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Madame X Tour | Paris


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The best part when you don't expect much anymore from someone is that you cannot be disappointed. I am not resigned or bitter i just live in peace with the fact that the artist i'm a fan of had an amazing career and that the best is behind. I had the chance to see her live 4 times when she was on top of her game (Drowned world tour, reinvention, Confessions etc...) and i keep only good memories. I don't buy tickets for her tours since 2008. I consider myself a lucid fan now. If she creates another musical masterpiece then great, it's gonna be a bonus and if not then it's ok and i think that is what is most likely to happen. Fact is she gave us so much quality during 3 decades. I stopped trying to force myself thinking her new songs are masterpieces like the stuff she released years ago or comparing them with her past glories, i was torturing myself for nothing and most of all i was fooling myself. I just take them for what they are (in my opinion of course), and i feel peacefull. All these dramas about the tour is really no suprise for me, it flows naturally with what is Madonna at 61, a lady going out with 25 years old boy, releasing average music and having a face full of fillers and huge booty implants. Shocking reality check lol ! Am i still a fan ? Oh yeah and forever. Do i love what she has became ? No, but i love every seconds of the 30 first years. Do i think things will get better ? No, quite the opposite. Do i think it's normal ? In a way yes. If you decide to keep going on and on with your career when you reach a certain age there are strong chances you will lost it and it will go downhill in a not beautiful way. This is a choice, this is her choice. Accept, let it go and feel good.

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10 hours ago, o_g_c_x said:

The one related more with the mind than the body...

I was told from an insider in Paris that the knee injury is not the only reason behind cancellations... 

What a load of bullshit. Let me guess...your "insider" was probably a random employee at the theatre? Or someone else of equal level of employment. 

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4 hours ago, Krystof said:

also believed after this week she would push through unless it was something out of her control - and maybe we will hear more in the coming days - the Instagram Account still posting pics from the show 2 hours ago is beyond ignorant to the feelings of the fans though - I’m sure someone on her team must read the boards across some of the fan sites - when is it going to get through to her team that last minute cancellations really upset fans and the last thing they want to see at this precise moment is amazing photos from a show they will now likely not be able to see..

I agree on most of your points, though except how she chooses to spend her downtime and recovery time is her choice and some of it speculation - we see snippets of her life here and there, behind closed doors I’m sure she is in a lot of physical therapy, muscle conditioning, rest etc too 

she can’t be expected to lock herself in a room until the next day as a way of recovery - you need mental stimulation when you are facing any hard recovery process - I know when I broke bones across the top of my feet 3 years ago that walking far wasn’t possible, painful and ultimately resting was the best policy - but the mind begins to suffer without external stimulation etc.. She has already mentioned the struggle and impact this has had on her mental health last week I believe

Equally having a young flexible hot new Bf (with I assume lots of sex) probably hasnt exactly helped Physically even if it’s done wonders for her emotional state and she seems so happy with him - and had she ditched the heels the moment she started to have problems I’m sure the whole tour would have been a different experience

btw was me about the restricted view seats, I didn’t ask to be moved, I flat out told the ladies that were dealing with the seats (politely) that the view was unacceptable and I couldn’t stay in the seats - that the tickets had been bought in good faith as soon as on sale in June 2019 and Madonna cutting off the view with her curtains meant that they needed to find me alternative seats

every theatre and venue has a block of house seats for such occasions and they are generally well aware of which seats and sections they get complaints from

lisbon the coliseum our first show was meant to be amazing view box seats half way back - except that the 1 upper level box we were in had a massive supporting pillar next to it and meant out of all 20 or so boxes on that level ours and the one opposite were restricted view to the point of being no view - but not stated when bought or on the tickets

we were moved there but was a little more stressful at the time

Paris certainly on the 4th there were a lot of people moved to the seats around us for viewing issues - I get that the stage didn’t fit etc and was a challenge, but that shouldn’t mean paying top price for virtually no view And I’m sorry you experienced that

trouble is it’s not always common knowledge that the venue has spare seats for this purpose (most LONDON theatres even on a full night hold back 6-8 amazing seats specifically as house seats for this purpose and last minute vip customers) depends on who you get to speak to on the night, levels of politeness and firmness, language barriers, staffs moods and ultimately how early you are at the show, for sure all the house seats were allocated an hour before she came on so it can be luck - but if your seats have a genuine issue with the view you should always complain and if the person who showed you to your seat can’t help speak with their supervisor, escalate calmly and politely and stick to your guns that you paid a certain amount of money for a certain experience and you expect that

i know in Lisbon if my other half wasn’t Brazilian, had  lived in Lisbon for 7 years before he moved to london 6 years ago and was fluent in Portuguese it would have been very difficult - and I don’t think ultimately we would have been moved

