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Mannheim, Germany [Sunday Nov 29th, 2015]


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  • [*]Doors, previously scheduled to open at 6:30 pm will now open at 
7:30 pm including all boxes and lounges. [*]Special Guest Lunice will appear at 9:15 with Madonna's performance scheduled for approximately 10:15 pm.




Does this mean they are only travelling with ONE stage? Sticky ans Sweet they told me they had 3 times the same stage to build while on another place it is deconstructed....

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^^^not sure. it could be a precaution for all the people who were dissatisfied with the fact that M performs late.

the tickets all show the wrong time. i think it's a legal matter really...


I felt the same...I guess it could also be a precaution in relation to the security procedures and searches which take longer...

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Eigentlich erwartet man nichts anderes von der "Queen of Pop": Sie verspätet sich. Das Madonna-Konzert in der Mannheimer SAP-Arena beginnt am Sonntag viel später als geplant.

Madonna beim Konzert in Turin am 19. November


An der Pop-Ikone liegt das aber nicht. Zumindest nicht direkt. Die Logistik sei Schuld, dass sich der Konzertbeginn um rund zwei Stunden auf 22.15 Uhr verschiebt. Das teilte die Konzertagentur Lieberberg in Frankfurt auf Anfrage mit. Genauer: Es liegt wohl an den 33 Trucks, die das Bühnenequipment der Pop-Ikone transportieren. Die müssen aus Antwerpen, wo Madonna am Vorabend mit ihrer aktuellen "Rebel Heart" Tour auftritt, nach Mannheim fahren. Und dann müsse die Bühne aufgebaut werden. Das sei ein großer Aufwand, der da logistisch zu bewältigen sei, so eine Sprecherin.

Der Einlass in die SAP-Arena beginnt am Sonntag um 19.30 Uhr statt um 18.00 Uhr. Der Auftritt von Madonna ist gegen 22.15 Uhr geplant. Das Konzert ist ausverkauft.

"Madonna-Universum im Kleinen"

Die Sängerin gibt auf ihrer Welttournee nur Konzerte in drei deutschen Städten: Mannheim ist die letzte Station nach Berlin und Köln. Die neue Show sei ein "Madonna-Universum im Kleinen", schreibt die Deutsche Presse-Agentur: "Sex, Religion, Weltbürgertum. Es dauert keine Stunde, da schlägt sie ihren Tänzerinnen auf den Hintern. Sie tragen Nonnenhauben und sonst nicht viel mehr. Zwischen den einzelnen Abschnitten der visuell aufwendigen Show wechselt sie so mühelos die Rollen, wie in ihrer gesamten Karriere. Erst heilige Ritterin, dann eine Art Rockabilly-Braut, später spanische Stierkämpferin."

Die "Rebel Heart"-Welttour der Queen of Pop startete im September im kanadischen Montreal und endet im März in Australien. "Rebel Heart" ist das dreizehnte Studioalbum der 57-Jährigen, das im März dieses Jahres erschien.

Google Translated:

The Madonna concert in the Mannheim SAP Arena starts on Sunday much later than planned.


At the pop icon but that is not. At least not directly. The logistics was to blame, that the beginning of the concert postponed by around two hours to 22.15 clock. This was announced by the concert agency Lieberberg in Frankfurt with on request. Specifically: It is probably due to the 33 trucks that transport the Stage of the pop icon. The need of Antwerp, where Madonna appears on the eve of their current "Rebel Heart" tour, going to Mannheim. And then the stage would be set up. That was a great effort, which had to cope with since logistically, as a spokeswoman.


The inlet into the SAP-Arena starts on Sunday at 19.30 clock at 18.00 clock instead. The appearance of Madonna is scheduled to 22.15 clock. The concert is sold out.


"Madonna universe in miniature"

The singer is on her world tour only concerts in three German cities: Mannheim is the last stop in Berlin and Cologne. The new show is a "Madonna universe in miniature", writes the German Press Agency: "Sex, Religion, cosmopolitanism It takes an hour because she beats her dancers on the ass wearing nuns hoods and not much else... Between the individual sections of visually elaborate show it changes so effortlessly the roles, as in her career. Only Holy Knight, then a sort of rockabilly bride, later Spanish bullfighter. "


The "Rebel Heart" -Welttour the Queen of Pop was launched in September in Montreal and ends in March in Australia. "Rebel Heart" is the thirteenth studio album by the 57-year-olds, which was published in March this year.

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Madonna "Rebel Heart" tour concert begins later


Dear holders of tickets for the Madonna concert,

We would like to remind you that the concert in Mannheim originally intended as part of the "Rebel Heart" tour Sunday, 29 November 2015 begins at the SAP Arena later than the schedule. This is due to the fact that the tour in Antwerp moves on after the concert date on Saturday night to Mannheim, which represents a certain logistical effort. The new times are now as follows:


The inlet, which was originally scheduled from 18:00 clock, is now from 19:30 clock and applies to all cardholders incl. Box seats.


Guest star Lunice occurs from 21:15 clock the opening act before then Madonna is about to occur against 22:15 clock.

We always strive for a quick assembly and disassembly of the concert stage, like for any inconvenience you may be incurred apologize at this point but.

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Madonna in Mannheim: 20 questions for real fans


Royal visit is coming up: On November 29, the Queen of Pop in Mannheim is its Rebel Heart-show perform - to Cologne and Berlin as the last station in Germany. Media and Fan reports on the current Madonna tour and Videoauschnitte be expected Breathtaking. Time for fans to test how much they know about past tours of Madonna - and perhaps even to purchase one or the other information on how to specify. Click here for a quiz with 20 questions that the online ticket exchange Ticketbis has compiled @ http://www.ticketbis.com/de-de/the-madonna-world-live-quizz

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"Rebel Heart" tour - spectacle with friendly artist

Fans who were able to get a ticket for one of the Rebel Heart concerts, be allowed to once again look forward to a musical and visual spectacle - and this time on an unusually warm show. Because in addition to the descending cages and spiral staircases, ascending pedestals, all sorts of crosses, calculated provocations and probably best choreography for the "Blonde Ambition" tour 25 years ago inspired Madonna her audience on the current tour with a cheerful appearance and lots of interaction. Among the highlights are sure their acoustic songs and the appearance of a "Bitch of the evening": a mostly male fan who brought to the stage and set of Madonna and some dancers in scene.In previous concerts the interplay of perfect show and moments of sympathetic proximity provided repeatedly for spontaneous, thunderous standing ovation.

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Safe buying and selling on online marketplaces

Specialized ticket exchanges on the Internet not only offer the possibility to resell unused tickets, or to purchase tickets for sold-out events. They also make the buying and selling tickets safer. Ticketbis for example, only pays out to the seller when the buyer the event with the ticket could actually visit. This ensures that everything is right with the map. At the same time the platform a timely delivery of tickets guaranteed, even with a last-minute purchase. The cards will be sent to the vicinity of the venue where they can be picked up.

When ticket sales benefit Ticketbis customers that the company ensures the payment.Should there be a problem with the payment information of the buyer, the Ticket Exchange accepts responsibility and monetary losses.

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