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Madame X Tour | London


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9 minutes ago, madenis said:


BTW, according to her message, it seems that the next (and last ?) cancellation will be the 25/02 in Paris. What do you think ?

Of course there will be many much cancellations... maybe tomorrow.

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6 hours ago, kesiak said:

Yup and you can clearly hear it on the audio recordings. This conversation however, which seems to come back everytime she hits the road is just so dull. If someone can't allow themselves to enjoy a show because there's a backing track here and there then I suppose it's their prerogative. But it's bewildering in case of Madonna especially, since backing tracks were used on her live shows as far back as The Virgin Tour. That's 35 years folks, time to let that one go. I also don't know how much of it stems from a genuine love of live music and how much is a form of internalised Madonnaphobia - trying to find flaws and things to criticise her for before the general public or press does it for us. I saw Dolly Parton a few years back and even she lipped half of her show (and I mean lipped, not just sang over a backing track). It still was great and she's still a fucking legend. Who cares? Yawn. :)

Take a screenshot and read it again every time Madonna leaves 'Tour'
finally a coherent and forceful response

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1 hour ago, Kieran said:

Pleeeeeease don’t cut the opening section from the show Permanently ? I will forever be a tortured soul when I think about this tour in the future if I see the show with it cut! I genuinely think I would rather a cancellation than the cut...

hey, I didn't get to see Girl Gone World live and here I am, safe and sound:Madonna038:

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3 hours ago, scion said:

I must admit, there is no better Madonna experience than watching the WTGT with virtual surround on a 5.1 system and playing it loudly. Peak Madonna right there. 

alternatively the deal 5.1 mix of GS is superb, I just find most of the concert excruciatingly boring besides JML.

You forgot to mention that Erotica from GS is one of her great legendary intros.

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9 minutes ago, madgefan said:


What do you think about THE RAVE REVIEWS the show is getting from the British press?

The opinion of critics are completely irrelevant to my own take on things, because this is an entertainment product, so the amount of entertainment I get is what matters most to me, not how high critics scored it.

Also, she didn’t cut the opening of the show or come 45 mins late when the press was there on the opening night in London, so I don’t see how any of this is relevant to my original point which is that no one has to die or lose sleep or get depressed or suicidal, for them to be allowed to complain. 

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14 minutes ago, madgefan said:


Predictable answer :coffee: 

I should stop expecting positive feedback from people who only log in the board to slag Madonna off. You'd be extremely happy if the press was tearing her to shreds, wouldn't you?

No one is slagging her off by saying that they didn’t like the fact that the show opener and one of the most loved tracks by the fans was cut off from the show. I don’t care what the press has to say about her, negative or positive. Like I said, my concern is how I experience something not how others do. Also, the press did not evaluate the same version of the show that I did, so that makes their evaluation even more irrelevant to me.

I did enjoy the rest of the show and my comment was about you making it sound like things have to be a matter of life and death or sickness for them to be worth talking about. It wasn’t a review of the show. But whether it was time constraints (which is the most likely case due to the UK curfew) or injury, the covers, the Polaroid and the other talk sections could’ve been cut off instead of the show’s opener, especially when she spoke of never compromising her show’s integrity no matter what, just few days ago. But integrity seems to apply only when it’s convenient to her.

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42 minutes ago, Matty said:

Apparently full show tonight whoop whoop

Awesome! You know, I’m not a fan of Madame X, but even with the bad press, cancellations, injury... I’d still want to see her live. Just to be in the same room with her, the rush alone makes everything wild. So happy for her that it’s a full house.

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