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Madame X Tour | Paris


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38 minutes ago, nito84bcn said:

They are always the same ones. On of one their profiles I saw something like 'I'm one of her biggest defenders'. 
I ignore them always. 

Look, I'm proud to defend her, but why should i have to explain that at a Madonna fan forum?  We all have our opinions.  In this case, I truly am worried about her health. I'm not defending anything other than the truth. One could always say it's always the same ones who keep criticizing her as well.  At least I'm not making things up out of thin air or assuming she's lying, regarding what's really going on.  I'm sorry that you don't seem to believe Madonna's own words when she's stated several times she's in pain due to several injuries which has been specified to her knee and hip.  Why would she even make that up?  That isn't who Madonna is.  She's a warrior when it comes to touring. She doesn't admit to defeat or pain very often. This is the first tour she's ever really complained about any sort of pains or cancelled because of an on going injury. Unfortunately, to her fault, she's a perfectionist and stubborn.  I can't say that's always a bad thing because it's because of those things, we've got some of the best out of her.

But yes please keep ignoring me, even though you seem to know I'm her biggest defender and go to my profile regularly only to quote me.  LOL!

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Guest Nobody Knows Me

I really do hope that she is okay, and I am worried about her health at this point. However, as I’ve said before, I admire her for being a perfectionist and a warrior, but there are people that will be flying halfway across the world to be told hours before doors are scheduled to open that the show is cancelled, which I don’t think is fair. But what’s done is done and thankfully there’s only three shows left, so I just hope she’ll be able to make it through them and then rest and recover.

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3 minutes ago, Nobody Knows Me said:

I really do hope that she is okay, and I am worried about her health at this point. However, as I’ve said before, I admire her for being a perfectionist and a warrior, but there are people that will be flying halfway across the world to be told hours before doors are scheduled to open that the show is cancelled, which I don’t think is fair. But what’s done is done and thankfully there’s only three shows left, so I just hope she’ll be able to make it through them and then rest and recover.


There's a balance and this comes across as careless and inconsiderate, more so than brave.

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Depending on what France decides regarding the Coronavirus, I would rather she cancel since everybody will be traveling, probability of getting infected and the chance her injuries may flare up badly and it happens before showtime or earlier in the day. It's unfortunate the tour didn't go as planned for her and her injury prevented her from going full throttle as she has done prior but I also understand the fans' frustrations about the travel, loss of money, poor communication at times from her team and other affiliated parties.

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All I can say is that I feel so sorry for all the fans tonight, the fact that they had opened the doors and some fans had already bought merchandise... not even our first Lisbon show had they actually let anyone in before cancelling (was 25 min before doors opened)

I can’t defend what’s happening now, especially after the amazing performances on Tuesday and Wednesday - I’m sure many fans picked up those last few tickets and travelled far to come tonight

Whatever is going on I hope she is ok, and that we aren’t on the edge of something more serious with her health

Its my own opinion that perhaps the pain killers she has been having recently take a little while to kick in, that she leaves it until the last possible minute to take them, and this has left mixed results

i think there are additional factors on top of the excruciating pain and injuries she has, factors we will probably never know about

As someone who travelled to Lisbon and had 2 shows cancelled out of 4 last minute I understand the upset, pain, disappointment and mood of all the fans affected - be strong and if you have travelled try and do something unique in Paris while you still remain there to salvage something positive from the experience - it didn’t make up for the cancellations in Lisbon for us, but by pushing through we came home with Some good memories of the trip to Lisbon in January 

again feel so bad for all affected and hope that Madonna changes the team around her once this is finished to people that know what they are doing rather than just being yes people

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I can't imagine the Coronavirus is going to be a genuine concerns of hers right now... I don't think that would even come into it... if the government have a say and stop the shows fair enough, but let's not pretend she is cancelling concerts because she's worried about Coronavirus because this is the same woman that performed shows in South American cities in 2012 where wild dogs ran around the edge of the stadium and near the stage according to some fans there LOL

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Fans will be upset and disappointed that their show has been cancelled. I understand that! Especially if one has spent a lot a money to travel to see her.  Though, in the end, I'd rather her cancel and possibly lose some fans than see her risk her health further.  With the Corona Virus spreading rapidly, causing panic, maybe it's best the rest of her shows get cancelled as well.  If the French government intervenes, it might be a blessing in disguise for her. I would hate to see she get sick on top of all this, and risk her life over a concert.  No concert is worth anyone's health. 

