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Louisville, Kentucky, USA [Sat Jan 16, 2016]


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The Monte Periscope was fantastic!

Not only for the view from the stage and a little sneak backstage at the end, but especially because you hear the sound of his monitor with the guitar only! You can clearly hear the riffs he plays! Very interesting for those who want to know how the music section of the tour work. I'd really want to hear what Niki and Kiley do, you never distinguish their real voices, so different from Donna and Niki times...


Thanks @@groovyguy for the link!

Can someone rip the video please?!

I bet some are surprised that Monte actually plays live on UB! :)

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madonnaWorking on my stand up laying down. Good practice!!! Thanks Louisville! the tears of a clown soon to follow the â¤#rebelheartour and for those people who like to believe all they read i never drink and perform!!! My show is 2 hours and 15 minutes of non stop singing and dancing. In Louisville I made a joke about doing a stand comedy act dressed as a clown and being able to drink alcohol. Its so very interesting how society continues to not only treat me in a totally sexist way (if i a were a man no one would have said a thing) and also continue to take everything i say literally!Thats what happens when people don't read books and get all information from TMZ.


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Madonna. Rebel Heart Tour. Louisville, KY. The Whole Story. #RebelHeartTour


Seeing Madonna in concert was a bucket list item for me. She is the Pop Queen of my generation. Seeing her preform live was most certainly a dream come true, even if she was "drunk, nasty and an unapologetic b*tch." But that's only a small part of the story.
Prior to going to the concert, I read the reviews to know what to expect, all of which said she has a tendency to be a (little) late to start the show. Because of those reviews, I went fully expecting a late start, and by the look of the very sparsely seated YUM! Center, I wasn't the only one to read the reviews. 
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This photo was taken at 8:46 pm. 
By 9:00pm, the house was packed and seated. 
Around 9:15, DJ Mary Mac took the stage to amp up the crowd. Which, definitely happened. 
By 10:00pm, the entire YUM! Center was ready and waiting. 
At 10:20pm, Michal Jackson's, About to be starting something, began blaring through the YUM! Center. The crowd roared. The lights dimmed. 
At 10:26, Madonna took the stage.
First and foremost, by my calculation, she was no where near three hours late. I'd wager to say, with the show start time listed on the tickets of 8:00 and DJ MaryMac taking the Stage at 9:00pm, Madonna was maybe an hour late. Certainly, NOT three hours.
After the first three songs, I looked around the YUM! Center, and my heart sank.
People were sitting.

As I scanned the crowd, I tried to rationalize why these people paid so much to see this living legend, yet, seemed so sour and bored. Yes, she didn't start until 10:30. Yes, she dropped f-boms and was bitchy, but for F*cksake! This is not a PG Show. THIS IS MADONNA!

The legend. The Queen of Pop. The woman who claimed that title being amazing, edgy and above all, a true performer. I'm fairly certain, not one person sitting on their fat ass in the YUM! Center could do a tenth of what she did on stage. 
Madonna tried to talk to the crowd. She tried to find some sort of connection, but the angry people stayed angry. Full disclosure, her really bad southern accent wasn't charming the crowd. At all. Still, for a city that prides itself on Southern Hospitality, it fell short at the Yum! Center.
The people in my suite, where I viewed the majority of the concert from, sat and stared, barely even bopping their heads! I asked a person in my suite why she and the others were sitting. She told me that while they were enjoying themselves, it was late, and for most, "past their bedtime." 
With everything going on in Madonna's personal life, I'm thankful she made it at all. I'm not sure I could have. Any parent involved in a custody battle will tell you, it's hell. It shocks your system and shatters your world. Which, she eloquently told the crowd during a concert in Mexico: 
'We all go through challenging times in our life, and that includes me. I, too, go through challenging times in my life, and right now is one of them."
'Sometimes I think I can't do a show. I don't have the energy, I don't have the strength. I come out here tonight and I can see your faces, and I look into your eyes and I see so much love and it gives me strength.' 
I'm not saying her personal battles make drinking and being rude on stage OK, but I can definitely say, Madonna was in no way, "DRUNK", on stage in Louisville, KY. 
She was amazing. 
Even if she was HALF as drunk as reported by unhappy concert goers, it would have been impossible to pull off the amazing feats of athleticism and beautiful vocals for two solid hours. TMZ and the other gossip groupies found the pissed people, then blew this WAY out of proportion. 

Please keep in mind, we are not dealing with an amateur here. Madonna has three decades of performing and ten tours (9 world tours) behind her. And it showed last night at the KFC Yum! Center. I was mystified and entertained throughout the entire show. Madonna delivered the production and songs I paid for, and then some. 

And finally, I'd like to let the Queen have the last word:

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