extended period of time. Her success wasn't solely based on releasing great music or having the public or media favour (as if she ever had too much of that).


By 2007 we had gotten 3 albums, 2 that were highly successful/critically acclaimed and 1 that was a fan fave for some (American Life), and were well on our way to the 4th album. She had released 13 music videos, and done a lot of promotional stuff that worked for the medium that music was at the time. By 2017, we got 2 albums that were not really universally acclaimed, 6 videos, a few photoshoots, and promo/roll outs that were not the best or most up to date to what the medium is now. :thinker:


The RH singles definitely deserved Top 100 placements, but the music doesn't magically sell itself. Success doesn't just happen based on the quality of the music.


We all know radio is ageist. It sucks and Im glad people like her speak up about it. It's not the only way to approach commercial success with music tho. :thinker:


Hung Up was kind of a viral hit at the time when the term wasn't even coined, and a lot of radios in the US were forced to play it. People talked about the video, the performances, the visual elements became iconic. It was all so well put together. And a very important thing: the roll out / lead up to that album was amazing with Live 8, IGTTYAS, everything just created more interest. A perfect lesson for any artist on how to have a "comeback". Sadly the lead up to Rebel Heart was the anti-comeback. 


“Her song ‘Ghosttown’ was a guaranteed Number One for anybody else, but she didn’t get a fair shot,” [/size]

 Diplo has a point. “Ghosttown” was Madonna’s best single in a decade, but couldn’t even crack the top 50 on pop radio![/size]

The roll-out of [/size]Rebel Heart has been [/size]a hot mess from the very beginning, but the casual dismissal of the album’s best tracks reeks of ageism.[/size]


Nothing is guaranteed for anyone. If Ghosttown was her best single "in a decade" then that's kind of a problem in itself? That would explain why interest has dwindled over time, so how can we expect for her to be number 1 out of the blue?


Saying it's all because of ageism, leaks or whatever else is not the full picture. Times have changed and she has changed. I'm very glad she has focused on other worthwhile things that make her happy aside from her music, like her charities, film career and family. If that meant her grip on the music world dwindled because of that then it's ok. I'm not faulting her for not putting out an album every 2 years with massive promo like she used to, but i will say however that her focus or actions during album roll outs and promotions have not been the most fruitful or proactive, and that partly explains why things have not been as good as they used to, even with the ageism and sexism she constantly suffers.


Sorry for the TL;DR. and I'm gonna say I'm quite happy with her as an artist, especially from Ghosttown onwards which was when the RH era got much better, she has done a lot of good things and good moves since. Even tho it may have been too late for that era to be saved from being labelled "a flop", overtime good moves and good things build you good favor and renewed interest, it doesn't happen overnight.


And to end even if she doesn't get a charting single again, I'll still be happy if the music is great cos no one can do what she does, even on a bad day.

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