Honestly in Paris it was very stressful after we saw that the seats were blocked by the curtains on Saturday 29th and subsequently the 3rd and 4th were nerve wracking until resolved 

I hope for her sake she really is looking after herself now there has been another cancellation and For the fans sake she needs to make sure the remaining 3 dates she makes some concrete decisions on sooner rather than later 

Thanks for your reply!

Believe me, I didn't mean that you had a special treatment with your seats moved, I feel bad because I realized the view was so restricted only when the show started abd didn't think about asking to me moved. I saw other people being moved from the upper circle to the stalls. And when I sent a complain they sounded like I was the only one with the problem. I learned my lesson.

As for Madonna's rest, I think she is not forced in bed for months in a small room, so her mental stimulation is not at risk if she stays at home one day with her legs raised and resting. But as I have said already we don't know anything about what happens behind the curtain.

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7 hours ago, aprilshack said:

Maybe but you can’t go around telling people to get better jobs! Seriously?!

Yes.. some people are form poor countries like me ex. ticket cost me 5 times more..... so... but im not bragging cuz i went one night 12th and it was amazing and i touched Madonna <3 

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8 minutes ago, ILOVENY said:

Email from Ticketmaster received 5 minutes ago


Cher Client,


Les portes du VIP lounge pour les Medellin packages sont décalées à 18h


Doors for the Vip Lounge for Medellin packages are delayed at 6.00pm


Thanks for your understanding

Meanning ?

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9 minutes ago, ILOVENY said:

Yesterday show was announced as canceled before 6pm

But in London, for instance, check in for Medellin was at 4 pm.

If people were already in it's hard to say "give me the book back".

If they delay is it because they won't know if the show is confirmed until 6 pm?

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21 minutes ago, Enrico said:

But in London, for instance, check in for Medellin was at 4 pm.

If people were already in it's hard to say "give me the book back".

If they delay is it because they won't know if the show is confirmed until 6 pm?

For the concert on March 3, VIP Medellin check in was moved to 6pm and the concert took place  

For the concert on March 1, VIP Medellin check in was at 4:45, no email from Ticketmaster, and cancellation was announced at Rex Club at 4:50

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7 hours ago, Enrico said:

As for Madonna's rest, I think she is not forced in bed for months in a small room, so her mental stimulation is not at risk if she stays at home one day with her legs raised and resting. But as I have said already we don't know anything about what happens behind the curtain.

Of course, we are only assuming the intensity of her injuries and her pain.  Though, it's safe to say she's suffering pretty bad for her to cancel the way she has lately.  With that in mind, anyone who has suffered from knee and joint pains, knows that the pains aren't constant 24/7.  Some days are worse than others. Some hours are worse than others. It's not as easy as getting up one morning and determining you are not capable of being productive that day. It doesn't work that way. From Madonna's own words, she takes it day by day.  But it doesn't mean just because she wakes up with minor pain that day, that it won't intensify later.  We also have to consider other factors, especially pain medicine, and if she's taking such and if it has kicked in.  With that all said, knee and hip injuries are known to be on-going issues which usually require surgery to correct.  If not surgery, then intense therapy.  It doesn't mean they must sit around with their legs and feet propped up, relaxing.  In fact, sometimes that is worse for the person because anyone who suffered from pain, knows sitting around only makes you more aware of the pain.  Many people with on going pain need stimulation and to do things to keep their mind off it.  Ask almost any one who is active in sports or dancing, who are known to suffer from ailments and pains.  They just can't sit around.  Most need therapy which requires specific movements to work out those troubled areas. 

I bring all this up because you seem to continue to question why she cancels so close to the performance.  First off, that's not always the case.  Even so, many times she may plan to perform that night up to a few hours before show time, depending on her pain intensity.  I get the impression (from her own words), she rather go on than cancel. We know Madonna is taking it day by day, and I suspect she prefers to take the stage than not.  The proof is the fact she's not cancelled the rest of the tour, and she usually hopes to continue on the next show. 

