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Swae Lee is a Trumper


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6 minutes ago, adirondak said:

The "winter of death" for the unvaccinated. I remember it fondly. The president of unity. 

Yep. I remember all of covid. Every. Single. Day. Of it. It's amazing how ppl can't stand back and see the big picture of lies and manipulation. Instead info is taken one day at a time, reacted to, then move on.

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3 minutes ago, Winn said:

Yep. I remember all of covid. Every. Single. Day. Of it. It's amazing how ppl can't stand back and see the big picture of lies and manipulation. Instead info is taken one day at a time, reacted to, then move on.

Yes, like when Trump rushed out the vaccine with Operation Warpspeed, right?

The only good thing he did.

A lot of people died from it, it was a real threat to many and it was changing every day.


And I’m sure you think the Earth is flat as well.

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56 minutes ago, Blue Jean said:

The vaccine (and masks and other rules) was to protect the health of the wider public, not just the individual. People that refused to get vaccinated were putting the health and lives of society’s most vulnerable people at risk which was very selfish. It isn’t the same situation.

The point of having easy access to abortion is not just about women’s rights but about ensuring the future of the unborn child. It is not right that somebody has to bring a child into the world when they are not able to support them financially or otherwise. Saying “just drive to another state” is like saying that for anyone’s medical needs. They shouldn’t have to do that, it’s an expense and stress. What about women that are underage , have drug problems , are vulnerable etc. It’s not always an easy solution and that is why it should be as accessible to them as possible.

If a person is vaccinated then they're vaccinated, esp since democrats were screaming to the heavens at one point that you couldn't get covid if you took the vaccine. So what the hell difference does it make if someone took the vaccine if you yourself were vaccinated w this super duper miracle drug. Just admit liberals went a little nuts, ok, just a little ...

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15 minutes ago, Winn said:

You may not see the point of overturning Roe v Wade but a lot of other ppl do. They consider it murder, Do you not know that? They live here too, in the US. It's not all about what you want. And by you I mean Democrats, liberals, whatever you want to call it.

First off, your first mistake is assuming I'm a Liberal Democrat.  Secondly, the "you" comments aren't necessary.  Lasty, I'm well aware that some people consider it "murder".  But then again, I never said I was okay for someone just aborting a child because they can.  But that is my personal view.  I also don't believe ANY government has a right to tell you what you can or cannot do with your body.  Which brings me back to what you originally said...


I don't think the government should be able to tell ppl what to do with their body

 YOU do know that when a state makes a law to ban abortion, that's a government telling you what you can or cannot do with their body?  Seems like you have contradicting views on this.

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3 minutes ago, Boombox90 said:

Yes, like when Trump rushed out the vaccine with Operation Warpspeed, right?

The only good thing he did.

A lot of people died from it, it was a real threat to many and it was changing every day.


And I’m sure you think the Earth is flat as well.

Yeah it was changing everyday, but you all sure acted like you knew everything. Questioning covid got many ppl banned, just admit it.

No I do not think the world is flat. Geesh, really? That Ole chestnut, as Madonna would say.

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2 minutes ago, Winn said:

If a person is vaccinated then they're vaccinated, esp since democrats were screaming to the heavens at one point that you couldn't get covid if you took the vaccine. So what the hell difference does it make if someone took the vaccine if you yourself were vaccinated w this super duper miracle drug. Just admit liberals went a little nuts, ok, just a little ...

Nobody ever stated that you can’t get Covid if you got the shot. 🙄

It’s just like the flu shot. You can still catch the flu, it just lowers your risk of getting a severe case.

Im sure you are also anti-measles, mumps and polio vaccines as well, right?

And the Right believes that no one should have the right to get an abortion. The Left believe it is up to the person who is pregnant to decide.

Use your common sense. This is America. We get choices. If you don’t like choices, move to a 3rd world country.

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1 minute ago, Boombox90 said:

Nobody ever stated that you can’t get Covid if you got the shot. 🙄

It’s just like the flu shot. You can still catch the flu, it just lowers your risk of getting a severe case.

Im sure you are also anti-measles, mumps and polio vaccines as well, right?

And the Right believes that no one should have the right to get an abortion. The Left believe it is up to the person who is pregnant to decide.

Use your common sense. This is America. We get choices. If you don’t like choices, move to a 3rd world country.

Well I wanted the choice to not get an untested, politically motivated by hysteria vaccine but I didn't have that choice did I? 

And, yes, the left absolutely did say you couldn't get covid if you took the shot.

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6 minutes ago, Boombox90 said:

Nobody ever stated that you can’t get Covid if you got the shot. 🙄

It’s just like the flu shot. You can still catch the flu, it just lowers your risk of getting a severe case.

Im sure you are also anti-measles, mumps and polio vaccines as well, right?

And the Right believes that no one should have the right to get an abortion. The Left believe it is up to the person who is pregnant to decide.

Use your common sense. This is America. We get choices. If you don’t like choices, move to a 3rd world country.

They all said it. That's how it was sold to you. Fauci, Bill Gates, CDC, Biden. 

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1 minute ago, Winn said:

Well I wanted the choice to not get an untested, politically motivated by hysteria vaccine but I didn't have that choice did I? 

And, yes, the left absolutely did say you couldn't get covid if you took the shot.

