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Where is Madonna now ??

Redha DBL

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U realise that it’s not a flu, when ur life and the full system change in less than 48 h as I said, and u don’t have a clue about the future.

My bf should be on tour now, I had parties programmed with my friends for the last weekend. I remember to think where we would go on Friday and happy that today (Monday) I would sign a new job contract. 


Everything changed suddenly. We can’t leave home, people are dying and sick. I can’t sign my contract today and I’m running out of money. 

Everyone is suspicious of having the virus and everyone is affraid of each other.

All of my bf gigs (he works in showbusiness) are cancelled and he had to come quick from Australia to Spain, traveling for 30 h because there were rumours that Catalonia and full Spain will be lock down and we were affraid for not being together maybe for months. 


It’s scary. I can’t visit my parents even if they are at the closest district to mine, because they are over 60 and I can kill them in case I have it. But even worst: they are still vulnerable because my father has to continue his job (he works on security in an hospital full of old people) and as a necessary job he can’t stop it (if he wants he will loose his salary and the family will not have income). And we can’t moan, there are a lot of people in worst situations.

The toilet paper thing, the people fighting at the supermarkets... I agree this is exagerare RIGHT NOW. But I wouldn’t be surprised if the worldwide system collapse as we know it, counting as much things changed in my city in one day (and soon everywhere). 


The good thing: u realise how stupid are the politic fights and the economy when there is a real enemy to fight. U lear to appreciate every single thing of your previous life. How good is freedom when u can go out without problems, but we can't take it for granted anymore, 


yes this is all true, but now imagine if the virus actually wasnt just a respiratory infection with a low mortality rate. what would happen then? society really is not prepared to deal with much. theres been horrible pandemics in history and there will be in the future, especially with global warming, so let's hope things change for the better after this so we arent so badly prepared. people getting overly spooked tho is dangerous in itself. it's understadable because as you say our sense of normalcy can change really fast since we take so much for granted... in a way we are lucky to live in a time of advanced medical knowledge. but yes people should be able to take some time off work for an emergency without it being a risk, it would make things much easier.


the media sensationalizing it is sadly a dangerous thing as it has been with everything in recent years. social media doesnt help either. those are a blessing and a curse.

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5 hours ago, nito84bcn said:

U realise that it’s not a flu, when ur life and the full system change in less than 48 h as I said, and u don’t have a clue about the future.

My bf should be on tour now, I had parties programmed with my friends for the last weekend. I remember to think where we would go on Friday and happy that today (Monday) I would sign a new job contract. 

Everything changed suddenly. We can’t leave home, people are dying and sick. I can’t sign my contract today and I’m running out of money. 
Everyone is suspicious of having the virus and everyone is affraid of each other.

All of my bf gigs (he works in showbusiness) are cancelled and he had to come quick from Australia to Spain, traveling for 30 h because there were rumours that Catalonia and full Spain will be lock down and we were affraid for not being together maybe for months. 

It’s scary. I can’t visit my parents even if they are at the closest district to mine, because they are over 60 and I can kill them in case I have it. But even worst: they are still vulnerable because my father has to continue his job (he works on security in an hospital full of old people) and as a necessary job he can’t stop it (if he wants he will loose his salary and the family will not have income). And we can’t moan, there are a lot of people in worst situations.

The toilet paper thing, the people fighting at the supermarkets... I agree this is exagerare RIGHT NOW. But I wouldn’t be surprised if the worldwide system collapse as we know it, counting as much things changed in my city in one day (and soon everywhere). 

The good thing: u realise how stupid are the politic fights and the economy when there is a real enemy to fight. U lear to appreciate every single thing of your previous life. How good is freedom when u can go out without problems, but we can't take it for granted anymore, 

This is exactly how are our lives here in France for two days. I know from what you have written that you are experiencing the same situation as us in our country.

 I can assure everyone that i was saying like some people "it's just a kind of flue, people are overreacting, it's far away from us, even if there are a few case in my country we are not concerned, and we were living our lives as usual..." but i can assure everyone that in 48 hours EVERYTHING changed. The virus is everywhere, more and more people are dying eveyday near to us, in our own cities, almost no ones work anymore, no cinemas, no gym, no pubs, nothing. You can't even visit your friends or family. Each time you go out to buy some food you know you have a risk to get sick. I never thought i would experience that in my life. It's like in a movie. It's scary and insane. Really i inderstand why people who are not experiencing that don't realise how grave and serious it is and say "it's exagerated". I was like you a couple of days ago but everything could change quickly (and will probably as it's spreading in every countries days after day). Basically we are cut from the world for about two months. 

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2 hours ago, Jet said:

But it’s not her responsibility to make us happier or make us feel better about things...she’s going through the same concerns and worries as the rest of us. What advice or examples could she give us? It’s not her place. And even though  she has all the money in the world, it’s all relative and she still needs to take care of business like the rest of us.

Isn't Madame X supposed to bring light to dark places?

Every artist are conforting people with their art at the moment, making them feel less lonely.

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22 minutes ago, Enrico said:

Isn't Madame X supposed to bring light to dark places?

Every artist are conforting people with their art at the moment, making them feel less lonely.

