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What would you like to ask Madonna?


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If you had an upcoming interview with Madonna, what would you like to ask her?

To make it more fun lets imagine she would answer everything 100% (without getting pissed ;) )


To start:

I would like to ask her about her opinion on

lyp syncing,

plastic surgery,

her fav. tracks from each album

her relation ship to her siblings (especially the homeless one)

what her siblings think about her music and if they listen to it

how much lyrics she contributes to a song


Let me know what you guys have in mind; Lets make a perfect Interview


Maybe someday one of us will have the chance to ask her all the questions we are listing now :smile::smile:

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If you had an upcoming interview with Madonna, what would you like to ask her?

To make it more fun lets imagine she would answer everything 100% (without getting pissed ;) )


To start:

I would like to ask her about her opinion on

lyp syncing,

plastic surgery,

her fav. tracks from each album

her relation ship to her siblings (especially the homeless one)

what her siblings think about her music and if they listen to it

how much lyrics she contributes to a song


Let me know what you guys have in mind; Lets make a perfect Interview


Maybe someday one of us will have the chance to ask her all the questions we are listing now :smile: :smile:


My guess Madonna would respond to such invasive and ridiculous questions very much like this:  anigif_sub-buzz-9475-1506538654-3.gif?do


I wonder why no one ever made a proper interview of A Certain Sacrifice and her very very early years...

Madonna was unknown at the time and for several years after making the film.  She hated the outcome of this film.  She tried to stop the film from being released several years later.  It wouldn't have seen the light of day (a release) if it wasn't for Madonna's rise to fame.

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As for me, I would ask more pertinent career questions that actually matter such as her process in song writing.  Over the course of her career, she's been asked very little about the process and meaning of her lyrics/songs.  I'm sure she would enjoy to talk about the music for a change.  I would also like to ask her more about why she didn't try to make more cinematic or long form videos being that she was very interested in becoming a movie star as well.  I'd also like to hear her speak about the past choices of single selections as I know many of the choices weren't entirely her choices.  

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As for me, I would ask more pertinent career questions that actually matter such as her process in song writing.  Over the course of her career, she's been asked very little about the process and meaning of her lyrics/songs.  I'm sure she would enjoy to talk about the music for a change.   


She was asked about it in the Rolling Stone interview from September 2000 during the Music promo  :bothered:



Absolutely. So you've said that sometimes you got your writing inspiration from poems or a newspaper article or dreams. Can you take me through the specifics of writing one of the songs? "Nobody's Perfect," for example. [she rolls her eyes.] What's with the eye-rolling? 

I'm sorry. Oh, God. Because I hate explaining stuff like that — really.

Why? Hello — you're a songwriter! 

I don't know. I think it's good to be mysterious. Creativity is sometimes unconscious, subconscious, conscious — and often it's a mixture of all three. And to try to explain it sometimes — it's like talking about love, you know? As soon as you start talking about it, you've formed a new opinion about it, and it's obsolete. And I don't really want to dissect my creative process too much. Because what's the point, really? I want people to have visceral and emotional reactions to things, rather than to have in their mind where all my stuff came from. You know, if I see a bug crawling across the floor, and it inspires me to write the most incredible love poem, I don't want people to be thinking about a relationship or something, and then think of my bug crawling across the floor. Sort of like totally ruins everything [sighs]. I don't know — does that make any sense?


I'd ask her the following questions (no order in particular):


  • Hadn't your brother Christopher written that book, would you ever consider him to work in your tours again?
  • Do you miss sharing the stage with Niki and Donna?
  • What are your thoughts on the plagiarism you've been accused of throughout the years?
  • Do you dream of getting an Oscar someday?
  • You said in the late 90s that you'd never sing your biggest hits Like a Virgin or Vogue again. Did you change your mind after hearing about your fans complaining at the Drowned World Tour?
  • Why are there so few b-sides released in your discography?
  • What do you think about Christmas albums?
  • What was the best and the worst thing about working with Warner Bros. Records?
  • In your song How High you question the fortune and fame you've earned throughout the years, you question yourself if you should carry on and if it will still matter when you're gone... do you still ask that to yourself?


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I think I would ask her questions the way Howard Stern got her to dig deep about her past and in the end she gave us glimpses of her childhood, New York days, her early years in the business and certain aspects of life; success, love, business, the highs and lows of her career, certain choices. It seemed very comfortable opening up to him and I think interviews like that or the one during the RH era where an interviewer went in-depth about the creative process, those type of interviews she seemed very interested in rather than the usual "How's Lola and Rocoo? Do they like your music?" type questions.


