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The Rebel Heart Tour Press Reports & Reviews [North America]


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Madonna's Rebel Heart Tour at the Toyota Center in Houston, TX

Though she she kept them waiting a bit, the one and onlyMadonna thrilled her royal subjects at Toyota Center Tuesday night.

Slideshow @ http://www.houstonpress.com/slideshow/madonna-is-still-a-rebel-heart-8067766/4

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Madonna on Tour: A special concert

Madonna fans turn out in droves to see icon's first Oklahoma show


As teenagers, Chanci Kasper and her friends looked at Madonna as an icon.


“She was a rebel. She was different,†said Kasper, of Fort Smith, Arkansas.


Thursday night, just in time for a birthday milestone, the four friends reunited at the BOK Center to finally experience Madonna in person.


“We’re all turning 40, so this is a gift for all of us,†said Kasper’s friend Jennifer Simpson of Broken Arrow.


Thursday was Madonna’s first time to perform in Oklahoma in her more than 30-year-long career.


And as Madonna descended in a cage as a dozen dancers waited, the crowd who had waited decades for her to perform in the state roared in approval.


Elaborate dancing and strong music drove fans to their feet as Madonna welcomed everyone: “Oklahoma! Are you ready?â€


Loud cheering from the crowd was a clear affirmative.


The packed arena was full of adoring fans, many dressed in their finest fishnets, oversized hairbows and sparkles.


For many, Madonna’s appeal was overwhelming. She came into their lives when they were teenagers, an age when people are looking for a type of role model. For Katherine Yarnell of Beggs, it was Madonna’s strength that spoke to her.


“She has such a different style than other artists,†Yarnell said. “She’s not scared to be herself.â€


That appealed to Jamil Gotcher, too. As a young woman, Madonna was a symbol of independence, and her highly catchy and danceable music didn’t hurt, she said.


“She represents my youth,†Gotcher said. “She represents freedom and bravery. She’s an icon.â€


She was able to introduce her daughter, Jade Gotcher, to Madonna’s music.


“Our house was always full of music and dancing,†Jamil Gotcher said. “Like (Jade) said, she came out of the womb voguing.â€


Madonna released her 13th studio album, “Rebel Heart,†last year. Her current tour continues through March.


The BOK Center made an event out of announcing the performance last fall, celebrating the chance to host her first performance not just in the city but in the state.


But this definitely was not Grant Vanderbilt’s first time to see her. He said he’s been to at least five Madonna shows. This time, he only had to drive from central Arkansas to see her. But dressed in a long pink dress with an enormous bow, he could hardly wait to get inside the arena to do it all again.


He got his start with Madonna in sixth grade, rifling through his cousin’s CD collection and coming across “The Immaculate Collection.†That thrill of the first listen is still strong when he hears her now.


“I loved it. It’s all I listened to for 10 years,†Vanderbilt said. “It’s exactly what I wanted to be.â€

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REVIEW: Madonna leaves lasting impression after first concert in Oklahoma


If Madonna wanted to make a splash with her first performance in Oklahoma, she certainly did that.


The Queen of Pop put on a highly energetic, fun, shocking, musically impressive show Thursday night at the BOK Center. If your jaw wasn’t on the floor, you were grinning as much as she was.


Though with a setlist heavy on her newest album, it left me wanting more. With a start time at 10:30 p.m., I don’t know if I could have handled it.


Nine songs of the 22-song setlist were from “Rebel Heart,†Madonna’s 13th studio album released last year to critical praise and commercial success. Many of the fans near me sang along to several of those new songs, which dominated the setlist early on.


Songs like “Iconic,†“Bitch, I’m Madonna†and “Holy Water,†which were three of the four opening songs, all from her latest album. Seeing her perform the songs live made me like them more than listening to the album version. Her voice was sometimes muddled early on, but it was strong and steady. She even strapped on a guitar for the last song in that opening set, “Burning Up,†the second single she ever released.


That early group also showed some of the diversity in her style over her career. With the new songs, she shows that she’s at least keeping up with trends in music, with heavy electronic music. But “Burning Up†showed us a hard-rocking, rock-yelling Madonna with a Flying V guitar, not playing face-melting solos, but playing, which is more than most pop stars will do.


Later, more of her well-known hits were played, but Madonna altered them so that they felt new, despite some being more than 30 years old. “True Blue†was performed acoustic with Madonna playing the ukulele. “Like a Virgin†was broken down into a minimalist, bass heavy song with the lyrics and tone intimately familiar with every person in the nearly-full room. “Music†started off jazzy in a ’20s speakeasy style. “Material Girl†could have come straight out of Baz Luhrmann’s “The Great Gatsby.â€


Her most musically impressive song of the night — the moment when fans got to really experience her untouched talent — was a cover of “La vie en rose,†just her singing and playing a ukulele. Her vocal prowess was in the spotlight, hitting and sustaining higher notes in her range. And it being the next to last song before the encore and considering she had been singing and dancing and changing clothes all night, it was that much more impressive.


Whether you liked the music, Madonna put on an impressive and sometimes shocking stage show that was thrilling.


Nearly two dozen dancers were dazzling with impressive choreography that bordered sometimes on Cirque du Soleil-level acrobatics. Strapped to flexible poles about 20 feet long, they would sway back and forth almost enough to touch the crowd. Three dancers strapped to a vertical video board sprung and danced all over the stage. It was dazzling, but it didn’t take the focus away from Madonna.


Then you have nuns in lingerie pole dancing, a re-creation of da Vinci’s “The Last Supper,†sometimes people wearing less than a thread. There were shocking, clutch-the-pearls moments, but it’s exactly what you would expect from Madonna.


