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Madonna's body @ 60yo

Luiz Ribeiro

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This new album not being released yet is driving us all crazy!!

Once again, I understand both sides: those who find the picture daring and provoking, and those who find the picture ugly and useless. It seems impossible but both are right.

We really have nothing else to talk about than the same old stuff: Blond Ambition reels, ageism, fandom.

Every discussion seems to end in the forum divided in two.

We really need new music.

Music (and definitely not social media) makes the people come together.

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Just now, BringUrLUV said:

She looks good.  

Yeah! Maybe it's not just a surgery thing. Of course!

And I would much rather be talking about her brand new record... or a music snippet from the studio. Agree Enrico. So I for one can't wait to see the news coming in the future, aka brand new album, brand new songs and in the end, it all translates in brand new emotions. :Madonna005:

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Wait a minute...it's not like Madonna has been wearing ponchos onstage on tour. People have seen her close up in person. She just looks like she has been wrestling in mud.

I think her body looks great but I noticed she has gained a little weight but I always thought she looked healthier with just a little extra weight. 

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I think it falls into the category of Take Me With All Of My Beautiful Scars way of thinking. Some people look at those imperfections as gross or ugly and they shouldnt be put into display; the fear that people will put us down or denigrate us because of our imperfections.

The picture itself means nothing. Its just a picture... take it or leave it. Its how we respond to it that gives it power because that says more about who we are as people; or who we choose to be as people. 

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I have not said a thing yet because i feel embarrassed to talk about somebody's body especially a woman. I know she posted the pic in the first place so she opened that door but seriously i'm not offended by her body, a 60 y/0 that bore 2 children, i'm offended by the comments offended by it, telling her what she should do or shaming her body. Seriously ? Would you like her or strangers doing the same to you ? Are you that perfect that you can judge other's appearance ? and even if that the case what gives you the feeling that you should, must whatever....do it ? You are just participating in spreading a poison that will one day be directed at you and you'll wonder why people are so cruel to you then...I felt exactly the same when the media went after Serena Williams a few years back. Let people be, let them accept themselves the way they are, they are not asking for your permission, they are just telling this is whom, what and how i am. If you feel like you don't like her for that then don't follow her anymore, nobody forces you to, plenty of popstars out there...If you stay with that mindset then the problem is you and there's nothing she or we can do about it to help you go throught the trauma :) Ring a shrink and ask him or her why it bothers you so much, what it reveals about you to yourself that you can't deal with.

Madonna is an over confident person in a world where we are taught to not be, to feel ashamed of what and who we are because consumerism is about selling us things we don't need so they are forced unto us by pushing the buttons of our insecurities. Madonna has always done what is considered embarrassing things to get things moving because she does not sugarcoat things and she will keep on doing so because that's her thing as she gets older in an ageist society that gives her plenty to fight. 

Madonna has always kicked the doors open brutally (not sugarcoating or saying please) for everybody and while they were judging and mocking her they were still going through that open door. It seems like she's not subtle in her ways in the first place but years later we realize she was because she broke that door without people really noticing she freed them.

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16 minutes ago, Popeline said:

I have not said a thing yet because i feel embarrassed to talk about somebody's body especially a woman. I know she posted the pic in the first place so she opened that door but seriously i'm not offended by her body, a 60 y/0 that bore 2 children, i'm offended by the comments offended by it, telling her what she should do or shaming her body. Seriously ? Would you like her or strangers doing the same to you ? Are you that perfect that you can judge other's appearance ? and even if that the case what gives you the feeling that you should, must whatever....do it ? You are just participating in spreading a poison that will one day be directed at you and you'll wonder why people are so cruel to you then...I felt exactly the same when the media went after Serena Williams a few years back. Let people be, let them accept themselves the way they are, they are not asking for your permission, they are just telling this is whom, what and how i am. If you feel like you don't like her for that then don't follow her anymore, nobody forces you to, plenty of popstars out there...If you stay with that mindset then the problem is you and there's nothing she or we can do about it to help you go throught the trauma :) Ring a shrink and ask him or her why it bothers you so much, what it reveals about you to yourself that you can't deal with.

Madonna is an over confident person in a world where we are taught to not be, to feel ashamed of what and who we are because consumerism is about selling us things we don't need so they are forced unto us by pushing the buttons of our insecurities. Madonna has always done what is considered embarrassing things to get things moving because she does not sugarcoat things and she will keep on doing so because that's her thing as she gets older in an ageist society that gives her plenty to fight. 

Madonna has always kicked the doors open brutally (not sugarcoating or saying please) for everybody and while they were judging and mocking her they were still going through that open door. It seems like she's not subtle in her ways in the first place but years later we realize she was because she broke that door without people really noticing she freed them.

It all goes back to that headline way way back... ‘I AM NOT ASHAMED’. Get it girl❤️

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Strange mix of reactions in this thread.

A) She's 60 - and looks amazing. Those that are seeing imperfections might need to have a word with themselves. Are some saying she's out of shape or fat? :-/ Am I looking at a different image?