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I think I would ask her questions the way Howard Stern got her to dig deep about her past and in the end she gave us glimpses of her childhood, New York days, her early years in the business and certain aspects of life; success, love, business, the highs and lows of her career, certain choices. It seemed very comfortable opening up to him and I think interviews like that or the one during the RH era where an interviewer went in-depth about the creative process, those type of interviews she seemed very interested in rather than the usual "How's Lola and Rocoo? Do they like your music?" type questions.



I loved those interviews!


Dont forget the "how do you keep yourself in shape while touring?" She answered that question like 5 times 😂 each time alittle more pissed

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She was asked about it in the Rolling Stone interview from September 2000 during the Music promo  :bothered:



And as mentioned I would love to hear more about it. It's quite rare for her to talk about the process. Most of her interviews tend to get more into silly gossip or intrusive questions  that I have no interest in.  :)

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I would be interested on the stories behind the music, the tours, the videoclips... All the process, decisions, inspirations... When people talk about a autobiography I always think "I'd prefer a book where she talked about her albums song by song and saying funny (or terrible things) that happened when she was working on them. 


I guess I would ask her too "What was the best and worst surprise you've got in your carreer???" I mean, when she made "Like a prayer" video or "Sex" book she knew that it was a risk and that people would be "crazy" about that but what I'd love to know is which scandal was a surprise to her with her work and which one wasn't when it was intended to be, I don't know if I explain myself.


I'd like to know if she remember all her singles when she makes a tour or songs like "Gambler", "I'll remember" and "This used to be my playground" are ignored from the start. Or "Do you remember you had a song called "Gambler" (for example) or am I reminded you that now?"


And finally... CAN YOU TELL ME THE COMPLETE LYRICS OF "QUEEN'S ENGLISH"??? Hahahahaha... It's been more that 20 years. I've asked Jose and Luis on instagram, facebook, e-mailing to their official sides and never got an answer. I remember I wrote to Junior Vasquez too years ago to the "contact" of his site and at least, he answered me that he didn't know the lyrics 

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1.) Why did you quit vocal coaching? that tape record thing you showed Luciano Huck doesn't count at all.

suggestion - get back to serious vocal coaching - very serious(ly)


2.) Lets release officially all that unreleased stuff? You may be preparing the album of the century - but

thats not what you became famous for - and while you warm that up - since those unreleased are shelved but ready -


suggestion - lets release them. 

I am sure there are things there that might put you back in the business, you say no wilderness.

maybe even back to Billboard.


3.) Lets get to work, byotche - You are a god damn good director - lets make the Academy gives you

the 2nd woman to win an Oscar for directing - now get to work, byotcheee


(if Greta Gerwig wins I´ll be here to clean that mess) 



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You have Italian blood flowing in your veins in the same way you have French blood, so, why always pay homage to France by singing in French, and to Spain singing in Spanish, and never paying tribute to your Italian roots by singing a one-song-only in Italian language? Why? Only one song would be enough... Many great international artists who don't have Italian roots love Italy so much to decide paid homage by singing in Italian. You .... NEVER !!!

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Second question: why in more than 30 years of honored career have you always snubbed Naples by never including this city in the calendar of your tours dates?

Naples is a beautiful city. Many artists love it and always come here. You ... NEVER.

You've always kept away from it...

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Last question: how much time is it necessary for you to rummage through the archives and find those fucking tapes of the Virgin Tour and Blond Ambition Tour? In 2012, in a live chat, by answering to a question from a fan, you declared that you would work on these two dvds as soon as you had time to check the archives. I remember you: it's already flown away SIX YEARS!!!... We are getting old

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Last question: how much time is it necessary for you to rummage through the archives and find those fucking tapes of the Virgin Tour and Blond Ambition Tour? In 2012, in a live chat, by answering to a question from a fan, you declared that you would work on these two dvds as soon as you had time to check the archives. I remember you: it's already flown away SIX YEARS!!!... We are getting old


+ Re-Invention Tour

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You have Italian blood flowing in your veins in the same way you have French blood, so, why always pay homage to France by singing in French, and to Spain singing in Spanish, and never paying tribute to your Italian roots by singing a one-song-only in Italian language? Why? Only one song would be enough... Many great international artists who don't have Italian roots love Italy so much to decide paid homage by singing in Italian. You .... NEVER !!!


Maybe because the only important Italian-spoken market is Italy itself? Let's be honest, Spain and Latinamerican countries are biggest markets which explains why so many Italian singers have recorded most of their hits in Spanish. I don't like to put a language over another only because I'm a language teacher myself and it's stupid to do it, but what Madonna does is business. It's possible she has considered the idea before but changed her mind later because of timing or other unknown reasons.


The best thing of all is that Madonna has toured Italy many times since the 80s, visiting cities such as Turin, Florence, Rome, Milan, and Udine. Furthermore, she's been on Italian TV to promote her records as well giving interviews and even performing songs. That's it. Madonna loves your country and you should be proud of it.

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