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EROTICA is underrated


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I appreciate the album and it usually sits at either #5 or #6 on my list of favorite Madonna albums, but I don't care for its sexual songs. Where Life Begins is a complete skip for me because I find it uncomfortable, not to mention that the instrumental is incredibly stark and boring in my opinion. I also don't like Did You Do It? for similar reasons, although I figure most fans probably hated that song too, so it's not controversial to diss it.

I also don't really like Waiting or Words for being monotonous and almost redundant, but at least they're not completely awful.

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Love erotica. Was not a massive fan when it came out, as I was a Vouge/LAP type gal, but got into it due to the GS tour in Australia. Recently bought an original pressing on vinyl. OMG! Sounds amazing, fresh and is now one of my favourites. The first side of Erotica, Fever, BBB and D&D is just a 1,2,3,4 power punch of musical pop greatness. Might stop listening to the WIFLFAG mixes and put it on the turntable right now!

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As far as I’m concerned it was never underrated. I bought the CD in the spring of 1993 mostly because she was in the press so much. And I was blown away by how good the album was. 
So I started slowly getting all her albums in reverse chronological order. By the end of the summer I was obsessed with her music but Erotica and Bedtime Stories always remained my absolute favorites 

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Lately I've been listening to this album a lot. I already really liked the album but listening to it lately has made me realize just how good it is, and the fact that (to me, at least) it doesn't get old. To be able to listen to it every day after 30 years and it still sounds amazing, just goes to show how timeless this album is. The production is definitely a sign of the 90s, but still sounds fantastic today. The percussion is sharp, the basslines are sensual and groovy, the strings and synths are beautifully layered on the tracks.

I think a lot of why people don't give this album the credit it deserves is because of a lot of the spoken word sections here. I personally love it, but I think for others, especially at the time, it's not something people were used to. Not to mention, historically this album was condemned in her discography so a lot of people I think don't revisit it or give it its deserved credit. Among fans, there's no question about this album being underrated; I think it's one of her most beloved albums among fans. The problem is, we see this album for the amazing body of work it is, and how ahead of its time it is, but outside the fanbase, not many people do. I feel like if people actually knew what happened during this era, then she would get the credit for it today. Maybe the biopic will talk about it?

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