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Happy 18th Birthday to Rocco!


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I'm pretty hesitant to start threads regarding Madonna's children, so I would ask people to keep this thread respectful and positive since Rocco isn't asking to be a public figure at this time.  That said,  I can't help to acknowledge how fast these 18 years have gone.  I still remember the big scare Madonna gave us back in 2000, when she had complications and gave birth to him earlier than expected. Of course, this was happening right after the leak of her lead single  from "Music".   So much was going on from the rush release of the first single due to the leak as well as the album soon to be released.  She forged right ahead, bouncing back quickly with the album and promotional gigs.   Anyway, he seems to have grown up to be a very handsome and respectful guy.  No doubt, he had typical adolescent angst, but he obviously luvs his mum and it's nice to see he's  willing to join her when she goes on her missions to Malawi every year, as well as his sister Lourdes.  HAPPY 18th Birthday to Rocco.  I'll never forget that scene in IGTTYAS where he's giving his sister a hard time and laughing hysterical at the jokes being told. 



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May I request @Fighterthat the posts by tripdastation be deleted from this thread? There is no need for such vulgarity in this post.

And feel free to delete this post of mine afterwards! Thanks.

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19 minutes ago, Fighter said:

His posts and his thread have been removed and he's been banned permanently. Not remotely ok to make sexual jokes about someone who JUST turned 18. Creep. 

I think this decision is a bit ridiculous. 18 is legal age in the US.  WTF is the problem?!@  

Shaming someone for finding someone sexually attractive is a JOKE on a Madonna forum.  You threw disgust and banned someone for being sexual on a Madonna forum. Makes no sense. 

Honestly this makes me feel like you can accidentally say the "wrong" thing and be banned permanently without a discussion. As he said nothing wrong. A member for 3 years and banned without warning?

There was a national countdown in the US for the Olsen twins to hit 18. Im sure most of you remember that. Madonna dated Jesus when he was what 21? Is THAT too young? Can we get a clear line of when it is ok to talk about someone sexually on Madonna Infinity? Or are we not allowed to be sexual? 

I know I'm going off here, but when I come to a Madonna forum I expect open minds and expression, not erratic rules and oppression. If its legal, it should be ok. 

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1 hour ago, RUADJAI said:

I think this decision is a bit ridiculous. 18 is legal age in the US.  WTF is the problem?!@  

Shaming someone for finding someone sexually attractive is a JOKE on a Madonna forum.  You threw disgust and banned someone for being sexual on a Madonna forum. Makes no sense. 

Honestly this makes me feel like you can accidentally say the "wrong" thing and be banned permanently without a discussion. As he said nothing wrong. A member for 3 years and banned without warning?

There was a national countdown in the US for the Olsen twins to hit 18. Im sure most of you remember that. Madonna dated Jesus when he was what 21? Is THAT too young? Can we get a clear line of when it is ok to talk about someone sexually on Madonna Infinity? Or are we not allowed to be sexual? 

I know I'm going off here, but when I come to a Madonna forum I expect open minds and expression, not erratic rules and oppression. If its legal, it should be ok. 

If people are counting down to when someone will be legal then that means they're already looking at minors as sexually attractive. Of all things out there to sexualize, people are looking at minors? This reminds me when Madonna fans were making sexual comments about Rocco on Madonna's instagram account from the time he was 13. To be making comments like that on the very first day of his legality just shows creeps just couldn't help themselves.

Liam asked members to keep this thread respectful and I just knew someone had to come up with some way to ruin it. It was inevitable. The banned user made a thread about his nudes leaking which is just the worst type of edgy useless trolling. There's absolutely nothing respectful about making sexual comments on someone's 18th birthday. 

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1 hour ago, BringUrLUV said:

I tried keeping mine cheeky, yet somewhat tasteful.  I hope no one was offended.  He's grown up to be quite the handsome young man is all I meant.

Nah, you’re fine.  I personally wouldn’t even gone there, but there’s  a difference between being “cheeky” and being sexually explicit. Keep in mind, this same member as well posted a thread, baiting people to look at sexually explicit images (which don’t exist) of Rocco. He just turned 18, so as pointed out, it’s a bit creepy to be waiting around for someone to be legal age to solicit and make explicit comments.  

I probably shouldn’t have made this thread. I knew someone would go too far when it was specifically asked to keep it respectful. 

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