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This was really unexpected, I thought the last 4 dates were safe after the last two full performances.

1. I believe her injury is real and bad, but I'd love someone with medical knowledge to explain if the pain comes and goes like this, if to do such a performance she gets strong painkillers that she can't use everyday.

2. I honestly don't like her way of "healing" and "resting". Holiday on an island, party, dinner and theatre evening this week. I know many people who are performers and when they are on tour they don't do anything. It's tiring to go out, you rest with slippers and a pajama. She will have 4 years to do other things.

3. It's unbelievable they haven't yet learned how to avoid lastminute cancellation. But they don't care and keep on posting Stories on her IG. After all someone here described how they asked to move their seats cause they had restricted view and when I sent them an email about this they made me feel like I was crazy. They just make money. They open the pop up store and they make money.


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So glad she's putting herself first. Her ongoing injury is much more important than anyone else missing out on a few hours of entertainment. The General Public is treating her like a dancing monkey! Like she isn't a human being that has real challenges sometimes! Poor Madonna. Ridiculous that fans there would be mad right now -- They should be posting best wishes to her on Insta. And re: her Insta stories -- At least she's letting fans see some of the show! Imagine she posted nothing and we didn't even have fan vids to look at because of the phone ban.

Some fans in here are unbelievable -- The couple thousand dollars spent to go see her will be recouped eventually. Work overtime, get a better paying job, whatever it takes to make the money back; but if she were to be going through with your canceled show, she might never be able to perform again. Seriously, imagine losing this icon. You need to be more understanding to her. She's MADONNA.

She's a warrior and will push through this tour at all costs. Can't wait to see what surprises she has in store for the last evening. I hope there's a fan or two in attendance, so that we get reports back! :)

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23 minutes ago, eXtremeOccident said:

So glad she's putting herself first. Her ongoing injury is much more important than anyone else missing out on a few hours of entertainment. The General Public is treating her like a dancing monkey! Like she isn't a human being that has real challenges sometimes! Poor Madonna. Ridiculous that fans there would be mad right now -- They should be posting best wishes to her on Insta. And re: her Insta stories -- At least she's letting fans see some of the show! Imagine she posted nothing and we didn't even have fan vids to look at because of the phone ban.

Some fans in here are unbelievable -- The couple thousand dollars spent to go see her will be recouped eventually. Work overtime, get a better paying job, whatever it takes to make the money back; but if she were to be going through with your canceled show, she might never be able to perform again. Seriously, imagine losing this icon. You need to be more understanding to her. She's MADONNA.

She's a warrior and will push through this tour at all costs. Can't wait to see what surprises she has in store for the last evening. I hope there's a fan or two in attendance, so that we get reports back! :)

Wtf? Some of the money fans have spent won’t be recouped. Should she put her health first? Of course. Don’t you dare tell people to get a better job, work overtime. People on here work hard enough to pay for tix, flights etc. Who do you think you are telling people what they should do? It’s a risk going to gigs and shit happens, but you have no right telling people to get a better job. The fans who have paid money are human and have the right to feel disappointed. As someone who had their show cancelled last weekend I can feel disappointed & empathy at the same time. I won’t be told to get a better job. Go fuck yourself. If I get banned for Saying  that fine. You need to stop looking at life with rose tinted glasses mate. I expect to not being able to log on here in the morning, fine. It’s been nice on here until someone who think we can all get a better job overnight is an acceptable solution to fans loosing money on a trip is an acceptable solution. 


Edited by aprilshack (see edit history)
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