B) Madge is flawed like the rest of us. It's great she continues to serve up the goodies after all this time - but those holding gossip mag scorecards might do well to adopt a healthier vision of the world. If you need a benchmark for perfection then go wild, but nature is kinda beautiful too...which brings me onto...

C) Sexy older women are gorgeous! Whats more: scantily clad wrinkles are SO PUNK. Long may she refuse to put it away on her own terms. Are we offended by this? If so, I suggest a lobotomy or euthanasia. :tongue:

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4 hours ago, Jascka said:

110% agree. :Madonna005:

OMG Thank God I feel understood LOL!! I knew I was not alone thinking this.

Thanks guys for sharing your opinions! 105ussz.jpg105ussz.jpg

Are you sure you aren't anticipating a DRAMA (ironic mode on :laughing:) that was nonexistent? :08:

I'm quite certain. Also, I don't see a great deal of similarity between your thoughts and those of Jackie. :)

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4 hours ago, Frank said:

If u wanna stop liking her for this, then u should question urself if u ever liked her at all, to begin with. Just saying.

EXACTLY! Madonna has built her career on this sort of thing.

*DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YA....* :tongue:

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17 hours ago, madgefan said:

I wonder if some Madonna fans will still admire her when she's 80 and looks like this... Remember, you're also growing old and you won't look the same in 10 or 20 years. Some younger gays won't like you either, apparently.

She'll maybe look like that at 120. She'll look like Cher does now when she's 80.

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And this thread illustrates perfectly the point I was trying to make in a previous deleted thread before I was accused of attacking people and not understanding freedom of speech. There is a line between expressing your opinion in a respectful manner and just being downright offensive. People keep saying that this behavior is justified because we are waiting for a new album and have nothing else to discuss. Are we all children? Learn how to express yourself without body shaming a 60 year old woman and think before you speak. End of rant. I love everyone.

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2 minutes ago, Dita's Garden said:

What is wrong with you?

Have you ever heard of a little thing called "time"?

time wont do this...… you're saying she's been great for 57 years & then suddenly her body decided to look like this????? no no no.... 


1 she's been careless about fitness & working out the past two years...

2 she did a plastic surgery for hips + ass.... these are FACTS.

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7 minutes ago, ayhamonline said:

time wont do this...… you're saying she's been great for 57 years & then suddenly her body decided to look like this????? no no no.... 


1 she's been careless about fitness & working out the past two years...

2 she did a plastic surgery for hips + ass.... these are FACTS.

Actually, I'm removing my original reply. There is no point in me arguing with you. You believe what you want and enjoy your body shaming. There is no point going over and over the same thing. Boring.

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21 minutes ago, ayhamonline said:

2 she did a plastic surgery for hips + ass.... these are FACTS.

Facts? Well, then...



Don't present your opinions as facts 'cause they aren't. The only fact here is that she has AGED, which is what we are all supposed to do and it is perfectly fine.

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3 minutes ago, G House said:

Facts? Well, then...



Don't present your opinions as facts 'cause they aren't. The only fact here is that she has AGED, which is what we are all supposed to do and it is perfectly fine.

Not my opinion... ask a surgeon... it’s easy... when I say facts it’s coz I know it... & it’s not funny... unfortunately her doctor is making her look like a joke & time will tell... 


this is her doctor... see yourself 



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What shocked me most wasn't her body, it was the fact she not only owns lingerie that basic and ill-fitting but that she also wears it. I mean, my mom wears better bras than that and this is MADONNA we're talking about here. She made wearing underwear as outerwear global.

It's just hard to do a 180 in my mind when it comes to her and underwear lol. She needs to just put the damn album out. I've had enough age stuff and skin creams. I honestly don't care about her age. She seems more concerned about age and her haters more than her fans do. WE DONT CARE. We just want an album.

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On 8/29/2018 at 3:51 PM, *mlvc* said:

I'm quite certain. Also, I don't see a great deal of similarity between your thoughts and those of Jackie. :)

I grant you that! :cute: I have to say that I completely subscribe Jackie's post, those are my feelings since years too! Yep! Amen to every comma of Jackie's post, that's what I call speaking frankly and right to the point. 

Anyway, I'm done with this thread. Grrrr its useless to keep discussing this with some people! o9isgh.jpg


She needs to just put the damn album out. I've had enough age stuff and skin creams. I honestly don't care about her age. She seems more concerned about age and her haters more than her fans do. WE DONT CARE. We just want an album.

THIS! 2h3v5hj.jpg11sku3q.jpg Thanks Winn. ????

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8 hours ago, Jackie said:

Give me the classy Madonna of years gone by, give me the Madonna who defined sexy, give me the Madonna who garnered respect. 

No offense but that's a lot of "give me". If what she gives now is so bad, nobody is forcing anyone to "take" it really.

"Madonna, give me this. Madonna, do this and that." I don't think she ever took orders.

I'm not a huge fan of the pic but I like her stubbornness of doing whatever the fuck she wants. What she's really doing is challenging things. A rebel forever. I see her becoming more like a female Iggy Pop. And I really don't mind - on the contrary.

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