Stages changed with the costumes four times, each sticking to a different theme, each with its own story. It was put together with thought, which again seems like an effort many pop stars don’t make today.


For most of the fans who have waited 30 years to see the pop icon in their hometown, it was worth the wait. Hopefully Thursday night’s warm reception will ensure that Oklahoma will see her again.

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Madonna keeps Queen of Pop title at Yum! Center


Jeffrey Lee Puckett, @JLeePuckett 2:45 a.m. EST January 17, 2016
Madonna has been the standard-bearer among female pop artists for three decades, and any time a new star emerges the comparison is always made. The verdict is usually that Madonna did it first, and better, but It's gotten to the point of cliché, to where you aren't sure if you can trust the narrator.
And then you go see Madonna in concert and all doubt is swept away. She really is the blueprint for pretty much any modern pop star, from Taylor Swift to Rihanna, and she proved it Saturday night at the KFC Yum! Center.
Just like recent tours by Swift, Beyoncé, Katy Perry and Miley Cyrus, Madonna's "The Rebel Heart Tour" is filled with spectacle: a host of dancers, set pieces, elaborate stage design and full-tilt diva behavior. But there's a subtle, and important, difference.
Where spectacle has become the primary point of tours by the post-Madonna crowd, with a raft of distracting special effects and gimmicks, the queen herself largely goes for practical magic. Art and athleticism are Madonna's go-to moves, and she uses them to reflect and enhance the music, not cover up its shortcomings.
Despite the almost exhausting scope of Madonna's show - it features four themed sets clocking in at around 30 minutes each - it rarely lags. The show opened with "Joan of Arc/Samurai," followed by "/Rockabilly Meets Tokyo," "Latin/Gypsy," and "Party/Flapper," and each was defined equally by the music, costuming and choreography.
The music reached all the way back to 1983's "Holiday" but, in true Madonna fashion, she refused to cater to nostalgists and leaned heavily on her most recent album, "Rebel Heart." Even her older songs were reinvented in entertaining ways, especially sacred cows such as 'Like A Virgin," "Material Girl" and "Dress You Up," each of which was wedged into a different themed set.
"Like A Virgin," for example, was recast as Japanese pop meets electronic dance music on a codeine drip; "Dress You Up" was given a flamenco twist; and "Like  A Prayer" and "True Blue" were both stripped down to their basics, the former performed on a ukelele.
While there's certainly value in straight-up recreation, it was a lot more interesting to hear how Madonna keeps herself engaged in decades-old material. It was also intriguing how she very firmly ensured that it was a pop show at heart, especially given the wide range of albums from which she drew. There may be more contenders for her crown than ever before, but the Queen of Pop still has a strong left hook.
Reporter Jeffrey Lee Puckett can be reached at (502) 582-4160 and jpuckett@courier-journal.com.
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Madonna performs in Nashville for first-time ever


NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) – Madonna performed in Nashville Monday night for the first-time ever.


Her show at the Bridgestone Arena in downtown Nashville was set to begin at around 9:30 p.m. but the Material Girl didn’t actually take the stage until 10:30 p.m.


Fans outside Bridgestone Arena were excited to see their childhood idol perform in Music City.


“As a pre-pubescent girl in 1985, I wanted to be her. She was my idol and I’ve never seen her before and I’m hoping she will perform the songs like I remember them,†said Stephanie Colvin.


The ‘Rebel Heart’ tour, named for her most recent album, which launched last March, kicked off Aug. 29 in Miami.

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Madonna makes Nashville debut at Bridgestone Arena



Thirty-three years after her first hit, Madonna made her Nashville debut Monday night, as the pop icon's "Rebel Heart" tour stopped at Bridgestone Arena.


"What the (expletive) took me so long?" she asked her audience.


She was referring to playing Music City for the first time, but it was an apt question in more ways than one. Some in the nearly packed house might have been wondering why a show advertised with an 8 p.m. start time didn't have its performer hit the stage until 10:37 p.m. Recent reports suggest that's par for the course on this tour.


Still, even with the late start, Madonna might have actually been anxious to return to the stage and prove herself on Monday.


The tour's previous stop had been in Louisville, Ky. – and that show soon hit the tabloid rounds after some concertgoers speculated that the singer was drunk during her performance.


“This is me sober,†Madonna told her Nashville audience, speaking with her version of a Southern drawl. “I know there’s been reports that I’ve been falling down drunk on the stage. Y’all wish I could dance in six-inch heels and be drunk.â€

And that’s a good point to raise. A Madonna concert in 2016 is a highly choreographed, 2 1/2-hour affair, one that constantly requires her to be in a precise place at a precise time. But she still managed to create a handful of moments that won’t be replicated anywhere else.


A surprise Jack White cameo: No one in the audience was expecting Nashville rocker Jack White to be a part of the show – and that included Jack White. Madonna made her way to the end of the stage catwalk, and was asking for crowd participation, when she suddenly honed in on White, who was standing in the crowd.

“Don’t be laid back, just cause you’re famous,†she told him. “I’m famous too, you know. And I get excited when I see people I like. But maybe you don’t like me?â€

By then, White was being shown on the video screens. He blew Madonna a kiss.


“Thank you,†she said. “Some kind of acknowledgement.â€

Other famous audience members who weren’t spotted by Madonna: Reba McEntire and Kix Brooks, who vented their frustration over the show’s late start time on social media.


