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Madonna to present Video of the Year at the VMAs TONIGHT!


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9 minutes ago, The Same Parts said:

But there's only the bad press.

As usual lately with her. Girl can't rest. Press was praising her for being the Queen at 60 just a week ago and that very same press drag her on the floor today. It sucks. Luckily all this will pass and be forgotten in a week or less.

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24 minutes ago, LikeAMelody said:

Where's her full speech about Aretha? I'm getting Fox news like "explaining to me what I should think" vibes on the video I found. Lol. As soon as that began I turned it off. 

I have a brain. I can think for myself. Let me hear her speak. 


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Don't worry guys, this mess will be forgotten in 24 hours. 

Social media will move on to the next drama-worthy news :laughing:

It's a shame she's getting dragged because all the positive press she got for her birthday was unbelievable....but it is what it is, it wouldn't be Madonna without some drama. 



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Because I am afflicted with "worry about what people think" as most are I find it difficult to say what I really think about her speech. 

First of all I don't get outraged over speech's unless they actually affect someone's feelings (this if course keeping in mine if Aretha treated M well when she was alive just to use these two people as examples) or if so speech actually lies about or slanders a person. Aretha's legacy, her family, her friends, Her past is intact. 

So I heard nothing to be outraged over. What does Madonna have to do with Aretha Franklin? They are both extremely successful women in the music industry. I am also a firm believer in anyone standing up and saying anything about anyone or paying tribute to them if they feel inspired to do so. With all the advances we have made culturally I am dumbfounded at the amount of control everyone wants to have over everything and everyone but that's another discussion. 

A real tribute to me is to talk about how that person affected your life. Not everyone saying how wonderful they were. How many people gushing about Aretha Franklin would have given her that much praise on Tuesday if she was still alive? Her family, her friends, some intense fans....Madonna shared something that was important to her about Aretha. Her career speaks for itself. 

Lol I also got an unusual vibe from Madonna's speech. Maybe we should realize that we don't really know Madonna's experiences nor do we know Aretha's. 


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the speech was bullshit but what bothers me most is the lying. She's told this story many times (being auditioned by the 2 french producers) and every time she said that she hadn't prepared a song and came up with a rendition of JINGLE BELLS ..! Oh and now it's suddenly an Aretha song she sang ? how interesting. Wait until another legend passes and we'll get a whole new version of that story. What bullshit that was.

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11 minutes ago, Debrah said:

the speech was bullshit but what bothers me most is the lying. She's told this story many times (being auditioned by the 2 french producers) and every time she said that she hadn't prepared a song and came up with a rendition of JINGLE BELLS ..! Oh and now it's suddenly an Aretha song she sang ? how interesting. Wait until another legend passes and we'll get a whole new version of that story. What bullshit that was.

I also wondered if it's a lie... Do you remember where she said that she sung Jingle Bells??

This is what I found:


Après une audition à New-York, Patrick Hernandez est sous le charme. "Pour l'anecdote, elle nous a chanté une version humoristique de Jingle Bells !", confie-t-il dans de nombreuses interviews. Il la prend sous son aile avec l'idée de lui faire enregistrer un disque. Mais Madonna ne veut pas être chanteuse. Actrice, comédienne, danseuse, oui mais pas chanteuse. Le chanteur français n'arrivera pas à produire la jeune américaine. 


Also NOM was recently posting a story of the relationship between Madonna and France:


