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Madame X Tour | London


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6 minutes ago, mirtillo said:

Only 3 songs cut?!

1 Intro

2 god control

3 dark ballet

4 human nature

5 express yourself / speech

6 papa don't preach / speech

7 sodade (missing intro on welcome to my fado club too)

8 crave


She’s performing welcome into My fado club

and please express Yourself is just the chorus in acapella :lol:

and papa don’t Preach was just for America 

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I recorded both London nights but I don’t think the recording is very good it keeps dipping in sound for some reason and I had my phone kept on the floor pointing up. Anyway when I get back home and sorted I will see if @Fightercould maybe rescue them please and we will share here. Thank you @Enricofor recording last nights hopefully yours is better than mine 

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7 minutes ago, Matty said:

I recorded both London nights but I don’t think the recording is very good it keeps dipping in sound for some reason and I had my phone kept on the floor pointing up. Anyway when I get back home and sorted I will see if @Fightercould maybe rescue them please and we will share here. Thank you @Enricofor recording last nights hopefully yours is better than mine 

Thanks a lot @Mattyu guys are amazing for doing it <3

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1 Intro - doesn't count as a song. 

2 god control - cut

3 dark ballet - cut 

4 human nature - cut

5 express yourself / speech - doesn't count, acapella blast one verse & chorus that she still sometimes does during the Polaroid section

6 papa don't preach / speech - was a quick verse and chorus blast purely for America in response to the pro-choice debates. Never performed in Europe

7 sodade (missing intro on welcome to my fado club too) - Was cut half way through America, and only performed in Lisbon twice. Never part of the London setlist.

8 crave - only performed in Lisbon twice. Never part of the London setlist.

Edited by andifeel (see edit history)
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9 hours ago, Enrico said:

My provocative questions to Kevin Antunes during the backstage tour and his politically correct answers:

1. You rehearsed many songs, we saw it on IG, why was Easy Ride rejected?

= We always rehearse many songs but it's difficult to create a setlist, for instance Rescue me in full wasn't working when placed inside the show, too long.

2. Why don't you do surprise songs like in RHT? The fado section would be perfect for that.

= The musicians are always changing positions backstage and onstage and it would be difficult. Also, we don't have a drummer.

3. You don't have a bass player either!

= I play the bass (plays samples on keyboards)

He played for us Vogue, the typewriter, the TOAC sounds and also the bass line of the Into the groove remix, saying he would have loved to do that.


Great questions!

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2 hours ago, andifeel said:

1 introduzione - non conta come una canzone. 

2 controllo dio - taglio

3 balletto scuro - taglio 

4 natura umana - tagliata

5 esprimi te stesso / discorso - non conta, Acapella lancia un verso e coro che a volte fa ancora durante la sezione Polaroid

6 papa non predica / parla - è stato un verso rapido e un'esplosione di coro puramente per l'America in risposta ai dibattiti a favore della scelta. Mai esibito in Europa

7 sodade (mancante introduzione al benvenuto anche nel mio club di fado) - È stato tagliato a metà strada attraverso l'America, e si è esibito solo a Lisbona due volte. Mai parte della setlist di Londra.

8 crave - eseguito solo a Lisbona due volte. Mai parte della setlist di Londra.

bla bla bla

missing 3 and sometimes 8 songs from the original set list. OK?!

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So a few more thoughts about Wednesday’s show.   

The warm up band which are part of the main show band are incredible, definitely worth seeing.  I’d love her to work with them after the tour for a few shows of her back catalogue performed just with those four musicians 

For anyone going to future London shows, you’ll need to be in your seat for 8.00 to catch them.  We got to the venue around 7.20 and were in our seats before 8.00 which includes time spent queuing for merchandise and a pre-show pee.  

The show is incredible, I loved how imaginative it was and the way different moods were created just with lighting, projections and moveable staircases    The way the projections incorporated the walls and ceiling of the theatre and not just the stage was really impressive  

The audience and atmosphere were top notch, it seems the people moaning about the late start are mostly people who weren’t there.

i can’t wait for next Wednesday which will be my second show, provided M doesn’t cancel.




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45 minutes ago, madgefan said:

I am so fucking anxious. My flights depart tomorrow morning so I expect to be in the UK on Sunday morning :Madonna023:

I will be celebrating 20 years of fandom and 10 years of fucking waiting to get my ass there :Madonna001:

So excited for you and everyone! Yayyyy have fun and travel safe!!

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