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Something important essential part is missing in Madonna's current music videos.

Madame Madonna

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4 hours ago, RUADJAI said:

I agree they are usually edited too fast, but there are the iconic star power moments in there. You just don't see them because it's moving so fast. 


Ill make some gifs. ??‍♀️

To be honest I don't think real problem is they edited too fast. Don't get me wrong I really agree that she is working with horrible directors in nowadays. I mean Do we really have to call them as "director"? sigh. 

But I think that real problem is not edited too fast. real problem is these "directors" are not even know how to shoot.

I also can say some really interesting star power moment. for example her Iconic background video at rebel heart tour.

When she stamp her feet with rage. It was one of iconic and star power moment for me. But it also edited very fast. But I still can notice it. So..


But I'm really interest with what gifs you bring it on.  

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On 2/24/2019 at 7:25 PM, wtg1987 said:

But she didn’t need those cringey dancers in it ? The box footage was great - the problem is she’s just not working with good directors anymore - she can make a great video even with a mediocre song ( Human Nature is a good example of that ) the editing is always gonna be quick in today’s standards - even Jonas Akerlund makes song crap videos with her - Jump anyone ? 

To me her last great videos were Die Another Day and Bedtime Story RIT - elegant and fierce ?

the problem is she’s just not working with good directors anymore -



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I think the moment from the GMAYL video where she gives the camera a direct eye level glare before walking off is one recent example of one of those moments, maybe even if quite a bit more subtle than such a moment would have been in videos from an earlier era....but I don't think she ever lost her star quality.


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46 minutes ago, azrael said:

I think the moment from the GMAYL video where she gives the camera a direct eye level glare before walking off is one recent example of one of those moments, maybe even if quite a bit more subtle than such a moment would have been in videos from an earlier era....but I don't think she ever lost her star quality.



100% agree!

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This scene is the most watchable and Iconic scene from Give me your luvin!!

This scene is everything! 

I mean Madonna doesn't acting like she is stupid young teenage girl at this scene.

She is looking gorgeous, very mature, Sexy as hell, sassy, diva, and acting like silver screen legendary hollywood star!

I totally agree! Her music video needs this kind of scenes more, which Young average pop stars never can pull that off.

I mean there's no need high budget to make this kind of scene. Just staring camera! that's all.

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On 2/24/2019 at 1:25 AM, Salveliz said:

Don't waste your time Frank with this kind of fan, unfortunately Madonna's brazilian fans are the worst in the world, in every topic, in every social media, they complain about everything on her, the image, the age, the releases, the videos, the songs, nothing is good enough to them, I can say this, being brazilian and seeing "this constructive opinions, and with so much sense." In every brazilian page sounds like this.

Just ignore, cause they come to ofend, to make jokes, to laugh about the others, to start fight and is that all.

If you need to say stuff like this do it by pm. We dont gang up on people. Thank you.

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15 hours ago, brazilfan said:

the problem is she’s just not working with good directors anymore -



I was excited about her working with J.A.C.K for Living For Love cos their videos looked minimalistic, sophisticated and thightly edited, but the video came out like her usual videos. Edited way too fast and with low quality footage in between normal shots, and those badly inserted sound effects. I think Madonna probably took over.

Look at their other videos http://www.j-a-c-k.com/, the editing is very elegant and almost no cuts. No low quality footage either. 

On a positive note Ghosttown raised the bar again and with Bitch Im Madonna they were more contemporary and well done, well edited. Maybe she trusted Akerlund more....

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On 2/23/2019 at 10:27 AM, brazilfan said:

Very interesting opinion. Some part I really agree with. especially that Celebration music video. I just even... sigh..

But I really curious about Do you really think that music videos are really irrelevant now?

what I'm trying to saying is if interesting enough to watch then that music videos views goes to easily over billions.

That means young generations are still want to see interesting and great music videos!

Beyonve videos, anyone? Madonna isn't interested


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Ok We all should to go back to this great topic again. :)

I think that one of Madonna's star power came from these kind of close up.

She used to be staring camera directly like this scene.

There's no need big budget but Viewers can feel her star power and be connected with Madonna.

But we can hardly find out these kind of scene from her current music video.

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Image result for madonna cherish music video gif


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1 hour ago, Salveliz said:

I'm brazilian, and I don't need you to remember me about the great brazilian people, I did a comment about some Madonna's brazilian fans, no to my country exactly or about all the nation, sad you don't understand. 

