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Madonna & Tokischa - Hung Up Remix Music Video


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3 hours ago, thegoldencalf said:

I think your comment is very sexist.

Male celebrities in their sixties have been acting just like she is for generations and they’re always applauded and admired.

When a woman acts like that though it’s worrying behavior and she needs to calm down and act like a recluse.

So just because men have been doing this for ages that means you can't observe strange behavior from Madonna just because she is a woman? sounds to me like you are the one being sexist, I literally compared her worrying behavior to Michael Jackson and Prince who are both men. Playing the sexism card to deflect my criticism wont work.

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It's not so bad but like anything M has done since the end of Madame X tour, I watch it once shrug my shoulders and continue with what I was doing and never give it a second thought. Sometimes it's horror (Mtv awards) sometimes just meh and very rarely alright, this is a case of alright I'd say.

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1 hour ago, MadonnaLove said:


This is so embarrassing. There is clearly no purpose, no drive, no relevance… She has definitely reached the lowest point of her career. I would really hope that she takes some time after this and dedicate her efforts and attention to the bio pic for a while. 

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7 minutes ago, Neon Fever Dream said:

It's really cool that you managed to get your cultural references up to 1999, but in 2022, this "you're the actual sexist/racist/homophobe" shit has been a tired meme for years. 

You are aware that I did not start any of this right? I made a comment that had nothing to do with mentioning sexism and another user got mad and said my comment was sexist when it clearly was not thereby exposing him as having a sexist thought process. If the shoe fits, wear it.

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3 hours ago, thegoldencalf said:

I think your comment is very sexist.

Male celebrities in their sixties have been acting just like she is for generations and they’re always applauded and admired.

When a woman acts like that though it’s worrying behavior and she needs to calm down and act like a recluse.

To be honest that reasoning doesn't really fly anymore. I totally agree that there always have been double standards where it comes to men and women and the latter are defenitely not allowed to age unless you do it "gracefully" whatever that means. But show me any rockstar in his 60's who's girating on top of a 26 year old, slipping him or her the tongue whilst making drug references and is being applauded for it. I mean noone would admire Elton John for dry humping Rocco Ritchie I think, except of course the boy's mother

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 Does anyone think that if Mick Jagger or Elton John filmed a video grinding on 18 year old's, ranting about cocaine and french kissing that they would not get any backlash just because they are men. Ageism is fucked up and wrong but Madonna brings the backlash upon herself from the general public, the remix is trash but hopefully she at least had some fun making it.

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25 minutes ago, Enlightened Commenter said:

So just because men have been doing this for ages that means you can't observe strange behavior from Madonna just because she is a woman? sounds to me like you are the one being sexist, I literally compared her worrying behavior to Michael Jackson and Prince who are both men. Playing the sexism card to deflect my criticism wont work.

Well I’m not sure of what about her is similar to Prince. But as far as MJ goes there’s no comparison. She’s clearly in great health, enjoying her life and putting herself out there. She’s not a recluse, not hooked up on drugs or alcohol…

Men in their sixties act younger, date girls old enough to be their granddaughters and all the shit she’s doing. They are oversexulizing their public persona, perform half naked, have very sexual videos and all that shit. Yet people never call them gross or point out their aging bodies. That’s what I mean.

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4 minutes ago, Enlightened Commenter said:

 Does anyone think that if Mick Jagger or Elton John filmed a video grinding on 18 year old's, ranting about cocaine and french kissing that they would not get any backlash just because they are men. Ageism is fucked up and wrong but Madonna brings the backlash upon herself from the general public, the remix is trash but hopefully she at least had some fun making it.

Even when Elton was performing with Olly Alexander he wasn’t simulating sucking him off and if he was people would be thinking how desperate it looks. It’s not a sexist or ageist comment she just looks embarrassing end of. So totally agree with your comment 

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6 minutes ago, Enlightened Commenter said:

 Does anyone think that if Mick Jagger or Elton John filmed a video grinding on 18 year old's, ranting about cocaine and french kissing that they would not get any backlash just because they are men. Ageism is fucked up and wrong but Madonna brings the backlash upon herself from the general public, the remix is trash but hopefully she at least had some fun making it.

And wearing clothing from ASOS and Shein? They would be dragged through the mud!!!!

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7 minutes ago, Enlightened Commenter said:

 Does anyone think that if Mick Jagger or Elton John filmed a video grinding on 18 year old's, ranting about cocaine and french kissing that they would not get any backlash just because they are men. Ageism is fucked up and wrong but Madonna brings the backlash upon herself from the general public, the remix is trash but hopefully she at least had some fun making it.

Elton John chose to become a grandmother in his old age and that’s fine. But yes Mick Jagger is still as sexual as he was in his 20s and so is Iggy Pop or Anthony Kieds and they’re all praised for it.

Madonna has been inviting backlash since 1984 and good for her that she’s still doing it and not playing it safe.

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1 minute ago, thegoldencalf said:

Elton John chose to become a grandmother in his old age and that’s fine. But yes Mick Jagger is still as sexual as he was in his 20s and so is Iggy Pop or Anthony Kieds and they’re all praised for it

Mick Jagger is praised for being as fit and healthy as he is at that age, nobody sits around thinking how amazing it is that he has young girlfriends. Besides, none of those people flaunt stuff so obviously in the way that Madonna does. I am not excusing double standards and sexism in society but Madonna's whole persona really invites it although I guess you could make the argument she would have been bashed anyways, I mean look at how she was attacked for giving children a home. 

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35 minutes ago, thiagosb said:

This is so embarrassing. There is clearly no purpose, no drive, no relevance… She has definitely reached the lowest point of her career. I would really hope that she takes some time after this and dedicate her efforts and attention to the bio pic for a while. 

I suspect the producers just canceled it LOL

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