A last-minute Johnny Cash cover: Towards the end of the night, Madonna tried out an impromptu, acappella cover of "Ring of Fire,†and only had to start it over once. “You guys have to help me sing it, O.K.? I’m from Michigan….You have to understand, I did not rehearse this. It just came into my head underneath the stage a couple of minutes ago.†Parts of this performance cannot be described here, but perhaps Cash would have enjoyed its seedier elements. Or perhaps not.


The crowd: Nearly a packed house, with a few empty rows here and there. Impressively, nearly everyone stuck it out until the end — on a Monday — though Madonna certainly tested them with a sleepy rendition of "La Vie En Rose" at 12:40 a.m.


The sound: Eyes ever fixed forward, Madonna piled on songs from her latest album, "Rebel Heart." Sure, she also played "Like a Virgin," "Material Girl" and a bit of "Vogue," but all were given modern makeovers. None of them were improvements. It’s an approach not unlike George Lucas’ special editions of “Star Wars†— the author might enjoy sprucing things up, but everyone else just wants to have the version they fell in love with. One plus worth noting: Madonna was never hailed for her vocal prowess, but there was no doubt she was singing live and unadorned on Monday night, sounding much like she did three decades ago.


The sets: No surprise for the "Like a Prayer" singer, but her latest stage show is packed with religious imagery, from pole-dancing nuns on "Vogue" to an homage to The Last Supper during "Holy Water." Other motifs had nods to ancient Rome, rhinestone cowboys, flamenco dancers and samurais.


A marriage proposal (with a ring): We’re going on Madonna’s hearing ability with this, but supposedly this audience member’s name was “Everton.†He was ready to propose to the singer and brought a ring in a box. She brought him to the side of the stage.

“Is that real?†she asked.

“Of course it’s real,†he responded.

Apparently, Madonna had a few requirements for a future spouse. He confirmed that he had a driver’s license, and had a job as a “businessman.†She appeared to keep the ring, which may or may not have been what “Everton†wanted.

“I’ll have my friends that know about jewelry check it out later. But it’s the thought that counts,†she said.


A speech for Martin Luther King, Jr.: â€œI can’t get through this night without talking about Martin Luther King,†Madonna said. “Today is a very special day honoring an extraordinary human being… It seems like heroes like Martin Luther King are so few and far between, and we seem to be lacking in them in our lives these days. I pray that more and more people will have the courage to stand up and fight for what they believe in.â€


The end: A festive (and faithful to the original) encore of 1983's "Holiday," which had Madonna waving goodbye to the audience just seconds before 1 a.m.

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Concert review: Madonna finally arrives in Atlanta – at nearly 11 p.m.




Thirty seconds.


That’s all it took for a sold-out crowd at Philips Arena to forgive Madonna for finally gracing us with her presence at 10:54 p.m.


In the hour prior, fans grumbled and groused, asking out loud, “Is she always this late?â€


The answer: Yes, more or less. My review of her Nov. 17, 2012 concert at Philips noted that it began at 10:30 p.m. Still inexcusable, but since it was a Saturday, it was treated more as a party night.


And reviews of her other shows this week in Nashville and Louisville, Ky., pointedly castigated her for start times after 10:30 p.m. (even Reba McEntire, an attendee in Nashville, hit Twitter to call Madonna out for this unnecessary rudeness).


But in the seconds when Madonna descended in a cage for the opening “Iconic,†the grumbles turned to roars of approval and, until about 12:45 a.m. when many fans had to flee to ensure a ride on the last MARTA train at 1:15 a.m., the crowd stayed solid and standing, basking in the glow of their queen.

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Madonna’s inner rocker. Photo: Robb D. Cohen/www.RobbsPhotos.com.

Good luck, Miami. You might see her by 11:30 p.m. for her show there on Saturday.

But hey, as long as this behavior is accepted and forgiven, Madonna will continue to disregard the fans – the very people who have turned her into a pop culture icon – without apology.


So, anyway… about the show.

Here are some things we learned:

Madonna thinks calling the city “Hotlanta†is endearing. OK, it served a purpose as a lead-in to “Burning Up,†complete with Madonna on black Flying V guitar, but the other times, not so much. No one likes the term. It’s stupid. Also, it was 40 degrees outside Wednesday night.


Madonna should know better than to call the city “Hotlanta†because, as she reminded the crowd halfway through her 2-hour-plus show, she wrote her 1994 hit, “Secret,†here with Dallas Austin. “We wrote it in the basement of a house on Peachtree,†she recalled. “It was a wonderful experience for me.†She played the song about a dozen times during the first leg of this “Rebel Heart†tour last fall, but it isn’t a set staple, so Atlanta did receive its special moment. Madonna also sounded terrific as she launched the song on acoustic guitar before her four-piece band broke in to guide its gentle thump.


Her need to marry the sacred and profane hasn’t waned. A pack of female dancers wearing nun habits and ruffled undies and swinging on stripper poles shaped like crosses accompanied “Holy Water†(which featured a languid snippet of “Vogueâ€), while “Devil Pray†had Madonna, in her black fishnets and thigh-high boots, climbing onto the lap of a gentleman donning a clerical collar.

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Say this for Madonna – at 57, she still can move. Photo: Robb D. Cohen/www.RobbsPhotos.com.


