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Radios, media and society OWE to Madonna and they better pay up


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After watching the AL video , let me start this mini rant.

I'll start by admitting that, yes, Madonna's a lot about herself and her ego - more accurately bravery - sky rockets BUT

Madonna sacrificed a long career of rocking airplays with the choice to stand against war with American Life. Again she opened another path, the path for many mainstream artists to speak about social issues afterwards.

I am so angry with how the world treats her because they are in denial about her massive power as a human and artist as well as her impact on the world. Madonna is one of the most creative AND productive human beings of our times. Yet, her picture is painted so badly by bigots controlling the media and copycats "making statements" while they just comply actually.

I am a huge fan and I have a lot of Love for M , I will always will. Which has me questioning sometimes if there's prejudice to my views about how artistry in general evolves. Well , most of what's being played out there on mainstream media is recycled CRAP . yet they choose to play it, big industries and stuff. 

 "is she still around" ? "what the fuck is she doing"  ? The f*ck the GP don't have the right to say that. Madonna being pushed out of the industry has us left with crappy leftovers being politically correct and "different" . Really? Now they discover what it is like to be different?

They owe to Madonna. Gays owe to Madonna, a hetero female fighting through hell to make a point. She could've pulled retirement plans a long time ago and earn fuckloads of money. Pull farewells here and there and then have society praising her ... once they feel her threat is gone. 

Sticking around, evolving is an act of rebellion, is an act of bravery and the sign she not only respects herself and her drive but also cares about us who are here to listen what she has to say.

I'm sorry for the messy flow in the writing and hope I get my point across, thanks


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Ummm first of all the media doesn’t owe her anything. They both profited a lot from each other. 
She’s not commercially successful because she’s completely out of touch with what the GP is interested in musically and also because she doesn’t compromise. It would take her a week to put out a mediocre album like Gaga’s Chromatica and make a duet with Ariana Grande that sounds like a rough demo. But she wants to do what she feels inspired to do and it’s not mainstream.

The only way for a woman her age to find success these days is to make a “classy” comeback after a long hiatus or bank oh her old catalogue. Madonna isn’t interested in either

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2 minutes ago, thegoldencalf said:

Ummm first of all the media doesn’t owe her anything. They both profited a lot from each other. 
She’s not commercially successful because she’s completely out of touch with what the GP is interested in musically and also because she doesn’t compromise. It would take her a week to put out a mediocre album like Gaga’s Chromatica and make a duet with Ariana Grande that sounds like a rough demo. But she wants to do what she feels inspired to do and it’s not mainstream.

The only way for a woman her age to find success these days is to make a “classy” comeback after a long hiatus or bank oh her old catalogue. Madonna isn’t interested in either

Agreed, it was a relationship where both benefitted from it at times. Madonna gave the media material to work with and the media gave her the exposure necessary for her rise to stardom.  Even now, the media had a field day with her boobs for the millionth time after the Boom Boom. She knows what gets the exposure (no pun intended).

I mean I guess it's okay that she isn't still commercially successful at this stage because her pandering to fit in with Gaga and Ariana might not work as well for her as it looks in writing. Someone like Kylie can pull it off a bit because her music has never gone that below the surface whereas M's has ranged from surface level to extremely deep so it would just read as a deliberate grasp for popularity which is also why I'm not holding my breath for another disco inspired album from her after the resurgence from last year.  

In terms of her banking on her old catalogue, I think she isn't fully interested but we have also gotten brief moments of her banking on it a bit (Dress You Up on Ellen, Borderline/Holiday Classroom Instrument edition on Fallon, Carpool Karaoke, Hung Up at the Boom Boom, the IG posts using her older songs). 

She might be entering her legacy preserving or in her case rebuilding/reinforcing era. With the biopic seeming to be her main focus again, she might think it's in her best interest and the interest of the movie in terms of box office draw to revisit the back catalogue that's not just Candy Shop, Human Nature, LAP, La Isla and Vogue. 

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3 hours ago, madonnagreece said:

Gays owe to Madonna

The gays are doing their best but 1) she's not making it easy to explain her to people half of the time and 2) she's out of touch with most of the younger generation who read her as a fag hag latching on for relevancy. A lot of them can't be bothered to do a simple Google search and see the amount she has done for the community in terms of awareness and helping with trying to de-stigmatize homosexually and HIV/AIDS. The closest anyone born in 2000 onwards will get to living during and seeing with memories of the undeniable Creamy Smooth Pop Star Icon Goddess Madonna of the 80s and 90s is the Super Bowl performance. After that is when things get shaky (even shakier then Hard Candy). 

At the end of the day even through all her ups and downs, only the true fans will know, remember and respect Madonna and her place in history and pop culture. 

