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Your Three Least Favorite or Least Played Madonna Albums!


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Hi, what are your THREE least favorite or Least played Madonna albums?

Here's mine:

Hard Candy (From the three, I like this one the most)

Erotica (I remember cringing when I first heard it, but, it grew on me with time)

Bedtime Stories (I remember crying when I first heard it. I was so disappointed. There are a few songs I really like but, for the most part, I still don't like it much. In fact, it's my least favorite from the three)

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1 hour ago, thelioncourtheart_ said:

Hard Candy
Like a Virgin


37 minutes ago, rlittler81 said:

Like A Virgin

Hard Candy


These are it really.

Hard Candy is the most faceless Madonna album of all time. Where is she? I just get nothing from her whatsoever.

Like A Virgin era was incredible. Add Into The Groove, Crazy For You and Gambler to that album and it's up there with her best. The album tracks just feel hollow somehow. I love Stay and Over & Over and Love Don't Live Here Anymore are worthy album tracks but Pretender and Shoo Be Doo are way to basic to prop up an album that contains Material Girl and Like A Virgin which were essentially gimmick songs to make noise and arrive. 

  1. Dress You Up
  2. Material Girl
  3. Over & Over
  4. Into The Groove
  5. Angel
  6. Like A Virgin
  7. Crazy For You
  8. Gambler
  9. Stay
  10. Love Don't Live Here Anymore

Is a perfect pop album that equals True Blue and the Debut.


MDNA is actually largley shit due to the production and the addition of songs like Superstar, The dreadful vocals and lack of life on Turn Up The Radio and the single choices. 

Even Gang Bang feels processed. When I heard Madonna screaming on Bitch I'm Madonna she sounded like REAL Madonna. Gang Bang feels like a rehearsal in comparison. At least Madonna is actual present on MDNA even if it was rushed. You can hear her anger, defiance, sorrow and even the the postmortem as it happens. Even the daft frivolous songs like Girl Gone Wild, GMAYL, TUTR and Superstar are the sounds of a recently divorced woman just calling her old friends up, squeezing into her pre marital party frocks and hitting the town smiling and laughing to the world but dying inside a bit. MDNA is her fake smile album but unfortunately the whole thing was delivered and represented poorly so the vibe didn't translate properly. That and the Gaga debacle. I think MDNA will be re viewed in years to come but apart form the Orbit tracks it's rather musicialy bereft. It's an awkward chaotic listen and the tracklist order is as horrendous as Rebel Hearts is...but there's some brilliant but slightly unrealised songs in there.



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Hard choices...

Madame X - Listening to the songs out of the album some of them are quite good, but listening the whole album feels quite boring. I confess I only bought it to have in my M. collection, I listened in it's entirety like two or three times. Also I can't stand Come Alive, KWAP, Future, IDSIF and Extreme Occident - if these craps were removed from the final tracklist, probably it would be a lot easier to listen to the full album more times.


Music - I only listened to it one time, when I bought it a few years ago, and didn't liked it. I need to give it another chance, but i'm almost sure I will find it boring as hell again and probably will never listen again after it.


Hard Candy - While it has some really bad songs, it has some fan favorites (Candy Shop, DWRY, GI2M), but in it's entirety it's a complete mess. Another one I have to listen again.


Bonus: American Life - Probably the least worst of the list, as it has some of my fave M. songs (AL, Nothing Fails, Die Another Day)) but I really need to listen to it again as I listened to it a few years ago (and didn't liked it that much).