She sprinkles her set lists with enough classics to keep longtime fans sated. No matter how worthy the songs on “Rebel Heart†(fortunately, our show included the album’s most potent track, “Ghosttownâ€), her devotees shell out hundreds of dollars on tickets because they still want to bounce to “Like a Virgin†(and she obliged them with a recast of the song decorated with a hip, electro-pop beat). Other highlights included a ukulele rendition of “True Blue,†which stripped the sweet song to its melodic core; a foot-stomping, hip-swiveling “La Isla Bonita,†(cue the fringed black and gold matador outfit); a sultry jazz take on “Music,†which quickly flipped back to its insinuating beat; and a cutesy “Material Girl,†during which Madonna covered her ears in mock horror at the sound of the “Li-ving in a material world†chant and cavorted with her tuxedo-clad dancers.


Don’t think Madonna doesn’t care what people say about her. After “La Isla Bonita,†she and her dance crew gathered at the end of the long catwalk and slugged a shot of clear liquid. “Just trying to earn my new reputation as an alcoholic – as I drink shot glasses of water and throw them into the audience,†she said sarcastically, a defiant rebuttal to speculation that she was drunk onstage in Kentucky. â€œI’m kinda getting used to being misunderstood. It goes with the territory…Some of us give a (expletive) about explaining ourselves and some us don’t, right?†Strike up the rapturous applause and shouts of approval from the audience.


No human being could perform this show drunk. What Madonna is still able to accomplish physically, at 57, is simply astounding. No, the moves might not be as complicated or crisp as a decade ago, and toward the end of Wednesday’s show (well, Thursday’s at that point), Madonna did appear to start to wilt (join the club, lady) and detoured into a rambling discourse about marriage and love and other random topics. But her aerobic dance moves, sometimes in lock step with her taut team and sometimes solo, were fluid, fun and fierce.

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Photo: Robb D. Cohen/www.RobbsPhotos.com.


So back to that absurd start time. Fan Mark Medlin from Roswell paid $400 for his seats, would be in for more than $100 for a babysitter given the extra time and had to leave early to catch MARTA. But he grinned and stood throughout the show, content with his first Madonna experience. In the hours before the concert, fan Laura Bechtel, who had driven from Macon and was spending the night in Atlanta, was nonetheless growing weary of the wait. “If she comes on and she’s awesome, then all is forgiven,†Bechtel said around 10:30 p.m. We checked in with her two hours later and were greeted with a giant grin. “It was well worth it.â€

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Madonna defies age, gives high-energy performance at Atlanta concert


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Let’s start here. This writer hopes she looks this great at 57. From my fourth row floor seats, Madonna’s taut figure and skin were amazing. Also, I must add, margaritas and Madonna make for a fun-filled evening no matter how long you wait for the headline performer.


By 9 p.m. we were entertained with an intriguing and animated opening act by Lunice, a Montreal born producer and DJ, who enlisted lots of 808 bass, turnt up trap favorites and Rihanna in his mix. Then the sound guys revved up the anxious crowd with hits from the King of Pop, Michael Jackson, after we waited a couple hours for the pop star to make her grand entrance. Next thing you know, it was a few minutes shy of 11 p.m. when Madonna descended on the phallic-shaped stage performing “Iconic.†Time. Who cares about time? The excited and sold-out crowd at Philips Arena stood up and cheered as she werked the stage with a video featuring collaborator Mike Tyson on the screen as her backdrop. Ahh, the Rebel Heart Tour finally made its way to Atlanta and it didn’t disappoint.


It really deserves an A-plus for high-energy, sexually-charged choreography, visual appease and theatrics. If a requirement is for an androgynous dancer wearing a man’s suit throughout the show and later flash you with itty bitty tits draped in pearls – paying homage to Josephine Baker’s memorable banana dance performance – scratching your head and svelte pole dancers clad in nun habits and ruffled panties to set you apart, then Madonna is a trailblazer.


Everywhere I turned, there were Madonna wanna-bes that represented every era of her career, from “Lucky Star†(Madonna) and “Material Girl†(Like a Virgin) to present day MDNA and Rebel Heart. They sported “B****, I’m Madonna†and “Madonna Made Me Gay†tees and even tulle mini skirts, fishnet tights and biker boots.


Madonna’s a girl after my own rebel heart. She and her dancers enjoyed a shot of Jose Cuervo Tradicional during the mash up of “La Isla Bonita†and “Dress You Up.†Pre-show, I raised my own No Mas Margarita cocktail to the Queen of Pop that was topped off with the blue agave silver tequila that was also enjoyed by art rebel, Frida Kahlo.

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Concert Review: Madonna’s ‘Rebel Heart’ at Philips Arena


The overriding truth about Madonna’s Philips Arena performance of her “Rebel Heart†concert is simple: She delivered, and then some.


It was an thrilling, almost overpowering display of technical virtuosity by the most famous star in the world and her team of dancers, musicians, lighting, sound, and video wizards. Each song was a play, a mini-movie and live performance all by itself.


Of course the main attraction was to see the legendary diva in person, and when she finally appeared, almost three hours after the listed start time (more about that later), the sold-out arena erupted in cheers, whoops, and applause.


A Madonna concert is an all-out assault on the senses: the tremendous sound, the highly evocative videos on large screens, the endlessly inventive, witty choreography by Megan Lawson and a host of assistant choreographers, the lighting, the ever-changing set. You are, in effect, invited into an alternate universe for over two hours, and if you’re there, you really can’t escape it, and nobody wants to. It’s quite hypnotic.


As we mentioned in INtown’s preview, Madonna is the consummate showgirl, a highly disciplined performance artist whose skills have been honed over 30 years. “Rebel Heart†is her 10th world tour. She postponed the start of this tour in early fall of 2015, tweeting her fans that her show “has to be perfect†and was not quite there yet. But she got there: Wednesday night’s show was flawless.


