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6 hours ago, Glindathegood said:

I don’t want Madonna associating too closely with any Presidential Administration. I voted for Biden purely to get Trump out,  but Biden is quite conservative  to moderate and mainstream. He opposes Medicare for All. I don’t see him making any major revolutionary or radical changes. 
I like it that she is a bit separate and does her own thing. I was drawn to her because I never fitted in anywhere. I would be disappointed if she became part of the establishment musical or political. 
Why are some people so concerned about other people’s opinions? Why does Madonna have to be popular with the general public for us to justify being a fan?

Why do you care if Biden or Kamala add her to their Spotify lists? Those lists are chosen by their staff and what they think will make them look good. It’s not as though they themselves actually listen to most of those artists..

I used to work in politics. I know how phony it is and how they avoid anything controversial and appeal to the lowest common denominator. Madonna needs to stay away from the lot of them. 


I work in politics (journalism, so close to politics on and off record) and i agree 100% with everything you say. I hated Trump with a passion and it's a good riddance but if have zero expectations from Biden, it's just back to Obama era and since Trump's presidency was such a circus, anything in comparison looks good but that circus helped us from really looking into Obama's heritage and it's not very good. Not everyone who voted for Trump were white nationalists, they hated the Obama administration, not Obama per sey but the team behind the curtains, the same team the Clintons had, corporate whores who were in the game for themselves. The Obama/Clinton/Biden democrats are just soft republicans, just a tiny bit more liberal than republicans but it's just smoke and mirror to hide how they sacrifice any social benefit for the masses. They are fake. 

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6 minutes ago, Roland Barthes said:

I work in politics (journalism, so close to politics on and off record) and i agree 100% with everything you say. I hated Trump with a passion and it's a good riddance but if have zero expectations from Biden, it's just back to Obama era and since Trump's presidency was such a circus, anything in comparison looks good but that circus helped us from really looking into Obama's heritage and it's not very good. Not everyone who voted for Trump were white nationalists, they hated the Obama administration, not Obama per sey but the team behind the curtains, the same team the Clintons had, corporate whores who were in the game for themselves. The Obama/Clinton/Biden democrats are just soft republicans, just a tiny bit more liberal than republicans but it's just smoke and mirror to hide how they sacrifice any social benefit for the masses. They are fake. 

They're definitely not perfect, but can you open your eyes and see where the world is heading? It's not going against environmental protection and immigration. You may think that the democrat administrations take only tiny steps in the right direction, but the republicans are obsessed with taking huge leaps backwards. 

Edited by Jakey (see edit history)
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3 hours ago, Jakey said:

They're definitely not perfect, but can you open your eyes and see where the world is heading? It's not going against environmental protection and immigration. You may think that the democrat administrations take only tiny steps in the right direction, but the republicans are obsessed with taking huge leaps backwards. 

That's what i said it's better than Trump but don't believe the hype either. 

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I’ll be honest, I didn’t even realize yesterday was the inauguration until Sleepy Joe in a chair and President Gaga blew up my feed after lunch. American politics is tiring with our polarized two party system. That’s my two cents as a Gen Z individual. Madame X and American Life have never been more relevant than in these times. Stay strong fellow Rebel Hearts. 

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14 hours ago, gafuller said:

I’ll be honest, I didn’t even realize yesterday was the inauguration until Sleepy Joe in a chair and President Gaga blew up my feed after lunch. American politics is tiring with our polarized two party system. That’s my two cents as a Gen Z individual. Madame X and American Life have never been more relevant than in these times. Stay strong fellow Rebel Hearts. 

It pays off to be properly informed about politics; don’t trust your algorithms on Facebook or Youtube with that. It will only show you the stuff that will mostly suit what you have liked or searched for, so you stay inside your bubble, hence the stark division in our societies, worldwide actually.

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2 hours ago, Mateusz Klimecki said:

I think that this movie needs to be very intresting to get attention. If she ends with "recording LAP" it will be so boooooriiiingg. She needs to show the provocative Erotica and all drama from the early 90's. Movie can end it with "finding ray of light" in Kabbalah and true love in motherhood :P

The story should actually cover everything BC (before Corona). A series on Netflix would have been nice. 
I am really curious about what the screenplay covers. 
Someone said they should have come up with a series similar to „The Crown“. I totally agree

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Yeah, sure, but if we consider a movie for cinemas (just one part, one movie) it's impossible... Everything depends what she want to show, If she wants show only her "rising to the top" then im not here for that. Sorry Madge. It's very hard to figure that out how this movie should end. I think that it's very possible that she will end the story before Erotica, so Madge i'm not here for this. You betta work bi*ch (you're Madonna)

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