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Motivational Madonna songs


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I love how music have the power of motivate people, that's why I never stop to discover more and more interesting artists! 

About our Queen, which songs have the most motivational lyrics? That inspires you, to love, fight for your dreams? Or makes you feel happy after a sad moment?

For me I have lots of songs but I guess Vogue and Living for Love are two strong songs, always cheer me up!



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When I was at Uni, I used to listen to Express yourself before an exam. They all went very well!

In 2007 I faced a very dark period, I was heartbroken, I hated myself, and I can really say that the release of Hey You saved my life. I know many don't like that song, but it really helped me to go on and to hold on.

In general, I find that You'll see is one of the most motivational songs. Maybe because I was never able to find a true partner in my life, so I can relate to the lines "all by myself... I know I'll survive" etc.

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There are several for me. I remember when i knew that i was going to be an uncle for the 1st time, i played Cherish, i was soooo full of love and joy!!!.

Intervention has also helped me in some moments too. That song is really close to my heart.

Also You'll See, that was perfect to get through a one-way love once...

Nothing Fails has also a big place in my heart for some obvious reasons hehehe

There r some more indeed, LAP, Keep It Together... And a recent one: Rebel Heart. I also got the logo tattoo in my forearm as i consider myself a fighter and a rebel, but with a huge heart. And in the end, heart and love will always help u win.

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I listened to You'll See quite a lot during the time I was deciding to leave home as a youngster, to get away from stoopid family members. It was one of the few cds I took with me when I packed my rucksack and walked out the door. 

Whenever I was feeling like I couldn't go on anymore, Die Another Day was kind of my go-to song. The lyrics could easily be applied to the situation, "I guess I'll find another way, it's not my time to go."

Ray of Light was always my pick-me-up song. Uplifting, energetic and you could sing and dance to it like a mental patient (yay!) and still feel so happy. I liked that :ahh:

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From the recent ones, Iconic did really work for me that year. Before that I would watch Hung Up live. That lively song and her strut were like a boost of energy. Well, there was also that one moment I sang Act of Contrition in my head before a stressful situation. Maybe those guitars, maybe those 'I reserve's and I resolve's', that demanding of hers to get to where she wants, they helped me!

Yeah, when it comes to breakups some Unapologetic Bitch is all I want and some live She's Not Me and just f them all :angel:

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Rebel Heart

Nobody Knows Me

Express Yourself


But songs that get me going:

Gambler, Causing a Commotion, Spotlight, Open Your Heart, Turn Up The Radio, Music, Keep it Together, Vogue, Hung Up, Get Together, Can't Stop, Deeper and Deeper, Into The Groove.

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On 9/18/2018 at 12:31 PM, Frank said:

There are several for me. I remember when i knew that i was going to be an uncle for the 1st time, i played Cherish, i was soooo full of love and joy!!!.

Intervention has also helped me in some moments too. That song is really close to my heart.

Also You'll See, that was perfect to get through a one-way love once...

Nothing Fails has also a big place in my heart for some obvious reasons hehehe

There r some more indeed, LAP, Keep It Together... And a recent one: Rebel Heart. I also got the logo tattoo in my forearm as i consider myself a fighter and a rebel, but with a huge heart. And in the end, heart and love will always help u win.

I need to make a Rebel Heart tattoo someday. I made one in 2017 but only was only in rena, temporaly.

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On 9/19/2018 at 9:40 AM, AspergerArtist said:

I also forgot to add Rebel Heart. It's kind of my autism anthem; not fitting in, going a different way, not being like the others, walking alone, never satisfied... And surviving :fight:

OH YEAH!!! Good definition of the song, means alot to me too! 

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