She began with “Iconic,†from the “Rebel†CD; and there were several numbers from the album, including “Ghosttown,†“Living for Love,†“Devil Pray,†“Holy Water,†and “Body Shop.†Madonna’s life-long fascination with the dichotomy of religion and sexuality was on full display, in witty and provocative numbers.


But she never forgets fun, and reached into her vast catalog of hits to amuse herself and her fans. “Like a Virgin†was quite a hoot, with the star prancing down a runway, obviously enjoying a witty, nostalgic romp. She told the audience she wrote her 1990’s hit “Secret†in Atlanta with local music producer Dallas Austin and was glad she could perform it here.


In her fifties, the star is incredibly photogenic: Her image on two screens above the stage revealed a beautiful woman seemingly in her 30’s. Her dancing may not be as frenetic as it was on the 1990 “Blonde Ambition†tour, but whose is? She is a trained dancer and that discipline has influenced her entire career (Does “Vogue†ring a bell? She did a snatch of it on Wednesday night.) Her voice was as clear and as strong as I’ve ever heard it, and I’ve seen several Madonna concerts.


Other hits performed were “True Blue,†“Deeper and Deeper,†“La Isla Bonita,†“Music,†“Candy Shop,†“Into the Groove,†and others. A major tour like this is a gigantic production: I looked at the credits in the snazzy program I purchased, and wow—it’s like a major motion picture—believe it.


This brings us to the fly in the ointment: that late starting time. Okay, to be fair I’ve never seen any show at Philips Arena (20,000 capacity) start at the listed time; it’s always at least an hour later. But 10:47 p.m. when the ticket says 8 p.m.? This is unacceptable. The show lasted well over two hours. The folks sitting next to me said MARTA stops running at 1:15 a.m. I said, “Uh oh.â€


Then I noticed people leaving at 12:30 a.m. Simply inexcusable: people have paid a lot of money to see a full show and to have to leave early to avoid being stranded is unconscionable. Madonna, your tour people are supposed to investigate these things. You can’t jerk your fans around like that. What gives? I hate it that a “perfect†show has to be besmirched like this. Somebody do something!

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Review: Madonna brings a heartfelt, personal touch to her Miami concert

Pop queen deviates from her rigid set list, surprises with “Don’t Cry For Me Argentinaâ€


By now, Madonna’s fans know what to expect from one of her concerts: plenty of high-energy dancing, clever thematic vignettes, impressive stage props, colorful costumes and an eclectic set list that draws from highlights throughout her entire career.


Such a production demands precision, above all, with every performer having to know exactly when and where to be. There is precious little room for either improvisation or spontaneity, except for during carefully scripted moments (which kind of comically defeats the whole purpose).


But on Saturday night at a packed AmericanAirlines Arena in downtown Miami, Madonna managed to deviate from the mostly rigid set list and staged theatrics of her Rebel Heart Tour to add a heartfelt, personal touch for her onetime hometown crowd.


The show – part of the global icon’s 10th major tour - was in support of Madonna’s 13th studio album, “Rebel Heart,†and the still-spry-at-57 megastar showed off her well-documented rebellious side from the start, opening with a salacious video of her in a sequined ball gown trapped in a cage while guards who looked like they were flown in straight from the Wicked Witch of the West’s castle marched onstage. Madonna then descended dramatically in a medieval-looking cage to perform her fun-loving new anthem “Bitch, I’m Madonna†while surrounded by sexed-up geisha girls.

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It was just one of many tracks from “Rebel Heart†that Madonna would perform on the night. Ever the musical chameleon, the Queen of Pop’s new release features her most progressive sound yet, with almost half the album’s tracks produced by either dubstep king Diplo or EDM superstar Avicii, and the ones that aren’t are just as cutting-edge. 


The performances were over-the-top as well. During “Holy Water,†which featured four dancers wearing nun’s habits on their heads and not much else, Madonna climbed up a stripper pole and actually stood on a fellow female dancer before integrating the rap from her classic hit “Vogue†into the song.  Later, during “Rebel Heart,†several guys donning top hats and tails climbed 12-foot poles and swayed back and forth so severely that they could almost touch audience members, an amazing feat that any circus would covet.


“Living For Love†featured Madonna as toreador, fighting off dancers wearing bullhorns with red capes, while “Body Shop†re-created a ‘50s-style auto mechanics store, with stacked tires and a “West Side Story†theme, after which Madonna first addressed the crowd.


“We’re bringing the heat to Miami – it’s been a little chilly, right?†she said. “It’s all about the Miami heat – that’s why I used to live here. I don’t know why I don’t live here anymore, but that’s a whole ‘nother story. You know, me and Miami, we go way back. I got stories you would never believe.†

One of the best sequences featured Madonna’s beloved tune “La Isla Bonita†with her “gypsy†band, complete with accordion, acoustic guitar, castanets, bongos and flamenco-style dancing, followed by a sensual, slowed-down medley of “Dress You Up,†“Into the Groove†and “Lucky Star,†all powered by the same groovy bassline.


Ironically, some of the biggest highlights of the night were the least-produced numbers: a sweet, romantic version of “True Blue,†featuring Madonna strumming a ukulele; a very stripped-down “Like a Virgin,†with just Madonna onstage, dancing alone, without even the keyboard riffs; an acoustic version of “Who’s That Girl†with only Madonna and her acoustic guitar (which showed her true talent as showman); and a charming take on Edith Piaf’s French classic “La vie en rose,†again with Madonna on ukulele and in fine vocal form.


