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Madonna tested positive to coronavirus ANTIBODIES


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What I'd like to know is how neither Madonna nor Steven Klein can spell quarantine. That is the real scandal. :lol:

Indeed Madonna fans seem to have very different takeaways from the years of interpretation of the messages in her work and her public behavior, and staying home seems to have given everyone a good dose of reality humanizing celebrities and presenting them as the deeply flawed, traumatized beings that they are. Psychologically, a person who chooses to pursue fame seems like a poor choice of a role model in terms of behavioral norms! It was always Madonna's exceptionality that made her fascinating, but as times have evolved, fame has been less about individuation, and more about influencing people into submission to homogeny. That's why Madonna has become more of a renegade as her commercial viability has waned. She doesn't have to stay on message any longer to keep corporate management appeased. There are a lot of media rules that we aren't privy to, but pay attention right now! Censorship is at its worst in decades, and this will only worsen with time unless we wake up to what is actually happening out there. Anyone interested in learning more or discussing further, please PM me. I'd be happy to share and expand. 

I think many have failed to understand Madonna's evolutionary message. Madame X offered it up loud and clear. This is going to be a tough sell and hard to swallow for some, but Madonna is what many people would deem a conspiracy theorist. Her entire message is built around the Great Awakening studied and anticipated in the astrology, esoteric and spiritual communities for years. The Saturn Pluto conjunctions in Capricorn of 2020 spelled chaos and system collapse well in advance of coronavirus, and this has been part of the Kabbalistic teachings Madonna has received for a very long time. Once you become attuned to these messages, you awaken to other injustices and things that don't make any sense in our society in terms of how we are governed economically. What the mainstream media present as conspiracy is quite verifiable, and alarming to say the very least. Madonna knows her status as a corporate shill for decades made her a hypocrite in many people's eyes, but she doesn't seem to care any longer because she has awakened (and is therefore "woke" :devil:) to something much greater than herself and her work. When you reach that level of power and wealth, you become aware that the power hierarchy is much larger than most people imagine. The infrastructures are way beyond government and corporations. There are NGOs/secret organizations/named global institutions that have big picture agendas that to the little people like us would seem corrupt and maddening. They are certainly not aligned with citizenry freedom pursuits, and most of their longterm plans involve technocratic socio-cultural behavioral restrictions and population control. You can invalidate this as much as you want, and you can go back to looking at life through the lens of the corporate mainstream media that is telling you that even though you would never adjust your entire lifestyle and economic wellbeing for the flu, you should make yourself invalid and insolvent for CV 19 for reasons no one seems to ever be able to validate. Read between the lines. Madonna has worked with people like MIA and Diplo. These people are political revolutionaries if you go behind the scenes and actually pay attention to their work. They literally spell it all out...Surveillance capitalism, the military industrial complex and the necessity of war, the pharmacological lobbyists and the necessity of disease and treatment. It's a matrix system. Listen to Madame X. She tells us to wake up over and over again. It is just a matter of taking off your big pink goggles and seeing things without the stupid filter. 

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8 minutes ago, I don't search I find said:

I see people getting together and I see birthday cake. It's a party. 

Isn't it called a "zoom" party? Steven Klein is also a filmmaker. I am not convinced. 

For the most part I honestly do not think Madonna's instagram is a reflection of her real life when it comes to posts about herself. 

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7 hours ago, Gilbert said:

honey, she's in new york.

She was in London for weeks when everything locked down (and right after Madame X was cancelled).  She didn't decamp to the Hamptons until late March (another irresponsible act to travel during the height of the pandemic, so no surprise if she got exposed - she did it to herself).

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21 minutes ago, stfan97 said:

She was in London for weeks when everything locked down (and right after Madame X was cancelled).  She didn't decamp to the Hamptons until late March (another irresponsible act to travel during the height of the pandemic, so no surprise if she got exposed - she did it to herself).

okay, but now she's in NY. what you mentioned had nothing to do with my post.  :)

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18 hours ago, Debrah said:

Are you on purpose ?

What kind of question is that? I think the phrase you're looking for is "Are you serious?" or maybe "Are you for real?" 
To answer your question, in short, Yes, I am on "purpose".  
Thanks for asking!

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2 hours ago, LikeAMelody said:

Isn't it called a "zoom" party? Steven Klein is also a filmmaker. I am not convinced. 

For the most part I honestly do not think Madonna's instagram is a reflection of her real life when it comes to posts about herself. 

We can clearly see Madonna right there with him as well as other people who are also obviously right there. 

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4 hours ago, boytoy77 said:

What kind of question is that? I think the phrase you're looking for is "Are you serious?" or maybe "Are you for real?" 

Actually, "Are you on purpose?" was a quote. I would assume that a forum full of gay guys would have caught that.


4 hours ago, boytoy77 said:

To answer your question, in short, Yes, I am on "purpose".  

Well I wouldn't brag about it given your previous post.

