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The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)


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6 minutes ago, FraP said:

Backing track, but in this tour backing vocals are too loud sometimes.

Well, i agree but it also depends on were the person that is recording is standing.  Ive seen clips from the same night, same song, but recorded at different places in the arena and on one you can hear her live vocals much better than on the other 

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9 minutes ago, FraP said:

Backing track, but in this tour backing vocals are too loud sometimes.

And not all songs have loud backing tracks with vocals, Vogue in Antwerpen proves that and ive just seen a clip where she starts singing Mother and Father to late and there were almost no backing track with vocals, the vocals loudly came in when she started singing...

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13 minutes ago, True Blue 84 said:

Well, i agree but it also depends on were the person that is recording is standing.  Ive seen clips from the same night, same song, but recorded at different places in the arena and on one you can hear her live vocals much better than on the other 

There are songs in which the backing track is very low or absent, and then it suddenly becomes quite prominent only at certain points where Madonna needs additional support. However, I attended the opening night, and upon leaving, many were convinced that half of the show was lip-synced. It appeared to be live almost all the time to me because I have keen ears, except during Nothing Really Matters (though I believe that was a technical issue, as her microphone might have been so low that it was nearly inaudible). However, I could sense that in many songs, her live vocals were overshadowed by a prerecorded voice with an even higher volume than hers. And that's a pity.

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12 minutes ago, FraP said:

There are songs in which the backing track is very low or absent, and then it suddenly becomes quite prominent only at certain points where Madonna needs additional support. However, I attended the opening night, and upon leaving, many were convinced that half of the show was lip-synced. It appeared to be live almost all the time to me because I have keen ears, except during Nothing Really Matters (though I believe that was a technical issue, as her microphone might have been so low that it was nearly inaudible). However, I could sense that in many songs, her live vocals were overshadowed by a prerecorded voice with an even higher volume than hers. And that's a pity.

I agree with you, it's definatly not half lipsynced 

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1 hour ago, Debord said:

She is most definitely singing live the vast majority of the time, sometimes with a backing track behind her. It's not even a debate, it's obvious.

Correct. The fact is that some microphone of some smartphone capture some frequencies and cut others. Every smartphone, audio recorder ecc do this differently. It depends from the brand and how they decide to do it. So in some audio/videos her voice sounds too low but some people that I know see the show in presence and told me that her voice was clear and present.

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2 hours ago, FraP said:

There are songs in which the backing track is very low or absent, and then it suddenly becomes quite prominent only at certain points where Madonna needs additional support. However, I attended the opening night, and upon leaving, many were convinced that half of the show was lip-synced. It appeared to be live almost all the time to me because I have keen ears, except during Nothing Really Matters (though I believe that was a technical issue, as her microphone might have been so low that it was nearly inaudible). However, I could sense that in many songs, her live vocals were overshadowed by a prerecorded voice with an even higher volume than hers. And that's a pity.

Agreed. Opening night, she definitely was having audio issues, because I was convinced quite a bit of the show was lip synced. All shows afterwards have seemed to have much louder live vocals.

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Waited 8 years for a Madonna concert... since the Rebel Heart tour... and now it is over... Tomorrow leaving Copenhagen to drive back home. strange that it is over now... but was great to see her again... hope to get the chance again in the future... 4th Madonna tour the husband and I have attended... and we have enjoyed them all.. not fully agreeing about what concerts was the best.... but guess that is normal... for me this (Celebration tour) had the best set-list... even if I would had like more focus on the Like a Virgin album and less on the Erotica album...

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10 hours ago, EgoRod said:

It's not censored , I kept saying this in another thread. They all wear nude dancer thongs . Even in the infamous photo with FKTwigs night you see them in both of the dancers, they are not Ken, I assume the have an asshole.

As dancers they create an illusion , part of the show but they still need to be protected and feeling safe.

Probably this make it clear for the few that are shocked about 'all of this nudity in front on minors.'

Yes, I can see the thong in this pic clearly, thanks for sharing. In mediocre quality videos, it looks like they're truly bottomless. Most of the dancers in the faux "orgy" dance in JML are also wearing nude bodysuits. I think the most unsimulated nudity in the show is the topless dancers in Hung Up, which didn't seem truly necessary for that song, IMHO, as it would suit the song better for them to wear disco-inspired clothing like the Confessions Tour but hey, this is Madonna we're talking about ;)...

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In fact, it’s interesting- despite being really sexually provocative on social media over the years, when she tours she’s far from it.

The celebration tour - she’s really avoiding it. Even in the erotica, jml part.

