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Madonna’s silence on the US election


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I don't think it would help her in any way to say anything. Most people have their minds made up, she's made her thoughts known about that man long ago a few times, it would only make a bunch a lunatics hate her and possibly create security problems for her and her family, and she's not the biggest pop star in the world anymore... unfortunately. It's not gonna get a whole demographic to vote like some of these new girls. I don't think it makes sense for her. 


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I guess she’s made her stance on Trump pretty clear in the past, perhaps she feels no need to clarify any further?

I had figured she’d be keen to show support for potentially the first female president of the US. Maybe Kamala has policies that Madonna doesn’t agree with, so she is reluctant to endorse her, but will likely still vote for her?

I get sick of hearing about celebrity political endorsements, I’m sure they get sick of being asked about it. Most of them aren’t any more informed than us “regular folk”. 

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First of all finally a place where to discuss about this. I'm surprised too, she's been very verbal about any meaningful social and political event till the Covid pandemic, if I remeber correctly. I'm especially surprised she is not supporting the first probable woman president of the USA and that she is saying almost nothing about the two big wars in Europe and Middle East. I tend to think it's got something to do with her new communication policy, you know, the one started deleting all her Instagram posts and being more selective and cautious about what she posts and stuff like that. 

About her moving masses or not, let me say I always felt very offensive the way politics treated her, even at her peak. From the Clintons to the Obamas, they NEVER acknowledged her commitment, care and dedication to support them and especially to propose a way of living based on freedom, respect of others identities and courage to express own's opinions. And all of that what for? The sex book? Some bad words on TV? I mean ... she's always been there, with them. She went down on the streets for the BLM movement and for the Women march, she fought so hardly against the AIDS prejudices and for the gay community, she made such a strong video condemning the Iraqi war, she recorded an entire album in 2019 about our social resposabilities and took part to the 1992 Rock the Vote campaign. she made a live happening in Central Park to support Hillary and produced a documentary about the african children tragedy, she collected money for the Obama campaign endorsing him for all her 2012 american league and made an Israeli and a Pakistani flagged man climbing a staircase hand in hand as a message of dialogue and peace.

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9 hours ago, RUADJAI said:

I don't understand what this means... 

Yeah I was thinking especially about the Clintons when I wrote that, you're right. In 1992 she often said she supported Bill and she wanted to be part of the inauguration and stuff like that but she was actually very exposed in that moment, with all the bad aura the book created around her, that it could hardly happen. At the same time I think that her provocative attitude in general (not just about sex, about the church, capitalism excesses and on) was never completely forgiven. Obama did the same, she endorsed him a lot and she got to meet him just thanks to Fallon. And she was still relevant in 2008 and Instagram didn't even exist, with all her messes on it :lol: Otherwise I can't imagine why they always snubbed her. I can understand she ìs also been semplistic at times in some of her works, but I mean Jackson, Streisand, Swift or Gaga really don't seem so much better about political depth and conscience in their music.

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27 minutes ago, Susan Thomas said:

I tend to think it's got something to do with her new communication policy, you know, the one started deleting all her Instagram posts and being more selective and cautious about what she posts and stuff like that. 

I think so too and that’s why I asked this question. Is she so focused on fixing her public image that she’s staying out of politics? Or maybe she feels, like others have said, her contribution doesn’t add anything these days?

I just find it quite surprising she went from all the freedom fighter / disturbing the peace mantra to complete utter silence on a US election. Especially this one. It seems very deliberate.

Perhaps too with everything that’s happened in her life, the death of 2 siblings, her stepmother, her father being ill, her own NDE she just isn’t investing her energy this time?


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1 hour ago, RUADJAI said:

I don't think it would help her in any way to say anything. Most people have their minds made up, she's made her thoughts known about that man long ago a few times, it would only make a bunch a lunatics hate her and possibly create security problems for her and her family, and she's not the biggest pop star in the world anymore... unfortunately. It's not gonna get a whole demographic to vote like some of these new girls. I don't think it makes sense for her. 


True but I would have thought a few statements at least about it. It’s a big 180 on a few years ago.

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1 minute ago, BLUE JEAN said:

I think so too and that’s why I asked this question. Is she so focused on fixing her public image that she’s staying out of politics? Or maybe she feels, like others have said, her contribution doesn’t add anything these days?

I just find it quite surprising she went from all the freedom fighter / disturbing the peace mantra to complete utter silence on a US election. Especially this one.


For me it's the first one, no doubt about it. 

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4 minutes ago, Susan Thomas said:

Yeah I was thinking especially about the Clintons when I wrote that, you're right. In 1992 she often said she supported Bill and she wanted to be psart of the inauguration and stuff like that but she was actually very exposed in that moment, with all the bad aura the book created around her that it could hardly happen. At the same time I think that her provocative attitude was never completely forgiven. Obama did the same, she endorsed him a lot and she got to meet him just thanks to Fallon. And she was still relevant in 2008. 

I see what you mean, I think. I would say the Clintons probably had no desire to be affiliated with Madonna in the early 90s. She was too controversial for them. I think times have changed drastically since and when it came to Obama, he didn't really need anyone's endorsement. She was also on tour both times in 2008 and 2012... I don't think she was seen as too controversial in 2008... In fact before Hard Candy came out I think a lot of people could have seen Madonna running for President herself. But I'm sure Obama was well aware she endorsed him and I'm sure it meant something to him. 

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5 minutes ago, BLUE JEAN said:

True but I would have thought a few statements at least about it. It’s a big 180 on a few years ago.

Well... I mean... she made the Secret Project warning of Authoritarians gaining momentum in parts of the world, and then went on a world tour declaring she wanted to start a revolution of love, trying to include the biggest artists of the time to be a part, and then the Authoritarian came to the U.S.'s front door step and his message won. The Snake Oil Salesmen was able to con his way into the highest job in the land with a message of hate. Honestly... I wouldn't waste my time with trying to convince anyone either. Seems a bit futile. And then fast forward to today with all the disinformation, misinformation, foreign adversaries creating content online to persuade Americans, conspiracy theories, an insurrection, ongoing lies of a rigged election from a candidate of a major party... It's so far gone... 

If anyone felt helpless to make a difference before, it's got to be 100 times worse now. Young people are getting their news from TikTok videos from random people who make shit up and post 10 second sound bites to paint a certain narrative. Just look at the disinformation spread about the recent hurricanes and flooding in Florida and North Carolina. Grossly inflated death tolls. Claiming FEMA was withholding aid. The democrats created the hurricanes. It's absurd. Sick people using a catastrophe to propagate lies while people are in the midst of trying to stay alive. 

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I think it’s great she’s keeping quiet this time around, look at the slack she got for her instagram posts in the past, wasn’t it the Trump supporters bombarding her instagram comments accusing her of being part of pizza parties and adrenachrome etc. Plus at the moment there appears to be a lot going on in her personal life and we nearly lost her in 2023 maybe she just feels her priorities have changed. The tour brought back a different spark in her which for me was great, hopefully she works on a great pop album for once let’s keep politics out of her music we all need somewhere to escape and forget just how fucked up the world really is. 

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56 minutes ago, cosmic_system said:

She posted and then removed a Kamala post weeks ago. It’s not a secret she’s going to vote for her and not Trump. 

Of course it’s not a secret. By the way, I did not know she posted a Kamala thing and deleted it. Do you remember what it was?

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I feel that since she almost died last year she's been quieter, look at her speeches on the tour in comparision with MDNA Tour for instance and even her insta posts.
I don't blame her for a second. It doesn't matter, people know where she stands and any word from her will only cause noise with those that don't agree with her and hardly will change anyone's mind.

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