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Madonna Visits LIVE WITH KELLY AND RYAN, 12/8


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yes. this is about her appearance of the Kelly and Ryan show not to MAKE FUN OF THE WAY SHE LOOKS. Did I like the dress not really but i'm not going on and on about it, It's none of anyone's business if and if she uses fillers her choice, as for her looking tired maybe she was maybe she was tired from flying, raising 6 kids. 2 almost teens and 2 twins. I for one thought she looked great it's bad enough haters shame the way she looks fans should support her not say what she should or should do and how she looks.

Thank you! 

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A good way to move through life



Speaking of Madonna, just by chance, I caught her with Kelly Ripa and Ryan Seacrest last Friday morning. Unusually relaxed (especially for her!), Madonna, who now lives in Portugal, with most of her six children, described herself as “a soccer mom — a fat soccer mom!†(She is not fat. But she is more like the voluptuous Madonna of the early 1980’s. This is not a bad thing.)


She promoted her MDNA beauty line, but spoke most enthusiastically and sweetly about her kids. Very much the Madonna I knew and saw privately. (Whenever I described her as “well, she’s nice,†friends would roll their eyes. They would have preferred me to say she was a bitch. I guess that’s entertainment?) Her friend, CNN’s Anderson Cooper, also popped with Kelly and Ryan and M, to play a game; something to do with sketching. I lost interest at that point. But it was good to see the pop icon in such easy, amused and amusing form. Obviously, soccer, Portugal and all those children agree with her!




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I had a friend who messaged me saying what a disappointment she was to him because of her weight gain. He went on and on about how he works two jobs and still finds time to workout and so should she. What an idiot. She's a celebrity, a mother and has worked three decades non-stop, always working her body to the bone to stay fit and if she decides to kick back before another record era who cares?

People these days are garbage.  :Madonna027:

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  • 3 months later...

Ok, here is a strange news: according to Drownedmadonna M will be again guest of Live wth Kelly and Ryan next tuesday. She should be in the studio with the young british actress Letitia Wright, phisically similar to Michaela DePrince.


Here are some links wich seems to confirm the rumour:





If true, I mostly hope she is going to say something about the album timing at this point, as it seems she is suddenly starting to concentrate on the movie project very intensely. I have to admit I'm starting to be scared a little... I don't know how I would take a "sorry, guys, I was workin' on the album but now I have to delay it to follow this new project" as I'm not able to care about her directing -or acting- works. (sorry, mine is a sad story: I'm a movie and theatre addicted, so every time I try... I don't find her convincing... I get bored... I finish distracting in other thoughts or things... it goes on like this since years, I'm desperate  :Madonna023:).

AND I'M F_CKING DIEING FOR NEW MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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6 hours ago, BringUrLUV said:

Pretty sure its a repeat of the last appearance.  They mix old interviews together for repeats. 

Yeah, it's a repeat.  LETITIA WRIGHT was a guest last month, on Feb. 18th.  They must be mixing the two appearances together. Never knew they actually did that. I would think if they were going to air a repeat of a guest, they just air the actual complete show. 

Gonna have a lot of disappointed fans as they are thinking it's a new episode. LOL!

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