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11 minutes ago, Danton said:

Why be so rude? I misunderstood myself. I don't find the tattoo unsightly on the contrary, but Madonna, like a saint, has always been careful with her skin, no sun, a countess complexion. She alone was an oxymoron: the embodiment of purity (vegetarian, athletic, pale skin) with a sinful attitude in the spirit of her art. It was this contrast that made her fascinating. But as for 10 years, she started a slow alteration of her physical appearance in an unnatural way (face, butt) and she starts to get tattooed I wonder if this is not a new way to modify her body with the excesses we know her. Here, I wanted to bring an axis of reflection on her perception of her body and the evolution of her relationship with it over the course of her career

Ok, sorry. I get ur point now u r explaining it. Anyway... Her body her rules.

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6 minutes ago, Danton said:

Why be so rude? I misunderstood myself. I don't find the tattoo unsightly on the contrary, but Madonna, like a saint, has always been careful with her skin, no sun, a countess complexion. She alone was an oxymoron: the embodiment of purity (vegetarian, athletic, pale skin) with a sinful attitude in the spirit of her art. It was this contrast that made her fascinating. But as for 10 years, she started a slow alteration of her physical appearance in an unnatural way (face, butt) and she starts to get tattooed I wonder if this is not a new way to modify her body with the excesses we know her. Here, I wanted to bring an axis of reflection on her perception of her body and the evolution of her relationship with it over the course of her career

You seem to be very very comfortable judging other people's bodies and appareance. Madonna does what she wants with hers and so do you. Would you feel comfortable if i started telling you what to do with your body ?  Yes she's a public figure but she does not belong to you or us. Wat you projected onto her is your problem to deal with. Frankly this has to stop. Especially sinc she's a woman. These conversations, here, everywhere, all the time about how women should behave and present themselves really show how it is ingrained in society thatit is normal to judge others. Judge her work. We all are frightened by her face modifications but we shouldn't take it so personally either. And if you loved somebody for her or his body than the problem comes from you. Maybe you are shallow. I mean who does that ? AND, i realized that most people who judge other people's appearance are themselves struggling with body image, fear of getting old or getting fat etc....You are in fact not only projecting your fears on her but also actively perpetrating the very poison that makes you and so many people not feeling good in their own skin and by doing so crating your own poison. We really need to stop doing that. And that goes for all the popstars.

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Personally, I don't like tattoos and frankly I'm scared by needles. But what intrigues me about her tattoo is where she did it. I study medicine and I immediately recognized the radial artery, which is associated with the radial pulse: it's one of the points where you can check the heart rate and you can feel the heart beat. Secondly, it's near her red string, which, according to Kabbalah, wards off misfortune. If we consider these aspects, it doesn't seem to have strange meanings: we can safely assure it's all about her love for her kids. Plus, it is very minimal and discreet, so maybe she didn't do it for shocking people. Anyway, we don't even know if it's temporary or not, perhaps we're discussing about nothing.

Above all, I found it very cute and sweet.

Edited by Loki (see edit history)
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18 minutes ago, Roland Barthes said:

You seem to be very very comfortable judging other people's bodies and appareance. Madonna does what she wants with hers and so do you. Would you feel comfortable if i started telling you what to do with your body ?  Yes she's a public figure but she does not belong to you or us. Wat you projected onto her is your problem to deal with. Frankly this has to stop. Especially sinc she's a woman. These conversations, here, everywhere, all the time about how women should behave and present themselves really show how it is ingrained in society thatit is normal to judge others. Judge her work. We all are frightened by her face modifications but we shouldn't take it so personally either. And if you loved somebody for her or his body than the problem comes from you. Maybe you are shallow. I mean who does that ? AND, i realized that most people who judge other people's appearance are themselves struggling with body image, fear of getting old or getting fat etc....You are in fact not only projecting your fears on her but also actively perpetrating the very poison that makes you and so many people not feeling good in their own skin and by doing so crating your own poison. We really need to stop doing that. And that goes for all the popstars.

In this case I am not judging I am asking questions. Noting her multiple recourse to cosmetic surgery is not insulting her. She is free to do what she wants with her body, her life etc. I'm free to find her less pretty after all of this

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I didn’t know tattoos were that controversial anymore. I guess it depends on the circles you frequent. In the indie rock would and also the restaurant industry which I have been a part of they are super common. In fact it’s almost more unusual not to have one.  I don’t recall anyone saying anything negative about someone having a tattoo in those scenes. 