But the real surprise of the night came when Madonna took on a true blast from the past: “I want to sing this song, and there aren’t too many cities I can sing it in,†she said before launching into a passionate rendition of “Don’t Cry for Me Argentina,†accompanied by a lone acoustic guitar player, a song from her role as Eva Peron in the film “Evita.â€


After the cheers died down, Madonna said, “I’ve been dying to sing that song the entire tour – that’s the first time.†


The fitting finale featured Madonna draped in an American flag and red top hat singing one of her early club hits, “Holiday,†along with 20 or so festively dressed dancers, a feel-good ending to a decidedly feel-good show.


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Madonna gives Miami fans something to remember on her Rebel Heart Tour



Madonna Rebel Heart Tour Miami
Rating:StarStarStarStarStar [5 STARS]

When an artist embarks on the tenth concert of a career that spans over 30 years, one may think that it would be nothing new or innovative. One may think that she'd be up to the same old tricks, sing (or lip sync in the case of some) the same mega-hits the way they sound on her greatest hits compilation and simply go through the motions to cash in on all that concert cash. One does not know Madonna.


Madonna stopped for the first of two nights at the American Airlines Arena in Miami, on the third leg of her Rebel Heart Tour which has been traveling the world since last September (and continues until March). This trek felt pretty different than a lot of Madonna's past tours--yes, the intricate choreography and intense precision were there, but there was a warmth to Madonna this time around that hasn't been present as much on stage before. She broke character, one might say, having moments with audience members, cracking jokes and spanking her dancer as punishment for not catching a maraca. She seemed to be genuinely having fun.


That's not to say Madonna wasn't Madonna. After so many years of performing, she still managed to find new ways to shock, inspire and make a statement: she had pole dancing nuns followed by a recreation of The Last Supper, she "played" La Cucaracha on her crotch ("It's a rare talent to be able to play your pussy like that," she said) and dressed her dancers in religious garb for her song "Devil Pray." She also gave a touching speech on what it's like being different and not fitting in before playing the title track of the tour. Nevertheless, the show had just as many (if not more) lighter moments as well that included some line dancing, some bull fighting (well, minotaur fighting) and a patriotic finale that found Madonna soaring high above the stage.


While no one really goes to a Madonna concert just for the vocals, her voice was strong and nothing was lip synced (although a handful of songs had a very loud backing track). The Material Girl's strong and crisp vocals were especially apparent during her many acoustic songs (on which she played the guitar herself), including a ukulele renditions of "True Blue" and a cover of "La Vie En Rose." Miami fans got an extra special treat with an acoustic version of "Don't Cry For Me Argentina," which was the first time she's played it on The Rebel Heart Tour (Madonna mentioned that Miami was the perfect city for it too).


Another unique experience for Miami attendees was during "Unapologetic Bitch," when Madonna brings an audience member on stage. Miami's audience member was none other than Madonna's own daughter Mercy whose birthday it was (instead of the usual "gift" Madonna gives the 'unapologetic bitch,' which is a banana, Madonna gave Mercy a cupcake and sang happy birthday to her). It's noteworthy that while other celebrities boast about their famous "squads," Madonna chose to bring her daughter on stage rather than any of the countless A-List celebrities in the audience (which included Naomi Campbell, Gloria Estefan, Sam Smith and Madonna's long time pal Rosie O'Donnell).


As far as the set list, about half were songs off of "Rebel Heart" (the tour is called The Rebel Heart Tour, after all) and half were some of Madonna's biggest hits (mostly those from the early and mid-80s). Some of the oldies stayed pretty true to their original compositions, such as "La Isla Bonita," "Deeper and Deeper" and the closer, "Holiday," while others were reinvented, including a flamenco-themed medley of "Dress You Up," "Into The Groove" and "Lucky Star."


Perhaps the most stunning reinvention was for "Like A Virgin." Madonna modernized the song and gave it a brand new, incredibly catchy beat, as she danced her butt off all by herself, sans dancers, all over the stage, including rolling around on the floor in what was possibly a nod to her original "Like A Virgin" performance from the 1984 MTV Video Music Awards (although this time, 32 years later, she did it in a suit instead of a wedding dress).


Perhaps the only songs missing were some of her many hits from the 90s and 2000s. Sure, she performed an over two hour concert and there isn't time for her to do every hit in her vast library, but with so many songs from the 80s and her most recent album in the set list, the years in between seemed a bit underrepresented. In fact, the only songs performed that were post-1990 and pre-2015 were "Deeper and Deeper" (1992), "Music" (2000) and "Candy Shop" (2008). Songs such as "Ray of Light," "Hung Up" or "Take A Bow" may have been good additions/replacements, if for no other reason than to demonstrate how consistently Madonna has cranked out the hits over her 30 plus years.


One of the highlights of the show came while Madonna was off stage changing--her dancers, standing high atop poles, swung back and fourth Cirque du Soleil/"Mad Max" style right above the audience's heads, grabbing other dancers from the stage below in the process. It was an incredible sight that just goes to show how incredible a Madonna concert is--it really isn't just a concert at all, as she goes all out to bring the most state of the art and stunning visuals to entertain her fans.


I hesitated to bring up her age (so many other writers do that it's become taboo at this point), but I thought it important to stress that at 57 years old, Madonna is still able to put on a two and a half hour show that found her pole dancing, vogueing and of course dancing her butt off all while singing live. Ever since her Blond Ambition Tour in 1990 when she essentially turned arena pop concerts into theatrical events with costumes, dancers, choreography and sets, younger pop stars have tried to use her formula for their own shows. Yet, at 57, Madonna still does it best (and that is the only reason I felt the need to mention her age). Madonna is a seasoned pro who shows no signs of slowing down, despite joking that her next tour will be all ballads and stand-up comedy (called The Tears of A Clown Tour she said). And if that ever does come to fruition, I'd still be first in line for tickets. Why? Because Bitch, she's Madonna. There's simply no one else like her.

