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Madame X Tour | Paris


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23 minutes ago, Voguerista said:

I'm so sorry for Madonna and everyone  who had tickets for tonight. I think her injuries are even worse now. It's going to harder for her to keep going. The Coronavirus issue has to be worrying her too especially with her kids traveling with her. 

Her injuries are clearly worse.

Even after a 2 day break she does the short version of the show and can't do 2 shows in a row now.

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Guest Sonny

Le Grand Rex has posted on its homepage the same message. Disappointed. So much. 

What are some of you fans here in Paris doing tonight? 

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6 hours ago, Krystof said:

Thought people might appreciate the full part about Germany etc... at the end of the Polaroid, I’ve just done the transcript from my muffled recording from the phone in its yonder case...


“I hope you’re not short changing me?

Good, everything you do comes back to you, you understand that right?”


Someone shouted out about Germany, I couldn’t make out what exactly..


“I heard that you know?

 Every country in every period of time has had at one point a dictator that destroyed other human beings so don’t just fucking beat up on Germany ok?

That’s just bullshit.”


Some more shouting that I couldn’t make out...


“Don’t interrupt me when I’m talking, does everyone want to shut me up when I’m saying something important?”


People again interrupting and shouting out “No” or “I love you Madonna”

She was looking down at the stage at that point obviously very annoyed, she eventually composed herself, got up and said...


“It was very nice to speak to you Olivia, thank you for you’re generosity”

Before walking back to begin American Life....


This is what I don't understand?  Why be so combative at a concert?  It's on both sides here.  Why should someone shout out such negativity and why must Madonna be so defensive about it? What happened with just going to the show and having fun.  Really, I don't get people who go to events like this and are aggressively negative?  Note, I'm not defending Madonna's behavior, but she's obviously in pain and in a bad mood.  Maybe she's better off not speaking to the audience as she's been doing. Go back to just putting on a show.  I cannot imagine having fun at a show like this, and I'm sure the tension is felt by all.

4 hours ago, Sonny said:

Ticketmaster has not send any notification about that... Seriously this is embarrassing and disrespectful... Just a few hours before the show, here we go again... 

Really, I'm sorry your show was cancelled.  Many others are in the same boat.  Though, I don't see anything "embarrassing and disrespectful" being we all know she's in serious pain.  The night before clearly was a precursor of this happening.  Yes, I understand you're upset and disappointed.  You have every right to be, but I'd think a thought about Madonna's health should be considered before we start throwing out that she's being disrespectful.  Besides, she could have cancelled long ago.  And personally, the way things are going, she should just cancel the rest of the shows. No amount of money spent or earned is worth jeopardizing one's health. 

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Guest Sonny

Oh please could people here stop defending her. It's not that she's having those injuries for a few days now. She's canceled shows, modified the setlist, and still she manages to cancel the show a few hours before it started. seriously she should have canceled everything the first time she got injured and fans would have been disappointed yes, but at least could have saved a lot of money and she could have had her rest. Traveling to another country, especially here in Europe with all that is going on because of the virus, riots in Paris, it is DISRESPECTFUL. 

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Guest Nobody Knows Me
2 minutes ago, Sonny said:

Oh please could people here stop defending her. It's not that she's having those injuries for a few days now. She's canceled shows, modified the setlist, and still she manages to cancel the show a few hours before it started. seriously she should have canceled everything the first time she got injured and fans would have been disappointed yes, but at least could have saved a lot of money and she could have had her rest. Traveling to another country, especially here in Europe with all that is going on because of the virus, riots in Paris, it is DISRESPECTFUL. 

Sadly I have to agree. I really wish she’d just let this tour go. 

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7 minutes ago, Sonny said:

Oh please could people here stop defending her. It's not that she's having those injuries for a few days now. She's canceled shows, modified the setlist, and still she manages to cancel the show a few hours before it started. seriously she should have canceled everything the first time she got injured and fans would have been disappointed yes, but at least could have saved a lot of money and she could have had her rest. Traveling to another country, especially here in Europe with all that is going on because of the virus, riots in Paris, it is DISRESPECTFUL. 

Why be so aggressive?  Why not just settle down and try to understand what is really going on here?  Yes, I agree. She knew the injuries were an issue, but she explained she prefer to carry on, and try to put on as many shows as possible.  Why is it so hard to understand that she's trying to do the best she can? If she cancelled sometime back, people would have been upset as well. At least this way, many fans still have a show. 

