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Vogue and LAP and Frozen need a rest while Like A Virgin is very underperformed. I can see those two coming back as acoustics/sing along moments so they are less theatrical.

Human Nature ran its course too.

La Isla should come back in full and the bridge. Material Girl is a great crowd pleaser. Secret, You wil see and take a bown are underperformed too.

Music needs to come back strongly. The last good music performance was Sticky and Sweet.


More Confessions : Get Together, Sorry

Vogue and LAP and Frozen need a rest while Like A Virgin is very underperformed. I can see those two coming back as acoustics/sing along moments so they are less theatrical.

Human Nature ran its course too.

La Isla should come back in full and the bridge. Material Girl is a great crowd pleaser. Secret, You wil see and take a bown are underperformed too.

Music needs to come back strongly. The last good music performance was Sticky and Sweet.

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