And about insults and disgusting, that you spoken up, I guess you are an expert on this subject.

And I'm not going further with you any longer, I guess I'm giving exactly what you came here for, you want some attention.

I hope you improve the way you treat another people when they have some opinion on your posts, cause you started this all when you were not so kind with the member Frank.

I already told you to stop, the situation was already over. next time you fuel drama you'll get a warning. I'm hiding your posts and the whole discussion since that's not what this thread is about and it's honestly annoying. 

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The shift to quick cuts and scenes not lasting longer than a second has been dreadful. Videos are almost seizure inducing coupled with the bad editing, numerous quality issues and videos not being a priority for her anymore.

Since Hollywood, it's been a mixture of glamour shots, dancing in front of wall and other patterns she frequently uses. RH definitely showed she has the magic (no pun intended) to give us something great this era. Though, I understand some videos being pressed for time or in the middle of a tour schedule.

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On 3/5/2019 at 10:07 AM, thelioncourtheart_ said:

 videos not being a priority for her anymore.

Since Hollywood, it's been a mixture of glamour shots, dancing in front of wall and other patterns she frequently uses.

very well said

And These are the things she must change her minds.


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  • 2 weeks later...

PLAYBOY: You directed some of Madonna’s most stylish videos, such as “Vogue” and “Bad Girl,” the latter depicting the singer as a film noir femme fatale who gets strangled with panty hose. Why do you think that Madonna never translated to the big screen?

FINCHER: Madonna is very crafty. She’s street-smart. The video directors who did the best work with her—romantic, amazing stuff like what Jean-Baptiste Mondino did—were the ones she allowed to take risks and the ones who made videos she would throw herself into. I made commercials to make money, but I did music videos as a kind of film school. I learned that the way to be with Madonna was to follow her impetus, because the artist in a music video is not only the star but also the studio. I could say to Madonna, “I need you to do it again. I need you to stop blinking. I need you to get your fucking chin down. And I need you to be better.” Whether it was Madonna, Brad Pitt or Ben Affleck, I’m well aware that the work got financed because of them. But they needed to know I had to get them off their mark, get them to a place where it might get warm, because there might be friction.


Madonna desperately needs this kind of director. 

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I think the only reason the videos haven’t been as good is because more focus and budget has gone on the tours. But I would t day the videos have been bad by any means!

4 Minutes - Good dance scenes and choreography, good concept. Somewhat forgettable though really.

Give It 2 Me - Basic but it actually works

Celebration - The most basic video she’s ever done. Truly dreadful.

Give Me All Your Luvin - Good, a great choice of director, very colourful and fun but the song was dreadful.

Girl Gone Wild - had some great imagery but seemed a bit low budget.

Turn up the Radio - her boobs are all I really remember

Living for Love - I like the concept but the execution was not very memorable

Ghosttown - was great but imo ruined single handledly by those ugly grills. Was it the end of the world or was she just a homeless person with bunged teeth?

Bitch Im Madonna - was good, good energy, great use of colour and a lot great detail. Probably the best of her recent ones.



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8 hours ago, THE ROSE MIST said:

I think the only reason the videos haven’t been as good is because more focus and budget has gone on the tours. But I would t day the videos have been bad by any means!

4 Minutes - Good dance scenes and choreography, good concept. Somewhat forgettable though really.

Give It 2 Me - Basic but it actually works

Celebration - The most basic video she’s ever done. Truly dreadful.

Give Me All Your Luvin - Good, a great choice of director, very colourful and fun but the song was dreadful.

Girl Gone Wild - had some great imagery but seemed a bit low budget.

Turn up the Radio - her boobs are all I really remember

Living for Love - I like the concept but the execution was not very memorable

Ghosttown - was great but imo ruined single handledly by those ugly grills. Was it the end of the world or was she just a homeless person with bunged teeth?

Bitch Im Madonna - was good, good energy, great use of colour and a lot great detail. Probably the best of her recent ones.



This! :thumbsup:

Very well said!


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I think people forget that music videos were a lot less relevant and lower budget for a period of time (2005-2010) so it’s just not with Madonna that the quality slipped.

She has certainly picked up her game these past few eras and now that videos are bigger than ever it can only improve.

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