Non Madonna n'a ni dansé ni chanté avec Patrick Hernandez. En revanche c'est lui qui l'a fait venir à Paris pour la 1ère fois : « Elle s’est présentée, effectivement, à New York, à une audition de chanteurs et de danseurs. Sur deux jours d’audition, on a vu près de cent personnes dont Madonna. Elle nous a fait sa petite présentation – qui était éblouissante – et lorsqu’on lui a demandé de chanter, elle nous a dit « Je ne sais pas chanter, c’est pas mon truc ».  » Forcée par ses deux casteurs, la Ciccone a fini par chantonner une version de Jingle Bells que Patrick Hernandez a qualifiée « d’humoristique ». « On la trouve tellement spontanée, tellement brillante pour ses 19 ans, qu’on lui a dit « On t’emmène avec nous, tu ne vas pas danser derrière Patrick, c’est un peu idiot. On a tout ce qu’il faut, on a 35 danseurs, s’est rappelé le chanteur. On va – donc – t’emmener avec nous et on va te faire enregistrer un disque ». »

So this is the version of Patrick Hernandez, not Madonna's...

Unless they are referring to a different audition...

This one sounds like being in front of Patrick Hernandez himself...


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Interesting look. Whilst Madonna could wear a beautiful gown to show off her curves and assets, I don't think she's so interested to be appreciated for her looks but is daring to buck the trend and be different. She doesn't care what you or I think, she'll wear, do, sing and say what she wants. If we had half the balls she has to live her life so fearlessly and not give a damn what others think or say, imagine what we'd accomplish too. 

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Now that I've seen the entire video, it's really not as bad as they made it sound. She shared an anecdote. Yes, all MEMEME but she is promoting hard. As a fan, I see it as a good sign, although it came across weird for the not so big fans, I guess.

I actually don't think she really sang Jingle Bells. I remember times when she avoided any and all connection to any other contemporary artist. Maybe she didn't feel like she should give them any spotlight at that time. Aretha is different, Madonna is at a different stage in her career and life now. Who knows if she made it up or not. She is trying to promote herself. I think her saying "this white chick wants to belt out the queen of soul's song?" was the whole point of the story.

Madonna says it herself at the end: "You're probably all wondering why I'm telling you this story. There is a connection. Because none of this would have happened or could have happened without our lady of soul. She led to me to where I am today, and I know she influenced so many people in this house tonight, in this room tonight. And I want to thank you, Aretha, for empowering all of us. R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Long live the queen."

I think what connects Aretha with Madonna is:

One is the queen of soul, the other one is the queen of pop. And both fought for the empowerment of women. Respect, Express Yourself are not so far away from each other, in essence, in their message.

So. Check. I get the concept. 

The head-piece though... :confused:


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Well you know, maybe there were different "levels" in this casting and she could have sung both songs at different times, maybe she sang both songs this day, maybe the one or the other.

Only Madonna and the cast members know the truth.

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I chuckled a dozen times while watching. Her speech made me feel good about her appearance. Did she sing Natural Woman? Eh. But lets say up until this point she never cared about those auditions. Her not caring about stuff in the past, at any point she could've just said Jingle Bells to get the interview over with. Ain't no one can be pulled into it if she just passes off that she sang a christmas song that no one can take credit for and is alive. Plus, the french dudes probably weren't paying that much attention to what exactly she sang. It wouldn't have mattered then. Now not so much, she got big. She could've made it shorter and less self-centered but I think it was fine. I stopped noticing the grills a minute or so in. Her look was interesting. It wasn't safe, and thats good. Kinda wish she had done the long hair hair like her birthday, but the braids are cool. I also love the atmosphere she brings now. She's this weathered sage, and the respect is immediately there and she has wisdom to bring... but still knows whats up. I would much have rathered her done the Vanguard award speech to Lopez, would've been a better link.

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42 minutes ago, Debrah said:

the speech was bullshit but what bothers me most is the lying. She's told this story many times (being auditioned by the 2 french producers) and every time she said that she hadn't prepared a song and came up with a rendition of JINGLE BELLS ..! Oh and now it's suddenly an Aretha song she sang ? how interesting. Wait until another legend passes and we'll get a whole new version of that story. What bullshit that was.

Leos lie.

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During her Parkinson interview in 2005 she said they made her sing many songs, by herself then with a guy. 

I remember before the Something to remember era began there were talks in Billboard that she did a Natural woman cover for the album.

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