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Netflix doc: fake or real?

Luiz Ribeiro

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In August DM posted:


EXCLUSIVE – We at DrownedMadonna.com learn the reason why Madonna had a Top Secret meeting with Netflix, as we revealed in June.

Netflix is going to start doing some special original documentaries on the entire career of music artists. It will be something about the artist journey of creation process, and not just a â€˜behind the music’. A sort of documentary about the ‘inside’ of the artist and their sentiments on their craft.We have been told by a little bird that Madonna is in talks with Netflix Originalfor a special documentary.

Madonna is not confirmed yet, and totally top secret.

Lady Gaga will be the first and it’s a the moment the only confirmed artist. The show for Lady Gaga is scheduled to be released next month.

If everything goes well, Madonna will be the second episode.




Any news? 

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Guest ArthurBadin

We don't even know anything if she will keep on doing "Loved," which shooting should set to begin later this year (shouldn't them, MOL?)


But I think probably she shelved this for granted (oh mercy) to focus on her new album she still has to deliver to Interscope (after all, there is a 360 deal for 3 studio albums and, as far as I know, L-U-V M-D-N-A is not a studio album). So she will record it in her Portugal time and doing a doc chronicling the record process to be available in a couple of years via Netflix (isn't the point of the Netflix series that have begun with that Gaga doc?)


If I am right, it's too early to report anything. Maybe we will know new further reports by the 1st trimester of next year (if she is doing it, isn't she, Drowned?)


So, have patience please; as M uses to say, "good things come for those who wait"...

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DM is hardly reliable.  That said, anything is impossible.  Netflix has been having an influx of documentaries following well known and some not so well known celebrities. It's possible; Madonna was pitching an idea (or her film) or someone at Netflix approached her about doing something.  It would be cool if she went in to secure a documentary of her making the next album.  It would make a nice complimentary companion to the release of the album.

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I'm more surprised there haven't been any news about her film. @@ArthurBadin it's December 12 already, there's no way it's shooting "later this year" :tongue:  :tongue:


If it's true that she's coming back musically next year, then either she's gonna shoot her movie very quickly, or she postponed it until after her music projects.  :stare:


If the Netflix documentary thing is true, and if she's planning on releasing an album next year, then the documentary could follow that since it's about the "creative process" of the artist.  :thinker:


If, if, if and if. :suffer:

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Guest ArthurBadin

I'm more surprised there haven't been any news about her film. @@ArthurBadin it's December 12 already, there's no way it's shooting "later this year" :tongue:  :tongue:


If it's true that she's coming back musically next year, then either she's gonna shoot her movie very quickly, or she postponed it until after her music projects.  :stare:


If the Netflix documentary thing is true, and if she's planning on releasing an album next year, then the documentary could follow that since it's about the "creative process" of the artist.  :thinker:


If, if, if and if. :suffer:

@@Fighter it was a "report" by a Brazilian fansite I won't name it twice here in the thread. They said that somewhere in the beginning of second half of this year. Maybe when she was moving to Lisbon Sintra (it's very near from Lisbon though).


At this point it's very likely all research and resources she has done so far for this since 2014 (she started the process of historical research at the same time she entered at studio with Avicii et alii to start recording Rebel Heart) may be never seee the light of day as probably she will never acquire at this point further resources from thirdies aka co-producers. Hollywood decided to never embrace her film director persona (well, that's the prize you get in America for making art films à la past century European movies instead of blockbusters and films with some social activism inserted - maybe that's why she was emphatic in doing The Impossible Lives of Greta Walls adaptation since it touches in still such controversial issues such gay way of life and feminism throughout 20th century) which resulted in a commercial failure for W.E. so it seems she has decided to not consume more of her life with accolades like these.


And, well, she has still a studio album to introduce to Interscope to fullfill her damned 360 deal with Live Nation. No fullfilled contract, no entire money. This is it. I bet she has been regretting herself from such risky and stupid move (at the time she was doing it was very edgy, so...) since 2014 so she planned Rh to be a double album to fullfill quickly the contract. It didn't work with the label though.


I understand the doc she has teamed with Netflix will chronicle her recording sessions and paralell personal moments being a "fat soccermom" and, by the way, this is a very brilliant way to portrait her self as a virtually changed, more-mature persona if she still wants to get that damage control for January incident at Woman's March. This is also a good way to introduce herself to newer generations who don't get anymore the appealing for music like in the past decades, well, when MTV aired music instead of bad-behavour realities.


I know this "if, if, if" is terrible, but if (again) we want to see the new projects coming out, we will have to wait and get further tidbits about production and recording of them here and there in the mass media. I don't see any amjor project to happen till late 2018. It took more than year and a half to that Gaga doc to come to fruition given she was recording most of Joanne by late 2015-early 2016 (including the scrapped "The Fame"-ish comeback dance album she was recording again with RedOne before she met Mark Ronson and started to define her country/folk new persona). So it's pretty normal all this delay.


