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Sports Palace, Mexico City, Mexico [Wed 06 Jan / Thur 07 Jan 2016]


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Nice new Frida video:




Still no videos of Oscar... I saw part of it live on Periscope...


And the 6 January speech:





Some youtube Mexican videos say that she said this because Rocco left home, is that really the reason??

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Fan review - 2nd show



First of all, as people have already said, the crowd was SPECTACULAR. It felt absolutely AMAZING being surrounded by people who LOVE Madonna, and not just gays (my boyfriend said he thought it was just going to be a bunch of us queens screaming). It was moms, older women, older couples, some random group of Russian women, young little twinks, these butch bull dykes who had the TIME OF THEIR LIVES, EVERYONE was screaming the words to every single song, including the new ones and even La Vie en Rose (the guy next to me hummed the shit out of the song) and they were all up and dancing from the first song all the way through Holiday. A lot of people even stood up and clapped and screamed during the interludes Posted Image It was like 2 hours of pure ecstasy. 
The dialogues were to die for. Here are some of the highlights (I'm totally paraphrasing here): 
Are you guys having a good time? Yes? Mucho? Mucho Mucho? MUCHO MUCHO MUCHO? MUCHO MUCHO MUCHO MUCHO?
(In her silly, cute, girly voice) Do you guys have a present for me? What's that? A cigarette? I don't smoke. How do you say ass in Spanish? Culo? Put that in your cuuuuuuulo. Yes. In your cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuulo Posted Image 
During the Spanish / Frida Kahlo inspired section of the concert, she put on a hat, then took it off and asked the audience if it looked better on or off? and she kept asking on or off? And then she said random Spanish words because it didn't seem like the people in front of her understood what she was saying but when she put the hat on the last time she poked her eye with it and she said "oh I poked my eye, I can't see. that's okay, I'll sing things song with my eyes closed". She went on to sing Who's That Girl (which was spectacular and a highlight for me) and after she finished she kind of struggled for a few moments and went silent and the entire stadium started singing Cielito Lindo (very typical Mexican song) in unison and she looked confused and said "That's lovely but I don't know the words to this song, I do know the words to this one though." Then after all of that she said "oh my, I'm crying, but not out of sorrow like last night, I just poked my eye with my hat." Posted Image It was too cute. 
During Music in the little break in the middle of the song where the pianist and her do their playful little act and she touches herself, he played the Mexican hat dance as she touched her tits and pussy and we were all DYING. It was so cute and hilarious. 
When she said she was looking for a new husband or wife she talked about how there're a lot of perks that go along with marrying her. She went up to some one guy and asked him why she should marry him and he just kept screaming BECAUSE I LOVE YOU and she kept saying um, everyone loves me here, you have to do better than that Posted Image Then some guy, who's name was Marco, caught the bouquet and she started asking him questions but he CLEARLY didn't speak English. She asked him "Do you have a job? Why do you keep looking at the guy next to you? Is he your boyfriend? Do you not like girls? So you don't have a job? You don't have a job Marco? You're not doing very well here, Marco. No, seriously, why do you keep looking at the guy next to you? Oh Marco, when you get a little more creative please talk to my security and then we can talk about this. You're going to have to do better then that." I was dyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyying 
Then... the unapologetic bitch. I have NO idea who chose him, but he got one stage, took his shirt off to show off his steroid body, had NO rhythm and a huge smirk on his face and kept shaking his ass like a old white man from Alabama. They danced on to the main part of the stage and he was throwing his hands up in the air like those guys from the Jersey shore, flexing his muscles, then he would go up to Madonna, put his arms around her and start grinding up on her and her dancers at first giggled and pulled him back, but he kept going and going and the dancers started to look really annoyed and everyone around me went from WOOOO to um... Then I don't remember exactly what she said (something about Mexico and loving Mexico) and he runs up to her mic and starts screaming WOOOOO YESSSSSSSSSSSSS BRAZIIIIILLLLLLLL and Madonna was like, oh, wait, you're not Mexican? Um, please tell me you're Mexican. So he runs up back to the mic and starts screaming YESSSSSS I AM. BRAZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL Posted Image eveyone was clearly annoyed and uncomfortable, including Madonna, and I don't know what the people in the front row were screaming, but she said, oh my, I have a feeling these people don't like you. They're yelling things at you. I think they have a personal vendetta against you... Then she said something like, you're hot, but you didn't drop it like it's hot. No, no, I mean, DROP your pants like it's hot. No? Oh, I knew you had nothing to show off. Oh well. Everyone who comes up here gets a present. Does he deserve a present? No? Well, everyone gets one. So here's your present, a banana! Then she put the banana in his crotch and said, look, now things will go a lot better for you in life Posted Image Then she said no no, tonight is about love, it takes a lot of courage to come up here on stage with me, let's give it up for Oscar.

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From Frida Khalo Official on Facebook!!
Posted Image
Madonna rindió tributo a Frida Kahlo en México, en su gira internacional "Rebel Heart". La Reina del Pop dedicó el tema "Who's That Girl" a nuestra famosa pintora mexicana.
"Quiero dedicarle esta canción a Frida Kahlo, pues siempre me ha inspirado desde que yo era una niña. Porque ella siempre se buscó a sí misma en sus pinturas al igual que lo hago yo en mis canciones."
Madonna paid tribute to Frida Kahlo in Mexico, in its international tour "Rebel heart". The Queen of pop dedicated the theme, "who's that girl" to our famous Mexican painter.
" I want to dedicate this song to Frida Kahlo, as it always has inspired me since I was a little girl. Because she always looked at herself in his paintings as I do in my songs."
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From Frida Khalo Official on Facebook!!
Posted Image
Madonna rindió tributo a Frida Kahlo en México, en su gira internacional "Rebel Heart". La Reina del Pop dedicó el tema "Who's That Girl" a nuestra famosa pintora mexicana.
"Quiero dedicarle esta canción a Frida Kahlo, pues siempre me ha inspirado desde que yo era una niña. Porque ella siempre se buscó a sí misma en sus pinturas al igual que lo hago yo en mis canciones."
Madonna paid tribute to Frida Kahlo in Mexico, in its international tour "Rebel heart". The Queen of pop dedicated the theme, "who's that girl" to our famous Mexican painter.
" I want to dedicate this song to Frida Kahlo, as it always has inspired me since I was a little girl. Because she always looked at herself in his paintings as I do in my songs."


This is so beautiful!

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Dear @@Gargamel, I rely on you to find a video of UB on 7.01!


Sorry, I didn't find a decent recording of yesterday's UB performance so far...the only one I found was badly filmed as you can see : 




By contrast, there is a lot of recordings of Frida, the great UB of the first show!

It looks like the audience was more interested in Mexican painters than steroid bodies  :monkey:

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Rebel Heart Tour Mexico January, 6 - Pro Shot



Video D/L Link

Rebel Heart Tour Mexico January, 6 - Pro Shot Length 1:09].mp4

This is the hidden content, please


The link is added to the list @ http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/5039-dl-rht-special-performanceshouston-rebel-rebel-bowie-tributesan-antoniofrozenubmexicogtlapubglasgow-gtbirminghamlapub/?p=214006

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