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Amsterdam, Netherlands [Sat Dec 5th, 2015 / Sun Dec 6th, 2015]


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Ziggo Dome

De Passage 100 1101 AX Amsterdam

05 dec 2015za 20:00 [sold Out]

06 dec 2015za 20:00


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104.50 EUR
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From Madonna Underground:
On December 5th & 6th it’s time for Madonna’s shows in the Ziggo Dome in Amsterdam and you’re going to be there!
Time schedule*:
18:30 – Doors
20:00 – Lunice
20:45 – Break
21:00 – Madonna
23:00 – End of show
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How many times has she played the Ziggo Dome, it seems it's the main venue she visits whenever she goes to Hol(e)and  :lol:


Who's That Girl World Tour - Feijenoord Stadion (2)

Blond Ambition World Tour - Feijenoord Stadion (1)

Re-Invention World Tour - GelreDome (2)

Confessions Tour - Amsterdam Arena (2)

Sticky & Sweet Tour - Amsterdam Arena (1)

MDNA Tour - Ziggo Dome (2)

Rebel Heart Tour - Ziggo Dome (2)

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Here's a great open letter to Madonna in NRC[its the most serious newspaper in NL] about M fighting ageism, but it is analyzed from a very interesting point of view and in concludes that in 20 years time people will say, she was right all along. 


Google Translated:

Original @ http://www.nrc.nl/handelsblad/2015/12/03/madonna-doe-wat-je-wilt-1563355


Madonna, do what you want

Open letter this weekend she is in the Ziggo Dome. She's almost sixty, but pretends that age does not exist. And she is right, Ellen Deckwitz writes in a personal letter to Madonna.

by Ellen Deckwitz


Like the winter you'll be back in the country. This Saturday you do Rebel Heart Tour Ziggo Dome on, and according to the reviews you move more relaxed than ever on stage. Clever, because if there is one person who is under pressure, be you.


According to many, you have to start acting your age. You're almost sixty, do your contemporaries to Nordic walking, electric bicycles, retire. You rushes in hot pants and push-up bra on stage, party in clips like Bitch I'm Madonna with teenagers and tongt with guys who could be your grandson. People expect more restrained behavior of a woman who is over fifty years.


From every accusation is obvious sexism and ageism. Iggy Pop is ten years older than you and still half-naked bouncing across the stage, your classmate Alec Baldwin marries a woman who is 26 years younger and no cock crows it. Yet you get them down, of men and women.Feminists believe that you are so absorbed in youth culture, you have the statement "Young is better than old 'just seems to endorse. It hinders them according to your creativity. Once you were a precursor, now you're a follower.


But who you know history, you see that you have no other choice. You've often said that life there had been very different if your mother had not lost so early. You were five when she died of breast cancer. You arch your trembling on the chest to give her a kiss goodbye.Suddenly you saw that her lips were sewn shut. From that moment you decided never to be weak. Never keep your mouth shut. Because that was death.



And so the battle began. Against his own body, but also against the subordinate position that you had as a girl. You hit your brother's blood noses to prove that you counted. You were resisting a culture in which the identity of the woman was defined by her relationship to the man she was or virgin, mother or widow. The theme of your life was what it actually meant to be a woman in the modern era, and how you could get a grip on it.


The girls saw it first. Not for nothing the first tours were trampled by young women. You made the sexually active woman a heroine instead of a whore. That's not the fight stopped. In interviews have always said that a body must not radiate beauty, but power. Your body was angular, muscular. You turned your hand to lend five hour fitness per day. It was a struggle against physical deterioration, emerged from the fear of disease, decay and death.


During the filming of Evita became painfully obvious. The death scenes did you terrible. You played a woman who languished through a very aggressive form of cervical cancer, and it felt like you lost all grip. Between takes you cried constantly. It turned out that it was not because of the role, but because you were pregnant.


Motherhood made ​​you stronger and more creative. You made ​​beautiful albums Ray of Lightand Music. Critics were ecstatic, the Grammys were flying around your ears. You married the love of your life, had a child and for a moment it seemed the story complete. Perhaps that was the only time you made ​​peace with age. Maybe you now proven to be invincible.


But then, on your 47th birthday, you came plummet while riding. You broke three ribs, your collarbone and your hand. The vulnerability of the body came as a shock, and you was more aggressive than ever. You trained your drowsy and was planning a huge tour. You taught courses and roller skates and took the whirling dance clip of Hung Up on while fractures were not even healed. During the Confessions -tour were on large screens radiographs can show broken bones while you were dancing and cartwheeling made ​​as if nothing had happened.


The fight of your life was a struggle against oppression based on how you go in the world. As a woman, as well as physically vulnerable person. You always were a mantle Madonna for the oppressed: women, blacks, homosexuals, the freaks. What you're taken ill, is that you're not a figurehead for the past neglected group: the elderly. You just pretend age does not exist. That is tragic, but understandable, for someone whose whole life has been a battle against oppression and death. No one will sew your lips together as long as there is only one puff of breath is in your body.


Who knows, in twenty years, we look back and we say yes, she was right. She has a new freedom fought for the older woman, simply to keep them doing with the youngsters. By showing that you do not have to put up with the limitations imposed by a parent your body. By continuing to train, dancing, by remaining sexually active.


Maybe that's the alternative that you currently offers, and we are there with our own prejudices still blind. Enables us currently to angry to see that it is an alternative, instead of a desperate denial of the own life.


Maybe that explains why you're so relaxed frolics across the stage. To say it with one of your best songs: "I'm not sorry ... I'm breaking all the rules I did not make (Human Nature). And to say it with your most recent hit, "You can not mess with this lucky star ', followed by teasing' Na na na nanana. Who does she think she is not? An untouchable goddess with hair the color of scrap gold. Bitch, it's Madonna.

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super_hero_tonyTHEN:Rebel ⤠Rehearsals New York. Considering we are at about the half way point now a look back at rehearsal. Everyone in these pictures is taking a little "break",but it was an exciting period you only get to experience once. NOW: London to Amsterdam. Rebel â¤'s, the numbers are growing - Amsterdam are you inâ“

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A lot of die hard fans have been queuing since yesterday afternoon at the Ziggo Dome where it is currently very windy and cold. People have been joining the queue ever since and number 80+ was reached in the very early hours of this morning. The gates were set up around 9 and wristbands for the Early Entry ticket holders have been handed out. There are people from the organisation there.


Live Nation once again urges everyone NOT to bring large bags and or rucksacks, handbags are fine. Do not bring food or drinks with you, this will hold up the queue and the searches at the entrance. Keep in mind that there is a football match at the same area today, so it will be very crowded. Keep this is mind when you come by car (parking might be an issue when you show up late).


DJ Lunice is scheduled to open at 20.00, Madonna is officially scheduled to appear at 21:00. But once again, remember that most of her shows have started around 21:45-22:15.


You can buy food and drinks inside the Ziggo Dome and it has lockers for you to store your stuff. Dutch press is invited to professionally photograph the first three songs tonight.


Enjoy the show!

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super_hero_tonyHello Amsterdamâ—MIND: Setting the intention for the dayâ£BODY: The gym-hate it but love it. â£SOUL: Work! And the people that make it possible. It's freezing. I don't know how they do it! I came in early to make sure all my costumes are perfect for you- you deserve it. Rebel ♥'s Amsterdam - are you our Dutch recruitâ“lk vind Je leuk â¤

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