And pardon me if I'm mistaking, but haven't you been to a show or two already?  I'm sorry if that's not true, it's hard to keep up with what everyone says here.  But keep in mind, some haven't been to one show. 


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6 minutes ago, Sonny said:

Oh please could people here stop defending her. It's not that she's having those injuries for a few days now. She's canceled shows, modified the setlist, and still she manages to cancel the show a few hours before it started. seriously she should have canceled everything the first time she got injured and fans would have been disappointed yes, but at least could have saved a lot of money and she could have had her rest. Traveling to another country, especially here in Europe with all that is going on because of the virus, riots in Paris, it is DISRESPECTFUL. 

Definitely yes !

There comes a time where there are only 2 choices :

Keep the show on, so she suffers as much as possible if it's a choice to keep on.


They cancel totally the end of the tour and they plan a leg 2 at the end of the year with a glorious come back.


This tour is a nightmare at the end...

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Guest Sonny
8 minutes ago, MarXus said:

And pardon me if I'm mistaking, but haven't you been to a show or two already?  I'm sorry if that's not true, it's hard to keep up with what everyone says here.  But keep in mind, some haven't been to one show. 

No that should have been my first Madonna concert ever and unfortunately the only one I had tickets for. 

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3 hours ago, Krystof said:

Thought people might appreciate the full part about Germany etc... at the end of the Polaroid, I’ve just done the transcript from my muffled recording from the phone in its yonder case...

Thank you!  Would be wonderful if you wouldn't mind sharing the recording with everyone when you get a chance. :heart:

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10 minutes ago, Sonny said:

No that should have been my first Madonna concert ever and unfortunately the only one I had tickets for. 

Oh, I'm so sorry.  Again, you have every right to be disappointed and upset.  Just keep things in perspective.  Madonna would not cancel unless she wasn't able to take the stage. The proof is the fact she won't just cancel the rest of the dates.  She is so determined to entertain as many fan as she can.  I just prefer her to think more of her health and just cancel the rest of the tour.  And I agree, she should have cancelled long ago.

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13 minutes ago, Sonny said:

No that should have been my first Madonna concert ever and unfortunately the only one I had tickets for. 

I'm heartbroken for you and can't imagine the disappointment you and your friend are experiencing, especially after spending all of that money. This is so unfair to fans.

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10 minutes ago, stfan97 said:

Thank you!  Would be wonderful if you wouldn't mind sharing the recording with everyone when you get a chance. :heart:

Someone pvt messaged me the same, I have a couple of LONDON shows recorded the same with mixed results honestly, 

It’s pretty bad quality, and need to trim and try and clean them up first - right now these files are 4-5 hours long as set the phone recording way before arrived - but I’ll try and upload them all by the end of the week xx

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1 minute ago, Krystof said:

Someone pvt messaged me the same, I have a couple of LONDON shows recorded the same with mixed results honestly, 

It’s pretty bad quality, and need to trim and try and clean them up first - right now these files are 4-5 hours long as set the phone recording way before arrived - but I’ll try and upload them all by the end of the week xx

Thanks for your efforts!  Would appreciate hearing all the same, as I'm always interested in the little changes from show to show and the banter, even if the quality isn't great.

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1 hour ago, Sonny said:

Oh please could people here stop defending her. It's not that she's having those injuries for a few days now. She's canceled shows, modified the setlist, and still she manages to cancel the show a few hours before it started. seriously she should have canceled everything the first time she got injured and fans would have been disappointed yes, but at least could have saved a lot of money and she could have had her rest. Traveling to another country, especially here in Europe with all that is going on because of the virus, riots in Paris, it is DISRESPECTFUL. 

You are so right...

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31 minutes ago, Ayham said:

Who pulled the chair??? This mistake is unforgivable!!! Poor M!!! She’s already in pain from her knee!!! ?

As I recall from reports it was during Vogue towards the end, the chair either wasn’t there or wasn’t close enough and when she went to sit down she landed right on her ass. 

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29 minutes ago, Ayham said:

Who pulled the chair??? This mistake is unforgivable!!! Poor M!!! She’s already in pain from her knee!!! ?

Honestly though... shit happens. Yes it was a mistake, unforgivable? That is a bit extreme. Of course paying attention is important but everybody makes mistakes. Choreography can get sometimes confusing when it is so repetitive and you’re “in a groove”. Mistakes can happen, I know from experience. I broke my thumb on stage because I was just careless in a performance. So, people make mistakes. I bet whoever grabbed the chair feels terrible, but ultimately I hope M is okay.

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