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Madame X Tour | New York City


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7 minutes ago, ron92 said:

Maybe some of you forgot who she was when she was young... money was always part of the game, and not only for Madonna, for any artist in this business. 

Maybe I've noticed it more since shes become more preachy and sorry I'm not going on a Madonna bashing mission the selfie bidding just feels a bit wrong especially when fans are paying a hell of a lot for a ticket it would just be nice if something is given back to us as a reward for supporting her for all of theses years.

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30 minutes ago, Danton said:

it should be a free selfy with a fan rather than a polaroid of her. this racket is pretty appalling

she could sell a selfie polaroid with a fan and maybe even sign it ? but honestly im not jealous or pressed about the whole polaroid thing or the ticket prices and all of it. it is what it is. if youre rich lucky you ? i just want a good dvd hopefully :/

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I would like to know when it was cheap to be a madonna fan?  When she had no items that cost fortunes?  When did people with money not benefit buying rare items and the best seats at shows? Always was that way! 

And I don't think selling the photo is related to making money. It's the character she's using. The mocking, restless and talkative way that puts and knows the value it has. When she chose to do a show at a theater, she also chose to be able to literally shake a fan's hand and make a deal. It more about that fantasy of Madame X. 

I, in particular, can't afford to pay $ 1,000 for a polaroid selfie. But if I had, I would pay. And I know you all too.

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I wouldn't want that selfie - she could at least take a picture together with the buyer, that would make much more sense. But I'd love to be interviewed like Jenny and Israel. Although I know it will never happened. You need to be seated on first row.



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40 minutes ago, Enrico said:

I wouldn't want that selfie - she could at least take a picture together with the buyer, that would make much more sense. But I'd love to be interviewed like Jenny and Israel. Although I know it will never happened. You need to be seated on first row.



isn't necessary to be seated on first row. At this video she posted you can see people are able to walk until the stage....  (but of course, you should be on the orch... ) 


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Yes it's part of the show but I do not understand why she strives to always be considered as a bitch who likes money. Why are places so expensive ? Why isn't she generous with her fans ? Why not sing Rescue Me to please ... that's it. Why does she never do anything for the pure pleasure of her fans? Why does she love being so unloved?

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Girl bye

The show was really bad. I was bored the whole time. She doesn’t sing live. She doesn’t dance.  If y’all call jumping and moving left to right the whole time dancing y’all dont know what dance is. She can’t act. Her jokes are painfully bad. So what is you giving us M? I though this was a concert? Y’all wanna call everything art and amazing. R y’all that tired and through? At least Cher is sweating for them coins so dont be coming with the age stuff. And no frozen was also boring. She just stands there and lip-syncs. It’s just lola on the big screen doing what her mammy needed to be doing. 

And dont be coming with that bullit ‘if you dont like it dont buy it’. How the f was i suppose to know the show is this tired and through? This whole era is tired and through. The album is a duplicate of nelly furtado’s folklore album and y’all know that was two decades ago. So she two decades delayed. And we all know martha graham didn’t name her madame x. Thats a lie just like her 35 dollar story. Child boo. Yall need stop believing these lies.

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Sorry its a little late, Here's my fan review of Madonna's Madame X tour.,


Sorry its a little late, but here's my fan review! Sept 21st in Brooklyn. FROZEN. FUCKIN FROZEN. DEAD. BURY ME. (more on that later) What an insane 48 hours. Friday night we were home having dinner, I randomly checked my email to find that I won the Icon selfie X contest!, So in a hurried insane rush, we made arrangements & packed our bags! Saturday afternoon we drove up to New York, (5 hours) had time to change clothes, and then uber'd to the Brooklyn Academy of Music, where we made our way to the "Madonna's Friends & Family' guest check in. Apparently, I'm Madonna's friend now! HAHA, They handed us our tickets & I nearly fell over, I thought for sure we'd be in the nosebleed seats up in the rafters, but no. I won 2 orchestra seats in row K, kinda centered, but a little bit off to the side. It’s considered limited view by the venue, but my view was not at all limited and I had a great view of the stage. However had we been 2 rows closer, or 2 seats to the right, we would not have seen anything, we would have been under the lowest balcony box which blocks everything, we were very lucky. Every time she came to the edge of the stage we could actually smell her. She smells like the most amazing roses you've ever smelled. i'm guessing it was MDNASkin rose mist spray, but IDK

