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Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024

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20 hours ago, steady75 said:


Also all the images that come down from the ceiling will not be there anyway so make of that what you will. 

Logistics peeps. 

People keep saying this but I don’t see why they can’t bring in an additional structure to suspend everything from. These kinds of things are done all the time, it’s just a question of budget. And im pretty certain, with the amount being paid and the fact it’s being broadcast she will feel it necessary. I mean, The Rolling Stones had an entire bridge built for them and additional lighting set up to light up the entire audience. I don’t imagine it’s that difficult to have some extra bells and whistles for Madonna.

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19 hours ago, Blue Jean said:

Just watched some clips of Live to Tell and I’m quite sure the portal thing is not attached to the venue at all, it is all part of Madonna’s stage setup. Same with the lights, cameras etc. So they should be able to just plonk that on the beach and Bob’s your uncle 

Actually, it is setup to be attached to the venue though. All the rigging for the entire show, particularly the extended lighting, flying portal, etc. are suspended using the infrastructure of the arena. That's typical setup for arena shows. Considering the design of this show, it essentially was made with arenas in mind -


The only time they design and erect custom housing for the rigging system (depending on the design of the show) is when artists do outdoor stadium gigs (hence no roof). They can design a housing that will support it though, but it has to be custom engineered for it (like the extended rigging housing the circular screens that came down over the circular stage b for Sticky & Sweet). So technically it's not impossible. But I think it depends on the specific design of the individual show.

Perhaps she worked it out as part of the deal? It would seem a bit out of character for her to compromise nearly the entire presentation of her show, esp. if said show is going to be filmed. Anyways, who knows...

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10 minutes ago, VogueMusic said:


The only time they design and erect custom housing for the rigging system (depending on the design of the show) is when artists do outdoor stadium gigs (hence no roof). They can design a housing that will support it though, but it has to be custom engineered for it (like the extended rigging housing the circular screens that came down over the circular stage b for Sticky & Sweet). I doubt they would do all that for one, single show though...unless she worked that out as part of her deal?

Why does it have to be custom engineered? None of the venues it suspends from are custom designed and they are all different. So it must be fairly flexible to what it can be attached to. It is even possible that when they designed the show they planned for the possibility of taking it to stadiums/outdoor venues. There are really just too many unknowns for us to jump to the assumption that the show won’t be the same.

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5 minutes ago, Honey Little said:

I think it might be like live aid or the Maluma show in Medellin. No fancy lights or screens. Just a few songs from Celebration plus Foz Gastozo with Anita from the pool area of the hotel like that Holiday performance she did by the poolside of a hotel.



It won’t be fancier than this.

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29 minutes ago, Blue Jean said:

Why does it have to be custom engineered? None of the venues it suspends from are custom designed and they are all different. So it must be fairly flexible to what it can be attached to. It is even possible that when they designed the show they planned for the possibility of taking it to stadiums/outdoor venues. There are really just too many unknowns for us to jump to the assumption that the show won’t be the same.

The indoor arenas use the actual arena infrastructure to suspend rigging for whatever show is being presented, as in the picture above. Yes, all arenas are different, but they're made for rigging up whatever a production may need.

For stadium or outdoor shows, since there is no roofing (and said infrastructure) to house/hang a production, they have to actually build it (that's what I meant by "custom engineer" it). Like the Sticky & Sweet stage below -


What I meant was they'll have to build something like this if they're going to present the full, original production as she's touring it now - as major parts of the production require rigging (hanging) far out into audience, over the multiple catwalks.  I don't think it's impossible...I think some of us are just unsure considering all shows so far have been indoors.

(Sorry, I'm trying to explain it as best I can (based on what I've learned about touring productions). I apologize if I'm not clear... :luv:)

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I think they can figure out a way to use those screen anyway. It's not impossibile or difficult. But i hope she will do a really celebration tour show. Nothing short or modified only for invite some guest. At this point she need to show the world her ability. We don't need another performance like the one with Maluma. The only thing I will appreciate is a premiere of a new song.

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1 hour ago, VogueMusic said:

The indoor arenas use the actual arena infrastructure to suspend rigging for whatever show is being presented, as in the picture above. Yes, all arenas are different, but they're made for rigging up whatever a production may need.

For stadium or outdoor shows, since there is no roofing (and said infrastructure) to house/hang a production, they have to actually build it (that's what I meant by "custom engineer" it). Like the Sticky & Sweet stage below -


What I meant was they'll have to build something like this if they're going to present the full, original production as she's touring it now - as major parts of the production require rigging (hanging) far out into audience, over the multiple catwalks.  I don't think it's impossible...I think some of us are just unsure considering all shows so far have been indoors.

(Sorry, I'm trying to explain it as best I can (based on what I've learned about touring productions). I apologize if I'm not clear... :luv:)

That's ok, I understand what you mean. It is hard to really know how feasible it is but to me going by these images it seems pretty straight forward. It is just a matter of adding another structure to hold it all up as they've done with Sticky. Considering they lease the stages and everything and that the components are recycled I would assume adding that wouldn't be anymore difficult than building a bridge from the hotel to the stage. Keeping in mind I know absolutely nothing about this type of thing. I don't believe the fans saying it's logistically impossible (not you) work on big arena/stadium shows designing or setting up staging equipment either. Unless they do, I'm not sure how they would really know what is and isn't possible? There are a number here who insist the show won't be the same but I don't know how they've determined that? The image above shows that it's very possible, it would just have to be a bigger version of that. I also feel, knowing what we know about Madonna, the idea of her doing a half missing version of her show and then broadcasting it to millions seems unlikely. But I guess we'll see.

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2 minutes ago, Blue Jean said:

That's ok, I understand what you mean. It is hard to really know how feasible it is but to me going by these images it seems pretty straight forward. It is just a matter of adding another structure to hold it all up as they've done with Sticky. Considering they lease the stages and everything and that the components are recycled I would assume adding that wouldn't be anymore difficult than building a bridge from the hotel to the stage. Keeping in mind I know absolutely nothing about this type of thing. I don't believe the fans saying it's logistically impossible (not you) work on big arena/stadium shows designing or setting up staging equipment either. Unless they do, I'm not sure how they would really know what is and isn't possible? There are a number here who insist the show won't be the same but I don't know how they've determined that? The image above shows that it's very possible, it would just have to be a bigger version of that.

remember that behind all this you have a bank and the brazilian administration...... maybe just the Rio one....... 

Btw i read that this bank, itau, is behind a lot of other concerts in Brazil so they have experience......... they know the people to call to make everything perfect........

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7 minutes ago, Leona Helmsley said:

i hope to have also a tour movie and not only the live from rio........


and a documentary on all the project........... a tour who celebrate 40 years is too important for have only a movie tour ......... i want to see the process...... how they choose this songs........ why Madonna choose some songs and not other songs...... how they choose the eras to have on the stage....... how she feels at this point of her career and life........ too much things for a movie tour and nothing else.......

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2 minutes ago, mouse said:

It will also be interesting to see how they will do for all the screens that unfold. I noticed that they were already moving in the arena with the air conditioning so on a beach, it will be complicated to stabilize them with the sea air :thinker:

tons of other artist do show on the copacabana beach so not an impossibile task......

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