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Madonna Visits LIVE WITH KELLY AND RYAN, 12/8


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Thank Madonna, to be this fantastic human being.


You bring me so much light and happiness. Thank thank and thank. 

That you away be surround of good energy and never ever these bad energy come from sad and stupid human being hit you.


About what I ready in the early posts only one thing to say, I don't know what embarrassed more: you labelled yourself as "Madonna fan" or I have share a label with so stupid human being. 

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You know when madonna first started out she had a belly...people used to comment on her baby fat. She was not a huge fitness person yet and she said she had put on a lot of weight as well during the filming of DSS. She looked fine then, she looks fine now. It is sad to see everyone pile on the " shes fat" bandwagon. she goes thru phases, she has as long as Ive been a fan and thats been since her very first apperence into the pop world. The age crap, the weight crap, its so fricking old allready. You all know the min shes in tour/promotion mode she will look diffirent again.

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nice to see her again, , yes she sure gained some weight but she having a break 

i wish she used less fillers they make her face less natural , i don't mind if she a face express wrinkel 

but those cheeks are too big 

with confessions she looks more natural


i really hope for a new album in 2018 but i doudt she even has worked on it ( producers , into the recording studio .....)

maybe she will go back in april 2018 for making new music , we have to wait and see 

she s going on holiday and maybe then back to africa ....

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ok, i appreciate everyone being a good fan and probably in the christmas spirit but let's spill the beans.

she's great, always has been great, and will highly likely to continue to be great as the private person she is. no matter what her body looks like.

now back to the artist and cultural phenomenon of "madonna", the artist, the pop icon.


her body - check. good enough (all naysayers, do yourself. merry christmas.)

the dress - WTF. the sheer look has been the thing for a while but this thing is HIDEOUS. i hate it so much. i want to slap the person who advised her to wear it. (and the color is not the problem.)

her hair - bitchslap number 2. who the hell styles her nowadays. 


her artistry was not a big part of the appearance, fair enough. it's about MDNA and preparing her children's careers, i get it. (soccer? YAWN! new kanye west? *rollseyes*)


so much for her. this was just a tiny bit of her and yes, I AM DISAPPOINTED. and i am a fan.


now. kelly ripa. the constant "you're madonna, so.." makes me cringe so hard. i imagine it also puts a lot of pressure on M and the super fandom is really annoying here. sorry. 

ryan is so boring. the letter caught fire. wow. this is entertainment?

and then drawing boards? are we back to the 1950s? only with sheer window curtains as dresses now?


i deeply regret the few minutes i took to watch this show.

again, as a big fan, i am disappointed.

and what alarms me is that madonna needs to go to ass-kisser shows to feel ok with the appearance? that speaks volumes of how she must feel and what the general public opinion seems to be of her.

i really really dislike this appearance.

although, granted, she is sweeter than she used to be. the soccer mom madonna.


2018, i am SO ready for you.

i believe M can do a million times better.


*jingle bells*

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i miss her being more confident. She kinda used to hate people kissing up to her too much?? but now it's like she needs it... 


The styling is OK. I liked what she wore yesterday with Chris Rock better. At least she's wearing color though. Hair is same old thing.


Anyways not sure what you expect from american shows, they're all terrible including Ellen, Jimmy, etc. :suffer: T E R R I B L E. 

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I thought she looked great.  Nice to see more soft colors on her, rather the dark she always wears.  I was grateful that she made an appearance when she really has nothing to promote other than MDNA Skin.  Even that, it wasn't necessarily all about that. It was a casual appearance, reminding people she's still active in the business, and enjoying life.  If anything, this helps softens her image. No one but her fans are more critical of her.  Most anyone else, didn't think twice how she looked.  Over all, she looked fantastic.  She made an appearance when she didn't have to. I'm just grateful she's still interested in getting herself out there.  Would I rather it had been about promoting an album?  Yes!  But, that will come "soon". 

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the dress - WTF. the sheer look has been the thing for a while but this thing is HIDEOUS. i hate it so much. i want to slap the person who advised her to wear it. (and the color is not the problem.)

her hair - bitchslap number 2. who the hell styles her nowadays. 



... I absolutely agree about this, dress and hair were a real own-goal for me!


Now, of course this was not meant as an artistic or superstar appearence. She is selling her skin products at the moment, we're around Cristmas and maybe she had to be in NY for any kind of reason so she went to this TV show, wich is not a journalistic or musical space, just a a safe, self-promoting magazine TV show, where you basicaly sell your stuff or image. I mean, if you really have something to talk about you don't go presenting it in such a place.


I also believe that the fact she could feel more insicure nowadays than before is a strong possibility (c'me on, she's under a continuos attack, her image and success strongly changed in the last 8 years) and yet she did this kind of stuff many times in the past, promoting her children books or talking about her adopted children, for example. I mean, this is not a high-expectation event, she just went and did her stuff. I'm not disappointed as neither fascinated honestly, but I'm sure she will face stronger impact contexts again, when she will have real projects to present  :heart:


PS- now, considered that the wait is still going to be VEEEERY LONG, isn't there anyone who would gently share anything ... innocent to help us sustain the bore along these holidays? (don't get mad at me, please, I'm just trying in dispair  :lol: )

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Be fucking grateful she’s still doing stuff and putting herself out there.

Absolutely my thoughts!  It's strange how Madonna's fan base will criticize her for wearing black, not making enough appearances, or what not, but when she does or changes it up, she still gets flack.  The woman never wins.