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That is adorable :luv:

2 hours ago, Danton said:

Why be so rude? I misunderstood myself. I don't find the tattoo unsightly on the contrary, but Madonna, like a saint, has always been careful with her skin, no sun, a countess complexion. She alone was an oxymoron: the embodiment of purity (vegetarian, athletic, pale skin) with a sinful attitude in the spirit of her art. It was this contrast that made her fascinating. But as for 10 years, she started a slow alteration of her physical appearance in an unnatural way (face, butt) and she starts to get tattooed I wonder if this is not a new way to modify her body with the excesses we know her. Here, I wanted to bring an axis of reflection on her perception of her body and the evolution of her relationship with it over the course of her career

She keeps out of the sun for beauty and health reasons just like a lot of people since UV rays are harmful. Not because pale skin means "purity", what kind of nonsense is that? ? Some of you have some very weird ideas ingrained in your brain. Lastly she's been artificially altering her appearance her whole career, did you know she's not actually blonde? Did you see her lips back in 1991? Getting a tattoo for the children she adores (and her fans seem to despise) is not surprising at all. If she ever got a tattoo of course she's gonna get it for the most important thing in her life.

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5 hours ago, Danton said:

Logical continuation of the process of alteration and disrespect for her body. A real Madonna does not get a tattoo. Is it an isolated act or the beginning of a new lubbie which, like the injections, will become invasive? We'll see...

This is the "real Madonna". It's just not the Madonna you wanted her to be. Doesn't make her any less real. 

Maybe this Madonna got tired of the REAL Madonna...the one that was the disciplined, no fun-allowed person from before? She comes across as someone that's actually having fun with her life for a change and resting and enjoying her money for the first time after spending 30 years trying to prove herself and us something. Maybe after decades trying to be the perfect performer, the perfect wife, the perfect mother that won't even allow her kids to watch TV or have a phone she realized she could actually let go a bit and just have fun while raising her family. They are her real pride. So much so that they were her first tattoo as well.

Also...how is this the "not real Madonna" but the one from 2000/2008 living in london, with a british accent, on a macrobiotic diet with a 2 hour gym daily regimen, telling the press her kids don't watch TV cause it's trash and being embarrassed by her past career (sex book, hits etc) was more real?

Yes, she's insecure now, yes she's living with "yes people", her team sucks, her drive isn't there like it used to be, she also doesn't seem to always want to be in our minds like before...but after i wrote this last year i also came to realize something. Does she even have to be all those things now? She doesn't owe us nothing. She seems happy, her kids seem happy and that's all that matters to me as a fan.

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6 hours ago, Danton said:

Logical continuation of the process of alteration and disrespect for her body. A real Madonna does not get a tattoo. Is it an isolated act or the beginning of a new lubbie which, like the injections, will become invasive? We'll see...

This is not an attack, I only want to share what I know about cosmetic surgery and try to explain why she appears this way (I haven't already graduated; if there's a physician here, he/she can be very helpful). First of all, the majority of aesthetics procedures is temporary, they last generally 6-8 months, so if you want the result to last, you have to do it regularly. For implants, you can remove them. Secondly, we have to clarify how injections work: they are obviously different, but all of them are temporary. Generally fillers are about hyaluronic acid (it helps the skin to remain hydratated because it imbibes water, due to the chemical structure) or botulin toxic (it causes the relaxation of the facial muscles, so wrinkles don't appear). But, I repeat, all of these procedures are temporary. Thirdly, we have to analyze the aging process: everyone ages in a different way from others and genes play a fundamental role in this situation: banally, if you have the right genes, your aging process will be good and you won't seem different from how you were in youth. On the other hand, if you have 'bad' genes, you'll seem very different, even if you don't use cosmetic surgery. Above all, the hormonal flux changes radically and it causes weight gain and swelling, especially in face. Finally, we have to consider that, in pictures, lights and poses are very important for the final outcome: it's not uncommon that young people seem strange or ugly in some pictures due to these factors. Now, I'll try to analyze (I can be wrong, don't attack me) our case: I can't deny she used cosmetic surgery, but if I observe her actual pictures and her '90 ones, I still can say she didn't change so much: the face structure is the same, the proportions are the same. So, what changed? Her aspect, due to aging: what we see is not completely the results of multiples surgeries, but the results of aging. If you are not completely persuaded, let's analyze her recent photos without filters and strange lights: she's very similar to how she appeared 20 years ago; she's not puffy and it's easy to see that she didn't destroy her face completely, she's just aged. Obviously mass media are obsessed with youth and they don't know that people can age and change without cosmetic surgery: lots of news about celebrities' bodies are just fake and incorrect only because journalists are ignorant about common physiologic processes and they always blame surgery if they can't understand how people have changed physically through their life: sometimes they're right, sometimes not. We have to accept that people age, this is not a fault. 

Summarizing, I think that she obviously used aesthetic surgery, but also that her body changed indipendently of it and her genes didn't help her. I hope she'll no longer use silly filters or strange lights, she doesn't need them, she's pretty as she is. Less is always more.

I hope I didn't hurt anyone. I just wanted to clarify some aspects. No attack intended.

