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7 hours ago, Tiago Lisboa Rodrigues said:

wtf...this weird discussion.

S&S vocals are her worst vocals ever on tour guys, come on. 

MDNA was a bit better, RHT was even better. Listen to the accustic parts of the show where she sings a different song every night. She gave us performances like this:

Where were these vocals during the MDNA tour or even Sticky? Love Don't Live Here Anymore, etc where usually great.

Of course the soundboards are bad, specially on her dancing numbers. Plus, she was already in Japan. She was touring for half a year already. There's no miracle there. She was also in her mid to late 50's back during this tour. 

But i find it odd how some of you have this weird selective memory about her vocals. The Confessions Tour DVD changed her vocals for Lucky Star, Hung Up, and some others. It was widely discussed back then. 

About her current vocals...this is how she was performing Frozen 20 years ago:

Only 3 years later, you can already feel she's not quite hitting the mark:

Add 20 years on top of her already 40 something from back then...and it's not weird she sounds like she does right now. 

Her voice will keep deteriorating. It's called aging. And she's still giving us moving performances in her 60's, even for Frozen. 

I feel like her voice really recovered in general since S&S even if overall it's not as great as when she was in her early 40's...but guess what? It's never going to be like that again, no matter how much she works on it. But you can tell she didn't give a shit during S&S and did work on those vocals later.

Still...go back to some recordings of BAT and be amazed how rough Like a Prayer sounds back then. She even murdered Sooner or Later a few times if i recall.

This conversation about her vocals like she was always pitch perfect on tour is weird as hell. It wouldnt even make sense if she was 30 years old, lol

At S&S she undoubtedly sang worse than ever. I say this despite the fact that I loved that tour to bits.
But even in You Must Love Me, the moment of the concert where she was singing well, she was doing some notes that were almost always flat (concealing, say, feeling). Maybe her best vocal performance of that tour was Devil Wouldn't Recognize You.

I remember the RHT soundboards, for sure in Tokyo compared to the beginning of the tour she got worse because she was tired, but there is always a big difference between the soundboards and the audio recorded by the fans in the same concert, EQ and the help of the backing vocalists play a big role.
In the RHT her voice however was ok, she sang well enough without excelling but without sounding bad either. 
Ghosttown is a track that she performed most of the times quite well, always with some mistakes but nevertheless always with a very good rendition.
Crazy For You wasn't bad either, Secret was great. Her voice there was ok, though not top notch. But I recognized her preparation and how she cared about her renditions.

Anyway, now we are comparing Frozen performed at the original pitch with Frozen performed today at a lower pitch and with the help of a pitch corrector (which in my opinion she didn't need at all, but it has an impact). 
Unfortunately in the recorded date of the RIT (Lisbon) she was not in good shape, whereas in the rest of the tour she sang it much better.



However one of her best moments vocally was the American Life Promo Tour, she delivered her notes with tremendous lightness, just as she should always do. 

Just to name a few at random... but in almost every performance she proved study and technical preparation, as well as relaxation and lightness in her singing.

However, it's not that she always sucks today, she still does better than S&S. Just wish she would study a little and get better at it. She definetly can. This time in Harlem her voice was a total mess (even with autotune in Dark Ballet and Sodade)



5 hours ago, Tiago Lisboa Rodrigues said:

wtf...this weird discussion.

S&S vocals are her worst vocals ever on tour guys, come on. 

MDNA was a bit better, RHT was even better. Listen to the accustic parts of the show where she sings a different song every night. She gave us performances like this:

Where were these vocals during the MDNA tour or even Sticky? Love Don't Live Here Anymore, etc where usually great.

Of course the soundboards are bad, specially on her dancing numbers. Plus, she was already in Japan. She was touring for half a year already. There's no miracle there. She was also in her mid to late 50's back during this tour. 

But i find it odd how some of you have this weird selective memory about her vocals. The Confessions Tour DVD changed her vocals for Lucky Star, Hung Up, and some others. It was widely discussed back then. 

About her current vocals...this is how she was performing Frozen 20 years ago:

Only 3 years later, you can already feel she's not quite hitting the mark:

Add 20 years on top of her already 40 something from back then...and it's not weird she sounds like she does right now. 

Her voice will keep deteriorating. It's called aging. And she's still giving us moving performances in her 60's, even for Frozen. 

I feel like her voice really recovered in general since S&S even if overall it's not as great as when she was in her early 40's...but guess what? It's never going to be like that again, no matter how much she works on it. But you can tell she didn't give a shit during S&S and did work on those vocals later.

Still...go back to some recordings of BAT and be amazed how rough Like a Prayer sounds back then. She even murdered Sooner or Later a few times if i recall.

