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What is the most out oftune presentation of Madonna?

Luiz Ribeiro

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Today I learned many a Madonna fan are bores.


I love raw vocals, I love mistakes, I love out of tune. That is the nature of a live show.

Do you people go to live shows?


Not once has she ever claimed to be a singer.

I love that she is a dancer and performance artist that infiltrated the pop world.


Stay at home and listen to the overworked CD sound.


I guess these are the same people that complain about lip synching too.

Can't please everybody.

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Today I learned many a Madonna fan are bores.


I love raw vocals, I love mistakes, I love out of tune. That is the nature of a live show.

Do you people go to live shows?


Not once has she ever claimed to be a singer.

I love that she is a dancer and performance artist that infiltrated the pop world.


Stay at home and listen to the overworked CD sound.


I guess these are the same people that complain about lip synching too.

Can't please everybody.

LOL! I agree with you to some extent.  Madonna isn't a bad singer at all, but I agree she never claimed to be a great singer.  For fans to dissect her singing is quite hilarious since I knew from day one she wasn't the greatest vocalist, and it was more about her presence... the way she is able to captivate an audience. She is a master behind visionary.  And while the vocals may have been mediocre from the beginning, she managed to bring a unique voice to her music, even vocally. 


That said; she relied too much on the backing tracks these days when early on she didn't.  I found her just as entertaining and fun to hear even in the early days even though she didn't sound perfect.  Madonna, to me wasn't about a "perfect voice".  Yet, she always had something to say and she used all her charisma and charm to get people to listen.  People who meet her admit that there is something about her that draws you in, even though she's not necessarily perfect at anything.  I'm not looking for "perfect".  I'm looking for someone who enjoys what she is doing and has something to say without being afraid to say it.

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LOL! I agree with you to some extent.  Madonna isn't a bad singer at all, but I agree she never claimed to be a great singer.  For fans to dissect her singing is quite hilarious since I knew from day one she wasn't the greatest vocalist, and it was more about her presence... the way she is able to captivate an audience. She is a master behind visionary.  And while the vocals may have been mediocre from the beginning, she managed to bring a unique voice to her music, even vocally. 


That said; she relied too much on the backing tracks these days when early on she didn't.  I found her just as entertaining and fun to hear even in the early days even though she didn't sound perfect.  Madonna, to me wasn't about a "perfect voice".  Yet, she always had something to say and she used all her charisma and charm to get people to listen.  People who meet her admit that there is something about her that draws you in, even though she's not necessarily perfect at anything.  I'm not looking for "perfect".  I'm looking for someone who enjoys what she is doing and has something to say without being afraid to say it.

A man with sense.

Rare these days of outrage, emotional overreactions and nonsense.

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Today I learned many a Madonna fan are bores.


I love raw vocals, I love mistakes, I love out of tune. That is the nature of a live show.

Do you people go to live shows?


Not once has she ever claimed to be a singer.

I love that she is a dancer and performance artist that infiltrated the pop world.


Stay at home and listen to the overworked CD sound.


I guess these are the same people that complain about lip synching too.

Can't please everybody.

Imagine coming to a thread discussing out of tune vocals and acting pressedt just bc people are talking about the subject and have different opinions than you, looks like someone else is bored.

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Imagine coming to a thread discussing out of tune vocals and acting pressedt just bc people are talking about the subject and have different opinions than you, looks like someone else is bored.

Not at all.

I'm for all topics, no matter how dumb, shallow and superficial.


A discussion thread usually needs two opposing sides to an issue in order to find a more harmonious third balanced point.


(-)Yes she has been out of tune. Ha ha ha, isn't it funny. Tearing apart and laughing at someone makes us feel better.

(+)So what, she never cared about being a "real singer." And it's not that bad actually.

(=) Don't let limitations stop you, if you can't sing-sing loud and proud! Go from nobody to somebody and never listen to people who tear you down. If you can't design, so what-your idol will pick your bad art anyway and make it the cover of their terrible single.

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A discussion thread usually needs two opposing sides to an issue in order to find a more harmonious third balanced point.


“you guys are tasteless bores” is not a counterpoint to what’s being discussed though?. You can like her “raw“ vocals all you want and others can disagree without pettiness. 


(-)Yes she has been out of tune. Ha ha ha, isn't it funny. Tearing apart and laughing at someone makes us feel better.


No one is tearing her apart lisa. We’re only here to discuss something with other fans,  therefore it is relaxed and a little humorous, or as you say dumb, shallow and superficial. It’s a pop music forum, it’s not that deep. The intent is not for her to read it, it's not hate mail, the discussion is for a small community of fans to pass the time talking about things most people don’t care about lmao.


(+)So what, she never cared about being a "real singer." And it's not that bad actually.


Of course she cares about being a singer. And it's not that bad so? Other times we have discussed her best live vocals now we're discussing the not so good ones.  :cute: 


(=) Don't let limitations stop you, if you can't sing-sing loud and proud! Go from nobody to somebody and never listen to people who tear you down. If you can't design, so what-your idol will pick your bad art anyway and make it the cover of their terrible single.



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Whoever thinks her vocals during the 1996 Academy Awards were "horrible" or "out of tune" needs to listen 5 more times or get their ears irrigated. Or perhaps educate themselves in vocal styles, operatic vocals, and vocals in general. Or perhaps you don't know Madonna at all lol


As a longtime fan and a fan of Madonna's VOCALS... I can say that her performance was solid and controlled. 


