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Madame X Tour | Lisbon


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4 minutes ago, Matty said:

I’m so glad the press are picking up on these cancellations especially in the UK and she’s not here yet, she won’t be able to pull this shit with lateness and last min cancellations they will be on her like a shot.

And what good is it going to do? Shame her knee and hip into healing? :)

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I have been the absolute biggest fan of Madonna since Summer of 2005 when my mom bought the Immaculate Collection for my little 12 year old pre-pubescent self...and I have been mesmerized by this woman and her every move since seeing The Confessions Tour in Chicago...

That said, as much as I have adored her for the past 15 years, she's left such a sour taste in my mouth with this era. I never thought the day would come that I would have negative opinions about this woman, but it's like the icon I idolized is all but gone nowadays. She has treated her fans horribly with the handling of these cancellations, no doubt about it.

But on top of that, her insisting that people bid thousands of dollars on her selfies, coming on post-11 PM for years, her almost Michael Jackson-esque persona (I mean, do we remember the story about the Chicago venue staff who had to turn their backs to her every time she was around?), disastrous after disastrous public appearance (Eurovision, Billboard Music Awards 2016, VMAs 2018, etc.), the "cheapening" of a brand built on years of top-notch production and quality, the complete disconnect between what her fans / the public appreciates about her work and what she chooses to present to the world...

Madonna, what is going on? 

"Fingers crossed" you still have a big fan base after Madame X ends. Times are grim when even the most loyal of fans, myself included, seem to be giving up. 

She is going to have to do MEGA damage control with her future era(s) if she wants to retain any semblance of her legacy that she worked so hard to build. She should be revered by the general public as the last standing music icon, because, let's be real, she is a national treasure that we will miss immensely some day. But it's like everyone outside of her hardcore fans have forgotten this and that she has been reduced to a joke nowadays. 

I only hope and pray she comes to her senses and has it in her to have one last big comeback, so that she can cement her legacy and go out on a high note. 

Oh well, it's in Madonna's court at this point. 

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56 minutes ago, Matty said:

No but it’s highlighting how badly she’s treating fans and will in turn ruin her touring brand and her sales in the future

I love this mentality.  Madonna is in pain due to a couple on going physical injuries, and so therefore, she cancels some shows, and she's blamed for "treating fans" badly?  What a silly thing to even say.  Believe me, I understand people's disappointment and frustration especially those who may have traveled afar.  Though, why are we looking at this as a negative anyway?  Shouldn't we as fans be wishing her well, rather placing blame on her for cancelling? 

Sure, it's not ideal.  Sure, it isn't helping her touring reputation, but are you seriously telling me that this tour alone after four decades of touring with a great record, is going to do that much damage to her career?  Seriously?  Come on!  It's not like she's cancelling just because she's tired or doesn't want to do the show. She is still making an effort!  She is still performing on stage, while in pain. 

Maybe she should just cancel the rest of the tour.  But I have a hard time believing this will be acceptable among some as well.  It's just strange how some are turning this around on her as if she's purposely treating fans badly and making this about other things that have nothing to do with the cancellation. For Godsakes, she has an injury!  She's doing the best she can under the circumstances. Nothing is more important than her health.  I don't care how much money people have spent to see her or how far one has traveled.  She obviously feels pressured to keep going. 

How are you going feel if she falls or breaks something if not worse on stage because you and others are so determined for her not to cancel?  What is she supposed to do? Continue going on stage in pain and risk further injury?  I can guarantee that most anyone here if they were enduring the pain she has; wouldn't get out of bed.  Not Madonna; she's still trying to push through it.  


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4 minutes ago, MarXus said:

Sure, it's not ideal.  Sure, it isn't helping her touring reputation, but are you seriously telling me that this tour alone after four decades of touring with a great record, is going to do that much damage to her career?  Seriously?  Come on!  It's not like she's cancelling just because she's tired or doesn't want to do the show. She is still making an effort!  She is still performing on stage, while in pain. 

It's a compound effect. It's not like this is the first time she's had drama on a tour. Her touring reputation has been going south all the way back to MDNA when she started coming on ridiculously late. Ever since then her touring numbers have decreased with every tour, her production budget has clearly been lower, and she is now struggling to even sell out theaters.