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Review: Madonna at AmericanAirlines Arena


Thirty years after her first arena tour, a live performance by Madonna is still an event, a pilgrimmage for generations of the faithful.

And so on Saturday night, they came to Miami’s AmericanAirlines Arena to worship, a parade of supplicants in search of transformation, regeneration and a party. They came in old Madonna tour T-shirts and new (“Bitch I’m Madonna), gray hair and gay hair, a parade of women defying the 56-degree chill in taut leather pants, and men in impossibly skinny jeans. There were nuns and cheerleaders,  even a random Pagliacci.  Everywhere the community documented its glee with the selfie.


And Madonna did not disappoint, her arrival (at a relatively punctual 10:25 p.m.) coming in a slow descent from the ceiling in a cage, landing among a menacing battalion of bare-chested soldiers. She exited her enclosure in flowing black and red robes to the tune of a new song, “Iconic,†as the video, featuring an angry Mike Tyson, unfurled on a massive video screen that ran the length of the stage.

It was a tone that would rule the evening: Plenty of theater, fashion and energy, and less skin than we are used to seeing from Madonna.  


Accompanied by a guitarist, drummer, a keyboardist, DJ and as many as 20 dancers on a stage with a catwalk that ran the length of the arena floor, the 57-year-old singer performed for more than two hours in a set that balanced music from her 2015 album “Rebel Heart,†with medleys of old favorites and one only-in-Miami surprise.


“Illuminati†and “Holy Water,†the two Kanye West songs on “Rebel Heart,†were represented, the latter a signature performance with Madonna strutting the catwalk with a phalanx of dancers in incomplete nuns’ habits and white panties who soon mounted a line of stripper poles. During the song, Madonna herself proved that she can still quickly scale a stripper pole. A heartwarming moment.

The crowd lapped up the high-energy provocativeness of Diplo’s “Bitch I’m Madonna†and “Unapologetic Bitch,†with Madonna  accompanied on the latter by her daughter Mercy James. After giving a shout-out to all the “unapologetic bitches†out there, Madonna led the audience in a singing of “Happy Birthday†to Mercy James, who turned 10 with an onstage cupcake. An odd moment.


Fans of her older music were well served by poignant readings of “La Isla Bonita†and “True Blue,†with the Madonna solo on acoustic guitar. These songs, and a charming version of Edith Piaf’s “La Vie en Rose,†displayed a sturdy, clear voice that is elsewhere obscured in layers of technology for the club-oriented songs.


Dressed in colorful skirts and hats that vaguely suggested Frida Kahlo, Madonna and dancers did a spirited, flamenco-style medley of “Dress You Up (In My Love),†“Into the Groove†and “Lucky Star,†which drew a long standing ovation. “Like a Virgin†later was offered in an industrial mix, in which she showed off the old dance moves and, once over-heated, finally revealed some cleavage.

The singer seemed to relish this first show in Miami, where the tour was to have opened last summer (it will be repeated at AmericanAirlines Arena Sunday night).  


“Me and Miami, we go way back,†she said to an avalanche of applause. Looking down in the audience, she called out some celebrity friends from the old days: “I see you Rosie, and Ingrid, Gloria … and Emilio.â€


After returning to her acoustic guitar for a version of “Who’s That Girl?†– filling the darkened arena with a galaxy of cell-phone lights –  she brought the house down with the first few words of her surprise: “It won't be easy, you'll think it strange …†The crowd stood and sang along throughout “Don’t Cry for Me, Agentina,†from her 1996 film about Eva Peron,“Evita.â€


 Madonna seemed genuinely touched by the response to a song that represents “a watershed moment in my life.â€

“I’ve been dying to do that song for the entire tour, and that’s the first time I’ve done it,†she told the crowd, reminding them that Peron was “a woman of power, a woman who was controversial…  Damn it, Eva Peron was a rebel heart!†



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Electrified Madonna first concert in Puerto Rico on the island in 22 years


After more than 22 years of absence from Puerto Rico, the superstar of pop Madonna was presented today at the Caribbean island, where he electrified thousands of souls who visited what was the end of his tour, "Rebel Heart" Latin America.



Locked in a cage and wearing a red and black outfit, Madonna descended from the heights on a gigantic stage of the Coliseum José M. Agrelot to start his concert with "Iconic", encouraging more than 12,000 people who packed the first of two concerts on the island.


"Boricua! Are you ready? (Are you ready?)" Were the first words of the American artist, 57, who continued his presentation with "Bitch, I'm Madonna", one of the songs that are part her latest eponymous tour, which started on 9 September in Montreal, Canada production.


"This is hot right here. Why do not we get it hotter? (The same is now hot, why not heat it more?)," Said the artist while delighting the audience with her skills delivered exotic dancer.


Then, in an act recreating the Last Supper, the fourth artist who has sold more albums in music history-more than 300 million, behind the Beatles, Elvis Presley and his close friend Michael Jackson performed "Burning up ".


"Boricua, how many years ago? 23 fucking years. How? Why I have taken so long? It's not right. It is very sad to delay me so much," said the singer alternating between English and Spanish to audiences he asked: "Are you awake ¿¿Happy Excited???".


Madonna said that Puerto Ricans met when he moved to New York from the Midwest US, "where there was black and white only."


