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The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)


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3 minutes ago, Debord said:

This is just weird to me. We don't know what she's like as a person. The nature of parasocial fandom is we think we do cos we take the (generally very carefully choreographed) glimpses we see and turn that into a whole person. She's over 70 shows in and and this is the first time we've had something like this, and it's clear from the exchanges here that no-one really knows what was going on behind the scenes and we're guessing. It really doesn't seem that big a deal.

As for AC, I went to a couple of shows where I read after the fact that apparently the AC was turned off but I honestly didn't notice..but then again they were in generally cold countries!

I mean to be fair she's had 40 years of reports of people behind the scenes that have said she's pretty unpleasant. Other celebrities of equal stardom saying she's rude. Multiple interviews where she is unpleasant. Multiple accounts from former co-stars on screen. Multiple concert videos where she is rude to her audiencd. Various documented poor interactions with fans. I've literally stood 6ft from her crew saying she isn't particularly pleasant at times. It's true she isn't a nice person, there is far too much evidence to ever argue otherwise

That doesn't detract from my admiration for her as an artist and performer but I don't doubt for a second that she is a horrible person to those around her and whom she seems beneath her.

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Literally no other artist ever publicly requests no AC though.  It's so weird to me how only Madonna can't handle AC for her voice when every other artist who trains their voice is fine delivering night after night.  It's 80F+ inside the arena at these southern shows in early April now.  We're in an era of global warming.  I noticed a lot of people having to leave their seats during the show to buy water.

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8 minutes ago, scion said:

I mean to be fair she's had 40 years of reports of people behind the scenes that have said she's pretty unpleasant. Other celebrities of equal stardom saying she's rude. Multiple interviews where she is unpleasant. Multiple accounts from former co-stars on screen. Multiple concert videos where she is rude to her audiencd. Various documented poor interactions with fans. I've literally stood 6ft from her crew saying she isn't particularly pleasant at times. It's true she isn't a nice person, there is far too much evidence to ever argue otherwise

That doesn't detract from my admiration for her as an artist and performer but I don't doubt for a second that she is a horrible person to those around her and whom she seems beneath her.

Has she? I've seen heaps of collaborators who've only had good things to say about working with her. I've seen the repeated statements that the folk who work on and dance on her tour are the best paid in the business. And as for interactions with fans, I actually met her in 2019 and she was fabulous. Perhaps she is a horrible person but neither you or I have any way of knowing it, and it's a pretty extreme statement to make for no real purpose and very swiftly just becomes that self-aggrandising 'oh I'm an honest fan who tells it like it is, not a loon stan!' thing that has very little to do with the artist whatsoever. 

The folk who were there who've posted seem to have overwhelmingly had a great time and the one review from a Miami newspaper I've seen so far was very positive. This will be forgotten about by everyone except us hardcore stans, akin to when the London Palladium dropped its curtain.

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1 minute ago, fmportela said:

does she still have more shows in this Miami venue?

yep, she's in Miami tonight (7th April) and again on Tuesday (9th April) before heading off to Austin, Texas from April 14 - April 15 and then Mexico from April 20 to April 26

The Rio show is on May 4th, though she may have a private rehearsal space somewhere or she could go to rio a few days before the show there

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14 minutes ago, stfan97 said:

Literally no other artist ever publicly requests no AC though.  It's so weird to me how only Madonna can't handle AC for her voice when every other artist who trains their voice is fine delivering night after night.  It's 80F+ inside the arena at these southern shows in early April now.  We're in an era of global warming.  I noticed a lot of people having to leave their seats during the show to buy water.

Whether it's said publicly is one thing but it's not uncommon for artists to want AC off or turned down. Aretha Franklin was notorious for it. 

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Its not fair to judge her and call her a rude & horrible person just bc of one incident at her show. We all have limits for our patience and its not like she's acting this way at all of her shows. This woman almost died last year so of course she's scared of any threats to her health. 

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16 minutes ago, scion said:

I mean to be fair she's had 40 years of reports of people behind the scenes that have said she's pretty unpleasant. Other celebrities of equal stardom saying she's rude. Multiple interviews where she is unpleasant. Multiple accounts from former co-stars on screen. Multiple concert videos where she is rude to her audiencd. Various documented poor interactions with fans. I've literally stood 6ft from her crew saying she isn't particularly pleasant at times. It's true she isn't a nice person, there is far too much evidence to ever argue otherwise

That doesn't detract from my admiration for her as an artist and performer but I don't doubt for a second that she is a horrible person to those around her and whom she seems beneath her.

