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Madame X Tour | Paris


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1 hour ago, Rupert76 said:

I apologize for the delay, but I haven't had time to write before now.
Yes, that's exactly what happened: she fell down at the end of Vogue's performance, when she was going to sit in front of the typewriter.
We have been so afraid for her, and for
few seconds we thought the show was already ended. 

But, as always, Madonna surprised us and continued her show with great professionalism.
It was really struggle to see her in tears on the moment before the Polaroid, sobbing for the pain she felt, while explaining us that she had unimaginable pain and that she would have completed the tour, despite the contrary opinion of the doctors who follow her, even if she had to pay this choice with her own life


1 hour ago, f78k said:

I attended the show yesterday. It was my first and only time seeing Madame X and it was a great experience which, in retrospect, left mixed feelings.

Don't get me wrong, the show is great (although it was the short version starting with Vogue) and it's visually stunning. I saw it from second row which is very close, maybe too close :lol: to really have an overall perception of the whole thing, but it was awesome to be this close. And her voice was very good actually.

The thing is, when you're so close, you see everything... and it's obvious she's in great pain. She's clearly suffering and struggling, both physically and mentally. There is definitely a lot of frustration on her part for not being able to give her all. You can see she is really concerned and careful with every step/move she takes. So, she's not really having fun and doesn't seem really into it. It looks like she just wanna go through it and be done with it as soon as possible... It made the whole thing a bit awkward and strange... Now I'm really concerned for her health and the rest of the tour.

That being said, it was a great experience. Never thought I would ever see her that close. She seems so tiny actually... She sang La Vie En Rose not even 5 metres away from me. That was kinda magical and surreal. I could make eye contact with her on several occasions, which is always impressive (to me at least), especially during the American Life rap...
I really loved and enjoyed the whole Fado section. Frozen was beautiful. Future was meh (I would have preferred to see God Control). I didn't care much for Come Alive as an album track, but the performance was great and made me appreciate it in a new way. I found the ending a bit anticlimactic, but it was ok.

It's still a bit blurry and it's difficult to sum everything up. But that's roughly the way it felt.

I'm really grateful I got to see it but I hope it was not at the expense of her own health :sad:
Hopefully the rest of the Tour will go well but I wouldn't be surprised if it gets cancelled...
The French authorities just took the decision yesterday to forbid and cancel any gathering of more than 5000 people because of the coronavirus (if she was performing in an arena, like Bercy, the show would have been cancelled). If they decide to take more restrictive measures, that could be the premature end of Madame X Tour (and maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing for M's health and wellbeing).


1 hour ago, Krystof said:

I was there 2 rows behind bowler - he was spot on with this - there was obvious concern for her at many points - more lifting and assistance than I’ve seen in any of the previous 6 shows over Lisbon and london

she was in a black bad mood from the start and in very obvious pain and limited movements compared to when I saw her 12th Feb - was heartbreaking and I think this is some of the reason the audience weren’t great - I was row 3 but would agree probably at least until row 5-6 everyone could see the pain and struggle she went through and it was uncomfortable

i have 2 shows Tuesday & Wednesday - she needs to rest and probably cancel more of the shows because this is completely different to the pain people saw in Lisbon (and I had 2 of my Lisbon shows cancelled last minute so can see the difference)

I think the fall on Wednesday During vogue has made her injury much worse...

Thanks so much for your reviews and explaining everything that happened. She's struggling more than ever. I think her fall on Wednesday made her hip injury worse too. It's just so sad. 

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Thought people might appreciate the full part about Germany etc... at the end of the Polaroid, I’ve just done the transcript from my muffled recording from the phone in its yonder case...


“I hope you’re not short changing me?

Good, everything you do comes back to you, you understand that right?”


Someone shouted out about Germany, I couldn’t make out what exactly..


“I heard that you know?

 Every country in every period of time has had at one point a dictator that destroyed other human beings so don’t just fucking beat up on Germany ok?

That’s just bullshit.”


Some more shouting that I couldn’t make out...


“Don’t interrupt me when I’m talking, does everyone want to shut me up when I’m saying something important?”


People again interrupting and shouting out “No” or “I love you Madonna”

She was looking down at the stage at that point obviously very annoyed, she eventually composed herself, got up and said...


“It was very nice to speak to you Olivia, thank you for you’re generosity”

Before walking back to begin American Life....


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Yes, the girl from Germany (Olivia) offered €2500 straight away for the polaroid, and then some other guy tried to outbid her by offering €2550, to which M replied « are you fucking kidding me? » before eventually giving the polaroid to Olivia. 

I couldn’t make out what someone shouted about Germany either, but M got clearly pissed...

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Guest Sonny

This cannot be true.... F**k I spend so much money for nothing.... Even my friend who I convinced to go with me is so upset right now.... 

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15 minutes ago, o_g_c_x said:

She should cancel the remaining dates...


The end of this tour is a disaster... I don't agree with her keeping on doing the show if she's not ok... It's embarrassing now. How many dates were canceled ? Some long time before, some like today or at Lisbon at last minute... If something is wrong, use insurance and cancel the tour... Maybe in late 2020 she does a leg 2 of the tour starting with Europe in better shape.

Why keeping on this show. We have lost Papa don't preach, Sodade, Crave, God control, Dark ballet & Human nature from almost all shows now. This tour will be the cursed one and it would be better to stop definitely and to come back in few month for a real revenge of stage... 

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Guest Sonny

Ticketmaster has not send any notification about that... Seriously this is embarrassing and disrespectful... Just a few hours before the show, here we go again... 

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Guest Nobody Knows Me
31 minutes ago, shakeyerdix said:

She should cancel the end of the tour... 

It's getting so annoying for everyone... 


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17 minutes ago, aprilshack said:

Is this where we will be out of pocket futher as we have to send the tix back to TM France even though we are here?! Lol!

I’m part of tonight’s group so I’ll have to do the form. I got a collectors ticket so do I get to keep it and then apply for the refund (minus fees ??) or do I have to send that back?

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36 minutes ago, Sonny said:

This cannot be true.... F**k I spend so much money for nothing.... Even my friend who I convinced to go with me is so upset right now.... 


1 minute ago, SimonVenekeo said:

I’m part of tonight’s group so I’ll have to do the form. I got a collectors ticket so do I get to keep it and then apply for the refund (minus fees ??) or do I have to send that back?

Think there's an option to keep that collectors ticket..

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11 minutes ago, SimonVenekeo said:

I’m part of tonight’s group so I’ll have to do the form. I got a collectors ticket so do I get to keep it and then apply for the refund (minus fees ??) or do I have to send that back?

I think you have to photocopy & send it off. Wondering how to get a refund if your debit card expired...

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