Come on, fans are obviously not blaming her for having a knee injury. It's her attitude towards cancellations that further exacerbates a lot of frustrations that have been growing for YEARS now. 

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9 minutes ago, MarXus said:

I love this mentality.  Madonna is in pain due to a couple on going physical injuries, and so therefore, she cancels some shows, and she's blamed for "treating fans" badly?  What a silly thing to even say.  Believe me, I understand people's disappointment and frustration especially those who may have traveled afar.  Though, why are we looking at this as a negative anyway?  Shouldn't we as fans be wishing her well, rather placing blame on her for cancelling? 

Sure, it's not ideal.  Sure, it isn't helping her touring reputation, but are you seriously telling me that this tour alone after four decades of touring with a great record, is going to do that much damage to her career?  Seriously?  Come on!  It's not like she's cancelling just because she's tired or doesn't want to do the show. She is still making an effort!  She is still performing on stage, while in pain. 

Maybe she should just cancel the rest of the tour.  But I have a hard time believing this will be acceptable among some as well.  It's just strange how some are turning this around on her as if she's purposely treating fans badly and making this about other things that have nothing to do with the cancellation. For Godsakes, she has an injury!  She's doing the best she can under the circumstances. Nothing is more important than her health.  I don't care how much money people have spent to see her or how far one has traveled.  She obviously feels pressured to keep going. 

How are you going feel if she falls or breaks something if not worse on stage because you and others are so determined for her not to cancel?  What is she supposed to do? Continue going on stage in pain and risk further injury?  I can guarantee that most anyone here if they were enduring the pain she has; wouldn't get out of bed.  Not Madonna; she's still trying to push through it.  


I completely understand that she is injured and I wouldn’t want her to be in any pain What so ever, sorry but continually cancelling shows at the last minute, giving half arsed apologies ‘hopefully see you Tuesday’. Sorry this isn’t acceptable she is a professional artist start acting like one, stop trying to prove a point and admit that your body can’t take anymore. Also the late starts because she can sorry that is treating fans badly. If you’re happy to accept this from an artist then so be it, but a lot of us now have had enough. 
Also sending her positive vibes isn’t going to cover the thousands of pounds on travel and accommodation, she needs to be honest with us and either cancel the tour completely or rejig the dates cancelling certain dates upfront so that fans aren’t let down and losing more money. 

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1 minute ago, techno101 said:

It's a compound effect. It's not like this is the first time she's had drama on a tour. Her touring reputation has been going south all the way back to MDNA when she started coming on ridiculously late. Ever since then her touring numbers have decreased with every tour, her production budget has clearly been lower, and she is now struggling to even sell out theaters.

Come on, fans are obviously not blaming her for having a knee injury. It's her attitude towards cancellations that further exacerbates a lot of frustrations that have been growing for YEARS now. 

Totally agree she is going to have major trouble if she keeps treating her hardcore fans this way (which face it, are who are left) when she made a total mess of this whole tour situation to begin with, from the scamming ticket lottery misrepresenting artificial scarcity, to the ridiculous start times (11pm+ is a huge difference vs. RHT's 9-9:30pm) causing transportation and other issues, to forcing people to travel to select cities to see her, and now endless last minute cancellations.  People can understand and at least attempt to recoup some costs if she cancels IN ADVANCE instead of her flippant attitude of "oh well, I did the best I could, but whatever happens happens" that she gives off in her Instagrams these days.  I get that she's injured but she's playing the victim more than ever this era, which is really offputting, when she could show her biggest, long-term supporters an ounce of respect instead of trying to play the martyr.

She's first and foremost a musical artist, and there's nothing wrong with her voice.  There's no point in going on about artistic integrity, which is NOT more important to her legacy and remaining touring reputation with anyone than respecting her fans' support and sacrifices by SINGING, at the very least.  If she isn't going to cancel in advance if she can't dance AND if she isn't going to sit and sing and honor her fans' expenditures there's no excuse.

That said, I'll always support her, and I'm fortunate to have the privilege of making that choice.  But I understand the sacrifices and ridiculousness are too much for many, and I don't blame them at all for feeling they won't any more.