Personally, I do think she probably should have cancelled the tour long ago.  From what we've heard, her doctors advised her as far back as December to do so.  Yes, it's not ideal for those who traveled from afar to have their shows cancelled, but I do believe Madonna prefers to preform than not. She isn't trying to be disrespectful to her fans.  As far as the IG posts, I wouldn't take it so seriously and personal when she's still posting even after a cancellation.  Even if she cancelled the rest of the tour or was at the end of her tour, she (her team) would still be posting images for some time to come.  Most of those images are from the previous show(s) and since they know Madonna isn't cancelling the tour, they are going to continue to promote it.  And as I said, you can bet even whatever happens with these last shows, by the end of the tour, she will still be posting images on her IG account from the shows.  She's still promoting the tour and if there is a DVD planned, those images and videos will continue to be posted. 

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1 hour ago, ILOVENY said:

Email from Ticketmaster received 5 minutes ago


Cher Client,


Les portes du VIP lounge pour les Medellin packages sont décalées à 18h


Doors for the Vip Lounge for Medellin packages are delayed at 6.00pm


Thanks for your understanding

So does this mean there is a potential cancellation again?

I feel sorry for everyone with tickets to these last few shows, but not only am I worried on Madonna and her injuries, cold, etc,  I am even more worried on the Coronavirus and the bigger picture. If I was her, I'd cancel the rest of the show dates for the sake of her and her family, the crew, and fans. So many red flags that it's hard to ignore.  It's just a concert which is what I think @eXtremeOccidentwas trying to elude to. Nothing is worth the risk when she can come back healthy and with a vengeance( if she wants) in a few years when she's healed up (hopefully) and when there isn't a world health crisis like there is currently.  

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1 minute ago, EM said:

Good now you can look for attention outside your forum account

 G. A. L

He was being sarcastic. Much like I was yesterday, which appears to have completely eluded fans here (seriously, go through my post history, as well as refer to the last sentence in my post referring to "1 or 2 fans").

She posted a video of her singing "I'm not your bitch" for Women's Day. There's no apology post.

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8 minutes ago, eXtremeOccident said:

He was being sarcastic. Much like I was yesterday, which appears to have completely eluded fans here (seriously, go through my post history, as well as refer to the last sentence in my post referring to "1 or 2 fans").

She posted a video of her singing "I'm not your bitch" for Women's Day. There's no apology post.

Indeed he s just the first to join the ignore list 

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1 hour ago, eXtremeOccident said:

He was being sarcastic. Much like I was yesterday, which appears to have completely eluded fans here (seriously, go through my post history, as well as refer to the last sentence in my post referring to "1 or 2 fans").

She posted a video of her singing "I'm not your bitch" for Women's Day. There's no apology post.

Hey, don't sweat it.  Some are very passionate with their opinions of Madonna. I get what you were saying, but I guess some took offense to you saying;


The couple thousand dollars spent to go see her will be recouped eventually. Work overtime, get a better paying job, whatever it takes to make the money back

The thing is; many have worked hard for the money they saved to go to her show.  So maybe it's not fair to assume they haven't.  Still, I get what you were getting at in your over all post.  In the end, we need to think more about her welfare and the fact she's still trying to do as many shows as possible to not disappoint as many fans. She could have easily said, "fuck this, I'm done!"  A lot more people would have been out more money if so.   

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1 hour ago, eXtremeOccident said:

He was being sarcastic. Much like I was yesterday, which appears to have completely eluded fans here (seriously, go through my post history, as well as refer to the last sentence in my post referring to "1 or 2 fans").

She posted a video of her singing "I'm not your bitch" for Women's Day. There's no apology post.

Even in Lisbon she didn’t really apologise for the 1st cancellation “Madame x apologised” not madonna

and the second cancellation we never got an apology :( 

even the 4th where she talks about being a masochist it’s Madame x who doesn’t like to disappoint people... especially herself were her words

she has always been and I’m sure will always be an unapologetic bitch - all these lone term fans suddenly expect madonna not to be madonna - she definitely isn’t cancelling to spite us her fans though as many seem to be making out and is trying to get through to the end (else she wouldn’t have showed up just now)

I still think her team are weak and with no one strong to challenge her the cancellations are going up to the wire - rather than someone forcing her to make decisions earlier 

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