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12 hours ago, Debrah said:

Actually, "Are you on purpose?" was a quote. I would assume that a forum full of gay guys would have caught that.


Well I wouldn't brag about it given your previous post.

Well I wouldn’t brag about that profile pic of yours. 
and coming into a forum, you should have no assumptions nor preconceived notions. 

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31 minutes ago, boytoy77 said:

Well I wouldn’t brag about that profile pic of yours. 
and coming into a forum, you should have no assumptions nor preconceived notions. 

Oh go ahead. What is your problem with my profile pic, "BoyToy77"? Go right ahead, tell us more. 

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On 5/3/2020 at 2:20 AM, Matty said:

Attending Stevens birthday is extremely selfish and unacceptable when everyone is social distancing. She doesn’t help herself if this makes the press they will crucify her 

I hope the press crucifies her. She's out of this world lately.

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1 hour ago, boytoy77 said:

I’m not wasting my time with an immature troglodyte. 
bye bye baby ?? 

Or : "When BoyToy77 suddenly decides to stop attacking someone based on his physical appearance, because he's a dickless tw*t who just realized he'll get his sorry ass kicked from this forum by pursuing that route". Keep your cheap shots to yourself, well hidden behind your Madonna avatar, you gutless idiot.

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1 hour ago, Debrah said:

Or : "When BoyToy77 suddenly decides to stop attacking someone based on his physical appearance, because he's a dickless tw*t who just realized he'll get his sorry ass kicked from this forum by pursuing that route". Keep your cheap shots to yourself, well hidden behind your Madonna avatar, you gutless idiot.

It was not an attack, I just replied in kind. Your nasty attitude will get you outta here, based on your posts. 
By the way,  what was your point in replying to me in the first place??

And I wouldn’t talk, you’re the one throwing names, not me.  Some people just can’t handle a differing opinion than their own. 

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2 minutes ago, boytoy77 said:

It was not an attack, I just replied in kind.

No, you didn't.   We were arguing about ideas/opinions, and you suddenly decided to bring up my avatar for no god damn reason. Which is usually what witless people do : bring up someone's appearance when they have nothing to respond. 

4 minutes ago, boytoy77 said:

By the way,  what was your point in replying to me in the first place??

Oh, it's a discussion forum, haven't you heard ?  A discussion is composed of people talking to each other, agreeing, disagreeing, arguing. But usually they manage to do it without bringing up people's physical appearance, at least past the age of 10. As for throwing names, I called you a dickless tw*at and a gutless idiot, because yes, that's usually what will happen to you when you show your true colors like you just did. You'll be rightfully called names. Now this has NOTHING to do with the topic of this thread, so enough of your BS. If you want to mock my avatar, if you have a problem with me, take it to PM and stop polluting this thread with your immature vendetta. Bye.

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2 hours ago, Debrah said:

No, you didn't.   We were arguing about ideas/opinions, and you suddenly decided to bring up my avatar for no god damn reason. Which is usually what witless people do : bring up someone's appearance when they have nothing to respond. 

Oh, it's a discussion forum, haven't you heard ?  A discussion is composed of people talking to each other, agreeing, disagreeing, arguing. But usually they manage to do it without bringing up people's physical appearance, at least past the age of 10. As for throwing names, I called you a dickless tw*at and a gutless idiot, because yes, that's usually what will happen to you when you show your true colors like you just did. You'll be rightfully called names. Now this has NOTHING to do with the topic of this thread, so enough of your BS. If you want to mock my avatar, if you have a problem with me, take it to PM and stop polluting this thread with your immature vendetta. Bye.

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2 hours ago, Debrah said:

No, you didn't.   We were arguing about ideas/opinions, and you suddenly decided to bring up my avatar for no god damn reason. Which is usually what witless people do : bring up someone's appearance when they have nothing to respond. 

Oh, it's a discussion forum, haven't you heard ?  A discussion is composed of people talking to each other, agreeing, disagreeing, arguing. But usually they manage to do it without bringing up people's physical appearance, at least past the age of 10. As for throwing names, I called you a dickless tw*at and a gutless idiot, because yes, that's usually what will happen to you when you show your true colors like you just did. You'll be rightfully called names. Now this has NOTHING to do with the topic of this thread, so enough of your BS. If you want to mock my avatar, if you have a problem with me, take it to PM and stop polluting this thread with your immature vendetta. Bye.

Yah you’re so mature. All you can do is sit there and call me names and assume that you know my character. You made a remark about being “on purpose”, and you still have not said what it means.  It seems you are the one who can’t debate a point without an arsenal of insults. 
I just said I wouldn’t brag about your profile pic.  Nothing more, nothing less. It’s been my pleasure. 
Bye ? 

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1 hour ago, blondebenji said:

I hope this makes the media.  Doubt it though.  she does so much good that never gets publicized.

On the topic of having Covid, All i can say is she is truly made of tough stuff. 

To have her problem with her knee, hip and covid (unknown to her) and still perform is an truly amazing.

You said it. Just tough as nails! 

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