Overall the show was really fun, I just kept thinking how very weird it was. I've seen every Madonna show (except the Girlie Show) since the Blond Ambition tour. I really didnt know what to expect, I thought maybe a big Madonna production, just in a smaller space. but no. It was definitely NOT anything like shes ever done, it was small. very small. everything was scaled down for the theater, the songs, the sets, the production, all small. Which felt weird to me, a Madonna show is always a huge spectacle, with shogun warriors, flying ninjas, 50 person drum lines being lowered from the ceiling as they playing, Madonna being raised up on a massive alter under a 100 foot crucifix, troupes of dancers doing huge choreographed numbers, massive stages with countless moving parts, you get the picture. This show is wonderful, but just weird. The stage was basically a few moving staircases, and some other props that were repurposed for each segment of the show. It worked, and was visually stunning. just super small. Think of it as Madame X The Musical. Not a Madonna concert. Which also made for some grey area with fans, Is this a Madonna concert, or is this a theater show? do you sit or do you stand? She's tried to mash her usual concert with performance art and theater and it's confusing. The show needs to decide if it’s a concert, or if it’s a theater show, it’s kind of stuck in between, half the crowd was annoyed at the people sitting and the other half was annoyed at the people standing. Our audience looked like a whack a mole game. Not to mention, it wasn't a flat floor like at a regular concert, the floor is sloped at a deep angle facing down the stage, so standing for 5+ hours on an incline killed our feet! if you're going to the show, seriously, wear comfy shoes!

Naturally Madonna went on over 2 hours late, which if you've been to see her, you know this is normal. "Greatness requires lateness" she says, " Sorry I was late, it wont happen again, *wink Wink* The nice part about this & being a phone free zone, we had a chance to have a few cocktails (albeit insanely small & overpriced) and mingle with the crowd. we ran into some friends we haven seen for years, so the late start gave us a chance to catch up, People I hadn't seen since the confessions tour in Los Angeles, Some friends I made during rebel heart tour, and a few members of my extended 'Madonna faMily' So great seeing all of them! Seeing the faM is one of the best parts of a M show!

Also saw some familiar faces that made no effort to say hello or engage with us, which I thought was strange but that always seems to happen among fans at any M event. Regardless of how many times you've met or how much time you've spent together during past tours. Unfortunately there are a handful of crazy fans who don’t go to the shows to see Madonna, they go to the shows so Madonna can see THEM. They're loud, they're rude, the heckling doesn't get them anywhere but made to look stupid and it annoys the rest of the audience. There were also fans who shoved their way to the front into seats they had no business being in. At a normal concert venue, its kind of expected, but this is a theater with assigned seats & no wiggle room. You are crowding the people that paid good money for their spot up front. If I had bought tickets, I'd been pissed , Its insanely easy to get floor passes to this show, we were given blank tickets just by asking. BLANK TICKETS lol, we literally just asked the usher & without even batting an eye he just gave them to us, so we had our paper tickets for our actual seats, and blank ones that we could have wrote in any seat we wanted, regardless if someone else was already in that seat. We could have used it to pass the guards & squish our way into the front. So very very easy. PSA : Don't be one of those fans. Its not cool, you're an ahole.

so now the show, when I first saw the setlist online, honestly I was disappointed. but when I actually saw the show, I understood what she was going for. On paper, the setlist looked really underwhelming but after seeing it & experiencing it live, it really elevates the Madame X album. One of the best parts about the show was her singing voice, leaps & bounds better than shes ever sounded. sometimes, live, she goes off key, sometimes she even screeches & caterwauls, (Humane Nature, S&S tour...) but this was not that. every single note she sang was on point & amazing. she blew the roof off that theater, shes never sounded so good, like ever. I was amazed at her singing. I'm really looking forward to a live album release of the show after its over. She was also hilarious. She's always had a sharp sense of humor, but she went balls out and was legit FUNNY! She had me cracking TF up every time she spoke. "What do you call a man with a small penis?... You fucking don't! I would never call a man with a small penis!" Then she told us without our phones, she can see our faces and look into our eyes, and our eyes after all, are the window to the soul. But, she said, theres also another important window, then she opened her legs & Mozart started playing from her pussy, because shes "a classy bitch" She was firing off hysterical one liners throughout the entire show, She came down into the audience and I cant remember the guys name but she sat on his lap & after asking if his beer had any backwash in it or if he had herpes, she stole it & started swigging it. She asked him his name, I dont remember what it was, but it was very uncommon like Ezekiel or something, and Madonna asked his name and after he said it, she sighed loudly and goes "Ezekiel, god, you're like the 10th Ezekiel I've met this month!" LOL and then she addressed my friend Marci, M asked what she did for a living, Marci gave her a long winded answer, and Madonna said, "I dont know what that is, Get a job Marci" HAHAHAHAHAHA She was throwin out brilliant wise cracks all night, I wish I could remember them all.

