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Madonnathon Notes


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Okay, so in honor of M's 60th birthday, I decided to revisit all of her catalogue, from albums to singles to music videos to tours (I just left her filmography out for... reasons), meaning I actually ended up coming across about a billion things I had never seen or hear before.

Did I get everything?

No. I think maybe seven people in the world might have. The amount of stuff she's released, all the remixes, edits, exclusive edits, alternate video versions, etc., means there will ALWAYS be something from her back catalogue I didn't even know existed, even after thoroughly searching through her remixology from three different sources and two different fan forums.

But because I am me and I'm a virgo and I like lists, I kept some notes. Notes which I'll now share with you. Just a reminder that this is my personal opinion and as such, extremely biased.

I'm just gonna put it as the actual file because it is loooooooong.

So here we go, maybe it can spark up a conversation or something:

Madonnathon Notes.pdf

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I will say this one more time. I have never ever been able to rank her work because I feel like everything she has done was the best she could do at the time. And I have always appreciated her talents so putting a studio album over another just because it did not "deliver" is utterly subjective.

Same with the tours, each one of them was conceived at a particular time and their quality always depended on the technology that was available and, of course, affordable by the touring companies. This way, I could not say the Who's That Girl tour is more inferior than the Confessions Tour because the former was a spectacular show for 80's standards and the latter was the best she could do in the 2000s supported by a well produced dance album and a renewed and younger fanbase.

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