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2 minutes ago, techno101 said:

It's a compound effect. It's not like this is the first time she's had drama on a tour. Her touring reputation has been going south all the way back to MDNA when she started coming on ridiculously late. Ever since then her touring numbers have decreased with every tour, her production budget has clearly been lower, and she is now struggling to even sell out theaters.

Come on, fans are obviously not blaming her for having a knee injury. It's her attitude towards cancellations that further exacerbates a lot of frustrations that have been growing for YEARS now. 

I didn't say fans were blaming her for having a knee injury.  Read again!  What is happening is; fans are blaming her for treating them badly because she is cancelling over an injury.  Big difference. Some are getting majorly upset because she's cancelling and then they try to mix up the issue by inserting things that have nothing to do with the tour cancellation to demise her touring history.

Yes, she has gotten a reputation in arriving late on stage, and no one more than me was very vocal about that.  Though, most everyone even at the start of MX tour saw it as a non-issue.  It didn't stop people from going.   

You're embellishing that she's "struggling to even sell out theaters".  This is just not true. 

Her "attitude towards cancellations"?  She's apologized.  What else should she do?  Before social media, you can bet there would just be a press announcement and that's it.  It's like some fans want her to spell it out to them in a long drawn out apology.  And it's not like she's making it a secret about her injury. She speaks of it constantly. 

Again, I get the frustration and disappointment for those who had tickets to those shows cancelled, but in a few months this will be forgotten.  Her next tour will do just fine. 


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20 minutes ago, TonyMontana said:

Can someone tells me exactly how many time before the show they announced it was cancelled ? I'm having a kind of argument with someone on facebook right now lol. The press says 45 min before the show but a guy says they announced it two hours before the show (at 7.30). What is true ?

The official email was received at 19:50 by a friend of mine.

Fans were either queuing already or on their way to the venue. Doors opened at 20:30.

Edited by Prayer (see edit history)
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I think last minute cancellation only happened yesterday and for Miami's last night.

Isn't tomorrow show supposed to be filmed again? Someone said the full show wasn't filmed on the first two nights. So for those who say she should cancel cause we'll get the dvd anyway, I wouldn't be so sure:

First, please respect those of us who are dealing with cancellations, booking, refunds etc.

Second, if the tour is postponed or cancelled, we might see the release of the dvd together with BAT dvd: never!

London Palladium is booked until September, maybe more, for the Joseph musical production. No postponing at least for London, not for now at least.

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I understand that the ones who were in front of the doors were really disapointed.


I don't see disrespect from Madonna. I think she really wants to show us her show no matter the pain she could have. 

I think she wants to do every show and is preparing herself everyday but she has to cancel some dates when her body couldn't handle  the pain. And she can't know in advance if her body could handle it or not...

She won't cancel the tour but she will cancel some dates when her body couldn't handle the show.

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I truly think that when she had that break and rest as per "Dr.'s order", she should have done just that and actually rested! Instead, she went on vacation, showed us her dancing on NYE and all of those and any other activities should have been avoided. Upon realization that she was still injured, Guy or someone who cares for her should have recommended a rescheduling of all the remaining 2020 dates for later in the spring.  I have been a staunch Madonna fan since Age 7, and nothing thrills me more than a live Madonna performance or tour.   Having been to her past 4 tours, I can honestly say that I am happy that I didn't decide to spend an exorbitant amount of cash for this tour that will be remembered with a lot of frustration and anger. Her decision to skip Canada entirely was also a big factor in that decision.  
Having said that, I still L-U-V her and wish her good health and happiness always! I hope one day she will make this up with an out-of-this-world touring experience for ALL of her fans. 


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19 minutes ago, boytoy77 said:

I truly think that when she had that break and rest as per "Dr.'s order", she should have done just that and actually rested! Instead, she went on vacation, showed us her dancing on NYE and all of those and any other activities should have been avoided.

We don't even know what she did there. This dance is just a video of her and could be the only dance move she has done there.

How can you blame her for going on vacation during her holiday break ? She was there with her family, friends and sea sex & sun. The best way to heal !

18 minutes ago, felipe929 said:

Maybe she would've been willing to perform despite the pain, but at the last minute some doctor could have advised her not to.


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