I've never needed a Madonna support message more than now. She must be in a pace not (yet) concerned by confinement not to realise it's time ti adress this grave issue. I'm quite certain she will in the next hours or at least tomorrow. I can't imagine her stayin silent about it, not Madonna. Or as i said she's doesn't realise the gravity of the situation, like anyone of us before it happens to us, that's why i can't blame her. Same time last week i wasn't thinking about it and living my mife normallly now everything is different.

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Guest Nobody Knows Me
8 minutes ago, Jet said:

I’m sorry but I just don’t get why she should. She can’t make it go away, she can’t tell us anything we don’t already know. She has children of her own in different countries around the world, an elderly father, they’re her priority right now. We have our own people to worry about and to worry about us.

This is exactly what I was thinking. There is absolutely nothing she can do to help the situation and it shouldn’t be her responsibility either. Granted, of course it would be nice if she posted something nice or optimistic, but she shouldn’t feel like she has to. 

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11 minutes ago, Jet said:

I’m sorry but I just don’t get why she should. She can’t make it go away, she can’t tell us anything we don’t already know. She has children of her own in different countries around the world, an elderly father, they’re her priority right now. We have our own people to worry about and to worry about us.

A few kind words and support to all the people of the world and her fans who are experiencing at the same time a very difficult time won't hurt ane would be really sweet. And you know what, i am sure she will do. I cannot imagine her only posting glamorous shots of her on stage for the next weeks. That is si not Madonna. I am sure it is a metter pf hours until we get a strong and beautif support message on her instagram. Mark my words.

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As i said the people who don't get "why" some people would love a support message from Madonna are obviously not experiencing confiment in their countries. You cannot know what it is like, the way your all life change and the amount of fear and paranoia you suddendly live with 24/7. I have never imagined i would love and even need, yes i can say that, a supporting message from Madonna but yes, today i do. I am sure she will make a post about it.

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Ok she has just posted a video of her training at home with her coaches and saying "Quarantine". As i said, she's not living under real quarantine and confinment or she couldn't even be with her sport coaches and taking deep breaths next to her. Hence why she maybe does not realise the gravity of the situation (yet). She's living now like we were living in France last week but everything could and will probably change in a blink of an eye...

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I sound like a Negative Nancy I know, but when it comes down to it, human beings turn primal in an instant. We are only seeing the starting effects of it here in this part of Canada but the rudeness and ignorance of people is jumping daily.  With businesses closing their doors and grocery stores running out of the basic food groups (that has actually started happening here in Halifax because people are going mental).  I have had to tell my music students who have traveled out of the country, or have relatives coming into the country, to not come to lessons for at least two weeks.  The schools have extended spring break up to a month.  That is a big shock to my finances but I pick up the flu like a fly is drawn to poop.

Who knows we may be living a real life version of the movie "Contagion".  I wasn't one to believe conspiracy theories, but I am starting to lol

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2 hours ago, TonyMontana said:

As i said the people who don't get "why" some people would love a support message from Madonna are obviously not experiencing confiment in their countries. You cannot know what it is like, the way your all life change and the amount of fear and paranoia you suddendly live with 24/7. I have never imagined i would love and even need, yes i can say that, a supporting message from Madonna but yes, today i do. I am sure she will make a post about it.

XoxoxoxoXoxo xoxo

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8 minutes ago, Voguerista said:

I can't stop listening to Hey You today. It's giving me hope again like when she first sang it. Such a beautiful and comforting song for the world in hard times. 

Wow i'm not the only one who loce Hey you ! I've never understood the hate for that song.

Watch this Corona thread turns into a "Hey You" discussion thread in 3...2...1... 

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2 minutes ago, TonyMontana said:

Wow i'm not the only one who loce Hey you ! I've never understood the hate for that song.

Watch this Corona thread turns into a "Hey You" discussion thread in 3...2...1... 

I've never understood the hate for it either. I've always loved it and it's so comforting. 

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31 minutes ago, Voguerista said:

I can't stop listening to Hey You today. It's giving me hope again like when she first sang it. Such a beautiful and comforting song for the world in hard times. 


21 minutes ago, TonyMontana said:

Wow i'm not the only one who loce Hey you ! I've never understood the hate for that song.

Watch this Corona thread turns into a "Hey You" discussion thread in 3...2...1... 

HELLO! You have found another HEY YOU supermega fan!

This song gave me strenght and saved my life many times.

I am so sorry that this is the ONLY Madonna song not available in a physical format (except the live version).


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3 hours ago, TonyMontana said:

Army is arriving in our citys ???


As scary as it sounds, people reacted like crazy, at least in Spain. The crisis of the toilet paper and fights in supermarkets are disgusting and we demostrated that we are kids, and we need an adult to check everything after us. So the army will play this role eventually. 

The song of the week for me is 'I rise'. I love it. 

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30 minutes ago, nito84bcn said:

As scary as it sounds, people reacted like crazy, at least in Spain. The crisis of the toilet paper and fights in supermarkets are disgusting and we demostrated that we are kids, and we need an adult to check everything after us. So the army will play this role eventually. 

The song of the week for me is 'I rise'. I love it. 

It's true. If people don't listen to the guidelines to help get us through this, calm down, share, and start acting kinder and be more compassionate, the same will happen in the US too, etc.  

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