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Wow!  Lay off her body!  Yes, she's usually in tip top shape and ripped but she's a soccer mom now and obviously doesn't care to be in the gym as much as to spend every single waking moment with her beautiful kids. 


I'm the oldest of four.  The younger ones are treated different.  There's more experience accumulated as the years go and you just do different things.  Now it seems she wants to be a super mom (as if she wasn't already) more than anything.  So she gained a little weight.  As she infamously said before 'SO WHAT?!'


She looks great and she seemed very comfortable and in her element.  Love the dress even if it is Moschino.

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Absolutely my thoughts! It's strange how Madonna's fan base will criticize her for wearing black, not making enough appearances, or what not, but when she does or changes it up, she still gets flack. The woman never wins.

I get it, this is a forum to discuss her and her projects but some people are just low life turds,- judging by the way they choose to present themselves here.


Gay men really are the worst. ;)


I’m not that invested in her hair or dress or color or shape. I’m here for the music and seeing her do these random interviews is like seeing an old buddy who’s energy makes me feel good.

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The red dress she wore for the MDNA skin event... I absolutely loved her in that. It really hugged her body and made her look so fucking with it and IN DEMAND. Would love to see her in more dresses like that. But that pink dress, love it or not her tits were pushed up to the GODS and I approve!

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I dont get why shes using so much fillers, she should rather lift her eyes, you can barely see them, she looks tired. And the dress wouldnt be as ugly as it is if she wouldnt mix everything they give to her with fishnet stuff. It looks overloaded.

Oh cut the negative shit!  It's not as bad as you're trying to make it  If anything, she reminds me of her early days when she had chubby cheeks.  I can see her eyes just fine.  As for being "tired"... well you try raising 6 kids where two are embarking on teenage years and the other two 5 years of age.  You try flying hours in from Europe the day before an interview and look your best.  Though, I don't really think she looks that tired.  But we also know she's an insomniac and this wouldn't be the first time she looked tired in an interview.  I mean; honestly you simply popped in to just complain about how she looked?  Some fans can be the worst!!!!

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Oh cut the negative shit!  It's not as bad as you're trying to make it  If anything, she reminds me of her early days when she had chubby cheeks.  I can see her eyes just fine.  As for being "tired"... well you try raising 6 kids where two are embarking on teenage years and the other two 5 years of age.  You try flying hours in from Europe the day before an interview and look your best.  Though, I don't really think she looks that tired.  But we also know she's an insomniac and this wouldn't be the first time she looked tired in an interview.  I mean; honestly you simply popped in to just complain about how she looked?  Some fans can be the worst!!!!

Sorry, but this thread is about her appearance at Kelly and Ryan. This includes her look, as you might have noticed, as soon as this thread was filled with Pictures of the Show, everybody started talking about her belly (as you did my friend), dress, hair and fillers, and so did I. Calm down. Some fans can't take criticism. You really take away the fun of having a chat with other fans if you are all about your "cut the negative shit!"-attitude.

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I get it, this is a forum to discuss her and her projects but some people are just low life turds,- judging by the way they choose to present themselves here.


Gay men really are the worst. ;)


I’m not that invested in her hair or dress or color or shape. I’m here for the music and seeing her do these random interviews is like seeing an old buddy who’s energy makes me feel good.


If you're talking about the body shaming, sure its awful, but people talking about what she wore is nothing compared to that but go off I guess.  :stare:


Absolutely my thoughts!  It's strange how Madonna's fan base will criticize her for wearing black, not making enough appearances, or what not, but when she does or changes it up, she still gets flack.  The woman never wins.


This coming from someone who called her "ancient" and "a crippled" for wearing a suit and a cane.  :thinker: sis?


Sorry, but this thread is about her appearance at Kelly and Ryan. This includes her look, as you might have noticed, as soon as this thread was filled with Pictures of the Show, everybody started talking about her belly (as you did my friend), dress, hair and fillers, and so did I. Calm down. Some fans can't take criticism. You really take away the fun of having a chat with other fans if you are all about your "cut the negative shit!"-attitude.


Talking about her "look" like what she wore isn't the same as talking about her weight or plastic surgery.  :eyes:

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Sorry, but this thread is about her appearance at Kelly and Ryan. This includes her look, as you might have noticed, as soon as this thread was filled with Pictures of the Show, everybody started talking about her belly (as you did my friend), dress, hair and fillers, and so did I. Calm down. Some fans can't take criticism. You really take away the fun of having a chat with other fans if you are all about your "cut the negative shit!"-attitude.

 No this is about her appearing on the show, talking about her life and career. Sure, a little chat about her appearance whether it's good or bad, but this isn't a thread to negatively criticize her only. That's what you did. You offered nothing constructive. There's a big difference between offering constructive criticism and someone just coming in and negatively bashing her appearance.  My comment about her midsection wasn't negative. We all noticed it. I simply gave my two cents worth on it and it was constructive and appreciative. There's no fun in bashing people!

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yes. this is about her appearance of the Kelly and Ryan show not to MAKE FUN OF THE WAY SHE LOOKS. Did I like the dress not really but i'm not going on and on about it, It's none of anyone's business if and if she uses fillers her choice, as for her looking tired maybe she was maybe she was tired from flying, raising 6 kids. 2 almost teens and 2 twins. I for one thought she looked great it's bad enough haters shame the way she looks fans should support her not say what she should or should do and how she looks.

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