What I don't get is all this anticipation. We had to wait more than seven months to get our hands in RHT DVD/BD, we should have learnt from that experience. Madonna is not that woman who didn't like to get away from spotlight for more than a month or a little more. She evolved herself, she learnt she is not who she was back in 1984-1991 nor even during 1998-2002. She's very far from her picks: she knows it very well and we should know as well. Music consumers (except us stans and maybe indie supporters) don't see any grace in Madonna anymore as she has decided to continue making problematic choices in her career what got away year by year from general public. This is so obvious, only medonsters can't see it properly.


General public has discovered since ages what is to live outside "Madonna bubble," so she has been relegated since then to the legend status. Research on any general music forum. This is crystal clear. People now see Madonna as they see MIchael, or Prince, or Stevie Wonder. True legends with eternal devoted fanbases reached during decades but unable to easily attract new fans who prefer the flavor the moment, what's topping the charts and most of all, who are young enough to not be seen as "mummies" as some lil'monsters still refer to M.


It's not a question of being a troll, a worm, etc., not at all; it's question of being realistic. Look at Katy Perry. With a few bad hair changes and some stupid tweets she's unable to repeat even her Prism era. Even Rihanna who scored a #1 after #1 during 2007-2011 has lost a lot of her "navy" fanbase after making bad moves such as delivering a very bad DVD/BD for her Loud Tour after never ever bringing out a DVD for her previous tour at-then or making an even worse concert synopsis for her most recent tour (the "Navy" responded by simply not attending the concerts, so...) And nor Katy nor Rihanna can be considered legends as M will always remain. For that reason M will always be able to tour even without an album to promote it. How many stars can do such thing? So we Madonna fans (or "rebel hearts", or "girls gone wild", or the name she invents at each era) we are more than priviliged. We have Madonna still alive, still doing her thing, still wanting to do her thing. Shakira's recent hour which hasn't started yet is a proof of how most stars decline when they decide to follow the family pattern and live as ordinary people. That never happened to M and I believe it will never do.


So we all don't have reason to moan, to suffer, to get psychosomatic diseases due to Madonna's decisions right now. She is where she needs to be: a mom for her children and a businesswoman for her empire. The rest comes with time.

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You forget that not everything is reported in the media. As far as I know, the Gaga documentary was a surprise even to her fans. She may well already have material from RHT to date.

Well, I had wondered if she had planned to do something bigger with the Rebel Heart concert recording... like another documentary.  I think her website hinted long before the release of the DVD, "Tears of the Clown" was to be included for a bigger project.  I have to wonder if she was planning to share more of that, but possibly didn't like how it turned out. 


She's always filming her daily life.  We see snippets on Instagram all the time. It very well could be that she's already got footage she would hope to use for a Documentary.  But then again, its probably just wishful thinking on my part. She may just prefer to document a lot of private life activities for her family and friends' viewing only. 


I still think documenting the making of her next album would be great.  It definitely could be great promotion behind it, especially if it's serviced to Netflix which is quite popular right now.

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DM is hardly reliable.  That said, anything is impossible.  Netflix has been having an influx of documentaries following well known and some not so well known celebrities. It's possible; Madonna was pitching an idea (or her film) or someone at Netflix approached her about doing something.  It would be cool if she went in to secure a documentary of her making the next album.  It would make a nice complimentary companion to the release of the album.


DM is actually pretty reliable.  Overall.  

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Well, I had wondered if she had planned to do something bigger with the Rebel Heart concert recording... like another documentary.  I think her website hinted long before the release of the DVD, "Tears of the Clown" was to be included for a bigger project.  I have to wonder if she was planning to share more of that, but possibly didn't like how it turned out. 


She's always filming her daily life.  We see snippets on Instagram all the time. It very well could be that she's already got footage she would hope to use for a Documentary.  But then again, its probably just wishful thinking on my part. She may just prefer to document a lot of private life activities for her family and friends' viewing only. 


I still think documenting the making of her next album would be great.  It definitely could be great promotion behind it, especially if it's serviced to Netflix which is quite popular right now.


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  • 1 month later...

... but something can be in the making imo, all her last travels around Africa, Italy, Cuba (maybe Brasil) were shared on Instagram with video professionally shooted and edited with voice over comments. My idea is that her album, as announced, will mostly be about social and political issues, maybe there's something in the making connected. Of course it's just a supposition

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and everyone was so sure about this documentary series that would be the same as Gaga: Five Foot Two but each would be focused on a different star.


That was clearly never what it was, the Gaga one was it’s own release.

Not "everyone".  I didn't.  In fact, I doubted that she was doing anything or even went into Netflix.  Not to say, she didn't go to Netflix, and if she did, I'm sure it was all about striking up a deal for her film or possibly a doc on her album. But I'm speculating and now that everyone is running to Netflix. She probably won't do anything with Netflix or will six years down the line when it's about to fall off the face of this earth. LOL!

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