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Whitney on Madonna

Régine Filange

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6 minutes ago, Régine Filange said:

Did Whitney shade Madonna in the 80s saying she would rather k*ll her kid than end up like Madonna or something like that? Does anyone have a source of that?

I remember that clearly.....but I'm pretty sure it was tabloid rubbish.

At the time I thought I thought she was a nasty c#$t, but it now doesn't seem to ring true.

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Whitney was always so enigmatic to me, because she would often praise some singers who had little singing talent, but then shade other singers that had considerable vocal talent. I remember her shading a certain popstar over her choice of outrageous clothing, which I thought was a bit uncalled for since the singer in question at least had the vocal talent to put on a good performance regardless of her outfits. 

I dunno, Whitney seemed to flip-flop on certain subjects when it was convenient for her, and unfortunately we'll never really know her true feelings.

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2 hours ago, ITG said:

I remember that clearly.....but I'm pretty sure it was tabloid rubbish.

At the time I thought I thought she was a nasty c#$t, but it now doesn't seem to ring true.

Same, remember it very clearly, back when Whitney release her first album or so, around the True Blue era iirc. Funny how things turn out.....

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I think it must be incredibly tough to be in the spotlight especially when young. Tabloids want gossip and beef, record companies want support for their own artists and the public want to know everything. Healthy competition is good but one negative response  can cause all out war...just look at the rappers in the 90's and even the stabbings and shootings on the streets today, caused by "disrespecting someone" on social media. Crazy. Even on here you can write something and it can get taken out of context and the next thing the everyone is against each other and the thread gets shut down. Imagine your words getting brought up in ten years time "well you said this"....it must be frustrating 

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Her words were not kind to Madonna in the 80s. Yes, she said those things...but there were also at a time when Clive and company were putting her out there as essentially the anti-Madonna - the good, Christian girl that was appropriate for everyone. As time went one, we quickly figured out that was pure image making, and the real Nippy was the furthest thing from a saint. Over time, she seemed to soften on Madonna and had much kinder things to say.

But I think it's important to remember (as there are many young fans now) that Madonna in those times was extremely polarizing. And that's an understatement. M could even get under the skin of the most liberal, especially post 90-95. A lot of folks who have come to love and understand Madonna over the years weren't all exactly on board so easily in those times.

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23 hours ago, Régine Filange said:

Did Whitney shade Madonna in the 80s saying she would rather k*ll her kid than end up like Madonna or something like that? Does anyone have a source of that?

Ha ha! I dont think she said that. But it's funny bc didnt Madonna say the same thing about Mariah Carey in the 90s?

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On 2/13/2021 at 12:01 AM, Régine Filange said:

Did Whitney shade Madonna in the 80s saying she would rather k*ll her kid than end up like Madonna or something like that? Does anyone have a source of that?

I also remember Whitney saying that (allegedly) in an interview at the time. The quote went through all the media then. However, I don't know if she really said it, but many newspapers quoted it.

Interesting, is this Madonna quote: "She wrote a letter to actor John Enos in the early 1990s bemoaning what she saw as a lack of success while slamming the 'horribly mediocre' careers of Sharon Stone and Whitney Houston: "It's so unequivocally frustrating to read that Whitney Houston has the music career I wish I had and Sharon Stone has the film career I'll never have." https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4695402/Madonna-blasts-Whitney-Houston-Sharon-Stone-letter.html



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36 minutes ago, Blue Jean said:

Do any Whitney fans happen to know the dates or at least years of these interviews?

The first video was late 1990. The voice over says "her tour of Japan this year was completely sold out," referring to the Feels So Right Tour from early 1990. The second one spans 1988 (W), 94 (M), 95 (M), 98 for both Madonna and Whitney's press conference, back to 1995 for that Exhale interview which was taken from MTV's 1995 in review, and 2010 (W). 

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I like both Whitney and Madonna. I think there was some cattiness there and jealousy on Madonna's part because she knew Houston simply had the better voice. Madonna's voice didn't come into her own until the Evita/Ray of Light era. I doubt Whitney said anything about wanting to kill her kid if she ended up like Madonna; Houston just didn't seem like the malicious type.

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Whitney was too confident to be threatened. She’s so unique like that. Her voice is pure confidence. It’s why her Star Spangled Banner resonated so much in a time of national apprehension about the gulf war. Whitney singing that song with that confidence joy and hope in her voice at the beginning of a match just tucked itself into the American public psyche in a fundamental way. She was a force that never needs to bow.... and America needed that just in that moment. She was the GOAT vocally. 

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