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My least favorites

1. Erotica (I hate this album. I only listen Rain, Deeper and Deeper, In this life and Why's it so hard with pleasure, also the instrumental version of ''Where's life Begin'', the rest i hate)

2. Madame X (A huge deception this album, i only like three songs and and many songs was a horror)

3. American Life (i'm not a deception this album, but not enchanted of this album, i like many songs of the album like Mother and Father and Love profusion, but this album included few horrors, i hate I'm so stupid, a horror this song).

godx, do you easy to re-listen Like a Prayer? I didn't enchanted the first time i listen this album, now, i like very well this album. This album was a new musical direction (this album was more varied musical like rock, pop, gospel, dance, RnB and Funk) and also a maturity of the lyrics, this album was her most personnal of his career. Like a Prayer and Till Death to us Part was genius, Till death to us Part was a genius, to reunite the happiness of the song with her dark lyrics (this song talk about the violence of her ex-husband Sean Penn) and Like a Prayer also, because she adventured of the pop-rock style (a departure of the old singles) with the religious chorus, adding a gospel ambiance of the song.

Edited by William Côté-Deblois (see edit history)
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1. Like A Virgin (I love DYU, LAV and MG, but I honestly don't ever listen to any other one)

2. Madonna (I love Borderline, BU and LS, but I honestly don't ever listen to any other one)

3. MDNA (I love some songs, specially GGW and GB, but I think this album was a mistake and simply the worst from Madonna)

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MDNA: Some of the songs aged like milk :Madonna003: but seriously, it didn’t aged well. The lead single Give Me All Your Luvin' was weak compared to her other singles from the 10's, the bonus tracks are :Madonna032: (B-Day Song)  not repayable. 

Like a Virgin / Madonna: They’re not bad albums, it just there are too many fillers. Like a  Virgin could’ve been added Into the Groove, Crazy for You, and Gambler to album and Debut could’ve been added Ain't No Big Deal to the track list to replace the filler track.

Hard Candy: The only good songs on the album imo are; 4 Minutes, Give It 2 Me, She's Not Me, and Miles Away. The others are just forgettable and are over produced. Also, Pharrell and Justin are on too many of the tracks which annoys me. 

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Rebel Heart: The demos are so good...

Bedtime Stories: After Like A Prayer and Erotica, Bedtime Stories was, in my opinion, a boring album to say "I'm sorry. Now I am a good girl").

I'm Breathless: I love it, but the album is too different to the rest of her discography. And Vogue belongs to the "Like A Prayer" era (It was the B-Side of Keep It Together). 

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Such a hard question... 

If I had to pick I would probably say the first 3 albums. But to be fair there's not a whole lot of Madonna albums Im listening to from beginning to end. For me it may be easier to say which albums I DO or CAN listen to from beginning till end. 


Confessions on a Dancefloor

Ray of Light

and if I needed to

the Immaculate Collection

Thats about it. 



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1. Hard Candy

2. Like A Virgin

3. Like A Prayer

It’s not like I dislike the songs or the albums as a whole, no. It’s just that they’re the least I play and also the ones with the least number of favorite tracks.

If I’m being completely honest, I’d much rather list the albums I listen to the most and from beginning to end, as the user above me said, and those would be:

1. American Life

2. Ray of Light

3. Confessions on a Dancefloor

4. Erotica


6. Madame X

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1. MDNA - well the album as a whole is a huge mess, but there are some good songs on it (Masterpiece, Love Spent, Gang Bang)

2. Rebel Heart - the album that could've been great but unfortunately everything went so wrong... and it shows in its final result. such a shame!

3. Hard Candy - i think time hasn't been good with this album.

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As far as least played,

Like a Virgin - to be honest there just aren't that many amazing songs on here, unlike any other M album. If I'm going to listen to it, it has to be the reissue with Into the Groove because that song is timeless.

Madonna (first album) - probably one of my least played because it has the least amount of tracks. I think this was really before she found her sound and direction she wanted to go in her career (I could be wrong though). That said, there isn't a song here that I don't enjoy.

Like a Prayer - I know, don't come for me lol. This album for me has a few misses, whereas most other albums does not. I personally just can't get into Dear Jessie, Love Song and Spanish Eyes :( The singles are timeless though!


As far as least favourite,

MDNA - I think we can all agree on this one.

Like a Virgin - for reasons stated above

Like a Prayer - just for the reason that most of the non-singles don't do it for me. Till Death Do Us Part and Oh Father are gems though!

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