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Madonna as an Actress


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So we all probably agree that Madonna never came off as a great actress.  Yet, she's had a few shining moments.  So let's discuss what worked for her and what didn't.  What roles or films worked for her and which didn't?  Which one did you enjoy, even if they weren't huge successes?  I'd love to read your thoughts.  I just request not to turn this into a thread about how awful she was.  In fact, I challenge some who do not find her a good actress to find something positive or something you enjoyed from her acting roles/films. 

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I'll start by saying that I think she has great screen presence.  She simply looked so beautiful on the big screen.  If anything, she had the right look to be in films and at time, came off very old school Hollywood glam.  Unfortunately, I always felt her delivery of lines were always stiff.  That's where it falls apart for me.  It really shows in films like Body of Evidence and even Dick Tracy and The Next Best Thing. 

I actually believe some of her earlier roles which were panned such as Shanghai Surprise, she actually came off as a good actress.  She and her then husband, Sean Penn, definitely had a lot of chemistry and they played on that.  I enjoyed the film even though it wasn't necessarily the best film.  I feel it probably would have done better if it wasn't surrounded by the "Poison Penn" label she and Sean was getting and the director did a better job on the film.  The music soundtrack for the film is atrocious, so it definitely sets a mood to be left desired.  Still, she looked absolutely stunning on the screen for this film.  It's one of my favorite characters she played apart from Nikki Finn who I loved as well. 

I loved Who's That Girl, even though it had a horrible plot and is totally 80's cheese.  Her portayl of Nikki Finn was like someone with multi-personalities.  The change in her accents and radical behavior just cracked me up.  She was clearly having fun with this role.   When I watch this film, I do not take anything too serious.  It's just one of those films you just enjoy for fun. 


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I remember really liking Who’s That Girl, but not seen it since it’s cinematic release. She was good in Dick Tracy too, and I did like Swept Away but it was difficult to like her, even at the end.

I’ve never seen Evita, so maybe she gave a more sympathetic performance, but I was always willing her to find a role where she could be likeable to the audience. Something a bit softer and vulnerable. I stopped paying attention after going to see Body Of Evidence because I was sick of the ‘I don’t give a F’ Madonna, being a bitch and flashing her ho ho everywhere. As it stands, I think that’s why she never clicked as an actress with the public. Wrong choice of roles probably, because I think she had the potential, like in League Of Their Own. Maybe she should have focused on character parts.


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She’s isn’t a great actress let’s be honest - I don’t think she has done anything “Oscar worthy “ and sorry with evita she was basically singing in a long music video but I’m sure others will disagree 

to me her best film is who’s that girl - totally natural comic timing in that film ( as she did in desperately seeking Susan )and she played off really well against griffin dunne whom I adore as an actor- maybe being in New York felt at home for her and that’s why she was good in those 2 films ? 
I also love swept away too - I know it’s pretty much maligned by most people but again she’s quite natural in that plus I think she’s good in next best thing

to me her worst film was body of evidence  because that script sucked and was a stupid story too plus I thought she looked awful in it 

Dangerous game is a decent performance but the movie is so depressing ??

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I think she's very aware of herself and how she wants to come off on camera versus truly diving into the character and letting go of the Madonna mystique. It also doesn't help a lot of her characters are pretty much whom she was at the time versus a massive transformation. She does have some shining moments such as Dangerous Game where she needs directors or a staff that isn't intimidated by her and pushes her outside her comfort zone. Is she the worst? Not necessarily. She shines in comedy the most and as a supporting star ("A League Of Their Own") but on her own as a lead and being so self-aware makes it very wooden and uneven. 

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1 hour ago, Andymad said:

I thought she was fun and vibrant in Who’s That Girl! But I think my top two moment was in Dick Tracy. That scene near the end on the dock at the harbour. And in Swept Away, when she just gives into him and gives up trying, pleading through emotion she’s exhausted. I thought she really did that scene well.


Before they got stranded, I felt she was way over the top with her acting in Swept Away.  It seemed like she was trying way too hard to be bitchy when we know she can be bitchy naturally. LOL!  It was when she gave into him for the most part, she started to come off better. My favorite scene is the ending.  She really sucks you in emotionally when she's taking off.  I felt the same with Dick Tracy, she seemed to be trying to hard in that film, and to me it was an extension of her persona at the time.  She did look very beautiful in that film. 

57 minutes ago, IamZod said:

I remember really liking Who’s That Girl, but not seen it since it’s cinematic release. She was good in Dick Tracy too, and I did like Swept Away but it was difficult to like her, even at the end.