The show started out with a James Balwin quote typed out on a huge screen, "Art is here to prove that all safety is an illusion…Artists are here to disturb the peace.” which I am considering adding to my madonna tattoo, Then kicked off with what I thought was the biggest production of the night, God Control. the set, the dancers, the the visuals were all amazing, Vogue had simple staging, but got everyone up and dancing, she had male & female dancers all in the same simple 'secret agent' costume she was wearing, side note, it may also be our Halloween costume this year... I Dont Search, was when things started getting weird for me, LOVED the performance, but it was such a minimal production that it was just weird for me to see her like that. She just disappears into a little box that spun around and then she popped out the back like a jack in the box. 'HA! you found me!' It seemed amateurish or maybe low budget, not sure how to describe it. Papa Don't Preach was way too short, she should have sang the full song, When she changed the lyric to "I'm NOT gonna keep my baby" everyone screamed & applauded, it was followed by an impassioned speech about women rights, the 9 states where RvW is being overturned, and the importance of voting. Then she screamed 'fuck the Patriarchy' to end the song, it was great. Human Nature had her daughters promoting #TimesUp & #MeToo, great way to revamp the songs meaning.

Batuka was cool, its one of my least favorite album tracks, but live was really powerful, i was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. Then the show changed for the next segment, new set dressings & costumes for the Portuguese themed section, my favorite set design by far, I even mentioned to my boyfriend that I wanted a courtyard like that in our next house, it was stunning, blue & white tiled walls, wrought iron railings with beautiful stone alcoves hidden underneath, she very much created what you'd think a cozy little corner of Lisbon would look like. I'm not a fan of the Fado style of music, the Portuguese song kind lost my interest, I see why she loves it & I love the influence on the album, but it was kinda boring live. Killers is another album track that is one of my least favorites, but the live version was insane, she nailed every note, and the music was so much more meaningful, I absolutely loved it. Then came Crazy, which has been stuck in my head ever since the show, if she puts out a radio single from the album, it should be Crazy, *Sidenote * After the lyric, I bend my knees for you Like A Prayer, she pauses for audience applause, just know its coming & oblige her with thunderous ovation lol, Also my boyfriend made a great point, she should have changed the lyric to “ I bend my knees for you, like a prayer. My god you can take me there” better, right??? Anyway then we had more 'Welcome to My Fado Club' which kinda lost my interest again, until La Isla Bonita popped up, and should have been sang in full, not just the little snip she threw in. Then she did a random Portuguese song called Sodade. She sang the shit out of it, really really beautifully done, however it was a lull in the show, I could have done without it, actually this entire section kinda had issues with it's pacing and length. It was boring & needs a little tweaking. I would have cut it back significantly. For a 'Madonna concert' it didn't really work, but as a sit down theater show, it would have worked better, what I said at the beginning, if you go to the show, go expecting Madame X : The Musical. Not a Madonna concert. Luckily she amped things way way up with Medellin, it was a surprise highlight for me, I've always liked the song, but never loved it until seeing this, the performance was so much fun, she had a conga line of cha cha dancers all over the stage & thru the crowd, and even just a video projection, seeing Maluma really made this a showstopper. #SlowDownPapi! LOVED IT. It brought the sleepy crowd back to its feet. Then we got Extreme Occident, which on the album I always thought it was kind of a turd, but live, it was just spectacular. the set list that I thought would be a total snooze, really delivered. Trust our mother queen! until the next interlude... LOL dangling the spoken word parts of Rescue Me in from of us like a carrot we know we'll never get was just cruel & unusual punishment. It kinda made me mad & I wasn't able to focus on the OA style performance that was going on. Do Rescue Me properly, or don't do it at all. Maybe at some point during the tour, Rescue Me will be given a full performance, time will tell....

I quickly got over my Rescue Me funk when FROZEN started. Hands down one of the best performances of any song of Madonna's entire career. For long time fans who have been on this ride since the beginning of her career it was a full circle moment. A video of Lourdes plays though a semi translucent screen where Madonna dances and sings with the video projection. It has to be seen in person, no description could ever do it justice. It's absolutely brilliantly phenomenal. I got chills, and it brought me to tears. I honestly cannot say it enough or describe how moving & powerful it was. Not only through the obvious meaning of the songs lyrics & Lola's powerful performance, but it also brought back memories of when Madonna announced to the world she was pregnant, when MTV had a news ticker on the bottom of the screen for days following every minute, celeb videos of well wishes and an outpouring of love & support for her, which in the 90's we didn't see much of. The entire journey of her birth, and seeing her grow up with Madonna as a mom was brilliantly expressed in this mother/daughter performance, it was perfection.