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Madonna is an artist and artists can suffer from backlashes but she's no martyr. She's almost a billionaire. She doesn't need to work anymore if she doesn't want to. I agree completely with this comment: 

39 minutes ago, thegoldencalf said:

Ummm first of all the media doesn’t owe her anything. They both profited a lot from each other. 
She’s not commercially successful because she’s completely out of touch with what the GP is interested in musically and also because she doesn’t compromise. It would take her a week to put out a mediocre album like Gaga’s Chromatica and make a duet with Ariana Grande that sounds like a rough demo. But she wants to do what she feels inspired to do and it’s not mainstream.

The only way for a woman her age to find success these days is to make a “classy” comeback after a long hiatus or bank oh her old catalogue. Madonna isn’t interested in either

I said what I said.

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39 minutes ago, Husam Elzien said:

Agreed, it was a relationship where both benefitted from it at times. Madonna gave the media material to work with and the media gave her the exposure necessary for her rise to stardom.  Even now, the media had a field day with her boobs for the millionth time after the Boom Boom. She knows what gets the exposure (no pun intended).

I mean I guess it's okay that she isn't still commercially successful at this stage because her pandering to fit in with Gaga and Ariana might not work as well for her as it looks in writing. Someone like Kylie can pull it off a bit because her music has never gone that below the surface whereas M's has ranged from surface level to extremely deep so it would just read as a deliberate grasp for popularity which is also why I'm not holding my breath for another disco inspired album from her after the resurgence from last year.  

In terms of her banking on her old catalogue, I think she isn't fully interested but we have also gotten brief moments of her banking on it a bit (Dress You Up on Ellen, Borderline/Holiday Classroom Instrument edition on Fallon, Carpool Karaoke, Hung Up at the Boom Boom, the IG posts using her older songs). 

She might be entering her legacy preserving or in her case rebuilding/reinforcing era. With the biopic seeming to be her main focus again, she might think it's in her best interest and the interest of the movie in terms of box office draw to revisit the back catalogue that's not just Candy Shop, Human Nature, LAP, La Isla and Vogue. 

By banking on her old catalogue I meant a huge reissues campaign with promotion on her part, GH tours and stuff like that.

And yes the biopic is a big step in that direction. Unfortunately, if she’s directing and the movie is her talking about masturbation it will go nowhere…

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Honestly the apathy towards movie and music celebs and the industries in general since COVID has been refreshing, but it doesn't bode well for people like M. I remember ten years ago when she went for jury duty and it made the news. Now she could set her hair on fire and no one would care. I remember seeing teens react to Mariah's Fantasy and few had any idea who was singing the song and when they found out they were like "Oh right, she hasn't done much recently" Blew me away. That song is such a bop I figured it would remain a classic regardless.

The world has changed and is changing rapidly.

It is unfortunate and M will probably lose out as a result. When she came out in defense of Britney and approved of her new lawyer, whom she knew, I expected more response, but again few cared.

Good or bad publicity, doesn't matter, but people no longer giving a toss means your days in the sun are over, and it is no ones fault. I have seen articles and videos praising M and trying to get a sort of resurgance in interest in her, but it has failed every time.

I do think it is up to her to push herself out there with the biopic and re-releases and stuff, but I also feel she somewhat missed the boat. COVID changed so much that I have to wonder whether she will ever get the legendary style respect she deserves from this younger generation. 

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9 hours ago, madonnagreece said:

Gays owe to Madonna

In my case, yes. But thanks to her music.  I was a closeted gay and only my best friend knew the truth. "Fortunately" we had a fight and he told to all my friends that I was gay (I was 18 or 19 years old). At that moment, my best friend destroyed me. But believe it or not, Madonna's music gave me strength to face my new "reality" and to say to the rest to the world what I really thought. And that was the best change in my life. 

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5 hours ago, cake said:

i think the GP has great respect for Madonna as a Legend. Teens regard enyone over 35 a boomer that's just the way it is. In the golden age of MTV established artists like Tina, Cher, Bowie would relaunch their career by getting video on heavy rotation. Not so much in the streming era.

All those people were all in their 40’s in the 80’s. Madonna was having great success when she was around that age too. It is simply a huge stretch for an artist in their 60’s to appeal to a young audience or even to any audience really outside of being a legacy act. The only exception I can think of is Cher having a comeback in her early to mid 50’s. But that did not last.

Madonna can only be a legacy act. That’s her only chance for success as a touring artist at this point.

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I don't know if I would use the term "out of touch" when describing Madonna's music of the last decade or so. She's clearly 'in the know' regarding what is going on in contemporary music, and you can clearly hear it throughout much of the last few albums (and no, I don't think that is a bad thing whatsoever). In fact, some of those albums best songs are perfectly in line with where music/culture is now (or at the time being)...it's just that the work doesn't get its just due when it comes to promotion (and we already know the reasons why). Let alone it's almost as if a pop artist, particularly female, isn't even supposed to be doing such at this point in a career, and yet she continues to create and express as a contemporary artist ... unapologetically.

