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Warm Gun

Warm Gun

30 minutes ago, brank000 said:

People keep saying that Blu Ray is disappearing but I have seen no evidence of this in real life as all the same stores are still carrying Blu-Ray.

Most people stream, but people that are about quality continue to buy physical as  streaming quality / bitrates pale in comparison to physical media.

I hang out on blu-ray.com and have read numerous stories there of stores, especially Best Buy, having their disc sections downsized or disappearing almost completely. I don't know about my own local Best Buy because I haven't gone there since the lockdowns started. But discs are very niche now. People are perplexed and surprised when I tell them I buy and rent discs, like I'm a dinosaur. I'm only 33. I expect discs to still be sold for a very long time, but options for physical collectors are already quickly becoming much more limited.

Warm Gun

Warm Gun

29 minutes ago, brank000 said:

People keep saying that Blu Ray is disappearing but I have seen no evidence of this in real life as all the same stores are still carrying Blu-Ray.

Most people stream, but people that are about quality continue to buy physical as  streaming quality / bitrates pale in comparison to physical media.

I hang out on blu-ray.com and have read numerous stories there of stores, especially Best Buy, having their disc sections downsized or disappearing almost completely. I don't know about my own local Best Buy because I haven't gone there since the pandemic started. But discs are very niche now. People are perplexed and surprised when I tell them I buy and rent discs, like I'm a dinosaur. I'm only 33. I expect discs to still be sold for a very long time, but options for physical collectors are already quickly becoming much more limited.

Warm Gun

Warm Gun

27 minutes ago, brank000 said:

People keep saying that Blu Ray is disappearing but I have seen no evidence of this in real life as all the same stores are still carrying Blu-Ray.

Most people stream, but people that are about quality continue to buy physical as  streaming quality / bitrates pale in comparison to physical media.

I hang out on blu-ray.com and have read numerous stories there of stores, especially Best Buy, having their disc sections downsized or disappearing almost completely. I don't know about my own local Best Buy because I haven't gone there since the pandemic started. But discs are very niche now. People are perplexed and surprised when I tell them I buy and rent discs, like I'm a dinosaur. I'm only 33.

Warm Gun

Warm Gun

26 minutes ago, brank000 said:

People keep saying that Blu Ray is disappearing but I have seen no evidence of this in real life as all the same stores are still carrying Blu-Ray.

Most people stream, but people that are about quality continue to buy physical as  streaming quality / bitrates pale in comparison to physical media.

I hang out on blu-ray.com and have read numerous stories there of stores, especially Best Buy, having their disc sections downsized and disappearing almost completely. I don't know about my own local Best Buy because I haven't gone there since the pandemic started. But discs are very niche now. People are perplexed and surprised when I tell them I buy and rent discs, like I'm a dinosaur. I'm only 33.

Warm Gun

Warm Gun

23 minutes ago, brank000 said:

People keep saying that Blu Ray is disappearing but I have seen no evidence of this in real life as all the same stores are still carrying Blu-Ray.

Most people stream, but people that are about quality continue to buy physical as  streaming quality / bitrates pale in comparison to physical media.

I hang out on blu-ray.com and have read numerous stories there of stores, especially Best Buy, having their disc sections downsized. I don't know about my own local Best Buy because I haven't gone there since the pandemic started. But discs are very niche now. People are perplexed and surprised when I tell them I buy and rent discs, like I'm a dinosaur. I'm only 33.

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