Then we got Come Alive which I hate the song on the album and hated it live, lol sorry. NEXT...Future & Crave, 2 of my favorites on the album, We got to see Madonna play the piano, which I've never seen before, had no idea she could even play the piano, so that was an awesome surprise, and then Crave was remixed into a disco track, it was so so fun, the costumes & choreography seemed thrown together and were kinda lame, feather boas & party city disco costumes, ugh. but the remix made up for it, could not stop smiling & dancing, the show peaked with Like A Prayer backed by the entire choir perched up high on a giant X made out of the stairs all stacked up on top of each other, it was gold, that song never gets old, I didnt get to see her sing it during the Rebel heart tour, so I was super excited about this, and she delivered. big time, she sang her face off, I was in awe, and I LOVED her robe, definitely my favorite costume in the show, really the show could have ended right there, but she treated us to an encore of 'I rise' which I wouldn't think a slow song would be a good show closer, but live it was so powerful, the emma gonzales speech was just as moving as the 1st time we heard it, the gun violence message and the LGBTQ/equality message really hit hard, everyone was pretty emotional, you could feel it in the air throughout the theater. She changed the final chorus with some new uplifting 'I Will Rise' verses and then marched with the dancers through the crowd under an enormous rainbow flag as she made her way to the back of the theater & disappeared.

Overall the show was amazing, I love how different the Madame X songs are now that I've seen them presented like this. Seeing the show once isn't enough though, I can't wait to see it again next spring in Paris. To be able to see a bonified living legend this up close in a tiny theater is such a thrill. And as an added bonus as we were leaving, we passed the venues artist entrance and got a great spot for a quick photo op just a few feet away from her. She looked AMAZING and even blew us a kiss. Perfect way to end our unexpected New York adventure !




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18 minutes ago, wonderboy said:



Sorry its a little late, Here's my fan review of Madonna's Madame X tour.,


Sorry its a little late, but here's my fan review! Sept 21st in Brooklyn. FROZEN. FUCKIN FROZEN. DEAD. BURY ME. (more on that later) What an insane 48 hours. Friday night we were home having dinner, I randomly checked my email to find that I won the Icon selfie X contest!, So in a hurried insane rush, we made arrangements & packed our bags! Saturday afternoon we drove up to New York, (5 hours) had time to change clothes, and then uber'd to the Brooklyn Academy of Music, where we made our way to the "Madonna's Friends & Family' guest check in. Apparently, I'm Madonna's friend now! HAHA, They handed us our tickets & I nearly fell over, I thought for sure we'd be in the nosebleed seats up in the rafters, but no. I won 2 orchestra seats in row K, kinda centered, but a little bit off to the side. It’s considered limited view by the venue, but my view was not at all limited and I had a great view of the stage. However had we been 2 rows closer, or 2 seats to the right, we would not have seen anything, we would have been under the lowest balcony box which blocks everything, we were very lucky. Every time she came to the edge of the stage we could actually smell her. She smells like the most amazing roses you've ever smelled. i'm guessing it was MDNASkin rose mist spray, but IDK

Overall the show was really fun, I just kept thinking how very weird it was. I've seen every Madonna show (except the Girlie Show) since the Blond Ambition tour. I really didnt know what to expect, I thought maybe a big Madonna production, just in a smaller space. but no. It was definitely NOT anything like shes ever done, it was small. very small. everything was scaled down for the theater, the songs, the sets, the production, all small. Which felt weird to me, a Madonna show is always a huge spectacle, with shogun warriors, flying ninjas, 50 person drum lines being lowered from the ceiling as they playing, Madonna being raised up on a massive alter under a 100 foot crucifix, troupes of dancers doing huge choreographed numbers, massive stages with countless moving parts, you get the picture. This show is wonderful, but just weird. The stage was basically a few moving staircases, and some other props that were repurposed for each segment of the show. It worked, and was visually stunning. just super small. Think of it as Madame X The Musical. Not a Madonna concert. Which also made for some grey area with fans, Is this a Madonna concert, or is this a theater show? do you sit or do you stand? She's tried to mash her usual concert with performance art and theater and it's confusing. The show needs to decide if it’s a concert, or if it’s a theater show, it’s kind of stuck in between, half the crowd was annoyed at the people sitting and the other half was annoyed at the people standing. Our audience looked like a whack a mole game. Not to mention, it wasn't a flat floor like at a regular concert, the floor is sloped at a deep angle facing down the stage, so standing for 5+ hours on an incline killed our feet! if you're going to the show, seriously, wear comfy shoes!

Naturally Madonna went on over 2 hours late, which if you've been to see her, you know this is normal. "Greatness requires lateness" she says, " Sorry I was late, it wont happen again, *wink Wink* The nice part about this & being a phone free zone, we had a chance to have a few cocktails (albeit insanely small & overpriced) and mingle with the crowd. we ran into some friends we haven seen for years, so the late start gave us a chance to catch up, People I hadn't seen since the confessions tour in Los Angeles, Some friends I made during rebel heart tour, and a few members of my extended 'Madonna faMily' So great seeing all of them! Seeing the faM is one of the best parts of a M show!

