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Martin P.

Martin P.

I was worried about the stage looking weirdly small in the Brooklyn rehearsal photos. But now we can see that the actual thing will be huuge. Like even the distance between middle and side catwalks that I marked does look bigger than before.

And also, looking at the enormous ceiling constructions (for example right above the side catwalks), there will probably be a lot of floating/hanging set pieces and/or people incorporated in the show.

Anyway, the first glimpse to the actual stage made me even more excited than before.


Martin P.

Martin P.

I was worried about the stage looking weirdly small in the Brooklyn rehearsal photos. But now we can see that the actual thing will be huuge. Like even the distance between middle and side catwalks that I marked does look bigger than before.

And also, looking at the enormous ceiling constructions, there will probably be a lot of floating/hanging set pieces and/or people incorporated in the show.

Anyway, the first glimpse to the actual stage made me even more excited than before.


Martin P.

Martin P.

I was worried about the stage looking weirdly small in the Brooklyn rehearsal photos. But now we can see that the actual thing will be huuge. Like even the distance between middle and side catwalks that I marked does look bigger than before.

And also, looking at the enormous ceiling constructions, there will probably be a lot of floating/hanging incorporated in the show.

Anyway, the first glimpse to the actual stage made me even more excited than before.


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