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M's Most proudest and most disappointed moments


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Some people believe With everything in life there is the yin and yang. A black and white. A good and bad. You can't have the good without the bad right? So I thought I would be fun to see what other people's point of view was. What are your most proudest and most disappointed moments within our queen career. Take a moment and think about it then list five or more things through her career that M has done you are most proud of then list the things your most disappointed with. I bet everyone will have very different answer's. Please don't just list the bad or just the good, List both. im very interested in what you come up with. Its been 30 plus years you cant just be one sided. Remember everyone is entitled to their own opinion. So please don't try to correct, change, or embarrass someone just cause you may not agree with there list. Just list yours & let's play nice. I will start.
I was most proud of M when...
1 Winning the Golden Globe for Evita .
2 Performing 'You Must Love Me' at the Oscars there was a lot of backlash and a lot of people where saying she couldn't sing ( She was nervous as hell ).
3 The "Like A Prayer" album with the Aids awareness insert.
4 Winning best song of "Masterpiece" over Elton after all the nastiness he speud.
5 Picking her self up and continuing to perform "Living For Love" at Brit Awards.
6 The ending of "I'm Going To Tell You A Secret" movie. ( I totally cried )
7 Malawi.
I was most disappointed with M when....
1 The use of Guns during the "MDNA" tour. ( Yes I'm very aware she used guns on other projects I just felt it was way overdone.)
2 Always apologizing on instgram.
3 The Molly comment.
4 The Drake kiss.
5 Always blowing smoke always up Kanye ass.
6 Not releasing the original "American Life" video.( Although I totally understand it was a scary time and she had kids to worry about. I still wanted it.)
7 Never releasing  the "Blond ambition tour".
What's your list?  :heart:
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  :smokey: Times I've been proud of Madonna...


- The way she managed the whole Playboy and Penthouse thing back in 1985.

- The Immaculate Collection, such an amazing look she had on the back sleeve of the record and what a perfect collection of songs :heart:

- The way her voice was recorded in Evita, she never sounded so good before!

- When she started doing acoustic segments during her shows, she should never stop! They're all mind-blowing!

- How content she was when promoting her W.E. movie, she's such a passionate woman!

- When I read about her Malawi project and the schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan.


:Madonna037: Times I've been disappointed with Madonna...


- Girl, you seriously should have taken uninterrupted singing lessons :frown:

- Her boring attempt to convince us that she doesn't like to repeat herself.

- The almost uninspired video releases, her DVDs should contain tons of goodies!

- Her selfishness regarding the unreleased material...

- What about that Drake kiss? :lord:

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Time I was super proud about Madonna:


+ The whole Ray Of Light era, which was such a dramatic change-of-gear for Madonna. People were showering critical acclaim on the album, and it just seemed as if people were viewing her as a proper musical artist--as opposed to some pop star.

+ Hung Up. I was so excited about the release of Hung Up, and everyone was talking about it. The track had such a buzz around it, and it was such an impressive comeback.

+ The Oprah interview where it is revealed that she had this really moving connection to a young fan who was dying of cancer. The bond they had was so touching. Video: 

+ The "Star" film, which showed that she has a sense of humor and IS capable of laughing at herself. Video: 

+ A League Of Their Own: an acting role that wasn't a musical but still managed to show off her onscreen charisma. I know she's had more acting fails than successes, but I think people overlook her great roles.


Time I was disappointed:


+ Her need to hastag "#RebelHeart" whenever someone does something brave or courageous. It always seems a little exploitative to me. She can laud their achievements without mentioning her album. These are often people who died trying to make the world a better place, and I think they should be afforded more respect. I know that some fans will disagree, but this is my personal opinion.

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I can't believe that no one is mentioning her R and R HOF induction, especially since she got in on here first year eligibleShe still probably be the only female POP star in the HOF

Oh yeah, I totaly forgot about this. Another time i was proud. Thanks for reminding me.

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1. The interview she gave for French TV as part of Rebel Heart PR. So smart, so on point, so relevant and real. I wish there was more of this (also by other artists).

2. The whole Evita movie and soundtrack. Pure excellence.

3. The Ray of Light album and era. Spiritual Madonna said awesome things.

4. The way she handled the Malawi adoption controversy. That must have been hell.

5. Rocking my world and the media during the Like a Prayer/Blonde Ambition era. Testament of a true pop icon with balls.

6. SEX. And the whole era. It did change how people thought of and talked about fetishes etc.

7. Constantly surprising her audience for the majority of her career




1. Drake (I don't care about her age. It's about Drake. Such a disgusting guy. Yuck.)

2. Her being on Instagram/Snapchat (Star mystery? Gone!)

3. Listening to her kids (or Guy) when it comes to who she should work with (Duh!)

4. Working with Miley and Britney

5. Guy Ritchie

6. Her performance on Fallon (not funny at all, sorry.)

7. Tidal

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