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Sorry if i was a bit harsh but i'm appalled by how easily we allow ourselves to judge others for the way they chose to present themselves or the choices they make regarding their appearance. It's a very toxic culture we live in. And maybe we should think about what kind of society we want to live in before one day being victims to these judgements ourselves. We should start breaking this insane circle somewhere. It's very offensive, in a way we are telling others to not express themselves the way they chose to do it.  I'm guilty of it too. Because it is cultural, it's everywhere. I sometimes read here very disturbing comments not only about Madonna's appearance but how she maybe should ask us before doing something to her body. Like it or not it's her decision to make. And there's no need to get into philosophical implications about how and why she does what she does but maybe ask ourselves why it bothers us so much, what it triggers in us. And work on it. Because she won't stop, she won't ask any permission and we must deal with it. It's time to detach ourselves from every expectations we have and accept that she's not ours. And she may get pleasure into going overboard to make a point with the grills and unflattering doctored pics on Instagram that make her look weirder than she is because it's a message she sending us : I do as i want. And the more you'll protest the further she will go. 

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 Madonna did nothing wrong. She just simply got a tattoo in honor of her kids. I find that gesture beautiful and sweet. Go Madonna! ❤


And I saw that madame x documentary by the way. Loved it. 

Edited by RebelBeauty (see edit history)
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11 hours ago, Danton said:

Why be so rude? I misunderstood myself. I don't find the tattoo unsightly on the contrary, but Madonna, like a saint, has always been careful with her skin, no sun, a countess complexion. She alone was an oxymoron: the embodiment of purity (vegetarian, athletic, pale skin) with a sinful attitude in the spirit of her art. It was this contrast that made her fascinating. But as for 10 years, she started a slow alteration of her physical appearance in an unnatural way (face, butt) and she starts to get tattooed I wonder if this is not a new way to modify her body with the excesses we know her. Here, I wanted to bring an axis of reflection on her perception of her body and the evolution of her relationship with it over the course of her career

Don't mind people who don't hesitate to hurl swear at others. Just ignore that kind of stupid and ignorant people. I totally understand what are you trying to saying and kind of agree with your opinion. I mean, I don't have any bad feelings about tattooed people. But to be honest One of reason I really did adore Madonna is she didn't tattooed like other average pop star, movie star, and celebrities. What I'm trying to saying is stupid People enjoy to call her as whore But she was so smart so she didn't into drugs, Alcohol, not even one single tattoo and etc.. That's the one of reason I did adore her. But look at her now. She ruined her face and her butt and so.. to be honest I'm not even surprised and disappointed. I just shrug and "huh? well, well, well, good for you.. I guess? As some people always enjoy to says it's your body. To be honest, I don't care anymore" That's the true my feeling right now. It seems like no one care about her right now besides her fans so well she desperately needs that kind of NEWS right now. so she get media attention and if it makes her happy then good for her. To be honest, I don't care anymore. I mean I just did give up when she ruined her beautiful natural butt to horrible and hiedous Donald duck ass. LOL

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personally i don't like tattoos but this one is very cute and understated.


23 hours ago, Roland Barthes said:

You seem to be very very comfortable judging other people's bodies and appareance. Madonna does what she wants with hers and so do you. Would you feel comfortable if i started telling you what to do with your body ?  Yes she's a public figure but she does not belong to you or us. Wat you projected onto her is your problem to deal with. Frankly this has to stop. Especially sinc she's a woman. These conversations, here, everywhere, all the time about how women should behave and present themselves really show how it is ingrained in society thatit is normal to judge others. Judge her work. We all are frightened by her face modifications but we shouldn't take it so personally either. And if you loved somebody for her or his body than the problem comes from you. Maybe you are shallow. I mean who does that ? AND, i realized that most people who judge other people's appearance are themselves struggling with body image, fear of getting old or getting fat etc....You are in fact not only projecting your fears on her but also actively perpetrating the very poison that makes you and so many people not feeling good in their own skin and by doing so crating your own poison. We really need to stop doing that. And that goes for all the popstars.

Madonna has offered her body and her image to the public throughout her career. She played with it. She gave us great times. She was beautiful, ugly, vulgar, stuck, blonde, brunette, redhead, swollen lips, naked.

I neverjudge her, she does what she wants, but for me it is normal for her fans, to talk and discuss (criticize or not) her changes. And it is not in relation to her age. What I find ugly in her, I will find ugly in a younger one. That's only my opinion. Why always brought it down to age or feminism. 

It seems to me that the judgment of appearance is cooler today than it was a few years ago. I mean, we still have a lot of celebrities with different physique and they're not judged for that (Beyoncé, Dua Lipa, billie eilish, Miley Cyrus, Lizzo, Beth Ditto, Cher, Dolly Parton ...), they are all different physically.So....

Madonna can't take a picture of her new fake ass in see-through panties in her bathroom, post the snapshot on the web and expect only positive feedback. And exclaim, my body, my choices. Of course it is, but we are also free to comment on it. Whether positive or negative since it is a public communication ! 

there was no web back then, but when sex came out everyone judged it. Se was young, she was beautiful but everybody talk about it. For good or bad. And it's made for. Now, is she in the same policy when she exposes her duck ass or her distorted (the filter she use) to us on instagram. She is the only one who knows. But I feel no guilt in finding that new ass ugly and missing her face before retouching. 






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