This is TOTALLY inaccurate.  It was made VERY CLEAR that by getting the vaccine DECREASED your chances of getting seriously sick. I know many Democrats/liberals who knew that.  Does that mean there weren't people who claimed it was the cure?  No, but that doesn't just only fall on the "left" as you're trying to insist.  You seem to be driven by a lot of emotion here which is clouding your memory to think rationally about the facts here. 

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What was fascinating were the amount of people that flooded the emergency room (where I worked) that came in droves that weren’t vaccinated seeking medical care. You’d take propofol, neuroleptics (so we can place you on a ventilator) fentanyl, labatolol, dexamethasone, ceftriaxone, salbutamol. But won’t take 1ML of a vaccine lol oh and cry that you may die. All while the Cheetoh in Cheif and literally everyone who said they didn’t get the vaccine — Got it. 

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9 minutes ago, Winn said:

Lots of ppl lost their jobs over that vaccine. I myself took the vaccine otherwise I would've lost family caught up in the hysteria. Dont tell me I had a choice. 


Anyone who said you would not get Covid if you got the shot were full of shit. No vaccine works like that.

With what we knew at the time, it affected those around you, not just you and most places that mandated it were healthcare places. Just like you had no choice to get certain vaccines when you were a child to attend school.

Dont play dumb and pretend this was something new and unprecedented.

Mandated vaccines have been around for many, many years.

And the base of the vaccine has been around for years. It wasn’t some experimental drug pumped into everyone.

Stop watching Fox News. Hell, even Fox is done with Trump now. 😂


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5 minutes ago, Robertthenurse said:

What was fascinating were the amount of people that flooded the emergency room (where I worked) that came in droves that weren’t vaccinated seeking medical care. You’d take propofol, neuroleptics (so we can place you on a ventilator) fentanyl, labatolol, dexamethasone, ceftriaxone, salbutamol. But won’t take 1ML of a vaccine lol oh and cry that you may die. All while the Cheetoh in Cheif and literally everyone who said they didn’t get the vaccine — Got it. 

Well if there was a working media instead of an obvious propaganda machine maybe things would've worked out a little differently.

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5 minutes ago, Winn said:

Well if there was a working media instead of an obvious propaganda machine maybe things would've worked out a little differently.

What was the gain from lying about Covid being serious (it was), wearing masks and keeping our distance?

Nobody won a thing. Everything shut down.

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32 minutes ago, Robertthenurse said:

What was fascinating were the amount of people that flooded the emergency room (where I worked) that came in droves that weren’t vaccinated seeking medical care. You’d take propofol, neuroleptics (so we can place you on a ventilator) fentanyl, labatolol, dexamethasone, ceftriaxone, salbutamol. But won’t take 1ML of a vaccine lol oh and cry that you may die. All while the Cheetoh in Cheif and literally everyone who said they didn’t get the vaccine — Got it. 

Remember the dems were all against the “trump vaccine” until Biden got into office and then all of a sudden they loved the exact same vaccine that was developed by private pharmaceutical companies. .

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We don't wanna murder children that's why we banned abortion. 

Children getting shot up in schools daily....

Oh... we can't do anything about that. We can't tell someone they can't have a gun. 

Please, make it make sense. 

Your justifications are as solid as a limp dick. 


Let's not forget Mr. "Covid Is a Hoax" himself recommending and admiting to taking the vaccine. I'd love to know how you justify it in your mind when your supreme leader was advocating for people to take it and taking credit for the lives saved by people taking it. Or maybe that wasn't Trump, but a crisis actor? How far down the rabbit hole do we go to explain that?



Oh no, I HAD to get the vaccine or I would have lost my job. OK. If you didn't get vaccines when you were 5 you wouldn't have been allowed into school. This is how a country works to look out for your neighbor. This is how science works to overcome disease and save lives. Save lives like.... your abortion ban??? That's what the abortion ban is about right? Saving lives??  Or do we only save the unborn lives and everyone else can fuck off. Where exactly is the line of which lives we fight to save? 

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2 minutes ago, RUADJAI said:

We don't wanna murder children that's why we banned abortion. 

Children getting shot up in schools daily....

Oh... we can't do anything about that. We can't tell someone they can't have a gun. 

Please, make it make sense. 

Your justifications are as solid as a limp dick. 


Let's not forget Mr. "Covid Is a Hoax" himself recommending and admiring to taking the vaccine. I'd love to know how you justify it in your mind when your supreme leader was advocating for people to take it and taking credit for the lives saved by people taking it. Or maybe that wasn't Trump, but a crisis actor? How far down the rabbit hole do we go to explain that?



Oh no, I HAD to get the vaccine or I would have lost my job. OK. If you didn't get vaccines when you were 5 you wouldn't have been allowed into school. This is how a country works to look out for your neighbor. This is how science works to overcome disease and save lives. Save lives like.... your abortion ban??? That's what the abortion ban is about right? Saving lives??  Or do we only save the unborn lives and everyone else can fuck off. Where exactly is the line of which lives we fight to save? 

You make too much sense.

If Biden had been the one that had almost been killed by his own party, the Right would’ve been laughing their asses off non-stop.

Now and only now, is this something serious.

I wouldn’t be surprised if these were all crisis actors the way the Right said that the Sandy Hook children that were murdered were crisis actors.

It’s ok when they do it, but not us. 🙄❄️


Bunch of hypocrites.

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