For me, the only part that doesn’t work is hung up on t - to me it’s not necessary and comes across a little tacky - particularly after such a classy rendition of erotica / papa and jml - and then it goes back to classy with fever and bad girl.

I get that it’s the “sex” part of the sex list - but for me personally, it could do without that part and instead do hung up elsewhere in its original format.

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9 minutes ago, Jackie said:

In fact, it’s interesting- despite being really sexually provocative on social media over the years, when she tours she’s far from it.

The celebration tour - she’s really avoiding it. Even in the erotica, jml part.

For me, the only part that doesn’t work is hung up on t - to me it’s not necessary and comes across a little tacky - particularly after such a classy rendition of erotica / papa and jml - and then it goes back to classy with fever and bad girl.

I get that it’s the “sex” part of the sex list - but for me personally, it could do without that part and instead do hung up elsewhere in its original format.

THIS. HOUT is not necessary, and was the only part that came across as a little tacky to me. It felt out of place.

I agree, in her costumes etc. she's actually pretty "modest" on tour by her standards, compared to her social media, I noticed that too. She herself shows much less skin than you'd see on a beach even in the "sex" section. 

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1 minute ago, Kae-Leah Williamson said:

THIS. HOUT is not necessary, and was the only part that came across as a little tacky to me. It felt out of place.

I agree, in her costumes etc. she's actually pretty "modest" on tour by her standards, compared to her social media, I noticed that too. She herself shows much less skin than you'd see on a beach even in the "sex" section. 

I agree, it's interesting, even in the PPD - her older self helps cover up her butt - it's all done very well.

Just the HUOT seems a little out of place for me.

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I can actually see why she chose to include the Tokischa bit in the Erotica section of the show. That video is the only time in a long time that she's been outright sexually provocative with that "girl on girl" action and it was a little shocking to the general public when it came out. The way that bit is placed in the show forges a bridge between her being sexually provocative then in her mid-30s and being sexually provocative now in her mid-60s. Segueing into the original version of "Hung Up" was a smart move to lift up the somewhat dark and sombre mood of the "Erotica" and "Justify My Love" performances. At least in theory. My complaint with that whole section doesn't concern the Tokischa part itself, which does make sense to me and works quite well, I think, but the placement of "Hung Up" in that section to begin with. It just feels a bit odd because lyrically and musically it has absolutely nothing to do with her Dita era...

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19 hours ago, Jackie said:

For me, the only part that doesn’t work is hung up on t - to me it’s not necessary and comes across a little tacky - particularly after such a classy rendition of erotica / papa and jml - and then it goes back to classy with fever and bad girl.

I'm betting this inclusion is more about connecting with the younger people or fans who liked the collaboration who may come to her show.  I was thinking she'd probably include Sickick Frozen mix somehow in the show as well as that was a popular viral moment for her, but the fact she didn't, it shows she's not looking to appease the general public. 

Anyway, I love the show as it is.  We can debate what could be better or switched out, but at the end of the day, it's her show and her vision.  The moment she starts just appeasing to the just the general public or commercial appeal, then I would worry.  This tour isn't your typical "Greatest Hits" show. She isn't afraid to tour on less general public friendly terms.  While the Erotica/JML section might be a bit tame, it still isn't something people consider PG-13.  Wait until she comes to the U.S., the reviews probably will be very mixed if not critical of the Erotica/JML section.

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I really don't like the Tokischa interlude, it's very cringy. But I wish she would at least add some kind of subtitles to that and to Bob's video dressed as Dita, it's hard to understand what they're saying.

Anyway, Deeper and Deeper would've made more sense instead of Hung Up, narratively and chronologically speaking. But I'm used to it by now.

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It's sad to hear that people are leaving the show thinking she's miming through most of it, but we gotta blame the loud backup track for that. There was a list somewhere detailing which bits are live and which aren't and basically the only lipped parts are Everybody's choruses, Erotica and JML! 

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5 hours ago, Jackie said:

In fact, it’s interesting- despite being really sexually provocative on social media over the years, when she tours she’s far from it.

The celebration tour - she’s really avoiding it. Even in the erotica, jml part.

For me, the only part that doesn’t work is hung up on t - to me it’s not necessary and comes across a little tacky - particularly after such a classy rendition of erotica / papa and jml - and then it goes back to classy with fever and bad girl.

I get that it’s the “sex” part of the sex list - but for me personally, it could do without that part and instead do hung up elsewhere in its original format.

Hung up on tokishcha is needed to bridge the sex of JML into hung up. 

I for one am a huge fan of the tokisha version so very happy she adddrd it. 

mic drop. 

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