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Supposedly new pic from 1979/ Madonna or not ???

Redha DBL

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12 minutes ago, Dazedmadonna said:

You’re free to see it as you like, but there’s no denying that it’s the same.

Nah man it’s nothing like that. You don’t know what’s hiding under that scarf. Remember when all we saw were people wearing masks, and suddenly everyone looked hot until they took off the mask and suddenly they were a completely different person and NOTHING what I thought they looked like. 
I could be wrong. But I’m gonna say it’s not her

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The more I look at this, there is something definitely off about it.  I think it's a guy.  Also, I think someone altered the image, specifically the chest of the shirt to make like the person has breasts. Look how the design (circle) on the chest is warped looking. Also, if you look really close around the back of this person biceps, you can see more definition then Madonna has at the time. There is muscle that she didn't have at the time. Also, look at the middle of the forearms, there is too much definition there as well.  The neck even looks as if there is an adams apple. 


Here are two gals wearing the same shirt. 



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4 hours ago, Dazedmadonna said:


Same nose, lips, jaw structure etc.

I think so too. The fact her face is covered makes it harder to tell. I am not 100% it is her but I don’t agree with anyone saying it is definitely not. It could definitely be her.

The fact she started hanging out at Danceteria later on doesn’t mean much. She may still have been there years before it became a regular place for her.

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2 hours ago, Adonna said:

The more I look at this, there is something definitely off about it.  I think it's a guy.  Also, I think someone altered the image, specifically the chest of the shirt to make like the person has breasts. Look how the design (circle) on the chest is warped looking. Also, if you look really close around the back of this person biceps, you can see more definition then Madonna has at the time. There is muscle that she didn't have at the time. Also, look at the middle of the forearms, there is too much definition there as well.  The neck even looks as if there is an adams apple. 


Here are two gals wearing the same shirt. 



As many fans, here and on Instagram, since the first second i have seen that pic something looked off. Does it look like Madonna, sure. Does it look like Madonna in 1979, not. And God knows our eyes are trained to recognize her in a blink of an eye for several decades. 

First of all, and that's one of the reaction that repeats the most among comments, the body (face, lips, arms, neck, etc...) look like mid 00's Madonna, not fresh baby 21yo M. 

Then comes the fact that this picture has supposedly been taken at the Danceteria, i believe taken by a photographer who is releasing a book of his photographies and that pic is of course part of the promo. After most than 35 years of being a fan, and i'm not alone in that case, i have never ever heard a single story or hint about M going out at the danceteria in 1979. That era, 1979, brunette with mid long hair, we only see her playing gigs in small clubs or occasionally at private parties but it seems like she started to party really hard in those clubs (Danceteria etc...) around at most early in 1981 judging by her look on all the pics we've seen. I've never seen Bruna from a Certain Sacrifice at the Danceteria. But that isn't a real proof as she could have partied there in 79 and we had no clue so let's not take that argument for granted (even if it adds a bit to the suspicious elements)

Then come the elements you've pointed out @Adonna , like some part of the pics that seems altered. As you said, indeed, there some parts that look really sharp and some other really blurry. I think you have mentionned the logo on the tee shirt (same t shirt that is worn by Freddy Mercury by the way, with a pic from the author of the book to prove it ! ) and you've also mentionned the forehead. I zoomed in and you are right, very sharp compared to the rest of the pic, have a look :



And @Adonna has also mentionned the unatural shape of her breasts/t-shirt logo, and it's damn true, obviously (look above)

then comes the styling, those bracelets and necklace, sorry to say, so not Madonna, especially in 1979 (but that is not a real proof, just a personnal observation).

SO, to me there too many suspicious things about this suddendly new pic popping up. It's not for nothing that around 80% of fans have the same doubts about that pic. I know the photographer is said to have taken pictures of several celebrities at the Danceteria, i know he's releasing an official book etc but i just have a real hard time believing that pic is Madonna in 1979 at the Danceteria.  Obviously the pic has been doctored (blurry/sharp elements) so it adds a lot to the suspiscion. It almost looks like someone has taken an original 1979 pic taken at the Danceteria with a total unkown person on it, morphed Madonna's lower face and chest from 2006 on the person, and added the infamous  shirt worned by Freddy Mercury on it to add to the story. 

Ps : Another thing i've just noticed, look how tall the person is compared to the other in the room ! M is usually the smallest one or among the few smallest ones and on that pic the person is at least as tall as the other or even taller. Then again that's not a real proof but it adds again to the suspicious elements. 

The thing is our brain detects immediately all those elements and that's why most of us have a hard time with that pic 


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