Also saw some familiar faces that made no effort to say hello or engage with us, which I thought was strange but that always seems to happen among fans at any M event. Regardless of how many times you've met or how much time you've spent together during past tours. Unfortunately there are a handful of crazy fans who don’t go to the shows to see Madonna, they go to the shows so Madonna can see THEM. They're loud, they're rude, the heckling doesn't get them anywhere but made to look stupid and it annoys the rest of the audience. There were also fans who shoved their way to the front into seats they had no business being in. At a normal concert venue, its kind of expected, but this is a theater with assigned seats & no wiggle room. You are crowding the people that paid good money for their spot up front. If I had bought tickets, I'd been pissed , Its insanely easy to get floor passes to this show, we were given blank tickets just by asking. BLANK TICKETS lol, we literally just asked the usher & without even batting an eye he just gave them to us, so we had our paper tickets for our actual seats, and blank ones that we could have wrote in any seat we wanted, regardless if someone else was already in that seat. We could have used it to pass the guards & squish our way into the front. So very very easy. PSA : Don't be one of those fans. Its not cool, you're an ahole.

so now the show, when I first saw the setlist online, honestly I was disappointed. but when I actually saw the show, I understood what she was going for. On paper, the setlist looked really underwhelming but after seeing it & experiencing it live, it really elevates the Madame X album. One of the best parts about the show was her singing voice, leaps & bounds better than shes ever sounded. sometimes, live, she goes off key, sometimes she even screeches & caterwauls, (Humane Nature, S&S tour...) but this was not that. every single note she sang was on point & amazing. she blew the roof off that theater, shes never sounded so good, like ever. I was amazed at her singing. I'm really looking forward to a live album release of the show after its over. She was also hilarious. She's always had a sharp sense of humor, but she went balls out and was legit FUNNY! She had me cracking TF up every time she spoke. "What do you call a man with a small penis?... You fucking don't! I would never call a man with a small penis!" Then she told us without our phones, she can see our faces and look into our eyes, and our eyes after all, are the window to the soul. But, she said, theres also another important window, then she opened her legs & Mozart started playing from her pussy, because shes "a classy bitch" She was firing off hysterical one liners throughout the entire show, She came down into the audience and I cant remember the guys name but she sat on his lap & after asking if his beer had any backwash in it or if he had herpes, she stole it & started swigging it. She asked him his name, I dont remember what it was, but it was very uncommon like Ezekiel or something, and Madonna asked his name and after he said it, she sighed loudly and goes "Ezekiel, god, you're like the 10th Ezekiel I've met this month!" LOL and then she addressed my friend Marci, M asked what she did for a living, Marci gave her a long winded answer, and Madonna said, "I dont know what that is, Get a job Marci" HAHAHAHAHAHA She was throwin out brilliant wise cracks all night, I wish I could remember them all.

The show started out with a James Balwin quote typed out on a huge screen, "Art is here to prove that all safety is an illusion…Artists are here to disturb the peace.” which I am considering adding to my madonna tattoo, Then kicked off with what I thought was the biggest production of the night, God Control. the set, the dancers, the the visuals were all amazing, Vogue had simple staging, but got everyone up and dancing, she had male & female dancers all in the same simple 'secret agent' costume she was wearing, side note, it may also be our Halloween costume this year... I Dont Search, was when things started getting weird for me, LOVED the performance, but it was such a minimal production that it was just weird for me to see her like that. She just disappears into a little box that spun around and then she popped out the back like a jack in the box. 'HA! you found me!' It seemed amateurish or maybe low budget, not sure how to describe it. Papa Don't Preach was way too short, she should have sang the full song, When she changed the lyric to "I'm NOT gonna keep my baby" everyone screamed & applauded, it was followed by an impassioned speech about women rights, the 9 states where RvW is being overturned, and the importance of voting. Then she screamed 'fuck the Patriarchy' to end the song, it was great. Human Nature had her daughters promoting #TimesUp & #MeToo, great way to revamp the songs meaning.