BTW... if you can't appreciate Madonna's out of key moments during her performances/tours... then you are not a real Madonna fan. These imperfections make her stand out and make her more emotionally accessible. 

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About presentations, I think that you all just covered up the usual suspects. But, when it comes down to tours, there's a small moment in Re-Invention Tour that always gives me chills when I watch/listen to it, even if the vocals are on purpose like that. It's when in the end of American Life she screams: "Do I have to changeeEeEEE?!" :oi:

Here lol:

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What? Is one of her best vocal performances, just not in the "sweet" mode of the CD, but is totally in tune, and a lot better than the RHT version.


Hahaha @@Beto and I have the same musical/vocal ear and sensibility, I fucking love it.


"Take A Bow" during the 1995 AMAs definitely was one of her most challenging performances BUT her vocals were solid, strong, and powerful blended with breathy, tender tones. Good range and good use of chest/head voices. I mean LISTEN TO THE BRIDGE. Full on head voice and was still pretty much on pitch and on key.


What about during the first verse? I love her semi late start to the lyrics compared to the album version. The first verse is good, in some moments it was slightly off-key... but then the chorus starts and we hear her chest voice (lower register) and hear hints of her head voice (the kind that was heard in the late 80s/early 90s -- classic M raw vocals).


But then again... the bridge was everything. Strong vocals transitioning to soft, breathy vocals. LISTEN AGAIN.  :smile: 


Madonna's range is what makes me a longtime fan -- first and foremost her vocals, her beautifully imperfect, raw, shaky, powerful guttural vocals.

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and again we're focusing on something bad about her in this thread.


Generally speaking, people are drawn to negativity first.  It's what gets people's attention. Most positive things get ignore. Most people enjoy chaos and bitching and moaning about things.  It's "human nature"! 

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I pick Girl Gone Wild.Today I love how rusty her voice is and how she's screaming the chorus, but at first I was shocked how far from the original this presentation is. I still dont get, why her voice sounds like that, like if she had a cold, or a tired voice.

She sounds like an angel on the original one. Did she really decided on purpose to keep sounding like that for 80+ shows, when they recorded the vocals?


I imagine her team in the rehearsal studio and herself recording this audio while performing GGW to make the live vocals match the movements...great idea.... but she should improve the vocals a bit, like she did for the Vogue MDNA Tour performance...I know.. this pperformance is harder than Vouge, but come on, its Playback anyway.


Everytime I show some friends her performance, they get big eyes when she sings "You Got Me In the Zone, DJ Play My Favorite Song",, and the way how she screams the "WILD" in the chorus, just the last one comes close to the Studio Version in my opinion.


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I pick Girl Gone Wild.Today I love how rusty her voice is and how she's screaming the chorus, but at first I was shocked how far from the original this presentation is. I still dont get, why her voice sounds like that, like if she had a cold, or a tired voice.

She sounds like an angel on the original one. Did she really decided on purpose to keep sounding like that for 80+ shows, when they recorded the vocals?


I imagine her team in the rehearsal studio and herself recording this audio while performing GGW to make the live vocals match the movements...great idea.... but she should improve the vocals a bit, like she did for the Vogue MDNA Tour performance...I know.. this pperformance is harder than Vouge, but come on, its Playback anyway.


Everytime I show some friends her performance, they get big eyes when she sings "You Got Me In the Zone, DJ Play My Favorite Song",, and the way how she screams the "WILD" in the chorus, just the last one comes close to the Studio Version in my opinion.




This isnt pre recorded vocals? Anyways...she's dancing.... the vocal are louder (tv monitor sound) 

And, like we know, its an monitor image, they have some lags about the audio ....

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and again we're focusing on something bad about her in this thread.



There's another thread about her good vocal performances sis


Most people enjoy chaos and bitching and moaning about things. 


Bitching about what gets posted by insulting ppl or liking posts that do, is not the most positive thing either. 2 + 2 = 5


I'll have to keep repeating this as long as people keep doing it.

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 There's another thread about her good vocal performances sis



LOL!  Only made AFTER @@NowRadiate made that above post. 




Bitching about what gets posted by insulting ppl or liking posts that do, is not the most positive thing either. 2 + 2 = 5


I'll have to keep repeating this as long as people keep doing it.



Please read and comprehend the context of my post before cherry picking only part of what I actually posted, and assuming something I did not actually say.  Thank you very much!  I simply responded to @@NowRadiate's post and offered a general aspect on life.  I wasn't bitching about what was posted. I wasn't insulting anyone.  Just offering an objective opinion in regards to his post. In fact, earlier in this thread, from the start, I offered my two cents regarding the original topic posted.  It's quite interesting you totally ignored all those posts, and pounce right on my one particular post responding to NowRadiate, assuming incorrectly the worse from me. Hardly positive on your part.  You might want to practice what you preach!

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This isnt pre recorded vocals? Anyways...she's dancing.... the vocal are louder (tv monitor sound) 

And, like we know, its an monitor image, they have some lags about the audio ....


I agree it's "pre-recorded" and I think the poster mentioned that.  I agree it's not the greatest vocal, but if she sang it completely live it probably would been more of a mess!


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Generally speaking, people are drawn to negativity first.  It's what gets people's attention. Most positive things get ignore. Most people enjoy chaos and bitching and moaning about things.  It's "human nature"! 


funny. all i see is fans tearing her apart.

not much of "human nature".

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