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Top 10 Mirwais Songs


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With three album involvements and a fourth coming, Mirwais may be her most consistent producer. Maybe hit or miss in helping her success (which she doesn't really need more, but she can keep trying), he's helped her produce some fantastic tracks. Here are my top ten!

1) Music


3) Die Another Day

4) Nobody Knows Me

5) Impressive Instant

6) Don't Tell Me

7) American Life

8) Future Lovers

9) Paradise (Not for Me)

10) Im in love with love


whats yours? Even if it's just five.


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He's easily one of my favourite producers, although I'm not a fan of any of his songs from the COADF era. 

My top ten:

I Deserve It 

X-Static Process 


Love Profusion 

Nobody's Perfect 

Easy Ride

Nothing Fails

Mother And Father

Don't Tell Me


And I do like the tracks that were leaked from Hello Suckers. 



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1 hour ago, gafuller said:

10) History (honestly the B-side version wasn't awful)

History was written and produced by Madonna and Stuart Price.

My Top10 is:

01. Don't Tell Me
02. Hollywood
03. Nobody Knows Me
04. Mother & Father
05. American Life
06. I Deserve It
07. Music
08. Intervention
09. The Game
10. Die Another Day

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Super Pop

It's So Cool

Future Lovers

X-Static Process

Easy Ride

Nothing Fails

I'm So Stupid

Paradise (Not For Me)

Don't Tell Me


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44 minutes ago, Someone said:

Wikipedia says Stuart and so does Mad-Eyes. Who knows.

The only reason why I think that Mirwais had something to do with the song as well... is due to the political nature of the song.  We know that Madonna worked first with Mirwais when starting "Confessions..."  Though, she wasn't happy with the direction because it was becoming too political.  It's interesting that both "Super Pop" and "Future Lovers" (which we know Mirwais had a role in) are pretty much political. 

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First of all, I wanna specify this because my feelings are not gonna be popular, I'm gonna be honest.

I'm a HUGE fan of her work with Niles Rogers, Patrick Leonard, Shep Pattibone and Andre Betts, William Orbit and Rick Nowels, Avicii (also Reggie Lucas's, Guy Sigsworth's and some Diplo's tracks are cool), BUT  I'm not a fan of her works with Steven Bray (with a few exceptions like Express Yourself or True Blue), Stuart Price (except Get Together and Forbidden Love, he's genius in rearranging old stuff for live renditions though), Timbaland-Timberlake-Pharrell and Martin Solveig.

Mirways stays in the middle of all this. I like his way to search and create new sounds, I like the kind of dark mood he's able to  provide, but I very often find his melodies too linear and ripetitive (it's probably a kind of personal style, his mark). He can be fun but, with a few exceptions, his work always get to be felt as cold when it comes to emotions. So about her new album I'm litteraly thrilled of all the portuguese and post-slavery-afro inspiration (I really can't wait since I watched her Instagram posts with the Cabo Verde female choir and D'Santiago as after the early rumoured Ibeyi track), a little less about her collab with Mirways as a "disco king". 

Anyway these are my favourite works from their previous collabs, wich I hope is gonna be much longer very soon

  1. MUSIC (the first time I heard it was a real blast... and still is, especially live!!)
  2. IMPRESSIVE INSTANT (unique, energetic, crazy as hell, never tired)
  3. MOTHER AND FATHER (maybe their masterpiece imo)
  4. DIE ANOTHER DAY (fascinating, dark and meaningfull, the only electronic Bond theme)
  5. NOBODY'S PERFECT (a rare case of a motivated use of the autotune effect)
  6. LOVE PROFUSION (ADORE the "got you under my skin" thing, love the melody, but too repetitive)
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@stefo I do agree some of his work does get repetitive. There aren't really many of her producers I don't care for. Solveig would take it though. I love MDNA, but much of what he produced was not breathtaking or groundbreaking in sound, not too notable.

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@stefoI think songs like "Music" and "Impressive Instant" prove he can be fun.  Listening to his own work, his works sound fun. 

I do think he and Madonna will bring something different and new to the table this time around.  I do feel that there was a drastic change in their work together from "Music" album to "American Life".   And just look how "Future Lovers" fits right in with the other songs on Confessions album.  What's nice is he's proven he can be light and fun and deep and serious as well.

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Difficult to choose only ten, I had to leave some good ones out, like Mother and father...

I also left out those songs which are only produced, not written, by Mirwais, such as Gone and Easy ride despite they are my all time favourites.

I am definitely not a fan of Impressive Instant, Die another day and especially Hollywood.

So here is my list:

1 Intervention

2 American life

3 I deserve it

4 Don't tell me

5 It's so cool

6 Music

7 Future lovers

8 Let it will be

9 Fighting spirit

10 Nobody knows me


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Future Lovers

Paradise (Not for Me)

Die Another Day

Impressive Instant

Easy Ride

Love Profusion




American Life


Shoutout to the freeze vocal in "I'm So Stupid" and the Pitched down vocals at the end of Hollywood. 


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26 minutes ago, AspergerArtist said:

@RUADJAIWasn't Cyber ragga with Talvin Singh though and the alternate version by WO? 

i'd actually never looked it up. It appears thats what they say. I just briefly looked up his music though and it although it sounds as though it was recorded with him first, it definitely has Mirwais' fingerprints all over it. 

the electro synth at 2:13... the sub bass throughout. The vocoded vocal harmonies. 


Maybe it is William Orbit though, I could be wrong.... I would have never expected him as a producer on Gang Bang if no one told me. The only thing that makes me think its not him... his recordings tend to be a bit muffled where Mirwais always has clean sounding mids and highs in his recordings. William's are more warm and congealed, and Mirwais' are more spacious and separated. and Cyberragga seems to fall into the later category to me. it could be someone who mixed it afterward though. 

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I dare to add songs prodced by him for his solo work as well as the YAS project to the list. Furthermore, I can really recommend the "Light my Fire" remix.


Mother and Father


Impressive Instant

I deserve it

Future Lovers

Nobody is perfect

Coit me

Naive Song



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