Batuka was cool, its one of my least favorite album tracks, but live was really powerful, i was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. Then the show changed for the next segment, new set dressings & costumes for the Portuguese themed section, my favorite set design by far, I even mentioned to my boyfriend that I wanted a courtyard like that in our next house, it was stunning, blue & white tiled walls, wrought iron railings with beautiful stone alcoves hidden underneath, she very much created what you'd think a cozy little corner of Lisbon would look like. I'm not a fan of the Fado style of music, the Portuguese song kind lost my interest, I see why she loves it & I love the influence on the album, but it was kinda boring live. Killers is another album track that is one of my least favorites, but the live version was insane, she nailed every note, and the music was so much more meaningful, I absolutely loved it. Then came Crazy, which has been stuck in my head ever since the show, if she puts out a radio single from the album, it should be Crazy, *Sidenote * After the lyric, I bend my knees for you Like A Prayer, she pauses for audience applause, just know its coming & oblige her with thunderous ovation lol, Also my boyfriend made a great point, she should have changed the lyric to “ I bend my knees for you, like a prayer. My god you can take me there” better, right??? Anyway then we had more 'Welcome to My Fado Club' which kinda lost my interest again, until La Isla Bonita popped up, and should have been sang in full, not just the little snip she threw in. Then she did a random Portuguese song called Sodade. She sang the shit out of it, really really beautifully done, however it was a lull in the show, I could have done without it, actually this entire section kinda had issues with it's pacing and length. It was boring & needs a little tweaking. I would have cut it back significantly. For a 'Madonna concert' it didn't really work, but as a sit down theater show, it would have worked better, what I said at the beginning, if you go to the show, go expecting Madame X : The Musical. Not a Madonna concert. Luckily she amped things way way up with Medellin, it was a surprise highlight for me, I've always liked the song, but never loved it until seeing this, the performance was so much fun, she had a conga line of cha cha dancers all over the stage & thru the crowd, and even just a video projection, seeing Maluma really made this a showstopper. #SlowDownPapi! LOVED IT. It brought the sleepy crowd back to its feet. Then we got Extreme Occident, which on the album I always thought it was kind of a turd, but live, it was just spectacular. the set list that I thought would be a total snooze, really delivered. Trust our mother queen! until the next interlude... LOL dangling the spoken word parts of Rescue Me in from of us like a carrot we know we'll never get was just cruel & unusual punishment. It kinda made me mad & I wasn't able to focus on the OA style performance that was going on. Do Rescue Me properly, or don't do it at all. Maybe at some point during the tour, Rescue Me will be given a full performance, time will tell....

I quickly got over my Rescue Me funk when FROZEN started. Hands down one of the best performances of any song of Madonna's entire career. For long time fans who have been on this ride since the beginning of her career it was a full circle moment. A video of Lourdes plays though a semi translucent screen where Madonna dances and sings with the video projection. It has to be seen in person, no description could ever do it justice. It's absolutely brilliantly phenomenal. I got chills, and it brought me to tears. I honestly cannot say it enough or describe how moving & powerful it was. Not only through the obvious meaning of the songs lyrics & Lola's powerful performance, but it also brought back memories of when Madonna announced to the world she was pregnant, when MTV had a news ticker on the bottom of the screen for days following every minute, celeb videos of well wishes and an outpouring of love & support for her, which in the 90's we didn't see much of. The entire journey of her birth, and seeing her grow up with Madonna as a mom was brilliantly expressed in this mother/daughter performance, it was perfection.

Then we got Come Alive which I hate the song on the album and hated it live, lol sorry. NEXT...Future & Crave, 2 of my favorites on the album, We got to see Madonna play the piano, which I've never seen before, had no idea she could even play the piano, so that was an awesome surprise, and then Crave was remixed into a disco track, it was so so fun, the costumes & choreography seemed thrown together and were kinda lame, feather boas & party city disco costumes, ugh. but the remix made up for it, could not stop smiling & dancing, the show peaked with Like A Prayer backed by the entire choir perched up high on a giant X made out of the stairs all stacked up on top of each other, it was gold, that song never gets old, I didnt get to see her sing it during the Rebel heart tour, so I was super excited about this, and she delivered. big time, she sang her face off, I was in awe, and I LOVED her robe, definitely my favorite costume in the show, really the show could have ended right there, but she treated us to an encore of 'I rise' which I wouldn't think a slow song would be a good show closer, but live it was so powerful, the emma gonzales speech was just as moving as the 1st time we heard it, the gun violence message and the LGBTQ/equality message really hit hard, everyone was pretty emotional, you could feel it in the air throughout the theater. She changed the final chorus with some new uplifting 'I Will Rise' verses and then marched with the dancers through the crowd under an enormous rainbow flag as she made her way to the back of the theater & disappeared.

Overall the show was amazing, I love how different the Madame X songs are now that I've seen them presented like this. Seeing the show once isn't enough though, I can't wait to see it again next spring in Paris. To be able to see a bonified living legend this up close in a tiny theater is such a thrill. And as an added bonus as we were leaving, we passed the venues artist entrance and got a great spot for a quick photo op just a few feet away from her. She looked AMAZING and even blew us a kiss. Perfect way to end our unexpected New York adventure !




Awesome review. Thank you. I love all the emotions you went through. Way cool. 

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3 hours ago, broujeorbit said:

Girl bye

The show was really bad. I was bored the whole time. She doesn’t sing live. She doesn’t dance.  If y’all call jumping and moving left to right the whole time dancing y’all dont know what dance is. She can’t act. Her jokes are painfully bad. So what is you giving us M? I though this was a concert? Y’all wanna call everything art and amazing. R y’all that tired and through? At least Cher is sweating for them coins so dont be coming with the age stuff. And no frozen was also boring. She just stands there and lip-syncs. It’s just lola on the big screen doing what her mammy needed to be doing. 

