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Madonna's Hung Up #79 on the 100 Greatest Music Videos of 21st Century


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17 members voted

  1. 1. Do you agree that Hung Up ranked only at #79?

  2. 2. Do you think more videos from her catalog should have been ranked?

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 do you agree with only that video and that it ranked at #79? i expect a lot of hate in this thread since i know some wont be happy to see some other women pop stars (Lady Gaga) had several videos mentioned.

i am surprised Music didnt get mentioned though. i also think it deserved a higher position.


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9 hours ago, Pootz333 said:

"American Life", "Die Another Day" and "WIFLFAG".


i agree with Die Another Day and WIFLFAG but unless you are referring to the flag version (which doesnt deserve a mention) the original version never was officially released, so i can understand that one never being mentioned.

it is obvious that this top 100 list is catered to the younger generation of artist like anything in music. if this was from the 20th century we would see many of her videos especially from the 80s.

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25 minutes ago, wtg1987 said:

I never liked any of the confessions album videos sorry ? I think die another day and music should have been on but I’m not surprised to be honest - her video work has never been appreciated by critics anyway 

the only one I really like from confessions is Sorry


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Definitely the original AL video, and not that flags travesty. Particularly the one where the grenade lands on the runway and the crowd gasps. That's my fave. And I know it wasn't officially released. And this list is definitely catering to the Gaga generation. But to me, that original Al video is her best and most important video of her entire career. It becomes more and more relevant with each passing year and that is terrifying. I hope the B roll/ alternate takes leak one day. She said back then that there were like a dozen edits. A video kids today should see.

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