This conversation about her vocals like she was always pitch perfect on tour is weird as hell. It wouldnt even make sense if she was 30 years old, lol

At S&S she undoubtedly sang worse than ever. I say this despite the fact that I loved that tour to bits.
But even in You Must Love Me, the moment of the concert where she was singing well, she was doing some notes that were almost always flat (concealing, say, feeling).

I remember the soundboards, for sure compared to the beginning of the tour she got worse because she was tired, but there is always a big difference between the soundboards and the audio recorded by the fans in the same concert, EQ and the help of the backing vocalists play a big role.
In the RHT her voice however was ok, she sang well enough without excelling but without sounding bad either. 
Ghosttown is a track that she performed most of the times quite well, always with some mistakes but nevertheless always with a very good rendition.
Crazy For You wasn't bad either, Secret was great. Her voice there was ok, though not top notch. But I recognized her preparation and how she cared about her renditions.

Anyway, now we are comparing Frozen performed at the original pitch with Frozen performed today at a lower pitch and with the help of a pitch corrector (which in my opinion she didn't need at all, but it has an impact). 
Unfortunately in the recorded date of the RIT (Lisbon) she was not in good shape, whereas in the rest of the tour she sang it much better.



However one of her best moments vocally was the American Life Promo Tour, she delivered her notes with tremendous lightness, just as she should always do. 

Just to name a few at random... but in almost every performance she proved study and technical preparation, as well as relaxation and lightness in her singing.

However, it's not that she always sucks today, she still does better than S&S. Just wish she would study a little and get better at it. She definetly can. This time in Harlem her voice was a total mess (even with autotune in Dark Ballet and Sodade)



4 hours ago, Tiago Lisboa Rodrigues said:

wtf...this weird discussion.

S&S vocals are her worst vocals ever on tour guys, come on. 

MDNA was a bit better, RHT was even better. Listen to the accustic parts of the show where she sings a different song every night. She gave us performances like this:

Where were these vocals during the MDNA tour or even Sticky? Love Don't Live Here Anymore, etc where usually great.

Of course the soundboards are bad, specially on her dancing numbers. Plus, she was already in Japan. She was touring for half a year already. There's no miracle there. She was also in her mid to late 50's back during this tour. 

But i find it odd how some of you have this weird selective memory about her vocals. The Confessions Tour DVD changed her vocals for Lucky Star, Hung Up, and some others. It was widely discussed back then. 

About her current vocals...this is how she was performing Frozen 20 years ago:

Only 3 years later, you can already feel she's not quite hitting the mark:

Add 20 years on top of her already 40 something from back then...and it's not weird she sounds like she does right now. 

Her voice will keep deteriorating. It's called aging. And she's still giving us moving performances in her 60's, even for Frozen. 

I feel like her voice really recovered in general since S&S even if overall it's not as great as when she was in her early 40's...but guess what? It's never going to be like that again, no matter how much she works on it. But you can tell she didn't give a shit during S&S and did work on those vocals later.

Still...go back to some recordings of BAT and be amazed how rough Like a Prayer sounds back then. She even murdered Sooner or Later a few times if i recall.

This conversation about her vocals like she was always pitch perfect on tour is weird as hell. It wouldnt even make sense if she was 30 years old, lol

At S&S she undoubtedly sang worse than ever. I say this despite the fact that I loved that tour to bits.
But even in You Must Love Me, the moment of the concert where she was singing well, she was doing some notes that were always flat (concealing, say, feeling).

I remember the soundboards, for sure compared to the beginning of the tour she got worse, but there is always a big difference between the soundboards and the audio recorded by the fans in the same concert, EQ and the help of the backing vocalists play a big role.
In the RHT her voice however was ok, he sang well enough without excelling but without sounding bad either. 
Ghosttown is a track that she performed most of the times quite well, always with some mistakes but nevertheless always with a very good rendition.
Crazy For You wasn't bad, Secret was great. Her voice there was ok, though not top notch.

However, we are comparing Frozen performed at the original pitch with Frozen performed today at a lower pitch and with the help of a pitch corrector (which in my opinion she didn't need at all, but it has an impact). 
Unfortunately in the recorded date of the RIT (Lisbon) she was not in good shape, whereas in the rest of the tour she sang it much better.



However one of her best moments vocally was the American Life Promo Tour, she delivered the notes with tremendous lightness, just as she should always do. 

Just to name a few at random, but in almost every performance she proved study and technical preparation, as well as relaxation and lightness in her singing.

However, it's not that she always sucks today, she still does better than S&S. Just wish she would study a little and get better at it. She definetly can.

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