Considering where most popular music is right now, I'm glad she continues to interpret what is current but still through her own very specific lens. It's what continues to set her apart. As said above, she could easily pander to the folks who just want disco dolly 'bops' or spit out a junky album in a week like these lesser "stars" and ride it out the easy way...but she doesn't. And thank god for that.

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On 7/17/2021 at 7:26 PM, thegoldencalf said:

The shade was intentional.

I do hope the movie will be as good and successful as Rocketman or Bohemian Rhapsody though

"Good" and "successful" don't have to go hand in hand - Bohemian Rhapsody is an awful, awful movie yet it was incredibly successful commercially :).

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I'm gonna have to disagree on some points. I don't feel that she's owed anything, nor does she owe anything to anyone. Even if you dislike how radio treated her during the American Life era, she was massively successful for 2 decades up to that point and earned her Queen of Pop title. But expecting the world to bend to her will when she had already reigned supreme for longer than most of her contemporaries sounds really self-entitled to me. Madonna can't always be on top and I think she's in a headspace now where she's very aware of that and more comfortable with her spot in the music world.

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12 minutes ago, Nahual said:

I'm gonna have to disagree on some points. I don't feel that she's owed anything, nor does she owe anything to anyone. Even if you dislike how radio treated her during the American Life era, she was massively successful for 2 decades up to that point and earned her Queen of Pop title. But expecting the world to bend to her will when she had already reigned supreme for longer than most of her contemporaries sounds really self-entitled to me. Madonna can't always be on top and I think she's in a headspace now where she's very aware of that and more comfortable with her spot in the music world.

This. And it happens to everyone. It doesn’t last forever.

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5 hours ago, Nahual said:

I'm gonna have to disagree on some points. I don't feel that she's owed anything, nor does she owe anything to anyone. Even if you dislike how radio treated her during the American Life era, she was massively successful for 2 decades up to that point and earned her Queen of Pop title. But expecting the world to bend to her will when she had already reigned supreme for longer than most of her contemporaries sounds really self-entitled to me. Madonna can't always be on top and I think she's in a headspace now where she's very aware of that and more comfortable with her spot in the music world.

Exactly! M had a good run but all good things must come to an end. It will eventually happen to Taylor and Ariana. When one supreme fades, a new one rises but most have been birthed from Madonna in some capacity and that's part of the reason why she stays in the public's consciousness. That and the fact that her music is now considered nostalgic. 

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On 7/17/2021 at 2:26 PM, thegoldencalf said:

The shade was intentional.

I do hope the movie will be as good and successful as Rocketman or Bohemian Rhapsody though

Oh dear, I hope her film has more depth than either of one of those films. Success and depth together would be great but I have to choose I'm rooting for depth. 

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On 7/25/2021 at 7:17 PM, deathproof said:

This. And it happens to everyone. It doesn’t last forever.

Unless your a man and what you earn is forever. No one insults male legends by "attempting" to take away anything from them. In fact, they are praised endlessly for what they didn't earn as well. They are the only ones who can take away their legend status...and they can't even do it no matter what. Men are worshipped by both men and women. 

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1 hour ago, LikeAMelody said:

Unless your a man and what you earn is forever. No one insults male legends by "attempting" to take away anything from them. In fact, they are praised endlessly for what they didn't earn as well. They are the only ones who can take away their legend status...and they can't even do it no matter what. Men are worshipped by both men and women. 



George Michael?

Boy George?


Im also a male by the way, and I’m gonna go out of my way and guess that 85% of the members here are he/him.

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2 hours ago, LikeAMelody said:

Oh dear, I hope her film has more depth than either of one of those films. Success and depth together would be great but I have to choose I'm rooting for depth. 

Ugh what exactly is this depth that people are expecting from a 20th century  rock star biopic?!? And do we have any examples of such films? 
The Liz Taylor and Marilyn Monroe ones sucked big time. And let’s face it, none of these people had the tragic unique lives of Frida Kahlo or Vincent Van Gogh that would give that depth.

For the Elton and Freddy movies we didn’t need yet another drama about the struggles of closeted gay men or the AIDS epidemic. It’s been done a lot and very well. All that was needed was a glimpse behind the scenes and lots of fantasy. And a reminder of why these artists are so amazing and loved. And the films achieved that. Hence their success. 
The true depth of all these artists exists in their work so the depth of the movies should come from that. Combined with breathtaking visuals. 

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I actually didn’t care for either the Queen or Elton biopics. They were too fluffy. I actually think they would have benefited them if they were more gritty and raw. especially Bohemian Rhapsody, which could have explored the HIV/AIDS more instead of being tacked on at the end like an after thought.

There are some biopics that have depth and explore the tragedy and harsh reality of their lives, while still having heart. Ray achieved this. As did Lady Sings the Blues.

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