"It was one of my best experiences," she added the actress in films like "Evita," "A League of Their Own" or "Dick Tracy" and who continued his concert with "Holy water," "Devil pray" "Messiah", "Body shop", "True blue", "Deeper and Deeper" and "Heartbreak City".


Then the ex-wife of actor Sean Penn and mother of four children, came to play some of his best known songs such as "Like a Virgin" and "La Isla Bonita", the latter dedicated to Cuba.


While wore on the show, which began after eleven at night, the queen of pop was gradually shedding their clothes, and not his tremendous energy, which he demonstrated throughout the show, which did not lack any touch of flamenco.


The pop icon, who returned to Puerto Rico 22 years after starring in a controversial event when the Puerto Rican flag in the crotch happened, added to his repertoire of songs "Dress You Up", "Who's that girl" and "Rebel Heart" .


The October 26, 1993 performed at the Juan Ramon Loubriel Stadium in Bayamon, near San Juan town, in front of 20,000 people, who witnessed live commented that gesture did not sit well among Puerto Ricans.


Two decades later, the show on Wednesday, which was originally scheduled for last September, ended with performances of "Illuminati", "Music / Candy", "Material Girl," "La vie en rose", "Unapologetic" and "Holiday".


The "Rebel Heart" tour will continue for the next two weeks in Europe. Madonna will also perform again in Australia, where he has not sung since 1993, the same year he visited Puerto Rico for the last time with "Girlie Show". In addition, first visit Taiwan, Thailand, Hong Kong, Macau and the Philippines.


So far, the "Rebel Heart" tour has generated $ 100 million during his 15 weeks of performances in North America and Europe.

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Madonna inflames Puerto Ricans


After a wait of 23 years, the "Queen of Pop" was presented on the island with her "Rebel Heart Tour"


The American star Madonna last night Puerto Ricans offset by a prolonged wait that lasted more than two decades to appear before a full house at the Coliseo de Puerto Rico Jose Miguel Agrelot in San Juan. 


She acknowledged that it was too long, and it emphasized several times during the two and a half hours that lasted the first of two concerts presented on the island as part of the "Rebel Heart" tour, which started on 9 September in Montreal, Canada. 


"Boricua! How many years have passed? 22? 23? 23 fucking years? Why did it take so long?" Said the singer of "Deeper and Deeper" in English. 


"It's very good," she said in Spanish. "It's very sad having taken so long," she continued in her language, after singing the first six issues of a repertoire of 23. 


In scenic terms, Madonna showed that at 57 years is still the "Queen of Pop" by providing a colorful spectacle tinged with his usual defiance and self-assurance, and that stressed complex acrobatics and choreography style "Cirque du Soleil". 



Despite its impressive proposal, the artist failed to inflame the thousands of loyal fans, who waited 23 years to be reunited with her or see her for the first time. The mood of Puerto Ricans did not feel in that enclosure, perhaps because tiredness and sleep overcame many after a delay of three hours or maybe because musically failed to convince the repertoire, dominated by songs from their latest album "Rebel Heart".


The concert began at 11:00 pm with the song "Iconic" from her latest album, preceded by a video in which the mother of four is stained with blood, caged, with a sexy dress and fur coat. In the images, the ex-boxer Mike Tyson also appears.Madonna left a jail that dropped from the ceiling of the stage. Below, the expected army of dancers with the Asian militia uniforms. 


The irreverence of the singer was expressed in songs like "Holy Water" and "Vogue", where he interacted with dancers dressed in underwear and veiled nun, who danced in tubes with terminals in the form of a cross, and where they got into a of them while singing and turned from a few feet high. Another religious allusion it was the recreation of the Last Supper, in the song "Devil Pray". 


The atmosphere took on a nostalgic tinge when the diva sang on an old car "True Blue" in the environment of a machine shop. That melody, not played since late 1980. Thereafter, followed hits like "Deeper and Deeper" and "Like a Virgin", which for the first time he heard her sing the public a theme from beginning to end.



The influence of Spanish culture took place in the show, through songs like "La Isla Bonita", "Dress You Up" and "Living for Love", in which the use of acoustic guitars, drawers and maracas was used . 

Likewise, he referred to the 1920s, with arrangements, costumes and choreography inspired by the style of "Great Gatsby" in tunes like "Music", "Material Girl" and "Candy Shop" and showed his talent for singing French, in a performance of "La Vie en Rose", in which he was accompanied by the ukulele. 

The day closed with "Unapologetic Bitch" and "Holiday" when Madonna was fired with the flag of Puerto Rico hanging on his neck and walked with her a few seconds through the walkway that allowed the public to have her closer, leaving back in this way, his controversial gesture 1993 national symbol when rubbed between her legs.

Song's list 


Bitch I'm Madonna

Burning Up

Holy Water / Vogue

Pray Devil 


Body Shop 

True Blue

Deeper and Deeper

Heartbreak City

Like a Virgin


Living for Love Clothing bullfighter

The beautiful island

Dress You Up

Who's That Girl

Rebel Heart


Music / Candy

Material Girl

La Vie En Rose

Unapologetic Bitch


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  • 2 weeks later...

I was looking for a list with ALL the reviews. Thanks so much


But why only NA?.. Are some reviews missing or is the list complete?

The Rebel Heart Tour Press Reports & Reviews [Europe] http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/4957-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-europe/?hl=%2Bpress+%2Breports


The Rebel Heart Tour Press Reports & Reviews [Asia & Oceania] http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/6266-the-rebel-heart-tour-press-reports-reviews-asia-oceania/?hl=%2Bpress+%2Breports

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