And dont be coming with that bullit ‘if you dont like it dont buy it’. How the f was i suppose to know the show is this tired and through? This whole era is tired and through. The album is a duplicate of nelly furtado’s folklore album and y’all know that was two decades ago. So she two decades delayed. And we all know martha graham didn’t name her madame x. Thats a lie just like her 35 dollar story. Child boo. Yall need stop believing these lies.

bore off you lol .cher isnt sweating she is melting ....

the critics seem to love it not just the fans who have seen it you have not seen this show and i can tell so girl bye yourself and wtf had nelly furtado got to do with it saying the album is tired etc and then saying how was you supposed to know that the show would be madame x inspired lol ...the stupidity ...

god i would not pay to see cher sing some abba songs ..no thanks 

Edited by mark perry (see edit history)
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4 hours ago, Danton said:

Yes it's part of the show but I do not understand why she strives to always be considered as a bitch who likes money. Why are places so expensive ? Why isn't she generous with her fans ? Why not sing Rescue Me to please ... that's it. Why does she never do anything for the pure pleasure of her fans? Why does she love being so unloved?

because she likes pushing peoples buttons 

Edited by mark perry (see edit history)
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3 hours ago, broujeorbit said:

Girl bye

The show was really bad. I was bored the whole time. She doesn’t sing live. She doesn’t dance.  If y’all call jumping and moving left to right the whole time dancing y’all dont know what dance is. She can’t act. Her jokes are painfully bad. So what is you giving us M? I though this was a concert? Y’all wanna call everything art and amazing. R y’all that tired and through? At least Cher is sweating for them coins so dont be coming with the age stuff. And no frozen was also boring. She just stands there and lip-syncs. It’s just lola on the big screen doing what her mammy needed to be doing. 

And dont be coming with that bullit ‘if you dont like it dont buy it’. How the f was i suppose to know the show is this tired and through? This whole era is tired and through. The album is a duplicate of nelly furtado’s folklore album and y’all know that was two decades ago. So she two decades delayed. And we all know martha graham didn’t name her madame x. Thats a lie just like her 35 dollar story. Child boo. Yall need stop believing these lies.

Congratulations for you useless comment. Now that, thanks to you, we are all open our eyes, we can go and listen to nelly furtado while some real dancers do a ballet on each songs. 

By the way, she sing all live, the audio of the 24/09 speak of itself. 

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4 hours ago, Danton said:

Yes it's part of the show but I do not understand why she strives to always be considered as a bitch who likes money. Why are places so expensive ? Why isn't she generous with her fans ? Why not sing Rescue Me to please ... that's it. Why does she never do anything for the pure pleasure of her fans? Why does she love being so unloved?

Thank god she didn’t anything that her fans want her to do. Or we now have an old diva singing her masterpiece in the “not so farewell” tour.

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4 minutes ago, ron92 said:

Congratulations for you useless comment. Now that, thanks to you, we are all open our eyes, we can go and listen to nelly furtado while some real dancers do a ballet on each songs. 

By the way, she sing all live, the audio of the 24/09 speak of itself. 

exactly obviously a cher fan who is bitter at the mostly positive reviews the concert has got - they have obviously not seen the show but felt because of the positive reviews he had to try and diminish every single one of them and call them lies but at the same time praising cher who is doing abba cover albums and saying madonna is not with the times lol 

Edited by mark perry (see edit history)
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3 minutes ago, mark perry said:

exactly obviously a cher fan who is bitter at the mostly positive reviews the concert has got - they have obviously not seen the show but felt because of the positive reviews he had to try and diminish every single one of them and call them lies but at the same time praising cher who is doing abba cover albums and saying madonna is not with the times lol 

Yes. The funniest thing is that this time we have nothing, not a video, not even a good quality picture. But we are so good being mean with her, why stopping now?

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2 minutes ago, ron92 said:

Yes. The funniest thing is that this time we have nothing, not a video, not even a good quality picture. But we are so good being mean with her, why stopping now?

there was a video floating about of human nature of madonna doing a upside down splits in a circle but its been removed ...i think this beats the fist pump dance cher has been doing for the last 40 years - its annoying that comment because its just lies ..they have not seen the show - sad that they felt the need to piss on our parade with such a horrible post 

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7 minutes ago, BeepBeepBitchMove said:

Seeing the show tonight for the first time. My friend won orchestra seats from the fan club and she’s taking me so I gave my balcony seat away. We find out where we are on the floor when we get to the friends and family checkin. I’ll have my report tomorrow. 

Have a great time. Can't wAit for your report!!

