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I think she looks awful in many of the amateur home INSTAGRAM videos regarding MDNA.  It's almost as if she's being forced to do this, and she's purposely looking awful and being cheesy to fulfill some obligation. The 80's and 90's Madonna would never resort to this sort of pimping of products. It's borderline embarrassing. 

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I think she looks awful in many of the amateur home INSTAGRAM videos regarding MDNA.  It's almost as if she's being forced to do this, and she's purposely looking awful and being cheesy to fulfill some obligation. The 80's and 90's Madonna would never resort to this sort of pimping of products. It's borderline embarrassing. 


I understand what you say. However I feel like it doesn't bother her to look 'imperfect' in public anymore. She uses IG on a regular basis so, believing she's a normal person like the rest of us, she's got good days and bad days regarding appearance. In a certain way, I like she doesn't use too many filters lately. She's almost 60 and it looks she's embracing her aging.

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I understand what you say. However I feel like it doesn't bother her to look 'imperfect' in public anymore. She uses IG on a regular basis so, believing she's a normal person like the rest of us, she's got good days and bad days regarding appearance. In a certain way, I like she doesn't use too many filters lately. She's almost 60 and it looks she's embracing her aging.

I don't really believe that. If so, she wouldn't go to extreme in getting so many injections and fillers in her face.  She very much is trying to stay young.  Not that I blame her or that I'm bothered by it, but to me, if you're going to promote a skin line, I would think that you would want to look your best.  Sorry, but some of those pics she posted recently (especially with glasses), she looks gawd awful. It has nothing to do with having "good" or "bad days".  We've seen her look pretty frumpy in one pic and then spectacular in the next with pics from the same day.  I don't mind she posts pics of her not looking her best, but again if she is going to try to sell skin care, I can't imagine some of those pics/videos doing her any favors. And I'm sorry (and while it's cute), but using her kids to sell the line is just plain tacky. It's almost like she's purposely making a big joke of it.  This reminds me of Cher when she started doing those infomercials in the mid 90's.  The difference was, Cher was much younger than Madonna is now. She was able to come back from that. Not sure, if Madonna can at this point.  Not that she has anything to prove. And I'm pretty content with the conclusion that Madonna isn't going to have anymore commercial high points in her musical career.  Though, I feel she's making it worse, by making a complete fool of herself on Instagram.  I wish she would pull back. She's losing that mystique she's had in the past.  I've always known she loves the limelight, but seeing her with snapchat filters, etc., is just demeaning to the persona she created!!

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Holy Mother of God!  WOWSERS!!  Just when I can't think I can love her anymore, and she pulls this little number out.  Interesting that she's with Monte.  Makes me wonder if something isn't up, but I won't hold my breath.  That voice. I just would love to have an album with her singing raw like that.  #ICanthelpBUTFallinginlove

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Holy Mother of God! WOWSERS!! Just when I can't think I can love her anymore, and she pulls this little number out. Interesting that she's with Monte. Makes me wonder if something isn't up, but I won't hold my breath. That voice. I just would love to have an album with her singing raw like that. #ICanthelpBUTFallinginlove

There’s just something somber about it. The whole ensemble: hat, dark colors, her looking down while singing. All magical and heartwarming at the same time. And yas Monte!!! 


Love this Madonna. Yay! [emoji24]

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I'm so sad by this. I hope this isn't true. I literally cried when i read this. I'm hoping she can do something to save them.


it's devastating.

then again, slavery has always existed in many shapes and forms (human trafficking). so, i am not really surprised. but definitely upset. nobody should be a victim of slavery.

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Me myself love her giving good face. And attitude. But i'm afraid this ad & other ad's  are not going to do nothing for women buying them. There's so many women that are so jealous of other women being beautiful . hope i didn't say this wrong. She looks awesome. But i think her rich fans are the  only ones going to be buying. I'm scared this is going to do like her perfume did. Not Good.  i just wish she would go back to just  making music & music videos. & posing for magazines. I couldn't go without seeing all the amazing magazine covers. I just wish photo shop was taken out or at least used the least amount that it has to have. that's why most of us love outtakes. 

Look, she's gotta have a period between her music projects.  Why not take on other projects, etc?  It's apparent to me that as she gets older she's going to hook onto anything that may make her some extra cash. Her name alone will sell products, even  if it doesn't become as successful or mainstream as her music.  She's not the only artist who tries to use her name to sell products to the public.  And I agree, this is quite an expensive product, but I'm sure it's a great product as well.  But let's get real here, who else is going to buy it? People with money. Mostly her fans.  If it was "cheap", it probably wouldn't actually be as good as I hear it is supposed to be. Certainly, it's out of my price range.  And if they could get it down to a reasonable price, I would love to try it as well. But, It's just not going to happen.  So again, whether it's a film, beauty product, a book, clothing line, gym, etc., I welcome it.  Without these, we wouldn't see much of her between the albums.  I don't expect her albums are going to be big sellers anymore. She's no longer  appealing to the general public with her music.  Her tours will always have to be padded with a number of old hits for it to keep selling. Other than that, we're going to continue to see a decline in her sales and entertainment.  At the end of the day, I'm just appreciative she's still out there grabbing the limelight at any chance she can get. Because we know it's getting harder and harder every day. Much of what she does is only going to appeal her her fan base.  And if she can make some extra money from those people willing to spend big bucks on her beauty line, more power to her.  I'm just happy she's not dead and still among us, making music, and doing what she wants to do.  Everything from this point on is just the cherry on top for me. I appreciate that we have 35 years of back catalog of great music, tours, and even some cool films even many of them may be stinkers.

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