I don't believe that is truly the case.  But of course, I know that she can be a total bitch at times,  but in many cases she has good reason to be.  She certainly didn't get where she is today, by being the nice guy.  So yeah, when we see moments like this, it grabs people's attention because as a society we all lean into negativity before rarely speaking of the positive.  That's been Madonna's whole career. People love to rag on her, conveniently ignoring all the good she's done in her career.  Rarely have I heard her own concert crew (dancers, etc)  complain about her, so to me this is just rarity which again takes the spotlight because it's just another way to criticize her. :)

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20 minutes ago, stfan97 said:

Literally no other artist ever publicly requests no AC though.  It's so weird to me how only Madonna can't handle AC for her voice when every other artist who trains their voice is fine delivering night after night.  It's 80F+ inside the arena at these southern shows in early April now.  We're in an era of global warming.  I noticed a lot of people having to leave their seats during the show to buy water.

This is not true.

Every vocalist on a long tour and depending on their voices to, well, WORK, will ask for no AC. If you check interviews with other artists is a subject that can come up from time to time (same as not partying or drinking while being on tour, no smoke around, etc.).

It's not that hard to understand, IMO.

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Did she really say she was going to dock someone's pay?!  Which clip is that? :eyes:

A few observations:

  • If it took the crew a couple minutes to get someone to turn off the AC, you'd have to imagine it could take >15 minutes for Madiva to truly be able to feel it on-stage after she barked about it.  She prob expected immediate results.   
  • I would assume what happened was that since the arena only filled up toward the end, they may have had to turn on the AC late in the game to compensate.  For all we know, fans in the arena may have complained to management to turn ON the AC, which made it cooler than Madiva had requested.
  • Either way, I'm not sure why this was such a horrible crisis.  It's not like there was a security incident or something.
  • Do you remember the infamous un-edited interview clip from the American Life days where she is yelling at Caresse to turn on the air conditioning?   She was either going through hot flashes (not making a joke) or is overall extremely sensitive to temperature.
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5 minutes ago, pawn_shop_blues said:

I think she is overall extremely sensitive to temperature. I have a friend like her. She is very pale, petite and has thin skin. She always complains about feeling cold. 

I went to the Reinvention Paris shows and it was like the hottest summer ever. She was wearing fur when she went to her pianist friends in Paris as seen in the documentary 😂

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4 hours ago, Prayer said:

It was definitely the AC thing, exact moment she ask them to turn it off on "Open Your Heart":

Well, if she was asking for it since "Open Your Heart" and they still hadn't done it by "Hung Up", no wonder she was so pissed off about it. It's such a simple request to protect her voice and health, not a diva thing.

She appears to ask them to turn off the AC and then says “last time”….so read into that what you will. It seems they had been asked numerous times and they did not do what she asked. It’s only natural that she is going to lose her shit. 

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1 hour ago, eXtremeOccident said:

You think her crew is purposefully fucking with her? :rip:

It's true. I understand the fanaticism we all have for Madonna but sometimes I am surprised by the kind of arguments some fans make to try to justify certain disconcerting or negative reactions on Madonna's part. I respect your opinions but please let's be more realistic about our theories.

By the way, during the concert in Tampa, not only during "Crazy for You" we could see a disconcerting reaction from Madonna but we could also see a similar reaction during Bad Girl: After her performance of Hung Up, Madona walks faster than normal to where her daughter is, without respecting the piano chords, to finally present her to the audience ahead of time, causing Mercy's surprise, who undoubtedly did not expect it. Now we see this strange attitude again in Miami. I still think that it is certain problems with her current partner that have Madonna in such a bad mood and in a her-against-the-world attitude. Today I will be attentive to her behavior and I hope with all my heart that things return to normal not only for her sake but also for the fans.


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10 minutes ago, Debord said:

Sitting studying videos of her shows and worrying about her "reactions" each night really is not healthy.


I have been a bitch to my staff when tired, frustrated, overworked!!!

We all have been a bitch to our coworkers, staff and even to our bosses, so if she is a bitch to get this kind of perfect show be a bitch Madonna, she had to be one to get to where she is 

@scioni don’t know you man, but it strikes me as you are a glass half empty kind of guy, you wanted Madonna to retire after celebration because everything from here would be downhill, what do you expect from Madonna as a fan now? 

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29 minutes ago, Pedro Beltran said:

I WAS THERE we weren’t suffering at all from the heat. 

It may depend where you were sitting, but i and people around me in the 100 level were burning up (pun intended :kitty:). Fortunately, we're used to heat. Still not the worst thing in the world. I was having so fun during Ray of Light that I forgot about it lol.

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