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Not sure what that negative comment was about above. I went to the Sep 26th show, and was absolutely blown away! Her vocals are the best they’ve ever been, the theatricality and artistic approach to the songs(rather than playing them straight like a typical “concert”) were really interesting. I’m not sure whether or not to call this show a “concert” or “theatre”, but it is an absolutely mesmerizing show.

If there were anything about the show I think that fell flat for me, it was Crazy during Act 2, and the overall flow of Act 3.

Crazy did not add to much to the show for me, other than giving her a jumping off point to talk about love. In that case, she could’ve done Crave in its album form, or remixed an older love song of hers to fit the vibe.

As for Act 3, everything following Come Alive didn’t make much sense in terms of narrative. Future/Crave/LAP/I Rise do not transition into each other that well. It made no sense in context of the flow and narrative to go from talking about the future with visuals of the apocalypse, to a disco track, to a trap-inspired rendition of LAP, to a melancholy/uplifting closer. It was a stretch, the way she blended these together. Had it been LAP/Crave/Future/I Rise, I think it would’ve worked better for the overall flow, but on their own, each of these songs were all amazing moments of the show. 

Don’t believe the haters. This show is meant to be experienced with an open heart, and an open mind. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but to say she’s boring, not dancing, and not singing great or live are all choices, if not false.

I don’t think I’ll ever get the image of Madonna in that colonial-era outfit screaming “A new democracy” from atop the staircases, while throwing that fugly hat almost two stories down to the floor out of my mind. 

Edited by norrelb (see edit history)
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10 hours ago, Jet said:

What people choose to spend their money on is their business, no one is being forced to buy the picture! Can’t afford it? Don’t try and buy it! ??‍♂️

Sorry I absolutely don't agree. This tour is already mainly for rich fans who can afford to travel and to buy expensive tickets.

If the selfie was not on sale but given for free to a lucky fan chosen in the audience we would ALL be entitled to win. Why do you have a chance to talk to M only if you have money? That is a terrible message to send.

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There were moments in the show on Tuesday where I was thinking... although she is speaking alot and does sit down next to someone and sells a selfie, and takes a swig off someones beer,  M is still somewhat disconnected from the audience. It's still a "show".  But then something amazing happened

She's singing Killers at the end of the second verse "I'll be a woman if she's raped and her heart is breaking"

Her eyes locked with someone in the 2nd or 3rd row as if she was singing to only them. She does not blink. 

"I know what I am" She leans in closer as if to challenge this person. 

"and I know what i'm not" She tilts her head ... I wonder what this person who she is looking at is feeling. They can't be smiling. Madonna's face is stone cold like she may tear this person's face off at any moment. 

"Do you know who you are?"  The longest 10 seconds Ive ever felt. Its clear Madonna wrote these words and she has a message that she wants us to hear. and then just as fast she breaks her stare and follows her feet that are programed to move at this specific moment. 

This was just one of many cool moments. 

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8 hours ago, broujeorbit said:

Girl bye

The show was really bad. I was bored the whole time. She doesn’t sing live. She doesn’t dance.  If y’all call jumping and moving left to right the whole time dancing y’all dont know what dance is. She can’t act. Her jokes are painfully bad. So what is you giving us M? I though this was a concert? Y’all wanna call everything art and amazing. R y’all that tired and through? At least Cher is sweating for them coins so dont be coming with the age stuff. And no frozen was also boring. She just stands there and lip-syncs. It’s just lola on the big screen doing what her mammy needed to be doing. 

And dont be coming with that bullit ‘if you dont like it dont buy it’. How the f was i suppose to know the show is this tired and through? This whole era is tired and through. The album is a duplicate of nelly furtado’s folklore album and y’all know that was two decades ago. So she two decades delayed. And we all know martha graham didn’t name her madame x. Thats a lie just like her 35 dollar story. Child boo. Yall need stop believing these lies.

Dude, the only one that's 100% tired and through is you. Go buy some pizza and lighten up.

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14 minutes ago, RUADJAI said:

There were moments in the show on Tuesday where I was thinking... although she is speaking alot and does sit down next to someone and sells a selfie, and takes a swig off someones beer,  M is still somewhat disconnected from the audience. It's still a "show".  But then something amazing happened

She's singing Killers at the end of the second verse "I'll be a woman if she's raped and her heart is breaking"

Her eyes locked with someone in the 2nd or 3rd row as if she was singing to only them. She does not blink. 

"I know what I am" She leans in closer as if to challenge this person. 

"and I know what i'm not" She tilts her head ... I wonder what this person who she is looking at is feeling. They can't be smiling. Madonna's face is stone cold like she may tear this person's face off at any moment. 

"Do you know who you are?"  The longest 10 seconds Ive ever felt. Its clear Madonna wrote these words and she has a message that she wants us to hear. and then just as fast she breaks her stare and follows her feet that are programed to move at this specific moment. 

This was just one of many cool moments. 

Wow! Thanks for sharing! 

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