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To Madonna and "Joan Of Arc"!!


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With the conspiracy theorists after Madonna right now and mean spirited people, I imagine that once again she feels like "Joan Of Arc". Have we all been there where people have things so wrong on us, we can't get it through, and finally, we just give up and then something or someone catches us? I have. Honestly, I don't know how she or anyone takes it sometimes? My heart hurts. :sad::frown:

Who else loves this song?

From Rollingstone:

There’s a song called “Joan of Arc” on the new album — she’s a historical figure you’ve long admired.
I’ve always been drawn to her story. More than anything, drawn to her commitment to what she believed in. In the face of death, she did not back down. And that is a theme that resonates with me. And women need female role models like that. There’s not a lot. I mean, she was burned at the stake after leading her country to victory, after defeating the English. I mean, the idea that instead of celebrating her, they called her a heretic because she was dressed like a boy, and how could this person, this one girl, be so victorious and so clever to have the strategy and knowledge to wage, and win, a war? There must be something wrong with her. OK, she’s a witch. Now we have to destroy her. And she didn’t back down, and I admire that. 

But in the lyrics you say you’re not her, not yet. 
Meaning, I’m not ready to be burned at the stake. Not yet. That does really require an elevated soul, you know? When you are really, really ready to die for what you believe in. I mean, obviously people like Martin Luther King Jr., they’re extremely inspiring to somebody like me. Because, obviously, he was told time and time again, “If you keep doing this, you’re going to keep getting arrested. There’s a lot of people who want to kill you.” He understood that this was his journey, this was his destiny. And it’s just that there’s not a lot of women like that. 

What cause would you be willing to. . . 
What would I be willing to die for? 

Only because you’re talking about how you’re not there yet. 
I would die for my children. For sure. But, you know, the whole thing that happened to Malala [Yousafzai] for instance, that she was shot with the intent to kill because she was going to school, or was promoting education through her blog or whatever. That really makes me want to start a war. I don’t know who I’d be fighting, but do you know what I mean? The idea that a girl can’t have an education is unspeakable, to me. But all forms of discrimination drive me crazy. If you’ve seen my film secretprojectrevolution, it’ll help you understand. It’s really important. But when I was on tour, all these things were happening, with Pussy Riot, Malala being shot at, you know, gays being arrested for being gay in Russia. There were so many crazy things happening in the world at the time, like, the growing fascist movement that I perceived, that I witnessed while I was in Europe. All of these crazy things were happening, and it really freaked me out.

What did you make of it all?
I felt like we were really going backwards, humanity was going backwards. And I felt like I was witnessing the collapse of civilization as we know it. And now, you know, with all of the things that have happened here in America, what happened in Paris, what’s happening around the world with Boko Haram, there’s a lot of causes that get me going and that make me think, you know, “Let’s go. I’m ready to fight for all these people, for all people who are discriminated against for their religion that they choose, their sexual preference.” All of these things. I really can’t take it. I feel personally wounded by it, and I feel like it’s my job as a human being, as an artist, as a mother, as a woman, to fight for all these people.

Such an emotional performance.....


Lyrics: Joan of Arc

Each time they take a photograph
I lose a part I can't get back
I wanna hide, this is the part where I detach
Each time they write a hateful word
Dragging my soul into the dirt
I wanna die
I never admit it
But it hurts

I don't wanna talk about it right now
Just hold me while I cry my eyes out
I'm not Joan of Arc, not yet
But I'm in the dark, yeah

I can't be superhero right now
Even hearts made out of steel can break down
I'm not Joan of Arc, not yet
I'm only human

Anything they did to me, said to me
Doesn't mean a thing, 'cause you're here with me now
Even when the world turns its back on me
There could be war but I'm not going down

One little lie I can ruin my day
Words are like weapons they betray
When I am afraid, one word of kindness it can save me

I don't wanna talk about it right now
Just hold me while I cry my eyes out
I'm not Joan of Arc, not yet
But I'm in the dark, yeah

I can't be superhero right now
Even hearts made out of steel can break down
I'm not Joan of Arc, not yet
I'm only human

Anything they did to me, said to me
Doesn't mean a thing, 'cause you're here with me now
Even when the world turns its back on me
There could be war but I'm not going down

Being destructive isn't brave
They couldn't say it to my face
One day I won't care
But for the moment I'm not there
I'll just close my eyes, and let you catch me now

I don't wanna talk about it right now
Just hold me while I cry my eyes out
I'm not Joan of Arc, not yet
But I'm in the dark, oh yeah

I can't be superhero right now
Even hearts made out of steel can break down
I'm not Joan of Arc, not yet
I'm only human

Anything they did to me, said to me
Doesn't mean a thing, 'cause you're here with me now
Even when the world turns its back on me
There could be war but I'm not going down

Anything they did to me, said to me
Doesn't mean a thing, 'cause you're here with me now
Even when the world turns its back on me
There could be war but I'm not Joan of Arc

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Guest Nobody Knows Me
16 minutes ago, Voguerista said:

And then there was this! 



That was my personal favourite Joan of Arc inspired performance, and my favourite performance from The MDNA Tour with Celebration.

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