I’ve never seen Evita, so maybe she gave a more sympathetic performance, but I was always willing her to find a role where she could be likeable to the audience. Something a bit softer and vulnerable. I stopped paying attention after going to see Body Of Evidence because I was sick of the ‘I don’t give a F’ Madonna, being a bitch and flashing her ho ho everywhere. As it stands, I think that’s why she never clicked as an actress with the public. Wrong choice of roles probably, because I think she had the potential, like in League Of Their Own. Maybe she should have focused on character parts.


You should watch Evita at least once.  Yes, it might come off a little long in the tooth for many, but she is beautiful.  The one thing she delivers well is the emotion of her character.  She didn't speak much in this film and if she did, I'm sure it probably would have ruined it.  We've always known that she can pull off characters in music videos, and that's why this one worked.  It's a beautiful film and just watching and hearing Madonna sing and all the looks is two hours of heaven. 

I actually like Body of Evidence, even though I didn't think she acted well in it.  Again, I have to go back to the way she delivers her lines, especially at the beginning of the film.  So stiff and trying to hard to act so serious. 

For A League of their Own, I felt she was merely playing herself.  Still, some of the lines she delivers seem stiff. I do felt like she flubbed up her line in the scene when she was talking about her shirt coming open and her tits falling.  But I guess they left it, because the way she messed it up, seemed much more natural in how people talk. 

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Guest Nobody Knows Me

Desperately Seeking Susan is without a doubt my favourite Madonna film and is also one of my favourite movies of all time. It is so entertaining and enjoyable, and I think that Madonna suited the role of Susan so much, and therefore came across as much more natural to me. And I also love hearing the original demo for Into The Groove in the movie as well. It’s almost as brilliant as the mastered song.


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Evita is very good..just because She was singing on set (and She does the same thing on stage)

who’s that Girl/swept away/next best thing - All of them are HORRIBLE really HORRIBLE

guy ritchie please...swept away...a reductive remake of a Classic Italian film ??

susan/dick tracy/body of evidence - they are good.


she had some good moments..but she’s really a bad actress

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I think she's an OK actress but the Madonna iconic persona was SO big that it was always hard to forget Madonna and get into the character.

Obviously she shines when she plays her naughty persona: "Susan", "Dick Tracy", "League", even "Body Of Evidence" I think she's OK - Mrs. Carlson is a cold bitch, right? She plays it perfectly hahaha - terrible script though.

"Who's That Girl" is quite funny as a little silly movie and her character is iconic!

"Evita" is a piece of art but - sorry - a little boring. I'm happy that she finally got the acclaim she craved, though.

"The Next Best Thing": another OK movie that changed dramatically and went nowhere! I was so confused when it got all super serious.

And "Swept Away" I watched again recently and honestly she was better there than I remembered.

I would love to see her in movies again. :hearteyes:

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Guest Nobody Knows Me
Just now, Andymad said:

I would love to see her in a film sort of along the lines of Knives Out. Madonna in a murder mystery. Just imagine

I was literally just thinking earlier I’d love to see her do a Jamie Lee sort of role in a movie :Madonna012:

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Guest Nobody Knows Me
5 minutes ago, Andymad said:

Can you imagine? She should be considered for Scream 5

Madonna as Ghostface really would be something. 

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1 hour ago, Nobody Knows Me said:

I was literally just thinking earlier I’d love to see her do a Jamie Lee sort of role in a movie :Madonna012:

I'm sorry but something like that (if you're talking of a horror camp type film) would further demise her acting career to zilch.  I doubt she will do another film as an actor, but if so, it would have to be something from left field that no one is expecting. She would have to drop the diva attitude and not take herself too seriously.  People would just laugh at her in a Scream sequel. 

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Guest Nobody Knows Me
6 minutes ago, MarXus said:

I'm sorry but something like that (if you're talking of a horror camp type film) would further demise her acting career to zilch.  

I’m not talking a horror camp type film. I’m talking a more polished mystery type of film. 

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Yeah her acting roles are not the best. I'm sure I read an interview years ago (can't even remember the film) where the director said the problem is that Madonna wants to have control over everything and that is what hinders her performance in films.

Anyway, I would probably say my favourite Madonna movie would have to be Who's That Girl. However, I am going to break the rules Markus and also say that one of my, if not my favourite Madonna video Bad Girl, her acting is outstanding in that video and it is just like watching a mini movie, no doubt due to David Fincher directing it but wow yes. The emotions and reactions she displays in that video are out of this world.

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34 minutes ago, MarXus said:

I'm sorry but something like that (if you're talking of a horror camp type film) would further demise her acting career to zilch.  I doubt she will do another film as an actor, but if so, it would have to be something from left field that no one is expecting. She would have to drop the diva attitude and not take herself too seriously.  People would just laugh at her in a Scream sequel. 

Noooooo Nono. Something like a murder mystery. Knives out, Murder Express. A comedy thriller.

She’d be.... killer... in it?

dr evil GIF

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